- Special Issue of the Asian Journal of Business Ethics on Global Survey of Business Ethics (GSBE) Reports 2022–2024 from Asia, Australia, and Russia: Australia
- Special issue of the Asian Journal of Business Ethics on global survey of business ethics (GSBE) reports 2022–2024 from Asia, Australia, and Russia–China: Mainland
- Special issue of the Asian Journal of Business Ethics on Global Survey of Business Ethics (GSBE) reports 2022–2024 from Asia, Australia, and Russia — China: Macau
- Understanding digital sweatshops: A qualitative investigation of workers’ perspectives
- Navigating the interplay of legal frameworks and corporate governance: the impact on asset quality in an emerging economy
- Can CSR influence Chinese consumers’ intention to purchase jewelry ethically? The moderating effect of eWOM based on the SOR model
- Does thinking about making money help people save money? Behavioral economics—monetary wisdom across genders: Ardent love of money aspirations and $1 million resource allocation
- Challenges in cybersecurity
- Are HRM practitioners required to possess competence in corporate ethics? A content analysis of qualifications in Australia and Asia
- A spiritual assessment of the Indian banking industry
- Drivers of creating shared value (CSV): internal and external triggers in the shadow of COVID-19
- An exploratory study on motivations in meaningful internship experience: what is in it for the supervisors?
- Emerging from crisis through socially responsible and ethical business: The good, better, best theory, CSR, and the autocracy crisis in South East Asia
- The impacts of work-from-home goal alignment on employee well-being and turnover intentions: the mediating role of work engagement
- Moral foundations for responsible leadership at a time of crisis
- The influence of personal moral philosophies on consumer responses to company moral transgressions: the role of moral reasoning strategies and moral intensity
- Green pays off: the impact of corporate carbon strategies on corporate financial performance
- PREFACE to the Special Issue of the Asian Journal of Business Ethics based on the Eighth World Business Ethics Forum: Emerging from Crisis through Socially Responsible and Ethical Business
- Becoming an extended cooperative enterprise citizen through Fair Trade: a case study of a Korean consumer cooperative
- Idealism, relativism, and perception of ethicality of employee behavior in Mainland China and Hong Kong
- ESG myths and the objective of a corporation: optimising sustainable values for different stakeholders
- The influence of pressure on intention to commit fraud: the mediating role of rationalization and opportunities
- Locating the future of ESG in India’s present sustainability framework
- Follow the leader?: the relationships among corrupt leadership, followers’ corruption tolerance, and workplace outcomes
- National philosophy and religion on corporate social responsibility/public relations initiatives: a case study of Islamic influence in Brunei business system
- In search of religious individuals’ career success pattern: “to be rich but not only for me”
- Correction to: The relationship between psychological contract and voice behavior—a social exchange perspective
- Global service-learning and business education: the case of Azerbaijan
- Do corporate governance dynamics drive performance of state-owned and non-state-owned enterprises? An Indian perspective
- Organizational moral learning by spiritual hearts: explorative cases from Brunei’s public sector
- The role of professional commitment on rationalization tendency of earning management: an experimental study
- Review of the compliance of the mandatory corporate social responsibility (CSR) by the Indian corporate sector
- Responsible innovation and resource-based theory: advancing an antecedent-outcome model for large manufacturing firms through structured literature review
- Organizational politics and affective commitment of expatriates: moderating role of Islamic work ethics
- Compliance with and enforcement mechanism of labor law: cost-benefits analysis from employers’ perspective in Bangladesh
- The impact of ethical leadership on organizational identity in digital startups: does employee voice matter?
- A consideration of the dimensions of servant leadership in intercultural contexts: a focal case study of a UK executive in Japan
- Corporate governance and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) disclosure and its effect on the cost of capital in emerging market
- An Islamic perspective of workplace rectitude
- Do green initiatives and green performance affect firm performance? Empirical evidence from India
- Courtesy or integrity: what constitutes a stakeholder-caring image?
- Does a green economy mentality exist? An experimental study in emerging country
- An Intergenerational Justice Approach to Technological Unemployment
- Life insurance misselling and the influences of client attributes: evidence from China
- Workplace deviance among healthcare professionals: the role of destructive leadership behaviors and citizenship pressure
- Ethics in product marketing: a bibliometric analysis
- Institutionalization of firm’s commitment to CSR—a mimetic isomorphism perspective
- Book review:《何善衡與恒生銀行早期文化: 創辦人價值觀與公司文化構建》, 葉保強與何順文合著, 信報出版, 2020年, 254頁,(IBSN: 978–988-74,176–4-4) [Its English version is: Ho Sin Hang and the Early Company Culture of Hang Seng Bank: A Founder’s Values and the Making of Company Culture by Ip Po Keung and Ho Shun Man, translated by Ip Po Keung (Hong Kong: HKEJ Publishing Ltd., 2022), pp288, (ISBN: 978–988-75,278–2-4).]
- The COVID-19 global crisis and corporate social responsibility
- Ethical decisions during COVID-19: level of moral disengagement and national pride as mediators
- Development of thriving at work and organizational citizenship behavior through Islamic work ethics and humble leadership
- Does family ownership moderate the relationship between board characteristics and corporate social responsibility? Evidence from an emerging market
- Gamification and customer experience in online retail: a qualitative study focusing on ethical perspective
- Prologue for the special issue on “business ethics in the virtual work environment: Challenges to educators and practitioners”
- Does ‘big data’ provide a competitive advantage to firms: an antitrust analysis
- Behavioral economics: who are the investors with the most sustainable stock happiness, and why? Low aspiration, external control, and country domicile may save your lives—monetary wisdom
- Modeling and analysis of barriers to ethics in online assessment by TISM and fuzzy MICMAC analysis
- Too much of a good thing? Exploring the curvilinear relationship between environmental, social, and governance and corporate financial performance
- An empirical study on the impact of employee voice and silence on destructive leadership and organizational culture
- Impact of emotional intelligence and personality traits on managing team performance in virtual interface
- Examining distinctions and relationships between Creating Shared Value (CSV) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Eight Asia-based Firms
- Holistic thinking and risk-taking perceptions reduce risk-taking intentions: ethical, financial, and health/safety risks across genders and cultures
- Role of collective and personal virtues in corporate citizenship and business success: a mixed method approach
- A crisis that changed the banking scenario in India: exploring the role of ethics in business
- Gender-inclusive corporate boards and business performance in Pakistan
- The social and ethical issues of online learning during the pandemic and beyond
- Junzi virtues: a Confucian foundation for harmony within organizations
- Do ethical leaders enhance employee ethical behaviors?
- Smartphone addiction can maximize or minimize job performance? Assessing the role of life invasion and techno exhaustion
- Impact of servant leadership on employee life satisfaction through Islamic work ethics in the Islamic banking industry
- “CSR leads to economic growth or not”: an evidence-based study to link corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities of the Indian banking sector with economic growth of India
- Understanding the dynamic nexus between ethical leadership and employees’ innovative performance: the intermediating mechanism of social capital
- Consumer perceptions of greenwashing: lessons learned from the fashion sector in the UAE
- Exploring the role of abusive supervision and customer mistreatment with a felt obligation on the knowledge hiding behaviours among front-line employees: a group analysis
- Correction to: Does corporate social responsibility affect Generation Z purchase intention in the food industry
- A prologue on the special issue: symposium on international business, innovation and governance: shaping the futures of smart economy (articles 9–13)
- The impacts of Covid-19 on foreign domestic workers in Hong Kong
- The dark side of customer analytics: the ethics of retailing
- Supply Chain 4.0: the impact of supply chain digitalization and integration on firm performance
- Does corporate social responsibility affect Generation Z purchase intention in the food industry
- Multiple perspectives of measuring organisational value congruence
- Factors affecting ethical optimism of purchasing professionals in India
- Does citizenship behaviour cause ethical consumption? Exploring the reciprocal locus of citizenship between customer and company
- Determinants of firm’s holding female directors: evidence from Australia
- Is social desirability bias important for effective ethics research? A review of literature
- The Matthew Effect in monetary wisdom
- The roles of self-construal in sharpening reputation judgment: an experimental study on earnings management
- Religious influences on the rationalization of corporate bribery in Indonesia: a phenomenological study
- Taking it outside: A study of legal contexts and external whistleblowing in China and India
- Why religiosity is not enough in workplace ethical decision-making
- Corporate social responsibility in India: rethinking Gandhi’s doctrine of trusteeship in the twenty-first century
- Challenges of the virtue of friendship ( Philia ) in the mining industry: a case of multicultural society of Indonesia
- Work-life balance of Chinese knowledge workers under flextime arrangement: the relationship of work-life balance supportive culture and work-life spillover
- Are hotel managers taught to be aggressive in intelligence gathering?
- Jun-zi orientation: unique aspects of Asian business practices
- The green gap of high-involvement purchasing decisions: an exploratory study
- UK audit reporting practices in the pre-ISA700 (2015 revision) era
- Exploring the role of ethics in the emotional intelligence-organizational commitment relationship
- A structured review and theme analysis of financial frauds in the banking industry
- Organizational moral learning by spiritual hearts: a synthesis of organizational learning, Islamic and critical realist perspectives
- The relationship between psychological contract and voice behavior—a social exchange perspective
- Creating duty on dominant firm: a case for alternative economic analysis
- Ethical business strategy between east and west: an analysis of minimum wage policy in the garment global supply chain industry of Bangladesh
- Theoretical debate on minimum wage policy: a review landscape of garment manufacturing industry in Bangladesh
- Exclusive talent management and its consequences: a review of literature
- Modelling consumers’ punishment behaviours in third-party ethically questionable situations
- Exploring differential ethical perspectives among Ghanaian students
- Analyzing the inter-relation between workplace spirituality and constructive deviance
- An examination of labor unions and firm’s tax ethical behavior in the USA
- Investigation of ethical dilemmas of school principals: comparing Turkish and Canadian principals
- How to avoid coworker relationship conflict: a study of leader-member exchange, value congruence, and workplace behavior
- Exploring the organizational factors affecting salesforce ethical behavior: a review-based article
- Remarks on “Role of retaliation and value orientation in whistleblowing intentions” by Dhamija & Rai (2018)
- How consumer perceived ethicality influence repurchase intentions and word-of-mouth? A mediated moderation model
- Consumers’ ethical orientation and pro-firm behavioral response to CSR
- “Business for Peace” (B4P): can this new global governance paradigm of the United Nations Global Compact bring some peace and stability to the Korean peninsula?
- Moral reasoning of Chinese accounting students and practitioners
- CSR in India: a journey from compassion to commitment
- The impact of intrinsic and extrinsic religiosity on ethical decision-making in management in a non-Western and highly religious country
- Why learn business ethics?—Students’ conceptions of the use and exchange value of applied business ethics
- Privacy and beyond: socio-ethical concerns of ‘on-the-job’ surveillance
- Effects of perceived organizational CSR value and employee moral identity on job satisfaction: a study of business organizations in Thailand
- Perspectives on business ethics in the Japanese tradition: implications for global understanding of the role of business in society
- Ethical management and leadership: a conceptual paper and Korean example
- Impact of ethical conflict on job performance: the mediating role of proactive behavior
- Ethics lead the way despite organizational politics
- Responsible business practices and some Indian SMEs
- Do managerial ethics and legal education influence online privacy policies in Greater China?
- Consumer ethics among youths in Indonesia: do gender and religiosity matter?
- Stratified sustainability in human resource management in Japanese subsidiaries in Hong Kong
- Corporate social responsibility in community development and sustainability: Rourkela Steel Plant, a unit of SAIL, India
- The utility of virtue: management spirituality and ethics for a secular business world
- Human and social capital and environmental management in small firms: a developing country perspective
- Role of retaliation and value orientation in whistleblowing intentions
- Exploring the impact of empathy, compassion, and Machiavellianism on consumer ethics in an emerging market
- Moral economic axioms, preference formation and welfare in Islamic economics and business
- Influence of ethical ideology on job stress
- A comparative study of CSR in Pakistan!
- The spiritual engagement instrument
- Pro-environmental behavior and socio-demographic factors in an emerging market
- The effect of spiritual capital of individuals on independent auditor’s opinion: evidences from Iranian auditors
- Investigating moral ideology, ethical beliefs, and moral intensity among consumers of Pakistan
- Profit or legitimacy? What drives firms to prioritize social stakeholders?
- Evaluation of corporate social responsibility from a stakeholder’s perspective—a case study of Aparajitha Corporate Services in India
- Assuming corporate responsibilities in lawless situations: case study of a news media organization
- Role of corporate governance on firm performance: a study on large Indian corporations after implementation of Companies’ Act 2013
- Board gender diversity and firm performance: evidence from India
- Community engagement models in real estate—a case study of Tata Housing Development Company Limited
- Corporate reputation
- Examining the possibility of achieving inclusive growth in India through corporate social responsibility
- A study on environmental sustainability practices of star hotels in Bangalore
- Responsible leadership: learning from Indian case studies
- The business value of ESG performance: the Indian context
- Labour standards in global value chains in India: the case of handknotted carpet manufacturing cluster
- Ethics, profession, and rational choice
- Key drivers endorsing CSR: a transition from economic to holistic approach
- Responsibility, ethics, and leadership: an Indian study