- Scudéry’s portraits: patriarchy, agency, and genre
- “ ‘Here is one hand’ … , ‘and here is another’ “: comments on Mark Textor’s The Disappearance of Soul
- Schlick on intuition and prediction
- Korean women philosophers and the ideal of a female sage: essential writings of Im Yunjidang and Gang Jeongildang
- “All knowledge is either conception or assent”. On the history and significance of a fundamental distinction in Islamic philosophy
- Knowledge of universals
- Learning from models: knowing sages as sages in Confucian philosophy
- Mengzian knowledge practicalism
- Existential import and Peirce’s early realism about universals: the True Gorgias
- Rudolf Eucken and the crisis of spiritual life
- Continuity, limits, and quantity in Al-Fārābī’s paraphrase of Aristotle’s Categories
- Aristotle on happiness, virtue, and wisdom
- Kant, Hume, and the ‘ontological arguments’
- The guise of the good: a philosophical history by Francesco Orsi, Oxford, Routledge, 2023, pp. 188, £125.00 (hb), ISBN: 9781032120171
- Hans-Georg Gadamer’s “On the idea of a system in philosophy” (1924)
- Simple esteem and the method of commonplaces in Pufendorf
- Mary Midgley’s meta-ethics and Neo-Aristotelian naturalism
- Physical influx theory: the case of Émilie Du Châtelet
- Divine teleology in Spinoza’s thought: an underexplored side of Spinoza’s philosophical journey
- Against the extremes: Simmel’s social and economic pluralism
- Hobbes and the ‘great deception of sense’
- Locke on life: the vital union and the embodied person
- Mind and knowledge of mind in classical Islamic philosophy
- Du Châtelet’s causal idealism
- Prolegomenon for Fazang’s Essay on the Golden Lion
- Peter of Mantua and the ‘piecemeal’ conception of substantial change*
- A taxonomy of divisibilism and Gregory of Rimini’s place
- A resolute reading of Iris Murdoch’s Metaphysics as a Guide to Morals
- Helen Knight and Margaret Macdonald on the meaning of ‘good’
- The most important thing: Wittgenstein, engineering, and the foundations of mathematics
- Resonating strings: understanding the transition from Hume’s Treatise to Second Enquiry
- Plato’s Republic and Black feminist thought
- A third realm ontology? Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī and the nafs al-amr
- Aristotle on the causal efficacy of perceptible qualities
- The philosopher versus the physicist: Eddington’s rejoinder to Stebbing
- The metaphysics of Christology in the late middle ages: William of Ockham to Gabriel Biel
- Roger Bacon’s indirect realism of quantity perception
- A.W. Rehberg, Investigations Concerning the French Revolution (1793)
- The unity of matter
- Do the wise always succeed? A split-level reading of Euthydemus 278–282
- The great guide to the preservation of life: Malebranche on the imagination
- Nietzsche as panpsychist
- Thinking with Rosa: assent in philosophy of the Islamic world
- Remembering Maria Rosa Antognazza (1964–2023)
- Leibniz’s opposition to monism
- The possibility of knowing the essence of bodies through scientific experiments in Spinoza’s controversy with Boyle
- The geometrical atomism of Roger Bacon
- Quantifying Aristotelian essences: On some fourteenth-century applications of limit decision problems to the perfection of species
- Why Epicurean happiness is not for everyone
- Untangling Robert Grosseteste’s hylomorphism: matter, form, and bodiness
- Ibn Sīnā, “Commentary on Aristotle’s Metaphysics Λ 6–10”
- Avicenna on representation: towards an existential-relational account of intentionality
- Hobbes and God in Locke’s law of nature
- Beatrice Edgell’s myth of the given
- Pricean ignorance
- Johann Friedrich Herbart. Grandfather of Analytic Philosophy
- Abū Bakr al-Rāzī’s ethical decision-making systems
- The philosophy of hope: beatitude in Spinoza
- Contested spiritualism: Ravaisson’s French Philosophy in the Nineteenth Century
- Henri Bergson and the philosophy of religion
- Ottobah Cugoano on chattel slavery and the moral limitations of ius gentium
- Recognition and the self in Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit
- Do thoughts have parts? Peter Abelard: Yes! Alberic of Paris: No!
- Recognition and respect in early modern philosophy
- A crisis of recognition: gender, race, and the struggle to be seen in pre-modernity
- Reorienting Clifford’s evidentialism: returning to social trust
- Augustine on memory, the mind, and human flourishing
- Speaking of what is not: Hatibzâde and Taşköprizâde Kâsım on the existential import of negative propositions
- Carlos Vaz Ferreira on intellectual flourishing as intellectual liberation
- Pragmatism and scientific philosophy in Carnap and Quine
- Kant on phenomenal substance
- Anonymus Cantabrigiensis, Commentarium in Sophisticos Elenchos Aristotelis; Boethii Daci aliorumque sophismata
- Hume’s philosophy in historical perspective
- Hermann Lotze’s influence on twentieth century philosophy
- A hidden wisdom: medieval contemplatives on self-knowledge, reason, love, persons, and immortality
- The eudaimonist ethics of al-Fārābī and Avicenna
- On personal identity and space: some remarks on Ruth Boeker’s Catharine Trotter Cockburn
- Recent studies on Kant’s third Critique
- Kant as a carpenter of reason: the highest good and systematic coherence
- Induction and certainty in the physics of Wolff and Crusius
- Discussion of Deborah Boyle’s Mary Shepherd: a guide
- Reply to Manuel Fasko’s discussion of Mary Shepherd: a guide
- Mary Midgley’s Beast and man: the roots of human nature (1978): a re-appraisal