- The Theory of Social Representation: Its Various Models and Their Imbrication
- Identity, Collective Action and Inaction: The Role of Self‐Esteem and Psychological Benefits
- Context, Emergence and Critical Realism: A Response to Navarrete and Fryer
- Peirce’s Universal Categories and Critical Realist Ontology
- The Bourdieusian Unconscious: The Scientific and Political Significance of the Sociological Treatment of a Psychoanalytic Concept
- The Myth of Agreement
- The Paradox of Situated Knowledge: Toward an Existential Embedment Theory of Perceptual Truth
- Is happiness independent of income? Set point theory à la Kahneman
- Praxeological Status of Unintentional Speech Acts
- The Social Character of the Unconscious. A Cross Reading between G. H. Mead and C. G. Jung
- Commensal Attraction: Eating Together as a Social Tool
- Meaning and the Commodity Form
- How Therborn’s Theory of Ideology Enhances Bourdieus’s Theory of Fields
- Post‐Legitimate Society
- Special Issue on Realist Complexity: An Introduction
- Towards autistic flow theory: A non‐pathologising conceptual approach
- Cathectic mechanisms of cosmetic surgery: Operation and recovery as a ritual‐like process
- Description‐experience gap in choice under risk: Are emotions involved?
- Can Complexity add anything to Critical Realism and the Morphogenetic Approach?
- A sociology of existence for a late modern world. Basic assumptions and conceptual tools
- Rules without regulation and regulation without rules
- On the Uses of Phenomenology in Sociological Research: A Typology, some Criticisms and a Plea
- Redefining emergence: Making the case for contextual emergence in critical realism
- Coincidence: A word with two meanings for explaining and predicting the future
- Calibrating the Conatus in Morphogenetic Régulation: Towards a Problématique of Perseverance
- Plantness, Animalness, and Humanness: plant placement within animacy and adjacent scales
- Dialectical critical realism, complexity and the psychology of blame
- Complexity theory for complexity reduction? Revisiting the ontological and epistemological basis of complexity science with Critical Realism
- Realism and Complexity
- Structure and agency between French and Morphogenetic Régulation
- Social cognition and the origin of concepts in Durkheim’s sociology of knowledge
- Borderline institution
- Do Realists Predict?
- The prediction of social catastrophes: Between necessity and contingency
- Representing personal and common futures: Insights and new connections between the theory of social representations and the pragmatic sociology of engagements
- Imagine, predict or perform? Reclaiming the future in sociology beyond scientism and catastrophism
- Ontological unpredictability: what can realists say about unpredictability, contingency and catastrophe?
- Everything, everywhere, but not all at once? Time, contingency and the open future
- Neither individualism nor anti‐individualism: The coevolution of social systems and psychic systems
- Experience, Subjectivity, Selfhood: Beyond a Meadian Sociology of the Self
- Who am I when I don’t know who I am? The problem of personal identity in infants and elderly with cognitive disabilities
- The nature of bank money, a case study of transformation in the Czech banking sector
- Autonomous Agency in Anti‐Dualistic Social Ontologies: A Compatibilist Notion
- The Failure of Roy Bhaskar’s Explanatory Critique
- Relationship course theory: An interdisciplinary integrative proposition to address the complexification of interpersonal relationships
- Social positioning theory and quantum mechanics
- The Concept of Function in Social Positioning Theory
- Theoretical problems with oversimplifying autistic diversity into a single category
- The Minimal Model of Argumentation: Qualitative data analysis for epistemic speech, text and policy
- Durkheim and realism
- Homelessness, Public Space and Civil Disobedience
- Pragmatic competence, autistic language use and the basic properties of human language
- Sensory experiences and social representation – Embodied multimodality of common‐sense thinking
- Constructing the Anti‐Vaxxer: Discursive analysis of public deliberations on childhood vaccination
- Explaining with Intentional Omissions
- Materiality and Change in Social Fields
- Re‐envisioning Human Agency: A Commentary on, and Alternative to Gantt, Yanchar, and Parker’s Hermeneutic‐Phenomenological Approach
- Framing the tendency to betray one’s good intentions Akrasia as a dialogical dynamic
- Should we talk of “extinction society”? A socio‐cultural reading
- Merleau‐Ponty and Nagarjuna – Ethics Within the Self of the No‐Self
- Toward a sociological theory of social pain
- A Person Without a Past: Robert Michels and Alfred Schutz and the Sociology of the “Stranger”
- Continuities Between Peircean Realism and Critical Realism: On Causation, Ontology, and Truth
- Questioning Consilience and Autonomy in Self‐Determination Theory: A Critique and Hermeneutic‐Phenomenological Alternative
- Does social psychology need a new semiotic overarching framework for grasping social knowledge? Commentary on J. Wachelke: Semiosis, thought and codes: A theoretical framework for social knowledge
- Powerless, Stupefied, and Repressed Actors Cannot Challenge Climate Change: Real Helplessness as a Barrier Between Environmental Concern and Action
- Contingency and Social Change: Collective Engagement in Conditions of Radical Uncertainty
- Towards a re‐conceptualization of flow in social contexts
- Institutional Violations, Costs and Attitudes
- Shedding Some (More) Light in Bourdieu’s Habitus and Doxa: A Socio‐Phenomenological Approach
- Epoch‐Making Changes in the Cultural Evolution of Communication: Communication technologies seen as organized hubs of skillful human activities
- Contending philosophy of social science perspectives: A flexible typology
- A Motivational Theory of Roles, Rewards, and Institutions
- Recognizability and recognition as human—Learning from Butler and Manne
- Coordinating Behaviors: Is social interaction scripted?
- From ambivalence to vulnerability: Recognition and the subject
- Semiosis, thought and codes: A theoretical framework for social knowledge
- Heritage, the power of the past, and the politics of (mis)recognition
- Why and how ontology matters. A cartography of neoliberalism(s) and neoliberalization(s)
- Becoming cisgender
- Transforming everyday experience: Transformative learning, disorienting dilemmas and Honneth’s theory of recognition
- Recognising recognition: Self‐other dynamics in everyday encounters and experiences
- Social psychology as a stable interpretative framework irrefutably committed to the scientific study of persons and society
- Why Rickert? Regarding the dogma about Heinrich Rickert’s influence on Max Weber
- Foxes who want to be hedgehogs: Is ethical pluralism possible in psychology’s replication crisis?
- The power of directional predictions in psychology
- Peircean realism: A primer
- Two traditions of cognitive sociology: An analysis and assessment of their cognitive and methodological assumptions
- Tolerance and political freedom: Critique of a postmodern re‐definition of tolerance
- The meanings of tolerance: Discursive usage in a case of ‘identity politics’
- Where does research design fall short? Mental health related‐stigma as example
- Cultural orientations and their influence on social behaviour: Catalysation and suppression
- Social media and diatopic tension: A psychosocial study with Haddad and Bolsonaro’s voters in Brazil
- Human agency and social structure: From the evolutionary perspective
- What is implicit culture?
- Falling in and out of love: With and beyond Bourdieu on individual enchantment and disenchantment
- Rights and obligations in Cambridge social ontology
- A critical review on the mimetic theory of René Girard: Politics, religion, and violence
- Systemic abduction: Reconstructing towards concept clarity in management studies
- Fallacy of methodologism and its theoretical implication
- The taboo against contact with minorities: A folk‐anthropology approach to prejudices
- Sociological limits and prospects of contemporary cultural evolutionary theory
- Hope, habitus and social recognition: A Bourdieusian proposal
- Tastes, emotions, and social cohesion: Toward a cultural theory of social exchange
- Organizing cultural dimensions within and across six frameworks: A human development perspective
- De‐ideologization, liberation psychology, and the place of contradiction
- Experts, naturalism, and democracy
- The devil is in the categories: Metaphysics and social and political thought
- The transformation of order in narrative as discordant concord: Using Paul Ricoeur to explore narrative realism as part of social morphogenesis
- Visual essentialism & social kinds
- Thinking about laws in political science (and beyond)
- Cultures of listening, dark listening and a plea for theory
- (When) should psychology be a science?
- The microbiome‐gut‐brain and social behavior
- A social ontology of “maximal” persons
- Vagueness and social ontology: Implications of inquiry resistant borderline cases for social ontological theorising
- The psychology of ultimate values: A computational perspective
- Understanding and investigating relationality in the capability approach
- Getting real about nominalism again: Special forum introduction
- Georg Simmel and the ontology of relational emergence
- Why study turn‐taking sequences in interspecies interactions?
- Generalizing across auxiliary, statistical, and inferential assumptions
- Harré and the study of personality
- Rule‐free regulation: Exploring regulation ‘without rules’ and apart from ‘deontic categories’
- Towards the Spoken World Theory: The contribution of Rom Harré to advancing social theory
- Personality and public performance
- Institutionalized behavior, morality and domination: A Habitus in action model of violence
- Institution as mediation between social structure and agency: Toward a realist social ontology of institutions
- The development of positioning theory as a process of theoretical positioning
- Positioning theory, embodiment, and the moral orders of objects in social dynamics: How positioning theory has neglected the body and artifactual knowing
- Rom Harré: A brief biography
- Nominalist visualities and classical social theory: An examination of Durkheim and Weber
- Cognitive and social strengths of people living with dementia: Discoveries through Harré’s method
- Revisiting Rom Harré in journal for the theory of social behaviour
- The psychology of bureaucracy: A normative account inspired by Rom Harré
- The emotions behind character friendship: From other‐oriented emotions to the ‘bonding feeling’
- Debating ethical nominalism in Early Enlightenment thought on China
- Is the social study of finance necessarily nominalist? Using realism to address shortcomings in actor‐network theory approaches to financialisation and everyday life
- Storifying routines and routinising stories: A dualistic subject positioning analysis of controversies about constraints on patient autonomy
- Toward an integrative model of moral‐value perception
- Doing things together: Development of cooperation through cultural participation
- Eavesdropping: The craft of social inquiry
- Habit and the explanation of action
- Concept and types of order position: Privilege and discrimination in an institutional conception
- Masters of suspicion: A Bayesian decision model of motivated political reasoning
- Emotions, personhood and social ontology: A critical realist approach
- Must cognitive sociology heed capitalism? Attention and marginal consciousness in political‐economic context
- Storifying routines and routinising stories a dualistic subject positioning analysis of controversies about constraints on patient autonomy
- The construction of social reality as a process of representational naturalization. The case of the social representation of drugs
- Social Representations Theory and young Africans’ creative narratives about human immunodeficiency virus/ acquired immune deficiency syndrome, 1997–2014
- Social Representations Theory and young Africans’ creative narratives about human immunodeficiency virus/ acquired immune deficiency syndrome, 1997–2014
- Connecting sleep, the neurocognitive memory system, and Bourdieu’s habitus concept: Is sleep a generative force of the habitus?
- Networked lives
- A Simmelian theory of structural loneliness
- Why theory is not myth
- Theories as modern myths: Giving up the pursuit of good theory to focus on good theorizing
- A critical realist perspective on humanness as a meaningful re‐entry of relational distinctions
- Scaffolding and the zone of proximal development: A problematic relationship
- Groups in contact: Meta‐representations, interobjectivity, and cultural incompatibilities
- Introducing a novel approach to the cross‐cultural measurement of stigma versus social integration using methods from the field of cognitive anthropology
- Introducing a novel approach to the cross‐cultural measurment of stigma versus social integration using methods from the field of cognitive anthropology
- The self as the locus of morality: A comparison between Charles Taylor and George Herbert Mead’s theories of the moral constitution of the self
- A theory of “popular political legitimation”: A dual‐process model approach to legitimation and political socialization
- Commentary on Mills’ “toward a theory of myth”
- Critical realist encounters: Morphogenizing the French régulation approach
- On the historicity of social ontology
- Organisation, Emergence and Cambridge Social Ontology
- Addiction science and the perception of freewill
- Toward a theory of myth
- Towards a critical realist epistemology?
- Towards a critical theory of communication as renewal and update of Marxist humanism in the age of digital capitalism
- The cultural wantons of the new millennium
- Beyond Husserl and Schütz. Hermann Schmitz and Neophenomenological Sociology
- Reconceptualizing the generation in a digital(izing) modernity: digital media, social networking sites, and the flattening of generations
- The right tool for the job: problems and solutions in visualizing sociological theory
- To rely or not to rely on common sense? Introducing critical Realism’s insights to social network analysis
- Subhumanism: The re‐emergence of an affective‐symbolic ontology in the migration debate and beyond
- Actions, habits and forms of life
- From the manifestations of culture to the underlying sensemaking process. The contribution of semiotic cultural psychology theory to the interpretation of socio‐political scenario
- Moody habitus: Bourdieu with existential feelings
- Do psychologists understand honor cultures when they operationalize them?
- Human uniqueness explored from the uniquely human perspective: Epistemological and methodological challenges
- Methodological naturalism, saturation, and Psychology’s failure to save the phenomena
- Making sense of the self: an integrative framework for moral agency
- Fuzzy epistemology: Decolonizing the social sciences
- From habitus to pragma: a phenomenological critique of Bourdieu’s habitus
- Collective‐unconscious apologetics of plutocracy and oligarchy: Chicago economics’ ideological preferences revealed by the sociology of knowledge
- Arguments for the cognitive social sciences
- Let’s not get tied into knots: a response to Newman, (2018)—Vygotsky, Wittgenstein and sociocultural theory
- A political‐economic theory of relevance: Explaining climate change inaction
- The two stories of the habitus/structure relation and the riddle of reflexivity: A meta‐theoretical reappraisal
- The role of roles in uniquely human cognition and sociality
- A preliminary theory of managerialism as an ideology
- Being other: Intersubjectivity, allocentrism and the possible
- Social movement in stages: a reply to Shultziner and Goldberg
- Stages do matter; and there are even more of them to consider
- Strategic uncertainty, coordination failure and emergence: A game theory study on agency‐structure interactions
- Blocking the solution: Social representations of threats and (non)dialogue with alternative representations in Greek‐Cypriot newspapers during peace negotiations
- Determinate attitudes and indeterminate norms
- Why successful replications across contexts and Operationalizations might not be good for theory building or testing
- The role of social representations in the construction of power relations
- Social psychology, consumer culture and neoliberalism: A response to Phelps and White (2018)
- Let’s not get tied into knots: a response to Newman, (2018)—Vygotsky, Wittgenstein and sociocultural theory
- The primary foundations of followership
- The impossibility of sociology as a science; arguments from within the discipline
- Modeling stereotypes and negative self‐stereotypes as a function of interactions among groups with power asymmetries
- For an integrative theory of social behaviour: Theorising with and beyond rational choice theory
- From cognitive dissonance to cognitive Polyphasia: A sociocultural approach to understanding meat‐paradox
- Social ontology, practical reasonableness, and collective reasons for action
- Subjectivity in debate: Some reconstructed philosophical premises to advance its discussion in psychology
- The influence of ‘topic and resource’ on some aspects of social theorising
- Adult women and ADHD: On the temporal dimensions of ADHD identities
- Ideal football culture: A cultural take on self‐determination theory
- Social cognition, social neuroscience, and evolutionary social psychology: What’s missing?
- Designing social action: The impact of reflexivity on practice
- Abstractions on steroids: A critical realist approach to computer simulations
- Morphogenetic theory and the constructivist institutionalist challenge
- Alienation in a four factor world
- Moral decisionism and its discontents
- Ten un‐Aristotelian reasons for the instability of Aristotelian character friendships
- The social construction of character
- The Stages of Mass Mobilization: Separate Phenomena and Distinct Causal Mechanisms
- “My Body Spoke to Me”: “Marginal” Organs, Metonymic Somatization, and the Pain of Social Selection
- From Performativity to Representation as Intervention: Rethinking the 2008 Financial Crisis and the Recent History of Social Science
- Distributed Attention: A Cognitive Ethnography of Instruction in Sport Settings
- Social Performance as Cultural Critique: Critical Theory beyond Bourdieu and Habermas
- Revisiting Fromm and Bourdieu: Contributions to habitus and realism
- Social psychology and neoliberalism: A critical commentary on McDonald, Gough, Wearing, and Deville (2017)
- The morphogenetic approach and immanent causality: A spinozian perspective
- Vygotsky, Wittgenstein, and sociocultural theory
- Social deontics: A nano‐level approach to human power play
- Game theory, cheap talk and post‐truth politics: David Lewis vs. John Searle on reasons for truth‐telling
- A sociological formalization of Searle’s social ontology
- A quantum leap for social theory
- Forum introduction
- The mind–body problem and social science: Motivating a quantum social theory
- Materialism, emergentism, and social structure: A response to Wendt’s Quantum Mind
- Entangling the social: Comments on Alexander Wendt, Quantum Mind and Social Science
- The practices of collective action: Practice theory, sustainability transitions and social change
- Was Blumer a cognitivist? Assessing an ethnomethodological critique
- We are not walking wave functions. A response to “Quantum Mind and Social Science” by Alexander Wendt
- Institutions as dispositions: Searle, Smith and the metaphysics of blind chess
- Deliberate Trust and Intuitive Faith: A Dual-Process Model of Reliance
- The flavours of love: A cross-cultural lexical analysis
- The evolution of Homo Discens: natural selection and human learning
- Contempt and disgust: the emotions of disrespect
- How complex is your love? The case of romantic compromises and polyamory
- An ontology of power and leadership
- The notion of character friendship and the cultivation of virtue
- The thrill of bullying. Bullying, humour and the making of community
- Experiments with truth. A sociological variation on William James’s Varieties of Religious Experience
- What Hindu Sati can teach us about the sociocultural and social psychological dynamics of suicide
- The topic of subjectivity in psychology: Contradictions, paths and new alternatives
- The work process setting and situational contexts based on socially distributed cognition: an interactive, cognitive and social proposal of analysis
- Mapping ‘the ANT multiple’: A comparative, critical and reflexive analysis
- Sympathetic introspection as method and practice: Cooley’s contributions to critical qualitative inquiry and the theory of mind debate
- ‘Giving voice’: opening up new routes in the dialogicality of social change
- Exercising moral agency in the contexts of objective reality: toward an integrated account of ethical consumption
- Finding Bhaskar in all the wrong places? Causation, process, and structure in Bhaskar and Deleuze
- The resistance experiments: Morality, authority and obedience in Stanley Milgram’s account
- The implications of dialogicality for ‘giving voice’ in social representations research
- Social Psychology, Consumer Culture and Neoliberal Political Economy
- Falsificationism is not just ‘potential’ falsifiability, but requires ‘actual’ falsification: Social psychology, critical rationalism, and progress in science
- Dyadic characteristics of guanxi and their consequences
- Reconstructing the social constructionist view of emotions: from language to culture, including nonhuman culture
- Methods for Studying the Structure of Social Representations: A Critical Review and Agenda for Future Research
- Causal Mechanisms and the Philosophy of Causation
- The Nature of Social Responsibility: Exploring Emancipatory Ends
- Moral Motivation as a Dynamic Developmental Process: Toward an Integrative Synthesis
- The Hysteresis Effect: Theorizing Mismatch in Action
- Hermeneutic Theory and Objectivism in Social Psychology
- A Meadian Approach to Radical Bohmian Dialogue
- Embodied Social Representation
- Non Causal Theories and Using Auxiliary Assumptions to Handle Situation-Specificity
- Everyday Life in Social Psychology
- The Generality of Theory and the Specificity of Social Behavior: Contrasting Experimental and Hermeneutic Social Science
- Embodiment and the Construction of Social Knowledge: Towards an Integration of Embodiment and Social Representations Theory
- The AART of Ethnography: A Critical Realist Explanatory Research Model
- The Nature of the Political Reconsidered