- Extracting Herbrand systems from refutation schemata
- A credulous semantics of higher-order argumentation frameworks based on credulously accepted attacks
- A calculus for modal compact Hausdorff spaces
- Tailoring explanations through conversation
- Solving quantified modal logic problems by translation to classical logics
- Weakest link, prioritized default logic and principles in argumentation†
- Fuzzy labelling semantics for quantitative argumentation
- A domain calculus based on Heyting-valued logic
- Modal logic with relations over paths: A theoretical development through comonadic semantics
- Preface: special issue on logic and argumentation
- Checking trustworthiness of probabilistic computations in a typed natural deduction system
- Smullyan’s truth and provability
- Semitopology: a topological approach to decentralized collaborative action
- Partial imaging and Thomason conditionals
- Descriptive complexity for distributed computing with circuits
- Computing most general unifiers in Euclidean modal logics
- On Rosser theories
- Explicit non-normal modal logic
- Tense logics based on posets
- Normalization and cut-elimination theorems for some logics of evidence and truth
- Polytime embedding of intuitionistic modal logics into their one-variable fragments
- Uniform interpolation via nested sequents and hypersequents
- Tailoring disjoint belief structures to the AGM framework
- On α-state filters in state residuated lattices
- To the logical foundations of random number generator construction
- Uniform lyndon interpolation for basic non-normal modal and conditional logics*
- Cut-free labelled calculi and decidability for intuitionistic sentential logic with identity
- Undecidability of the degree structure of primitive recursive m-reducibility
- Nash meets Łukasiewicz: computing equilibria through logic
- On probabilistic and causal reasoning with summation operators
- MV-frames
- A comparison of imprecise Bayesianism and Dempster–Shafer theory for automated decisions under ambiguity
- Care-theoretic semantics
- Extracting efficient exact real number computation from proofs in constructive type theory
- Logics for at most countable first-order structures
- Coherence via focusing for symmetric skew monoidal and symmetric skew closed categories*
- (Conceptual) explanations in logic
- Logics for contact and measure
- Wanted dead or alive: epistemic logic for impure simplicial complexes
- Games for hybrid logic from semantic games to analytic calculi*
- A logical characterization of constant-depth circuits over the reals
- Formalized soundness and completeness of epistemic and public announcement logic
- Doubly strongly first-order dependencies
- Propositional logic and modal logic—A connection via relational semantics
- 27th Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation – WoLLIC 2021
- Correction to: Parameterized Complexity of Dynamic Belief Updates: A Complete Map
- On some computational properties of open sets
- Generalization of filter theory of EQ-algebras based on lattices
- Revising non-monotonic theories with sufficient and necessary conditions: the case of Defeasible Logic
- ASPECT: Answer Set rePresentation as vEctor graphiCs in laTex
- Proceedings of the XX Encontro Brasileiro de Lógica
- A representation theory for modal distributive lattices
- A Gödel-Dugundji-style theorem for the minimal structural logic
- Modal weak Kleene logics: axiomatizations and relational semantics
- Perfect proofs at first order
- Intuitionistic S4 as a logic of topological spaces
- Complexity and scalability of defeasible reasoning in many-valued weighted knowledge bases with typicality
- Degrees of truthlikeness, independence, equality and order in probabilistic propositional knowledge representation
- Avicenna’s logics with sentence-type terms: 1. Wholly muttaṣil syllogisms
- Temporal duration-based probabilistic argumentation frameworks
- Nonconservative extensions by propositional quantifiers and modal incompleteness
- Classical computation over quantum architecturesFrom graph encoding to declarative languages compilation
- Operating Room Scheduling via Answer Set Programming: improved encoding and test on real data
- The XAI system for answer set programming xASP2
- Sequent calculi and an efficient theorem prover for conditional logics with selection function semantics
- Serial properties, selector proofs and the provability of consistency
- Advances in computational logic (CILC23): preface
- Dynamic superiorities in Defeasible Logic
- The mathematics of Epstein semantics
- Numerical expressive power of logical languages with cardinality comparison
- Modal algebra of multirelations
- 90 years of Gödel’s incompleteness theorems: Logic and computation
- Towards determinism in PDL: relations and proof theory
- Expanding the Leibniz Hierarchy
- Temporal logics for compartmental models
- Estimating event probabilities via signal temporal logic and first occurrence distributions
- Completeness of tableau calculi for two-dimensional hybrid logics
- Attack principles in sequent-based argumentation theory
- Necessary and sufficient conditions of the enforcement problem for various argumentation semantics
- Correction to: Modalities combining two negations
- Analyticity with extra-logical information
- A correct-by-construction approach for development of reliable planning problems
- Meaning and identity of proofs in a bilateralist setting: A two-sorted typed Lambda-calculus for proofs and refutations
- Changing the logic without changing the subject: the case of computability
- Fuzzy bi-Gödel modal logic and its paraconsistent relatives
- Low scattered linear orders
- ☐ and ◇ in eight-valued non-deterministic semantics for modal logics
- Bipolar Argumentation Frameworks with a dual relation between defeat and defence
- Probability and natural deduction
- An alternative definition of tense operators on residuated lattices
- Correction to: Conjunctive degrees and cylinders
- Congruence filter pairs, equational filter pairs and adjoints
- Coarsening natural deduction proofs II: finding gaunt proofs
- Principles of logics for plausible reasoning
- Algorithmic properties of modal and superintuitionistic logics of monadic predicates over finite Kripke frames
- An encoding of abstract dialectical frameworks into higher-order logic
- Knowledge injection of Datalog rules via Neural Network Structuring with KINS
- Decomposition approaches for scheduling chronic outpatients’ clinical pathways in Answer Set Programming
- Extension of constraint-procedural logic-generated environments for deep Q-learning agent training and benchmarking
- Classifying all transducer degrees below N3
- Algebraic tools for default modal systems
- Decompositions of stratified institutions
- Copying safety and liveness properties of computational artefacts
- Iterative social consolidations: forming beliefs from many-valued evidence and peers’ opinions
- Netreason: reasoning about social networks
- Deductive databases in four-valued logic: rule semantics and models
- Erratum to: Evaluative multiple revision based on core beliefs
- On the expressive power of Łukasiewicz square operator
- Modal Logics and Group Polarization
- Computability of glued manifolds
- On embedding Lambek calculus into commutative categorial grammars
- An ASP-based solver for parametrized-difference revision
- Maximality of bi-intuitionistic propositional logic
- Strictly join irreducible varieties of residuated lattices
- Densely computable structures
- Geometry of super-Łukasiewicz logics
- Fibrational bisimulations and quantitative reasoning: Extended version
- On probabilistic argumentation and subargument-completeness
- EGG+: A graph grammar formalism with uncertain structure processing mechanism
- On the behaviour of coalgebras with side effects and algebras with effectful iteration
- Modelling supra-classical logic in a Boltzmann neural network: I representation
- Computational Errors and Suspension in a PWK Epistemic Agent
- Steps and traces*
- Relating structure and power: Comonadic semantics for computational resources
- Preface of the special issue‘Logic, argumentation and AI’ in JLC
- Topological semantics of conservativity and interpretability logics
- Logics of dependence and independence: The local variants
- Interpolation for intermediate logics via injective nested sequents
- The first-order theory of the computably enumerable equivalence relations in the uncountable setting
- On the Turing complexity of learning finite families of algebraic structures
- A strongly complete axiomatization of intuitionistic temporal logic
- A recursion theoretic foundation of computation over real numbers
- Neighbourhood semantics and labelled calculus for intuitionistic infinitary logic
- A note on the asymptotic expressiveness of ZF and ZFC
- Analog reducibility
- Dualities and algebraic geometry of Baire functions in non-classical logic
- Reasoning in social settings
- Logics for reasoning about degrees of confirmation
- Notions of indifference for genericity: Union sets and subsequence sets
- Internal proof calculi for modal logics with separating conjunction
- Strategic coalitions in stochastic games
- Algorithmic properties of first-order modal logics of linear Kripke frames in restricted languages
- Paracomplete truth theory with KFS-definable determinateness
- Logics of formal inconsistency based on distributive involutive residuated lattices
- A fully labelled proof system for intuitionistic modal logics
- Logic of defeasible permission and its dynamics
- Epistemic extensions of substructural inquisitive logics
- Ideal related algebras and their logics
- ℋ-Colouring Dichotomy in Proof Complexity
- Handling inconsistency in partially preordered ontologies: the Elect method
- Corrigendum to: Frame definability, canonicity and cut elimination in common sense modal predicate logics
- Labelled calculi for quantified modal logics with definite descriptions
- Labelled cyclic proofs for separation logic
- A Talmudic norms approach to many-valued logic
- Uniform labelled calculi for preferential conditional logics based on neighbourhood semantics
- Negation as a modality in a quantified setting
- Notes on conjunctive and Quasi degrees
- A forward internal calculus for model generation in S4
- Intuitionistic multi-agent subatomic natural deduction for belief and knowledge
- Solovay functions and paradoxes
- Guaranteeing Admissibility of Abstract Argumentation Frameworks with Rationality and Feasibility Constraints
- An efficient reasoning method on logic programming using partial evaluation in vector spaces
- Semirings of Evidence
- Algorithmic correspondence and canonicity for possibility semantics
- Experience and prediction: a metric of hardness for a novel litmus test
- A study of continuous vector representations for theorem proving
- Abstract argumentation and the rational man
- Finitism, imperative programs and primitive recursion
- Reasoning about strategic voting in modal logic quickly becomes undecidable
- Algorithmic properties of first-order superintuitionistic logics of finite Kripke frames in restricted languages
- A logic of knowledge based on abstract arguments
- Feedback hyperjump
- Games of influence
- Type inhabitation of atomic polymorphism is undecidable
- Access-based intuitionistic knowledge
- Towards a proof theory for Henkin quantifiers
- On the strongest three-valued paraconsistent logic contained in classical logic and its dual
- About the characterization of a fine line that separates generalizations and boundary-case exceptions for the Second Incompleteness Theorem under semantic tableau deduction
- Extensional realizability for intuitionistic set theory
- Parameterized complexity of abduction in Schaefer’s framework
- Hypersequent calculi for non-normal modal and deontic logics: countermodels and optimal complexity
- Group belief
- Categorical and algebraic aspects of the intuitionistic modal logic IEL― and its predicate extensions
- Frame definability, canonicity and cut elimination in common sense modal predicate logics
- Knowledge of uncertain worlds: programming with logical constraints
- On computable aspects of algebraic and definable closure
- On the correspondence between nested calculi and semantic systems for intuitionistic logics
- Ambiguity and context learning in signalling games
- On sharp and single-conclusion justification models
- Constructive truth and falsity in Peano arithmetic
- Lifting propositional proof compression algorithms to first-order logic
- Probability logic: A model-theoretic perspective
- Tracking computability of GPAC-generable functions
- NNIL-formulas revisited: Universal models and finite model property
- Probabilities of first-order sentences on sparse random relational structures: an application to definability on random CNF formulas
- Complexity of finite-variable fragments of products with K
- Modeling legal conflict resolution based on dynamic logic
- Notions of Cauchyness and metastability
- Kripke-style Semantics and Completeness for Full Simply Typed Lambda Calculus
- No false grounds and topology of argumentation
- A logic of blockchain updates
- An abstract form of the first epsilon theorem
- Justification awareness
- Classical term-modal logics
- Polyteam semantics
- Operator algebras with hyperarithmetic theory
- Multi-dimensional Interpretations of Presburger Arithmetic in Itself
- On uniform belief revision
- Fraïssé–Hintikka theorem in institutions
- Algorithmic properties of first-order modal logics of finite Kripke frames in restricted languages
- A model-theoretic approach to descriptive general frames: the van Benthem characterization theorem
- Corrigendum to: Displaying updates in logic
- Sublattices and Δ-blocks of orthomodular posets
- Convergence, continuity, recurrence and Turing completeness in dynamic epistemic logic1
- On Scott’s semantics for many-valued logic
- Ordered models for concept representation
- Locally constant constructive functions and connectedness of intervals
- Rational coordination with no communication or conventions
- The generalized orthomodularity property: configurations and pastings
- On the different types of collective attacks in abstract argumentation: equivalence results for SETAFs
- First-order swap structures semantics for some logics of formal inconsistency
- Space and time complexity for infinite time Turing machines
- Sette’s calculus P1 and some hierarchies of paraconsistent systems
- Individual resource games and resource redistributions
- A study of possible-worlds semantics of relevance-sensitive belief revision
- Self-full ceers and the uniform join operator
- Elementary cellular automata and self-referential paradoxes
- A multi-labelled sequent calculus for Topo-Logic
- Resource sharing linear logic
- Classical logic with Mendler induction
- Probabilistic justification logic
- Type theoretical databases
- The complexity of disjunction in intuitionistic logic
- Multiple conclusion linear logic: cut elimination and more
- An introduction to feedback Turing computability
- Cut elimination and complexity bounds for intuitionistic epistemic logic
- On the complexity of index sets for finite predicate logic programs which allow function symbols
- Reconciling Lambek’s restriction, cut-elimination and substitution in the presence of exponential modalities
- An arithmetic interpretation of intuitionistic verification
- The unreasonable effectiveness of Nonstandard Analysis
- Lower bounds for the state complexity of probabilistic languages and the language of prime numbers
- Embeddings of Bishop spaces
- Modal logics with hard diamond-free fragments
- On aggregating probabilistic evidence
- A cut-free labelled sequent calculus for dynamic epistemic logic
- Power Kripke–Platek set theory and the axiom of choice
- Definability in first-order theories of graph orderings ⋆
- Congruence-based proofs of the recognizability theorems for free many-sorted algebras
- First-order justification logic with constant domain semantics
- A substructural epistemic resource logic: theory and modelling applications
- Equivariant ZFA and the foundations of nominal techniques
- Standpoint semantics for polysemy in spatial prepositions
- A proof-theoretic study of abstract termination principles
- Decidability of affine solution problems
- Recursive enumerability and elementary frame definability in predicate modal logic
- The power of modal separation logics
- Formula size games for modal logic and μ-calculus
- The Influence of the Test Operator on the Expressive Power of PDL-like Logics
- Symbolic model checking of public announcement protocols
- Pseudo-BCI algebras with derivations
- Definable inapproximability: new challenges for duplicator
- A logic of hypothetical conjunction
- A logic of efficient and optimal designs
- Effective aspects of Bernoulli randomness
- Taking the path computably traveled
- On the satisfiability problem for fragments of two-variable logic with one transitive relation
- A comparative analysis and improvement of MaxSAT encodings for coalition structure generation under MC-nets
- The fixed point property and a technique to harness double fixed point combinators
- Logics based on linear orders of contaminating values
- Towards automated reasoning in Herbrand structures
- A bilateral Hilbert-style investigation of 2-intuitionistic logic
- Uniform interpolation for propositional and modal team logics
- A temporal epistemic logic with a non-rigid set of agents for analyzing the blockchain protocol
- Model checking and validity in propositional and modal inclusion logics
- From Tarski to Gödel—or how to derive the second incompleteness theorem from the undefinability of truth without self-reference
- $textsf{M}textsf{T}textsf{L}$-algebras as rotations of basic hoops
- Modal operators and toric ideals
- Automatic white-box testing of first-order logic ontologies
- Substituting strict equivalents
- On the connections between $wtt$- and $Q$-reducibilities
- Diffusion in social networks with recalcitrant agents
- Trial and error mathematics: Dialectical systems and completions of theories
- Erratum to: Editorial Reasons, argumentation and justification: DEON 2016 special issue
- Maximality in finite-valued Łukasiewicz logics defined by order filters
- Discrete duality for lattices with modal operators
- An analysis of clausal coordination using synchronous tree adjoining grammar
- Terminating sequent calculi for two intuitionistic modal logics
- Belief base rationalization for propositional merging
- Proof search in a context-sensitive logic for molecular biology
- Reasoning with maximal consistency by argumentative approaches
- Strong jump inversion
- On the aggregation of argumentation frameworks: operators and postulates
- Judgment aggregation in dynamic logic of propositional assignments
- Navigability with intermediate constraints
- Satisfiability for relation-changing logics
- Hyper Natural Deduction for Gödel Logic—A natural deduction system for parallel reasoning
- Backward induction in presence of cycles
- From probabilities to categorical beliefs: Going beyond toy models
- From the subformula property to cut-admissibility in propositional sequent calculi
- Flat modal fixpoint logics with the converse modality
- Computing the maximal Boolean complexity of families of Aristotelian diagrams
- Stit logic of justification announcements: a completeness result
- Accelerating LTL satisfiability checking by SAT solvers
- Coarse deontic logic
- Infinitary logic and basically disconnected compact Hausdorff spaces
- Enriching deontic logic
- A temporal dynamic deontic logic
- The logic of identity and copy for computational artefacts
- Prioritized norms in formal argumentation
- EditorialReasons, argumentation and justification: DEON 2016 special issue
- Structured argumentation with prioritized conditional obligations and permissions
- A note on phonological similarity in Tesar’s (2014) theory of output-drivenness
- The strength of SCT soundness
- Bisimulations for coalgebras on Stone spaces
- Symbolic possibilistic logic: completeness and inference methods
- Interpolation in propositional Horn logic
- On the ‘transitivity’ of consequence relations
- Modal logics of sabotage revisited
- Learning to act: qualitative learning of deterministic action models
- Symbolic model checking for Dynamic Epistemic Logic — S5 and beyond *
- Decidable temporal and sequential relevant logics *
- Formulating semantics of probabilistic argumentation by characterizing subgraphs: theory and empirical results
- Tableaux for a combination of propositional dynamic logic and epistemic logic with interactions *
- Modal correspondence theory in the class of all Euclidean frames
- Editorial Logic, Rationality and Interaction (LORI-5): Introduction to the Special Issue
- Shapely monads and analytic functors
- Fuzzy approach to quantum Fredkin gate
- Not only size, but also shape counts: abstract argumentation solvers are benchmark-sensitive
- Implementing fragments of ZFC within an r.e. Universe
- Verification logic
- Iterated reflection over full disquotational truth
- On the Number of Bipolar Boolean Functions
- The lattice of congruences of a finite line frame
- Results in Modal Correspondence Theory for Possibility Semantics
- Combinatorics of $lambda$ -terms: a natural approach
- A modal logic of knowledge, belief and estimation
- Reliability-based preference dynamics: lexicographic upgrade