- Nietzsche’s Kind of Philosophy: Finding His Way by Richard Schacht (review)
- Nietzschean Decadence as Psychic Disunity
- Nietzsche’s Aesthetic Justification: A Minimal Interpretation
- Horizon of Error: The Function of the Sublime in Nietzsche’s Dawn
- Nietzsche’s Thus Spoke Zarathustra: A Critical Guide ed. by Keith Ansell-Pearson and Paul Loeb (review)
- Conflict and Contest in Nietzsche’s Philosophy ed. by Herman Siemens and James Pearson (review)
- Nietzsche’s Ethics by Thomas Stern (review)
- Nietzsche Contra the Naturalists
- Nietzsche’s Immoralism: Politics as First Philosophy by Donovan Miyasaki, and: Politics after Morality: Toward a Nietzschean Left by Donovan Miyasaki (review)
- The Will to Nothingness: An Essay on Nietzsche’s by Bernard Reginster (review)
- Nietzsche on Morality and the Affirmation of Life ed. by Daniel Came (review)
- Nietzsche and the Philosophers ed. by Mark T. Conard (review)
- The Demon and His Message
- Plato and Nietzsche on the Ideal Soul
- “The Realm of Our Invention”: On the Role of Parody in Nietzsche’s Thought
- Nietzsche’s On the Genealogy of Morality: A Critical Introduction and Guide by Robert Guay (review)
- Nietzsche’s Earth by Gary Shapiro (review)
- Nietzsche’s Values by John Richardson (review)
- The Meaning of the Earth: Reading Nietzsche in the Anthropocene
- Pessimism, “Darwinism,” and the Value of Life in Hartmann and Nietzsche
- A Leibniz-Informed Approach to Nietzsche’s Drive Psychology
- Nietzsche’s Philosophical Psychology by Mattia Riccardi (review)
- What Is Consciousness and Does Nietzsche Really Think It Is Unimportant?
- The Nihilism of Idealism in Nishitani’s and Nietzsche’s Passionate Thinking of History
- The Death and Redemption of God: Nietzsche’s Conversation with Philipp Mainländer
- Ehrlichkeit and Parrhēsia: The Development of Nietzsche’s Cynicism from Schopenhauer as Educator to Ecce Homo
- Against Focusing on the Internal Conditions of Nietzschean Greatness
- The Fanatic and the Last Man
- Nietzsche’s Nervous Ascetics: The Physiological Roots of the Ascetic Ideal
- Nietzsche on Self-Reverence
- Nietzsche’s Moral Psychology by Mark Alfano (review)
- The Challenge of Nietzsche: How to Approach His Thought by Jeremy Fortier (review)
- Nietzsche’s Protestant Fathers: A Study in Prodigal Christianity by Thomas R. Nevin (review)
- Nietzsche and Contemporary Ethics by Simon Robertson (review)
- Artistry and Genealogy: The Literary Structure of On the Genealogy of Morality’s First Treatise
- Abbreviations And Citations of Friedrich Nietzsche’s Works
- What Does Nietzsche Mean by “the Same” in His Theory of Eternal Recurrence?
- Morality as Cure and Poison in Nietzsche’s Genealogy
- Nietzsche, Nihilism, and the “New Materialist” Thought
- Kommentar zu Nietzsches “Unzeitgemässen Betrachtungen,” III. Schopenhauer als Erzieher; IV. Richard Wagner in Bayreuth by Barbara Neymeyr (review)
- Nietzsche’s Dawn: Philosophy, Ethics, and the Passion of Knowledge by Keith Ansell-Pearson and Rebecca Bamford (review)
- Problem of Affective Nihilism in Nietzsche: Thinking Differently, Feeling Differently by Kaitlyn Creasy (review)
- The New Cambridge Companion to Nietzsche ed. by Tom Stern (review)
- Nietzsche and Friendship by Willow Verkerk (review)
- Nietzsche’s Pragmatism: A Study on Perspectival Thought by Pietro Gori (review)
- Nietzsche’s Engagements with Kant and the Kantian Legacy, vol. 3: Nietzsche and Kant on Aesthetics and Anthropology ed. by Maria Branco and Katia Hay (review)
- Historischer und kritischer Kommentar zu Friedrich Nietzsches Werken, vol 1/2 by Barbara Neymeyr (review)
- Nietzsche’s “Ecce Homo” ed. by Nicholas Martin and Duncan Large (review)
- Nietzsche and Epicurus ed. by Vinod Acharya and Ryan J. Johnson (review)
- Simply Nietzsche by Peter Kail (review)
- Morality and the Affects
- The Nihilism of the Oppressed: Hedwig Dohm’s Feminist Critique of Nietzschean Nihilism
- Nietzsche’s Strawsonian Reversal
- Will to Power: Nietzsche’s Transcendental Idealism
- The Responsibility to Be Hard: Comments on Ken Gemes’s “The Biology of Evil”
- Nietzsche on Jewry, Degeneration, and Related Topics: Response to Ken Gemes
- Rhetorics of Degeneration: Nietzsche, Lombroso, and Napoleon
- Replies to Commentators on “The Biology of Evil”
- Epicurus: A Case Study of Nietzsche’s Conception of a “Typical Decadent”
- Classical Form or Modern Scientific Rationalization? Nietzsche on the Drive to Ordered Thought as Apollonian Power and Socratic Pathology
- Zarathustra’s Blessed Isles: Before and After Great Politics
- The Nietzschean Mind ed. by Paul Katsafanas (review)
- The Rise of Politics and Morality in Nietzsche’s Genealogy: From Chaos to Conscience by Jeffrey Metzger (review)
- Nietzsche’s Engagements with Kant and the Kantian Legacy, vol. 1: Nietzsche, Kant, and the Problem of Metaphysics ed. by Marco Brusotti and Herman Siemens (review)
- The Biology of Evil: Nietzsche on Degeneration (Entartung) and Jewification (Verjüdung)
- Nietzsche on the Decadence and Flourishing of Culture: Reply to Critics
- Digital Humanities and the History of Philosophy: The Case of Nietzsche’s Moral Psychology
- Virtue and Community in Mark Alfano’s Nietzsche’s Moral Psychology
- Comments on Mark Alfano’s Nietzsche’s Moral Psychology
- Two and a Half Cheers for Digital Humanities: Responses to Bamford, Cristy, and Reginster
- Nietzsche’s Metaphilosophy: The Nature, Method, and Aims of Philosophy ed. by Paul S. Loeb and Matthew Meyer (review)
- I Am Dynamite! A Life of Friedrich Nietzsche by Sue Prideaux (review)
- Moral Psychology with Nietzsche by Brian Leiter (review)
- A Nietzschean Account of Valuing
- Gratitude to Beautiful Objects: On Nietzsche’s Claim That the Beautiful “Promises Happiness”
- On the Normativity of Nietzsche’s Will to Power
- A Nietzsche for Our Times? Andrew Huddleston on Nietzsche on the Decadence and Flourishing of Culture
- Decadent Philosophy’s Misunderstanding of the Body and the Artistic Flourishing of Culture: Comments on Nietzsche on the Decadence and Flourishing of Culture
- Nietzsche as Critic and Proponent of Socialism: A Reappraisal Based on Human, All Too Human
- Nietzsche’s “Great Politics” and Zarathustra’s New Peoples
- Exemplars, Institutions, and Self-Knowledge in Schopenhauer as Educator
- Nietzsche on the Function and Creation of Value Systems
- The German Online Editions of Nietzsche’s Works: A User’s Perspective
- Nietzsche’s The Gay Science: An Introduction by Michael Ure (review)
- Nietzsche on the Decadence and Flourishing of Culture by Andrew Huddleston (review)
- Unpublished Fragments from the Period of Thus Spoke Zarathustra (Summer 1882–Winter 1883/84) by Friedrich Nietzsche (review)
- Nietzsche’s Search for Philosophy: On the Middle Writings by Keith Ansell-Pearson, and: Nietzsche’s Free Spirit Works: A Dialectical Reading by Matthew Meyer (review)
- Nietzsche’s Attack on Belief: Doxastic Skepticism in The Antichrist
- Making Knowledge the Most Powerful Affect: Overcoming Affective Nihilism
- Nietzsche and Shame
- Strangers to Ourselves: Self-Knowledge in Nietzsche’s Genealogy
- Nietzsche’s Transformation of the Problem of Pessimism in Human, All Too Human
- Three Modes of History in On the Genealogy of Morality
- Nietzsche on the Origin of Conscience and Obligation
- An Interpretation of Nietzsche’s On the Uses and Disadvantage of History for Life by Anthony K. Jensen (review)
- Nietzsche’s Culture of Humanity: Beyond Aristocracy and Democracy in the Early Period by Jeffrey Church (review)
- The Deed Is Everything: Nietzsche on Will and Action by Aaron Ridley (review)
- Guest Editors’ Introduction: Examining Moral Emotions in Nietzsche with the Semantic Web Exploration Tool: Nietzsche
- Experimentation, Curiosity, and Forgetting
- “Being Just Is Always a Positive Attitude”: Justice in Nietzsche’s Virtue Epistemology
- Nietzsche on Nausea
- Nietzsche, Self-Disgust, and Disgusting Morality
- Loving the Eternal Recurrence
- “Let Us Return to Herr Nietzsche”: On Health and Revaluation
- Nietzsche’s Notion of Lying
- Nietzsche’s Great Politics by Hugo Drochon (review)
- Nietzsche’s Psychology of Ressentiment: Revenge and Justice in On the Genealogy of Morals by Guy Elgat (review)
- Nietzsche’s Constructivism: A Metaphysics of Material Objects by Justin Remhof (review)
- Nietzsche’s Metaphysics of the Will to Power: The Possibility of Value by Tsarina Doyle (review)
- Must We Choose between Real Nietzsche and Good Philosophy? A Streitschrift
- Nietzsche Studies as Historical Philosophizing
- Psychological Nihilism, Passions, and Neglected Works: Three Topics for Nietzsche Studies
- Philosophy, Psychology, and Theory
- Nietzsche’s Futurism
- More Modesty, Less Charity
- Why (and How) We Read Nietzsche
- Nietzsche: Old and New Questions
- The Psychology of Perspectivism: A Question for Nietzsche Studies Now
- Perspectivism and Falsification: A Reply to Maudemarie Clark
- Nietzsche on Loneliness, Self-Transformation, and the Eternal Recurrence
- The Wisdom of Silenus: Suffering in The Birth of Tragedy
- The Truth Is Terrible
- Contesting Nietzsche by Christa Davis Acampora (review)
- Moral Critique and Philosophical Psychology
- Nietzsche als Dichter. Lyrik – Poetologie – Rezeption ed. by Katharina Grätz and Sebastian Kaufmann (review)
- Nietzsche on the Sources of Agonal Moderation
- Nietzsche, Foucault und die Medizin. Philosophische Impulse für die Medizinethik ed. by Orsolya Friedrich et al. (review)
- Nietzsche as a Scholar of Antiquity ed. by Anthony K. Jensen and Helmut Heit, and: Plato and Nietzsche: Their Philosophical Art by Mark Anderson (review)
- Nietzsche and Dostoevsky: Philosophy, Morality, Tragedy ed. by Jeff Love and Jeffrey Metzger (review)
- Perspectivism and Falsification Revisited: Nietzsche, Nehamas, and Me
- On the Problem of Affective Nihilism
- Becoming Who You Are: Nietzsche on Self-Creation
- Nietzsche’s Ethics of Danger
- Abbreviations and Citations of Friedrich Nietzsche’s Works
- Nietzsche on Truth and the Value of Falsehood
- A Nietzschean Critique of Metaphysical Philosophy
- Nietzsche and Wallace on Self-Affirmation and Affirmability
- Nietzsche and the Art of Cruelty
- Affectivity and Philosophy after Spinoza and Nietzsche: Making Knowledge the Most Powerful Affect by Stuart Pethick (review)
- Nietzsche on Art and Life ed. by Daniel Came (review)
- II pragmatismo di Nietzsche. Saggi sul pensiero prospettivistico by Pietro Gori (review)
- Friedrich Nietzsche, der erste tragische Philosoph. Eine Entdeckung by Reto Winteler (review)
- The Nietzschean Self: Moral Psychology, Agency, and the Unconscious by Paul Katsafanas (review)
- Politics without Vision: Thinking without a Banister in the Twentieth Century by Tracy B. Strong (review)
- Nietzsche’s Therapeutic Teaching: For Individuals and Culture ed. by Horst Hutter and Eli Friedland (review)
- NANS Editorial Note
- On the Very Idea of “Justifying Suffering”
- Nietzsche’s Ethics of Power and the Ideas of Right, Justice, and Dignity
- On Parasitism and Overflow in Nietzsche’s Doctrine of Will to Power
- Nietzsche on Honor and Empathy
- Nietzsche and Aristotle on Friendship and Self-Knowledge
- Does Rarity Confer Value?: Nietzsche on the Exceptional Individual
- Interanimations: Receiving Modern German Philosophy by Robert B. Pippin, and: Nietzsche, Psychology, and First Philosophy by Robert B. Pippin (review)
- Nietzsche and The Birth of Tragedy by Paul Raimond Daniels (review)
- Nietzsche, Tension, and the Tragic Disposition by Matthew Tones (review)
- Nietzsche nella Rivoluzione conservatrice ed. by Francesco Cattaneo, Carlo Gentili, and Stefano Marino (review)
- Nietzsche and Dostoevsky: On the Verge of Nihilism by Paolo Stellino (review)
- Nietzsche. L’antiphilosophie I. 1992–1993 by Alain Badiou (review)
- Emden’s Nietzsche
- Nietzsche and Political Thought ed. by Keith Ansell-Pearson (review)
- Nietzsche, Naturalism, and Normativity: A Reply to Brian Leiter and Peter Kail
- Nietzschean Pragmatism
- Nietzsche’s Naturalism and Nineteenth-Century Biology
- Compassion and Affirmation in Nietzsche
- Letter From the Editor
- Judgments That Have Value “Only as Symptoms”: Nietzsche on the Denial of Life in Twilight of the Idols
- Abbreviations and Citations of Friedrich Nietzsche’s Works
- Memento Mori, Memento Vivere: Early Nietzsche on History, Embodiment, and Value
- Klassiker Auslegen 57: Friedrich Nietzsche—Die Fröhliche Wissenschaft ed. by Christian Benne and Jutta Georg (review)
- On Nietzsche by Georges Bataille (review)
- Arte e niilismo. Nietzsche e o Enigma do Mundo by João Constâncio (review)
- Nietzsche and Buddhist Philosophy by Antoine Panaïoti (review)
- Naturalizing Heidegger: His Confrontation with Nietzsche, His Contributions to Environmental Philosophy by David E. Storey (review)