- Four Matters of Interpretation: The Constitutional Phenomenon in Comparative Studies
- Who Reads the Trade Marks Register?
- Analogous Wrongs: Privacy Invasions and Discrimination
- Roman Law on the Just Price in Nicolaus Bernoulli’s Mathematics
- Global Comparative Law?†
- The Riddle of the Good Faith Purchaser
- (Mis)Governing World Football? Agency and (Non)Accountability in FIFA
- The Privacy–Equality Synthesis: Framing Reproductive Rights in India
- The Three-Tier Structural Legal Deficit Undermining the Protection of Employees’ Personal Data in the Workplace
- Legal Regulation, Technological Management and the Future of Human Agency
- (Digital) Things as Objects of Property Rights: What Can Crypto Learn From Comparative Law?†
- Denouncing the ‘One Voice’ Doctrine
- Ideologies of Political Constitutionalism
- Clarifying Mutual Consent’s Role in Agency Law
- Capacity to Consent to Sex: A Historical Perspective
- Unconditional Love, Some Implications for the Law†
- Ships of State and Empty Vessels: Critical Reflections on ‘Territorial Status in International Law’†
- The Impoverished Publicness of Algorithmic Decision Making
- Business, Human Rights and Climate Change: The Gradual Expansion of the Duty of Care
- Ecology, Jurisprudence, and Private International Law†
- Collective Knowledge and the Limits of the Expanded Identification Doctrine
- Rights That
- Forum Marketing in International Commercial Courts?
- Insanity, Disability and Responsibility: Rethinking Autonomy to Challenge Structural Inequality
- Corporate Purpose Swings as a Social, Atheoretical Process: Will the Pendulum Break?
- Applying Laws Across Time: Disentangling the ‘Always Speaking’ Principles
- ‘Hard AI Crime’: The Deterrence Turn
- The Data Crowd as a Legal Stakeholder
- ‘Everything is Obstetric Violence Now’: Identifying the Violence in ‘Obstetric Violence’ to Strengthen Socio-legal Reform Efforts
- The Case Against Human Rights Penality
- Administrative Justice in the Modern Mixed Administrative State: Moving Beyond Taxonomies
- The Pluralities of Property†
- Discrimination as a Public Wrong
- Convicting Peaceful Protesters: Proportionality’s Proper Place at Criminal Trial
- Tax and Globalisation: Toward a New Social Contract
- The Resurgence of Standing in Judicial Review
- Tangled Webs of Trust: A Study of Public Trust in Risk Regulation
- The Dignity of Legal Subjects†
- A Critical Inquiry into ‘Abuse’ in EU Competition Law
- Partisan Legal Traditions in the Age of Camden and Mansfield
- Three Reconstructions of ‘Effectiveness’: Some Implications for State Continuity and Sea-level Rise
- Contract Law When the Poor Pay More
- Law by Algorithm†
- Choice of Law Meets Private Law Theory
- The Normativity of Law: Has the Dispositional Model Solved our Problem?*
- Comparative Lessons in Sectional Title Laws: Mitigating Urban Inequality in South Africa
- Dworkin versus Hart Revisited: The Challenge of Non-lexical Determination
- Taking Identity Seriously: On the Politics of the Individuation of Legal Systems
- Two Types of Formalism of the Rule of Law
- Rethinking Administrative Law for Algorithmic Decision Making
- Beyond the Present-Fault Paradigm: Expanding Mens rea Definitions in the General Part
- Presupposing Legal Authority
- Political Purposes, Anti-entrenchment and Judicial Protection of the Democratic Process
- On the Moral Impact Theory of Law
- AV Dicey and the Making of Common Law Constitutionalism
- Corrigendum to: Loosely Relational Constitutional Rights
- Crimmigration and the ‘Paradox of Exclusion’
- Constitutional Transformation and Gender Equality: The Case of the Post-Arab Uprisings North African Constitutions
- A New Philosophy for the Margin of Appreciation and European Consensus
- Between Constituent Power and Constituent Authority†
- Interpreting and Reframing the Appropriate Adult Safeguard
- Property, Analogy and Variety
- What Price Are We Willing to Pay for the Dream of Equal Justice?†
- Tax Justice Beyond National Borders—International or Interpersonal?
- ‘Conversion Therapy’ As Degrading Treatment
- Ombudsmen as Courts
- Financial Intermediation in the Age of FinTech: P2P Lending and the Reinvention of Banking
- Linkage Arguments For and Against Rights
- Professional Responsibility: Conceptual Rescue and Plea for Reform
- The Austerity of Lone Motherhood: Discrimination Law and Benefit Reform
- The Wrong in Negligence
- Should We Protect Animals from Hate Speech?†
- The e-Banknote as a ‘Banknote’: A Monetary Law Interpreted
- The Miracle of Mercy
- The Lost Leg of the Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act (1999): Special Measures and Humane Treatment
- Is Foreign Policy Special?
- Relational Wrongs and Agency in Tort Theory
- Are Boycotts, Shunning, and Shaming Corrupt?
- A Written Constitution: A Case Not Made
- Positive and Negative Constitutionalism and the Limits of Universalism: A Review Essay†
- The Law of Monetary Finance under Unconventional Monetary Policy
- Challenging Biased Hiring Algorithms
- Precedent and the Rule of Law
- Privity: Rights, Standing, and the Road Not Taken
- On the Central Case Methodology in Discrimination Law
- Constitutional Conventions and the Judiciary
- Planned Obsolescence in the Context of a Holistic Legal Sphere and the Circular Economy
- Punishment and Precious Emotions: A Hope Standard for Punishment
- What is Distinctive about the Law of Equity?†
- Comprehensibility and Accountability†
- The Use of Trusts to Subvert the Law: An Analysis and Critique
- Concentrated Ownership, State-Owned Enterprises and Corporate Governance
- Recoverability of Damages for Non-pecuniary Losses Deriving from Breach of Contract
- Sources of Dynamism in Modern Administrative Law
- Risk Reduction and Redemption: An Interpretive Account of the Right to Rehabilitation in the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights
- Ageism as a Hate Crime: The Case for Extending Aggravated Offences to Protect Age Groups
- Revisiting the Doctrine of Intertemporal Law
- Authenticity:The Ultimate Challenge in the Quest for Lasting Constitutional Legitimacy†
- Three Models of Political Membership: Delineating ‘The People in Question’†
- Possession and Damages for Tortious Interferences with Chattels
- The Opaqueness of Rules†
- Religion is Secularised Tradition: Jewish and Muslim Circumcisions in Germany
- Balancing Rights and Interests: Reconstructing the Asymmetry Thesis
- Corporate Liability Design for Human Rights Abuses: Individual and Entity Liability for Due Diligence
- Loosely Relational Constitutional Rights
- Is Majority Rule Justified in Constitutional Adjudication?
- Conceptualising the Victim in England and Wales and the United States within a Spectrum of Public and Private Interests
- Unjust Enrichment: What We Owe to Each Other
- Legality, Legitimacy, and Legislation: The Role of Exceptional Circumstances in Common Law Judicial Review
- How the Law Guides
- On the Moral Necessity of Tort Law: The Fairness Argument
- The European Union as a Global Regulatory Power†
- Regulating Libra
- What Is Wrong with Empirical-Legal Research into Victimhood? A Critical Analysis of the Ordered Apology and the Victim Impact Statement
- The Starting at Home Principle: On Ritual Animal Slaughter, Male Circumcision and Proportionality
- Remedies, Analysed†
- Judicial Development of the Criminal Law by the Supreme Court
- Inherent Constraints on Constituent Power
- Philosophical Theorising on Taxation†
- Conscience, Abortion and Jurisdiction
- Homeland: Reconceptualising the Chagossians’ Litigation
- Political Constitutionalism and Legal Constitutionalism—an Imaginary Opposition?
- Justice in Automated Administration
- Law’s Image of the Human
- The United Kingdom’s Statutory Constitution
- Pater Knows Best: Withdrawal of Medical Treatment from Infants in Scotland
- Code, and Other Laws of Blockchain†
- ‘Responsive’ Remodelling of Competition Law Enforcement
- Towards a Theory of Legal Animal Rights: Simple and Fundamental Rights
- Male and Female Genital Cutting: Between the Best Interest of the Child and Genital Mutilation
- Non-waivability in Labour Law
- Sexual Consent and Having Sex Together
- Access to Justice and the Rule of Law
- Addressing Diversity in Post-unitary Theories of Order
- Suspended Deportation Orders: A Proposed Law to the Deportation of Foreign National Offenders from the UK
- Absolute Authority
- The Case Against the Theories of Rights
- Rights in Search of Protection†
- What the Centipede Knows: Polycentricity and ‘Theory’ for Common Lawyers
- Predictive Evidence and Unpredictable Freedom
- The Rationale and Purposes of Criminal Law and Punishment in Transitional Contexts
- The Introduction of Duty into English Law and the Development of the Legal Subject
- Negotiating Damages and the Compensatory Principle
- Deceptive Sexual Relations: A Theory of Criminal Liability
- The Race to the Bottom Revisited: International Labour Law, Global Trade and Evolutionary Game Theory
- Moral Consensus, Rights and Efficiency in the Economic Analysis of Law
- What Would the Defendant have Done but for the Wrong?
- Discrimination as an Individual Wrong
- The Inference to the Best Legal Explanation
- For a Law of Public Contract Per Se: An Intervention from Liberal Contract Theory
- The Mediation Process: Challenges to Neutrality and the Delivery of Procedural Justice
- Tort Liability for Belligerent Wrongs
- Is the ‘Mere Equity’ to Rescind a Legal Power? Unpacking Hohfeld’s Concept of ‘Volitional Control’
- Term Limits: What is a Term?
- The Rule of Law Case Against Inconsistency and in Favour of Mandatory Civil Legal Process
- The Rise of Covenant-lite Lending and Implications for the UK’s Corporate Insolvency Law Toolbox
- Triangulating Intrusion in Privacy Law
- The Myth of Flexible Universality: Human Rights and the Limits of Comparative Naturalism
- The Law Commissions: Constitutional Arrangements and the Rule of Law†
- A Truth-Seeking Justification for Press Freedom?†
- One Thicket in Fraud on a Power
- The ‘Policy’ That Invalidates Testamentary Conditions
- A Conservative Disposition and Constitutional Change
- The Heterogeneity of Tort Law
- Unfair Terms in Commercial Contracts and the Two Laws of Competition: French Law and English Law Contrasted
- The Role of Standards of Review in Labour Law
- The Contemporary Crisis of Constitutional Democracy†
- Strained Interpretations
- The Contra Proferentem Rule: Contract Law’s Great Survivor
- The Perils of Parliamentarism: The World Intellectual Property Organization and Indigenous Peoples
- Social Norms and the Internal Point of View: An Elaboration of Hart’s Genealogy of Law
- The Law’s Own Virtue
- The ‘Prima Facie Expectation Relief’ Approach in the Australian Law of Proprietary Estoppel
- Abolishing Juries of Matrons
- The Essence of Rape
- The Historical Treatment of Arbitration under English Law and the Development of the Policy Favouring Arbitration
- Criminal Justice Unhinged: The Challenge of Guilty Pleas
- Rethinking the Story of Cart v Upper Tribunal and Its Implications for Administrative Law
- Crime, Blameworthiness, and Outcomes
- Disregarding the Salomon Principle: An Empirical Analysis, 1885–2014
- If at First You Don’t Succeed: Suing Corporations for Climate Change
- Rights, Constitutions and the Perils of Panglossianism
- Family Law and Identity
- Science Friction: Streamlined Forensic Reporting, Reliability and Justice
- Common-Sense Causation in the Law
- The Fat Controller: Slimming Down the Excesses of Controlling Shareholders in UK Listed Companies
- The Prerogative Writs as Constitutional Transfer
- A Trust Network Model for Social Rights Fulfilment
- Deliberate, Principled, Self-Interested Law Breaking: The Ethics of Digital ‘Piracy’
- Changes and Challenges to the Contract of Employment†
- Illegal Working, Migrants and Labour Exploitation in the UK
- Private Law, Analytical Philosophy and the Modern Value of Wesley Newcomb Hohfeld: A Centennial Appraisal
- Law and Energy Transitions: Wind Turbines and Planning Law in the UK
- Amnesties in Strasbourg
- Between Power and Process: Legal and Political Control over (Inter)national Security†
- The Illuminati Problem and Rules of Recognition
- Privatising Border Control
- Director Liability in Insolvency and Its Vicinity
- The Official Point of View and the Official Claim to Authority
- Lifting the Judicial Identity Blackout
- Refusing Life-Prolonging Medical Treatment and the ECHR
- Conflict and Contract Law
- Why EU Law Claims Supremacy
- Contributory Negligence and the Rule of Avoidable Losses
- Rights, Harming and Wronging: A Restatement of the Interest Theory
- Three Concepts of Rights, Two of Property
- Law, Dignity and the Elusive Promise of a Third Way
- Modern Money Had and Received
- The Manner and Form Theory of Parliamentary Sovereignty: A Nelson’s Eye View of the UK Constitution?†
- The Real Legacy of American Legal Realism
- Remedies, Meet Economics; Economics, Meet Remedies
- The Opposite of Rape
- Comparative Administrative Law and Political Structure †
- Should the Payee Pay?
- Causation and Opportunity in Tort
- The United Kingdom’s New Opt-Out Class Action
- Retroactive Sentencing Changes: Exploring the Complications
- An Empirical Study of Punitive Damages
- Constitutional Directive Principles
- Germline Genetic Modification and Identity: the Mitochondrial and Nuclear Genomes
- Dignity and Human Rights: A Reconceptualisation
- The Normative Jinx
- The Costs of Civil Justice and Who Pays?
- Law and Habits
- Citizen Participation: A Critical Look at the Democratic Adequacy of Government Consultations
- Loss-Based Retributive Justifications of Punishment
- The Deformation of Contract in the Information Society
- Lord Eldon Redux: Information Asymmetry, Accountability and Fiduciary Loyalty
- Declaring Crimes