- Lives Well-Lived
- The Human and the Non-Human. Hedwig Conrad-Martius’s Plural, Ontological Phenomenology
- Knowledges “In the Land”? A Process Phenomenological Reading of Deborah Bird Rose’s “Exploring an Aboriginal Land Ethic”
- Anagrammatical Time: on the Grammar of Temporal Harm in the Afterlife of Slavery
- The Cannibal’s Antidote for Resentment: Diffracting Ressentiment through Decolonial Thought
- Aristotle and the Ends of Eros, or Aristotle’s Erotic Sublime?
- Interpretation and Truth in Kant’s Theory of Beauty
- Wanderings at Twilight: Jan Patočka, the Shaking of Meaning, the Seeking of Truth
- First Contact
- The World as Play: Fink, Gadamer, Patočka
- Estranged Kinship: Empathy and Animal Desire in Merleau-Ponty
- Corporeity and the Eurocentric Community: Recasting Husserl’s Crisis in Merleau-Ponty’s Ontology of the Flesh
- Politicizing Ontological Guilt: Arendt’s Transformative Appropriation of Heidegger’s Existential Analytic
- The Fraternity of Milk: Sovereignty and Anthropotheophagy in Derrida’s Unpublished Seminar Manger l’autre (1989–1990)
- The Political Logic of Experience and the Paradox of Expression
- Fūdosei and the Hermeneutics of Nature
- Difficult Conversations
- Creolization as Decolonial Theory
- Lost in Place: Nearing Homelessness as Boundless Emptiness of Mind
- Cosmological Topologies and the (De)formations of Things at Catastrophic Ends
- Drifting to the Periphery of the Ancient Greek World: on Images, Visions, and Dreams
- Affordances: on Luminous Abodes and Ecological Reason
- Place in Painting
- From the Darkness of Place: Malpas on Heidegger’s Topology of Being and Language
- The (Personal) Experience of Values – Scheler and Hildebrand
- Shame in the Philosophical Narrative of the Pour-Soi: On Sartre’s Being and Nothingness
- Environmentality: A Phenomenology of Generative Space in Husserl
- The Experience of the Alien and the Inter-world: From Waldenfels to Merleau-Ponty
- A Debilitating Colonial Duration: Reconfiguring Fanon
- Thinking the Event of Things
- After a Certain Posture: Dennis Schmidt and the “Ethical Struggle”
- Responding to One’s World: On the Language of Philosophy, the Idiom of the Artwork, and Conversation
- On Dennis Schmidt: The Sensibility of Understanding as Practical Philosophy
- The Three “Fundamental Deceptions” of Being and Time: Heidegger’s Phenomenology Revisited
- The “Phenomenon” in Mamardashvili’s Phenomenology of Ontological Maturation
- What Does Not Tremble Is Not Stable: Three Philosophical Streams from the Spring of (Un)Certainty
- Transpositions: Painting and the Phenomenological Fragments of the Unrecognizable
- Gadamer’s Hermeneutics: Between Phenomenology and Dialectic , written by Robert J. Dostal
- Pain Is an Event
- Aesthetic Resistance from the Andes and Beyond: The Possibilities and Limits of Anticolonial Sensing
- Compearance
- Questioning the “We” in Times of Global Threats with Butler and Levinas
- The Impossible Possibility of Community
- The Post-deconstructive Concept of Evidence
- Nancy’s Thinking of the Event
- The [Transplanted] Thinking Heart
- Toward a Paradigm Shift in the Philosophy of Testimony
- Historisch-kritische Ausgabe , written by Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling
- The Origin of the Phenomenology of Attention
- Toward a Radically New Philosophical Ecology
- Heidegger’s Conversational Pedagogy
- Dislodged Experience as an Overcoming of Reason: Towards a Phenomenology of Beyng
- Toward a Phenomenology of “The Other World”: This World as It Is for No One in Particular
- Nietzsche and the Self-Overcoming of Historical Consciousness
- Witnessing and Testimony in Hermeneutic Phenomenology
- “A Fuller Consciousness of Edges,” or, The Disequilibrium of Edward S. Casey’s The World on Edge
- The World on Edge: Reply to Birmingham/Lawlor
- The Age of Distance: On an Ancient Hand Gesture
- Edges Give Way: “Being on Edge and Falling Apart”
- Toward the Vanishing of the “Human”: Animal Becoming and Elemental Architecture
- Witnessing the Uninhabitable Place: On the Experience and Testimony of Refugees
- Gramáticas de lo inaudito as Decolonial Grammars: Notes for a Decolonization of Listening
- Dialectics of Silence for a Time of Crisis: Rethinking the Visionary Insights of Michel Serres and Simone Weil
- Towards a Philosophy of Crisis
- Political Hermeneutics and Social Interpretation
- The Question Concerning Literacy: Hatab on Speaking, Reading, and Writing
- Self-Consciousness without an “I”: A Critique of Zahavi’s Account of the Minimal Self
- The Sense of Propulsion: Sartre’s Freedom as Deleuzian Force
- The Poetic Way of Thinking
- “As Soon as a Man Comes to Life, He Is Old Enough to Die”: Heidegger and Chapter XX of Der Ackermann aus Böhmen
- On Derrida’s Donner le temps, Volumes I & II: A New Engagement with Heidegger
- Condillac and Derrida: Perception, the Human and Empiricism
- In Praise of “Being Pulled Up Short”
- Divining: ΥΔΩΡ, Opacity, and Thalean Considerations
- Liberatory Discourses and Beyond
- Fighting Fire with Fire: Thinking Φύσις at the Inception
- Four Transcendental Illusions of the Digital World: A Derridean Approach
- Where Is Negation in Merleau-Ponty’s Ontology? Symbolic Formation and the Implex
- “Clinging Stubbornly to the Antithesis of Assumptions”: On the Difference Between Hegel’s and Spinoza’s Systems of Philosophy
- Subjectivity Viewed as a Process
- A Strange Warm Heart for the Cold
- Schelling, Heidegger, and the Ambivalence of Will
- Debating the Art of an Anatheistic Wager: Recent Perspectives on Richard Kearney’s “God After God”
- Poetics of the As-If: A Response to B. Keith Putt
- Derrida, Heidegger and Industrial Agriculture: The Holocaust, Suffering and Compassion
- Analoga and Phantasmata: On the Intuitiveness of Imagination in Husserl and Sartre
- “A Kind of Magic”: Emotions, Imagination, Language – A Reading of Sartre
- Conscious and Unconscious Phantasy and the Phenomenology of Dreams
- The Lacuna of Hermeneutics: Notes on the Freedom of Thought
- The Matrixed Ontology and Primordial Symbolism
- Heidegger’s Trakl-Marginalia
- Merleau-Ponty’s Lectures on Heidegger
- A Nietzschean-Type Perspectivism: Derrida’s Reading of Heidegger’s Thesis on the Animal
- Faute de frappe: Derrida’s Typos
- Dislocating Heidegger: Nietzsche’s Presence in Derrida’s Geschlecht III
- “In the Watermark of Some Margin”: Heidegger’s Other Gesture
- We, the Unborn: On Derrida’s Geschlecht III
- Three Last Dubious Projects
- Abstract Art and the Interrogative Life
- Thank Goodness for the Atmosphere: Reflections on the Starry Sky and the Moral Law
- Frantz Fanon’s Engagement with Phenomenology: Unlocking the Temporal Architecture of Black Skin, White Masks
- Of a Ghost and Its Resurrection: María Zambrano on the Agony of Europe
- Issues: The Promise of a Speech Act
- Negative Philosophy: Time, Death and Nothingness
- Philosophies of Touch: from Aristotle to Phenomenology
- Emotion at the Edge
- Language, Alienation, and World-Disclosure
- Labor as Action: the Human Condition in the Anthropocene
- Body and Place as the Noetic-Noematic Structure of Geographical Experience
- Towards an Arendtian Conception of Justice
- The Pregnant Body and the Birth of the Other: Arendt’s Contribution to Original Ethics
- The Ugly Psyche: Arendt and the Right to Opacity
- Hannah Arendt and Philosophical Influence
- Hannah Arendt: Socratic Citizenship and Philosophical Critique
- Heidegger’s Nonpublic Writings
- Life, Death, Reproduction, and Chance
- Thinking Through the Politics of Black and Brown: Heidegger in the Thirties
- Betrayal: A Philosophy
- Phenomenology, Literature, Dissemination
- The Earth and Pregivenness in Transcendental Phenomenology
- Mass of Bodies, Body as a Mass: The Other of the Other in Jean-Luc Nancy
- Interpreting Silence?
- Justice beyond Presence: Sharing the Earth with the Dead and the Unborn
- Metaphorical Bridges
- The Invention of Life and the Force of Life
- The Anonymous Subject of Life—Some Philosophical, Psychological, and Religious Considerations
- Heidegger’s Daoist Turn
- Hiding Between Basho and Chōra
- Knowing Limits
- Dōgen and Continental Philosophy
- The Edge of Thinking
- Heidegger’s Confrontation with His Own Writings
- Falque’s Fraternal Finitude
- An Anachronic Response
- On the Task of Philosophy
- Hermeneutics as Slow Philosophy
- Response to Dennis Schmidt
- What Are Hermeneuts for?
- Exordio: Towards a Hermeneutics of Liberation
- We-Synthesis
- The Verge of Silence
- The Virtue of Joy
- A Philosopher Frog Leaps Out of the Western Well
- The Idolatry of Friendship
- God’s Playthings: Eugen Fink’s Phenomenology of Religion in Play as Symbol of the World
- Levinas and the Trauma of Responsibility
- Nothing Else Matters
- On the Ground of Images: Sacred Dogs and Monstrous Truth
- Body and Time-Space in Heidegger and Merleau-Ponty
- “In an Unbounded Way”
- Linguistic Hospitality—The Risk of Translation
- Logos, Chaos, and the Mythos of Modern Reason
- Hermeneutics and Democracy
- Musical “Covers” and the Culture Industry
- Δύναµις and , Ἐνέργεια and
- Gadamer and the Hermeneutics of Early Music Performance
- On Music and Memory through Μνήµη and Ἀνάµνησις
- On Touching the Violin
- Rhythm and Existence
- Intangible Matters
- Δύναµις and Dasein, Ἐνέργεια and Ereignis
- Proto-Phenomenology and the Call of Language
- Actualization and Realization
- Myth, Primitive Sign, Poetry: From Cassirer to Heidegger
- Heidegger’s Reassessment of and the Status of Metontological Inquiry in the Late Marburg Period
- Between Self-showing and Withdrawal: Heidegger’s Question of Being Reconsidered
- “The Very Place of Apparition”: Derrida on Husserl’s Concept of Noema
- Reality and Possibility: A Defense of Kant against New Realisms
- Self and Nature in Heidegger
- Blanchot and Klossowski on the Eternal Return of Nietzsche
- Masks and the Space of Play
- Critique of Transcendental Violence
- Sense, Language, and Ontology in Merleau-Ponty and Hyppolite
- Violence, Animality, and Territoriality
- Autoimmunities
- Heidegger’s National-Humanism
- Idiocy/Privacy
- Socrates’s Assault on the Ivory Tower
- Heidegger’s and the Logic of a History of Being
- Taxonomy and its Pleasures
- Towards a Non-Eurocentric Analysis of the World Crisis: Reconsidering Patočka’s Approach
- Dwelling and Hospitality: Heidegger and Hölderlin
- Heidegger on the Semblance of the Beautiful
- Are We a Conversation? Hermeneutics, Exteriority, and Transmittability
- Depopulation: On the Logic of Heidegger’s
- Recovering Anoriginal Relationality
- From Cruelty to : Derrida’s Death Penalty Seminar
- : Andrew Benjamin’s Relational Ontology
- Between Niobe and Mary
- Temporal Phronesis in the Anthropocene
- Exile in the Flow of Time
- Falling Man
- Memory in Exile
- Making Nietzsche’s Thought Groan: The History of Racisms and Foucault’s Genealogy of Nietzschean Genealogy in “”
- Reorienting Hermeneutics: Makkreel on Orientation and Judgment
- On the Materiality of Images: Philosophy, Painting, and Cinema. Review of Mauro Carbone’s
- Ontology as Critique: On Jean-Luc Nancy’s Inoperative Community
- Derrida in Debate with Husserl and Heidegger: Review of Françoise Dastur’s
- Bergson and the Development of Sartre’s Thought
- Rhythm and Technics: On Heidegger’s Commentary on Rimbaud
- Who is Heidegger’s Hölderlin?
- Words, Silence, Experiences: Derrida’s Responsibility
- Disseminating Time: Durations, Configurations, and Chance