- The Role of Joking for Learning Science: An Exploration of Spontaneous Humour in Two Physics Education Settings
- Reflections of Pre-Service Science Teachers’ Understanding of the Nature of Science on a Socioscientific Issue
- Investigating Prospective Elementary Teachers’ Views of Nature of Science in a Philippine Teacher Education Institution
- Philosophical Foundations of Sciences and Prospects of Multivalued Logic in Describing Thinking
- Examining Mathematics Teachers Noticing the Rationality: Scenario-Based Training with AI Chatbot
- Teaching Mastery Through Visualization
- Integration of Engineering Practices into Primary Science Classrooms
- Looking Back, Moving Forward, and Strengthening HPSS Scholarship in Science Education
- Making Argumentation-Based Learning and Teaching Happen: Exploring the Development of Pre-Service Science Teachers’ Argumentation Competencies
- Political Science as a Science
- Attacking a Straw Man? A theoretical alternative and an exploratory empirical approach on how to “inoculate” students against astrology
- Explicating a Satisfying Definition of the Scientist
- Indigenous Knowledge and Practices of the Tigray People: How Do Teachers and Students Perceive Its Integration in Science and Mathematics Education?
- How Scientists Perceive NOS and Its Value for Science Communication
- Case Study Pedagogy in Disaster Education
- Mobilization of Scientific Knowledge Domains to Build Epistemic Practices Among Pre-service Chemistry Teachers
- Philosophy of Science Made Simple and Relevant
- Education for Disaster Justice
- Representations of Nature of Science in Chinese Physics Curriculum Standards over the Past Two Decades
- The Meeting of Old Friends: Exploring the Art-Science Dynamic in the Context of Astronomy and Astronomy Education
- The Effectiveness of the Interactive Book Reading on Primary School Students’ Images of Scientists
- Exploring the Impact of a Task-specific Warning to Overcome Intuitive Interference: Humble Lesson on How to Teach in the Context of Representational Plurality
- Unmasking Gender Stereotypes
- (Re)connecting Music and Ecology
- Estimating Epistemic Practices Loads in Elementary and Middle School Science Curricula
- Students’ Proof Construction through Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning: The Perspectives of Habermas’ Theory of Rationality and Duval’s Theory of Registers of Semiotic Representation
- Evaluation of the Level of Selected Inquiry Skills Among Grammar School Students
- Scientists’ Views About Nature of Science in the Context of Socioscientific Issues
- Exploring Pre-service Teachers’ Reasoning Levels on Pseudoscientific and Scientific Texts
- Nepali Cultural Worldview as Eclectic Space in Transformative Action Research for Post-Critical Scientific Literacy
- Scientifically Together, Politically Apart?
- Effect of Amount of Guidance in Inquiry-Based Physics Laboratory on Conceptual Understanding and Metacognitive Awareness
- Development and Validation of an Instrument to Assess Pre-service Physics Teachers’ Views on Non-Epistemic Nature of Science
- The Concept of Weight as Reflecting the Epistemological Changes in Physics
- From COVID-19 to Quartile 1: Editor’s Reflections and Farewell
- Embracing Representational Plurality to Bypass Misconceptions in Science Education
- An Investigation of High School Students’ Attitudes and Perceptions About the Diversity of Scientific Methods in Chemistry Learning
- Technology‑Embedded Argument‑DrivenInquiry in Preservice Chemistry Teacher Education
- Exploring Science Teacher’s Perspectives on the Disciplinary Core Idea Map of Genetic Variation
- Essentialism in Biology: Contributions to Teaching
- Pre-service Teachers’ Progression in Incorporating Science in Social Context in the Classroom
- Youth Climate Questions
- The Ether Concept from Spanish Physics Textbooks (1840–1950)
- Comparison of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology Teachers’ Perceptions of Nature of Science and Domains of Science
- Public Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors Toward Educational Renewable Energy Sources in Arab Society in Israel
- Teachers’ Use of Rational Questioning to Support Students’ Collective Argumentation Through 5E-Based Flipped Classroom Approach Using GeoGebra
- Why Teachers (Do Not) Integrate History of Science into Physics Courses
- Art and Science
- Digital Transition Framework for Higher Education in AI-Assisted Engineering Teaching
- Paternity Test: Is Mendel the Father of Genetics, and Why Should Science Educators Care?
- A “Scientific Fairy Tale” of Origin of Mammals
- Promoting 21st Century Emerging Technologies in Science Education In Light of Photonics Education Framework
- Cultivating Environmental Consciousness
- Examining Bhutanese Science Teachers’ Epistemic Views of Scientific Inquiry
- Turkish Science Teachers’ Views on Nature of Science: Curriculum and Implementation
- Integrating Science Education Through Cross-Disciplinary Digital Picture Books
- Impact of GPT on the Academic Ecosystem
- Understanding STEM Teachers’ Power Distance Values from a Sociocultural Perspective on Interdisciplinary Collaboration
- Conflicting Views of Nature and Their Impact on Evolution Understanding
- Exploring the Perpetuation and Disruption of Gendered, Racial, and Working Style Stereotypes in U.S. Life Science Textbooks
- Self-Study and Discussion Promote Students’ Science Learning
- Bhutanese Primary Science Teachers’ Epistemic Beliefs of Science
- Becoming ‘Wild Citizens’: Children’s Articulation of Environmental Citizenship in the Context of Biodiversity Loss
- Representational Pluralism in Science Education
- Why We Eat Calories: A Plurality Metaphor of Energy in Scientific Disciplines
- Managing Wide Plurality Through Metarepresentations
- Sustainability as Living Architecture
- A Map for the Ontological Crossroads
- Preservice Biology Teachers’ Beliefs About Evidence-Based Medicine and Alternative Medicine
- Measuring Self-Efficacy Beliefs in Teaching Inquiry-Based Science and the Nature of Scientific Inquiry
- Is the Effect of Educational Attainments on Trust in Scientists Underestimated?
- The Power of Tentative Truth: The Impacts of Enhanced Science Instruction on Student Paranormal Beliefs
- When Nature of Science Meets Quantum Physics: Insights from NOS Representation in Chinese Physics Textbooks
- Anthropocene Literacy for Science Education
- Preservice Secondary Science Teachers’ Nature of Science Views, Rationales, and Teaching During a NOS Course Guided by RFN: a Multiple Case Study
- Exploring a New Geometric-mechanical Artefact for Calculus
- ‘We Often Forget It Was a Disaster’: Cross-Curricular Teacher Collaboration to Develop a Curriculum Unit on the Titanic Disaster
- The Effects of Designing Scientific Experiments with Visual Programming Language on Learning Outcomes
- On a New Taxonomy of Concepts and Conceptual Change: In Search of the Brain’s Probabilistic Language of Learning Scientific Concepts
- Uncertainty, Risk, and Decision-Making:
- Exploring Nature of Science Understanding, Science Self-efficacy and Their Relationships Among Secondary School Pre-service Science Teachers in Ethiopia
- Teaching Socioscientific Issues: A Systematic Review
- Technology-Enhanced Collaborative Inquiry in K–12 Classrooms: A Systematic Review of Empirical Studies
- History of Science in Physics Education in the Last Decade: Which Direction We Are Heading?
- A Didactic and Metatheoretical Characterization of Computational Simulations in Science Education
- (Re)considering Nature of Science Education in the Face of Socio-scientific Challenges and Injustices
- Science Teacher Perceptions of the State of Knowledge and Education at the Advent of Generative Artificial Intelligence Popularity
- Replicating the Fontana-Ingenhousz Eudiometer
- Exploring the Nature of Science Conceptions of University Science Professors Using the Family Resemblance Framework
- A Liberal Arts Curriculum that Situates Science While Promoting STEM Graduation
- Intercultural Education as Dialogue Between Knowledge Systems: Elements of a Theoretical Framework
- Five Essential Features of Scientific Inquiry in Bahraini Primary School Science Textbooks and Workbooks
- Lineage Thinking in Evolutionary Biology: How to Improve the Teaching of Tree Thinking
- A Review on the Use of Large Language Models as Virtual Tutors
- Collaborative Learning with Artificial Intelligence Speakers
- Enhancing Argumentation and Decision-Making of Preservice Early Childhood Education Teachers Through Role-Playing on Animal Experimentation
- Scientific Truth in a Post-Truth Era: A Review*
- A Systematic Review Using Feminist Perspectives on the Factors Affecting Girls’ Participation in STEM Subjects
- The Observer Concept in Science as a Basis for Its Further Curricular Application Within the Discipline-Culture Paradigm
- Chinese Grades 1–9 Students’ Views of the Nature of Science
- Breaking Free from Laplace’s Chains
- The Influence of Extended Reality on Climate Change Education
- Portrayals of Scientists in Science Textbooks of Secondary Schools in Iran: A Qualitative Study in the History of Science
- Physics Pre-service Teachers’ Conceptual Understanding of Scientific Literacy
- The Practical Epistemologies of Design and Artificial Intelligence
- Impact of Argument-Driven Inquiry Activities on Pre-service Science Teachers’ Views of the Nature of Scientific Inquiry in the Context of Climate Change Education
- Exploring Gender Constructs: Colombian and Mexican Biology Teachers’ Perspectives
- Confronting Imminent Challenges in Humane Epistemic Agency in Science Education: An Interview with ChatGPT
- Traces of Bildung in Upper Secondary Science Education: A Critical Investigation of Chemistry Teachers’ Orientation Towards Promoting Bildung in Chemistry Education
- Using Text Mining to Identify Teleological Explanations in Physics and Biology Textbooks: An Exploratory Study
- Unpacking Epistemic Insights of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Science Education: A Systematic Review
- Reconceptualized Family Resemblance Approach to the Nature of Science in Middle-School Science Textbooks from Brazil and South Korea Regarding Environmental Issues
- Cross-Referenced Perspectives on Three Science Teachers’ Practices Incorporating the History of Science in their Classrooms
- Beyond the Passive Absorption of Information: Engaging Students in the Critical Reading of Scientific Articles
- Frontier Development and Insights of International Educational Science Research in the journals Nature and Science: a Systematic Literature Review over 40 Years
- Epistemic Insights as Design Principles for a Teaching-Learning Module on Artificial Intelligence
- Science Education in the USA During the Cold War
- The Role of Materiality in an Era of Generative Artificial Intelligence
- Embodiment Matters in Knowledge Building
- Science Textbooks: Aids or Obstacles to Inquiry Teaching? Science Teachers’ Experiences in Norwegian Secondary Schools
- Virtual Reality and Spatial Cognition: Bridging the Epistemic Gap Between Laboratory and Real-World Insights
- List of Reviewers Contributing to Volume 32, 2023
- Exploring Diverse Views of Taiwanese Christians on Teaching Evolution from the Perspective of Worldviews
- Can Generative AI and ChatGPT Outperform Humans on Cognitive-Demanding Problem-Solving Tasks in Science?
- Investigating the Representation of Practical Work in Chemistry Classroom Teaching by Focusing on the Diversity of Scientific Methods
- Does Interference Between Intuitive Conceptions and Scientific Concepts Produce Reliable Inter-individual Differences? A Psychometric Analysis
- Investigating Science Teachers’ Nature of Science Conceptions and Argumentation in a Science Methods Course
- Enhancing Science Education Through Visual Art and Complex Storytelling Using the Book “The Case Study of Einstein, Eddington, and the Eclipse: Travel Impressions”
- The non-epistemic dimension, at last a key component in mainstream theoretical approaches to teaching the nature of science
- Drawing a Portrayal of Science Teachers’ Epistemic Cognitions Around Different Concepts Characterizing Science Education
- The Effect of Argumentation on Middle School Students’ Scientific Literacy as well as their Views, Attitudes and Knowledge About Socioscientific Issues
- HPS for All in Journal’s Metrics
- Performative Bundles: How Teaching Narratives and Academic Language Build Mental Models of Mechanisms
- Contextualizing a Natural Phenomenon: Lightning in Eighteenth-Century Natural Philosophy, Religion, and the Arts
- First-Year Teacher Education Students’ Epistemological Beliefs About Science and History: Domain-Specific Profiles and Relationships
- How Scientists Themselves May be Responsible for Science Distrust
- The Contributions of Philosophy of Science in Science Education Research: a Literature Review
- An Improved Model to Help University Students Understand and Assess Results of Science in the Making
- The Use of Anticipation Guides in Reading Activities to Support College Students in Developing Scientific Written Arguments
- Index Collaborative Analysis of Green Chemistry Literacy and Public Literacy of Ideological and Political Consciousness
- Investigating Equitable Representation in K-8 Science Textbook Portrayal of Scientists
- A Case Study on Text Formats in Undergraduate Physics Courses: Focus on a Professor’s Voice
- Science Education Collaboration Network: the Case of the Cultural-Historical Activity Theory
- Dewey and Rousseau on Experience-Based Science Education
- No Time to Waste: Revisiting Time for Science Education
- The Development of Pre-service Primary Teachers’ Understanding and Skills of Argumentation through Argument Driven Inquiry
- Understanding Science Identity Development Among College Students
- Representations of Nature of Science in Science Textbooks
- Mozambican Preservice Chemistry Teachers’ Performance when Analysing Textbook Analogies About the Atom
- Politicizing ‘Learning by Doing’: Shiono Naomichi and the Cultivation of the ‘Japanese Spirit’ in Primary and Secondary Science Education in Japan from 1931–1958
- Natural History Museum Guides’ Conceptions on the Integration of the Nature of Science
- The Critical Role of Understanding Epistemic Practices in Science Teaching Using Wicked Problems
- Minoritized Pre-service Teachers’ Negotiated Border Crossings
- Impact of Instruction Based on a Validated Learning Progression on the Argumentation Competence of Preservice Elementary Science Teachers
- The Chimera, the Robot Artist, and the Cardboard Hand
- Reasoning in the Era of COVID-19 Pandemic
- A Science Teacher’s Autoethnographic Reflections on Teaching Nature of Science
- Scientific Values and the Value of Science
- Scientific Thinking and Critical Thinking in Science Education
- Who Says Scientific Laws Are Not Explanatory?
- Use of Drawings and Connections Between Epistemic Practices in Grade 1 Science Lessons
- Engineering in grades 1–9 science education standard from China
- Investigating the Nature of Science in Reformed Chinese Biology Curriculum Standards
- The Role of Communication Media in Argumentative Discourse
- Preschool Teachers’ Argumentation on Socioscientific Issues Scenarios
- Learning About Different Models of Theory Change Using an Adapted Mystery Tube Activity in Science Teacher Education
- ‘Happy Stories’ of Swedish Exceptionalism
- Family Resemblance Approach in Science Education
- Elaborating Nature of Engineering Through Family Resemblance Approach
- Cobra Effect in Science Education?
- The Value of the Philosophy of Science in Senior High School Science Education from the Perspective of the Nature of Science
- Research on the Nature of Science in China’s Current High School Physics Textbooks
- Pre-service Science Teachers’ Epistemic Beliefs, Nature of Science Views, and Beliefs in Pseudoscience
- Evaluation of Nature of Science Representations in Biology School Textbooks Based on a Differentiated Family Resemblance Approach
- “L’Avenir” and the Courage to Make the Future What We Need
- A Conversation with Michael Matthews
- Upper Secondary School Science Teachers’ Values in Sweden:
- Exploring the Role of Multiplist Epistemic Beliefs on COVID-19 Conspiracies and Prevention Among Undergraduates
- Rethinking the Nature of Engineering: Attending to the Social Context of Engineering
- The Effect of Textbook Analysis as a Teacher Professional Development Tool on Teacher Understanding of Nature of Science
- Exploring the boundaries in an interdisciplinary context through the Family Resemblance Approach: The Dialogue Between Physics and Mathematics
- A Framework for Evidentiary Reasoning in Biology: Insights from Laboratory Courses Focused on Evolutionary Tree-thinking
- An Explicit and Reflective Approach to Teaching Nature of Science in a Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience
- Reframing Chemical Thinking Through the Lens of Disciplinary Essential Questions and Perspectives for Teaching and Learning Chemistry
- Developing a Phenomenographic Argument for Science Teacher Educators’ Conceptions Regarding Question-Asking
- Comparing Practical Items in High-Stake Exams in Different Science Subjects: in View of the Diversity of Scientific Methods
- Exploring Middle School Science Teachers’ Error-Reaction Patterns by Classroom Discourse Analysis
- STEM and Non-STEM Misconceptions About Evolution: Findings from 5 Years of Data
- Agency and Transformative Potential of Technology in Students’ Images of the Future
- Indonesian Prospective Teachers’ Scientific Habits of Mind:A Cross‑Grade Study in the Context of Local and Global Socio‑scientific Issues
- What Is the Role of the Body in Science Education? A Conversation Between Traditions
- The Impact of the Curriculum on Pre-service Physics Teachers’ Nature of Science Conceptions
- A Mythical Exploration of Evolutions and Existence
- Epistemological and Didactic Reflections on Teacher Training in France
- Using the History of the Super-Organismic-Plant-Community Concept To Help Students Understand the Nature of Science
- Let them research with
- To FRA or not to FRA: What is the question for science education?
- Curiosity Empowerment for Mathematics Learning
- The Method of Observation in Science Education: Characteristic Dimensions from an Educational Perspective
- Effectiveness of Inquiry-Based Instructional Design for Developing the Scientific Competency and Interdisciplinary Knowledge of Preservice Elementary Teachers
- Picturing Benjamin Franklin’s Kite Experiment in the Nineteenth Century
- Trends and Hot Topics of STEM and STEM Education: a Co-word Analysis of Literature Published in 2011–2020
- Investigating the Development of Preservice Science Teachers’ Nature of Science Instructional Views Across Rings of the Family Resemblance Approach Wheel
- The Historiography of Biology and Why It Matters
- Challenging Modeling for Ohm’s Law through Open-Ended In-depth Inquiry
- A Conceptual Framework on Imaginative Education-Based Engineering Curriculum
- Climate Change and the Social World: Discourse Analysis of Students’ Intuitive Understandings
- Scientists in the Textbook
- Secondary Science Teachers’ Instructional Strategies for Promoting the Construction of Scientific Explanations
- Ecological Stimuli Predicting High School Students’ Genuine Interest in Socio-Scientific Issues
- Science Teachers’ Views on the Nature of Science and its Integration into Instruction
- Science Teachers’ Challenging Questions for Encouraging Students to Think and Speak in Novel Ways
- Design-Oriented Thinking in STEM education
- Thomas Kuhn and Science Education
- High School and College Students’ Graph-Interpretation Competence in Scientific and Daily Contexts of Data Visualization
- Trust in Science and Science Education—Part 2
- Modeling and Representing Conceptual Change in the Learning of Successive Theories
- Development and Validation of an Epistemological Profile Questionnaire in a Museum Environment
- Toward Understanding Science as a Whole
- Representation of Changes about Nature of Science in Turkish Middle School Science Textbooks
- Nature of Engineering
- The Impact of Integrating Tribal Culture and Science Education Through Information and Communication Technology
- Using Card Sort Epistemic Network Analysis to Explore Preservice Teachers’ Ideas About the Nature of Engineering
- History of Pressure Implemented in a Nature of Science Professional Development Program for Science Teachers
- Enhancing Students’ Learning of the Concept of Equilibrium Through a Culturally Responsive Inquiry of the Bulan Kite
- Modelling Roles of Mathematics in Physics
- Astronomy and Culture
- Analysis of the Last 40 Years of Science Education Research via Bibliometric Methods
- Inquiry Activity Design from Singaporean and Indonesian Physics Textbooks
- Nature of Science in Norway’s Recent Curricula Reform
- Is There a Limit to Resemblances?
- Enhancing Computational Thinking Skills Through Artificial Intelligence Education at a STEAM High School
- Correlations Among High School Students’ Beliefs about Conspiracy, Authoritarianism, and Scientific Literacy
- Improving Teachers’ and Students’ Views on Nature of Science Through Active Instructional Approaches: a Review of the Literature
- Improving Students’ Conceptions of Nature of Science: A Review of the Literature
- How is Students’ Understanding of Nature of Science Related with Their Metacognitive Awareness?
- Examining the Formation of High School Students’ Science Identity
- Evolution: from Nature to Classroom
- Exploration of the Relationships Among Epistemic Views of Physics, Conceptions of Learning Physics, and Approaches to Learning Physics for College Engineering Students
- Scientific Knowledge vs. Knowledge of Science
- Examining Biology Curricular Resources’ Scientific Depictions of Evolution, Race, Sexuality, and Identity
- Examining the Changes in Representations of Nature of Science in Chinese Senior High School Chemistry Textbooks
- Trust in Science and Science Education — Part 1
- Heroes and Helpmeets
- Pre-service Chemistry Teachers’ Views about the Tentative and Durable Nature of Scientific Knowledge
- Revisiting the Foundations of the Family Resemblance Approach to Nature of Science: Some New Ideas
- The Influence of Real-Context Scientific Activities on Preservice Elementary Teachers’ Thinking and Practice of Nature of Science and Scientific Inquiry
- A Systematic Review of Research on Family Resemblance Approach to Nature of Science in Science Education
- Representations of the Nature of Science in South African Physical Sciences Textbooks on Electricity and Magnetism
- Developing Students’ Critical Thinking Skills and Argumentation Abilities Through Augmented Reality–Based Argumentation Activities in Science Classes
- Exploring the Inclusion of Nature of Science in Turkish Middle School Science Textbooks
- Distinguishing Nature of Science Beliefs, Knowledge and Understandings
- Abduction as a Mode of Inference in Science Education
- “Trust Me, I’m a Scientist”
- Analysis of High School Students’ Argumentative Dialogues in Different Modelling Situations
- The Development of Nature of Science Understandings Questionnaire within Associated Approaches
- The Construction of Civil Scientific Literacy in China from the Perspective of Science Education
- Co-design of a Teaching–Learning Sequence to Address COVID‑19 as a Socio‑scientific Issue in an Infodemic Context
- Must Introductory Genetics Start with Mendel?
- A Model-Based Analysis of the Museo Galileo Interactive Area
- Integration of Philosophy of Science in Biomedical Data Science Education to Foster Better Scientific Practice
- Stereotypical Attributes of Scientists and Engineers in Jokes
- Trust in the Third Space of Science Education
- A Justification of Legitimate Teleological Explanations in Physics Education
- Preservice Elementary Teachers’ Socioscientific Reasoning During a Decision-Making Activity in the Context of COVID-19
- Modelling Authenticity in Science Education
- Making Sense of Uncertainty in the Science Classroom
- Multivariate Analysis of Beliefs in Pseudoscience and Superstitions Among Pre-service Teachers in Spain
- Promoting Young Learners’ NOS Views Through Place-Based SSI Instruction
- Education for Sustainability Meets Confucianism in Science Education
- Learning Science in Context: Integrating a Holistic Approach to Nature of Science in the Lower Secondary Classroom
- How a Student Uses Knowledge as a Resource to Solve Scientific Problems: A Case Study on Science Learning as Rediscovery
- Developing Primary School Students’ Abilities to Evaluate the Evidence of Written Scientific Arguments
- ‘Should We Be Doing It, Should We Not Be Doing It, Who Could Be Harmed?’
- FEW and Far Between
- The Disappearance of Natural History, Fieldwork, and Live Organism Study from American Biology Teacher Education
- Summary Lecture as a Delay Organizer of Cultural Content Knowledge
- Improving Preservice Primary Teachers’ Understanding of the Nature of Methods of Science Through Reflective Reading of News Articles
- Explicit Instruction of Scientific Uncertainty in an Undergraduate Geoscience Field-Based Course
- Investigating Elementary Teachers’ Views, Implementation, and Longitudinal Enactment of Nature of Science Instruction
- Using Drama to Enrich Students’ Argumentation About Genetically Modified Foods
- List of Reviewers Contributing to Volume 30, 2021
- Trust, Science Education and Vaccines
- Too Philosophical, Therefore Useless for Science Education?
- Hot Topics and Frontier Evolution of Science Education Research: a Bibliometric Mapping from 2001 to 2020
- Genetics in Context
- Investigation of Pre-service Teachers’ Conceptions of the Nature of Science Based on the LDA Model
- Making a Necessity of Virtue in Science Education
- Teaching Mars Literature
- Students’ Argumentation in Science Lessons
- Facilitating Middle School Students’ Reasoning About Vaccines
- Climate Change and Political Controversy in the Science Classroom
- The Problem of Trust Without Intimacy: Education for Handling Expert Knowledge in a Neoliberal Marketplace
- Towards Equitable, Social Justice Criticality: Re-Constructing the “Black” Box and Making it Transparent for the Future of Science and Technology in Science Education
- Exploring Pre-service Science Teachers’ Understanding of Scientific Inquiry and Scientific Practices Through a Laboratory Course
- Quality Indicators of an Experienced Middle School Science Teacher’s Argument‑Based Inquiry Teaching
- Exploring the Role of Trust in Scientists to Explain Health-Related Behaviors in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Untangling Trustworthiness and Uncertainty in Science
- STEM Problem Solving: Inquiry, Concepts, and Reasoning
- The Public Discussion on Flat Earth Movement
- Aspects and Abilities of Science Literacy in the Context of Nature of Science Teaching
- Investigation of Preservice Science Teachers’ Nature of Science Understanding and Decision Making on Socioscientific Issue through the Fractal Model
- Modeling the Epistemic Value of Classroom Practice in the Investigation of Effective Learning
- History of Science in Two Recent Versions of High School Physics Textbooks in China
- Teachers’ Conceptions About Science and Pseudoscience
- A Trial Patch to Sustainable Development
- Challenging the “Science from nowhere” perspective in the classroom
- Teaching What Is “Real” About Science
- Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein
- Trust and Mistrust in Sources of Scientific Information on Climate Change and Vaccines
- Do We Have a Trust Problem? Exploring Undergraduate Student Views on the Tentativeness and Trustworthiness of Science
- Not Only Why but Also How to Trust Science: Reshaping Science Education Based on Science Studies for a Better Post-pandemic World
- Socioscientific Issues Thinking and Action in the Midst of Science-in-the-Making
- Ethnicity and Gender in Museum Representations of Human Evolution
- Investigating Scientists’ Views of the Family Resemblance Approach to Nature of Science in Science Education
- Exploratory Considerations in Chemistry Education—Didactic Modelling for Complexity in Students’ Discussions
- Critical Rationalism and Trust in Science
- Quantification in Empirical Activity
- The Committed Objectivity of Science and the Importance of Scientific Knowledge in Ethical and Political Education
- Trustworthiness of Science in Debate: Challenges, Responses, and Implications
- Secondary and University Students’ Descriptions of Quantum Uncertainty and the Wave Nature of Quantum Particles
- How Did Darwin Prefer His Tea?
- Long-Lasting Conceptual Change in Science Education
- Using the Controversy over Human Race to Introduce Students to the Identification and the Evaluation of Arguments
- A Model for Teaching About the Nature of Science in the Context of Biological Education
- Leaving the laboratory: Using Field Science to Disrupt and Expand Historically Enduring Narratives of Science Teaching and Learning
- Educating for Responsible Research Practice in Biomedical Sciences
- Modeling a Theoretical Construct on Pupils’ Difficulties in Problem Solving
- Examining the Nature of Practical Work in School Science Textbooks: Coverage of the Diversity of Scientific Methods
- Teaching Science as a Process, Not a Set of Facts
- Social Character of Science and Its Connection to Epistemic Reliability
- Post-Truth and Education
- On Idealizations and Models in Science Education
- An Educational Reconstruction of Special Relativity Theory for Secondary Education
- The Impact of Life Philosophy and Major Field of Study on Brazilian Students’ Knowledge of Biological Evolution
- Who Speaks for Science?
- Integration of the Topic of Social Justice into High School Biology Curricula
- Our Friend the Atom
- Feng Shui in Science Programmes
- South African Grade 12 Science Students’ Understandings of Scientific Inquiry
- Multivariate and Longitudinal Profile of Brazilian Journals on Science Education from 2013 to 2019
- Moral Considerations of Artificial Intelligence
- Expert Text Analysis in the Inclusion of History and Philosophy of Science in Higher Education
- Analysing Transdisciplinary Education: A Scoping Review
- Spanish Science Teacher Educators’ Preparation, Experiences, and Views About Nature of Science in Science Education
- Construction of a Review About Epigenetics for Biology Teachers and Other Non-experts
- The Cosmic Interaction
- The Devil’s Advocate
- Using Children’s Literature in the Middle School Science Class to Teach Nature of Science
- Cultivating Science Teachers’ Understandings of Science as a Discipline
- Influence of Public Engagement with Science on Scientific Information Literacy During the COVID‑19 Pandemic
- Middle School Science Teachers’ Discursive Purposes and Talk Moves in Supporting Students’ Experiments
- A Virtue Epistemological Approach to the Demarcation Problem
- Teachers’ Incorporation of Epistemic Practices in K-8 Engineering and Their Views About the Nature of Engineering Knowledge
- The Theoretical Foundations of Feng Shui and Science Education in China
- Education for Sustainability and Environment: Searching for the Perfect Plate
- Exploring Pre-service Biology Teachers’ Informal Reasoning and Decision-Making About COVID-19
- Why People Trust Something Other than Science
- Principles of Creative Problem Solving in AI Systems
- Purpose is Dead, Long Live Purpose!
- Feng Shui and the Demarcation Project
- A Model-Based Constructivist Approach for Bridging Qualitative and Quantitative Aspects in Teaching and Learning the First Law of Thermodynamics
- Correction to: Computational Thinking, Between Papert and Wing
- Correction to: Epistemic and Political Confrontations Around the Public Policies to Fight COVID-19 Pandemic
- In Sickness and in Health
- Correction to: Choose Your Evidence
- Bringing Science Fiction Story Writing to Saudi Science Education
- Lessons from the Past: Reviewing How We Teach Science, What’s Changed, and Why It Matters
- A Theoretical Framework for Integrated STEM Education
- Science and Fengshui
- Misconceptions, Knowledge, and Attitudes Towards the Phenomenon of Radioactivity
- Methodological Diversity in HPS-Informed Science Education Research
- What do COVID-19 Tweets Reveal about Public Engagement with Nature of Science?
- Is Uncertainty a Barrier or Resource to Advance Science? The Role of Uncertainty in Science and Its Implications for Science Teaching and Learning
- The Dynamics of Perspective in Quantum Physics
- Bangladeshi Science Teachers’ Perceived Importance and Perceived Current Practices in Promoting Science Education Through a Context-Based, Socio-scientific Framework
- Correction to: Science Education and the Pandemic, 1 Year On
- Do What Darwin Did
- Teaching Traditional Chinese Science as a Part of a NOS Curriculum in Hong Kong
- The Universality of Science and Traditional Chinese Medicine
- A Textbook Analysis to Uncover the Hidden Contributors of Science and Mathematics
- On Beyond Constructivism
- Shift From a Traditional to a Distance Learning Environment during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Educational Practices in Sommerfeld School
- Integrating History of Science in In‑service Physics Teacher Education: Impact on Teachers’ Practice
- Le Châtelier’s Principle a Language, Methodological and Ontological Obstacle: An Analysis of General Chemistry Textbooks
- Respect for Evidence: Can Science Education Deliver It?
- Strands of Science Teaching
- Reintroducing “the” Scientific Method to Introduce Scientific Inquiry in Schools?
- A Toolkit for (Technocratic) Environmental Sustainability
- Evidence of Foundational Knowledge and Conjectural Pathways in Science Learning Progressions
- Exploring Science Identity Development of Women in Physics and Physical Sciences in Higher Education
- Investigating Student Nature of Science Views as Reflections of Authentic Science
- Choose Your Evidence
- Computational Thinking, Between Papert and Wing
- Elementary School Children’s Explanations of Day and Night
- A Growing Body of Knowledge
- Data-Texts in the Sciences
- Aspects About Science in the Context of Production and Communication of Knowledge of COVID-19
- Environmental Education and Complexity
- Between Scientific Ideas and Christian Religious Beliefs
- Towards Covid-19 Literacy
- Observation and Inference in Chemistry Teaching: a Model-Based Approach to the Integration of the Macro and Submicro Levels
- Middle School Students’ Scientific Epistemological Beliefs, Achievements in Science and Intellectual Risk-Taking
- Epistemic and Political Confrontations Around the Public Policies to Fight COVID-19 Pandemic
- Analysis of Engineering Elements of K-12 Science Standards in Seven Countries Engaged in STEM Education Reform
- On the Epistemic Value of Students’ Conceptions in Science Education
- Using Science Biographies to Understand Science: Why and How?
- Astrobiology, The Way Forward
- The Mona Lisa – A Prototype for Multidisciplinary Science Education
- The Coherence Between Epistemologies and SSI Teaching
- Secondary School Students’ Reasoning About Science and Personhood
- The Evolutionary Thought of Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
- Does Concrete Content Help People to Reason Scientifically?
- Scientific Literacy and Social Transformation
- Developing and Using Multiple Models to Promote Scientific Literacy in the Context of Socio-Scientific Issues
- India’s National Science Talent Search Examination (1963–1976)
- Correction to: The Connection Between the Body and the Environment: a Changing View
- Augmented Reality Application for Handheld Devices
- When Science Denial Meets Epistemic Understanding
- Examining Teaching Emphases of History of Science in Award-Winning Science Lesson Plans in Macao
- Correction to: A Multi-Perspective Reflection on How Indigenous Knowledge and Related Ideas Can Improve Science Education for Sustainability
- List of Reviewers Contributing to Volume 29, 2020
- Science Education and the Pandemic, 1 Year On
- Making Connections
- Review of “Theorizing the Future of Science Education Research” Edited by Vaughan Prain and Brian Hand
- Beyond Hypothesis Testing
- History of Science in Physics Teaching
- Neuroscience as a Contemporary Science Domain to Contextualize Nature of Science Instruction
- An Eco-cognitive Model of Abductive Reasoning
- The Role of Physical and Computer-Based Experiences in Learning Science Using a Complex Systems Approach
- Rosalind Franklin and the Discovery of the Structure of DNA
- Biological Conceptualization of Race
- Students’ Views of Nature of Science
- Measuring Pupils’ Attitudes Towards Socioscientific Issues
- Pre-Service Teachers’ Analysis of Claims About COVID-19 in an Online Course
- Risk Society and Science Education
- Investigating Conflation of Sex and Gender Language in Student Writing About Genetics
- Providing Undergraduates with Opportunities to Explicitly Reflect on How News Articles Promote the Public (Mis)understanding of Science
- From Basic to Humane Genomics Literacy
- Genetics and Identity
- Development of the Inquiry-Based Science Teaching Efficacy Scale for Primary Teachers
- Using Explicit Teaching of Philosophy to Promote Understanding of the Nature of Science
- Behavioral Genetics, Population Genetics, and Genetic Essentialism
- The Presentation of Science Practice in Twenty Historical Cases
- Exploring Spatial Cognitive Process Among STEM Students and Its Role in STEM Education
- Elly Vintiadis, Constantin Mekios (eds): Brute Facts, Emergence, and Scientific Explanation
- A Review of Michael Matthews’ Feng Shui
- The Impact of Personal Moral Philosophies on the Safe Practice of Students in Chemistry and Related Majors
- Using Anthropological Principles to Transform the Teaching of Human “Difference” and Genetic Variation in College Classrooms
- Talking Science
- Mediating Students’ Fixation with Grades in an Inquiry-Based Undergraduate Biology Course
- The Present Shock and Time Re-appropriation in the Pandemic Era
- Beyond a Pragmatic Account of the Aesthetic in Science Education
- Guiding Physics Teachers by Following in Galileo’s Footsteps
- Nature of Science and Nature of Scientists
- What Knowledge is Worth Knowing?
- Conceptual Profile of Substance
- Challenges of designing and carrying out laboratory experiments about Newton’s second law
- Causal Mapping as a Teaching Tool for Reflecting on Causation in Human Evolution
- Between Education and Opinion-Making
- Balancing Emotion and Reason to Develop Critical Thinking About Popularized Neurosciences
- Measuring Belief in Genetic Determinism: A Psychometric Evaluation of the PUGGS Instrument
- Changing How We Teach Acid-Base Chemistry
- Scientific Perspectivism in Secondary-School Chemistry Education
- Engineering Education as the Development of Critical Sociotechnical Literacy
- Nature of “STEM”?
- The Effect of Replicating Historical Scientific Apparatus on High School Students’ Attitudes Towards Science and Their Understanding of Nature of Science
- Understanding Biological Evolution Through Computational Thinking
- Teaching the Nature of Science from a Philosophical Perspective
- Comparing Crosscutting Practices in STEM Disciplines
- Trends, Issues and Possibilities for an Interdisciplinary STEM Curriculum
- Pre-service Teachers’ False Beliefs in Superstitions and Pseudosciences in Relation to Science and Technology
- Science Education in the Light of COVID-19
- The Nature of STEM Disciplines in the Science Education Standards Documents from the USA, Korea and Taiwan
- Exploring How Students Construct Collaborative Thought Experiments During Physics Problem-Solving Activities
- Science Teachers’ Professional Development about Science Centers
- A Critique of “STEM” Education
- Indonesian Pre-service Biology Teachers’ and Biology Education Professors’ Views on Evolution
- A Framework for Epistemological Discussion on Integrated STEM Education
- S + T + M = E as a Convergent Model for the Nature of STEM
- Biological Evolution and Children’s Books: Whimsical Storytelling and Darwinian Origins
- The Connection Between the Body and the Environment: a Changing View
- Bringing Nuance to “the Science” in Public Policy and Science Understanding
- Using Historical Scientific Controversies to Promote Undergraduates’ Argumentation
- Inquiring into the Nature of STEM Problems
- Can Faraday’s The Chemical History of a Candle Inform the Teaching of Experimentation?
- Philosophical Standpoints of Textbooks in Quantum Mechanics
- Teachers’ Conceptions about the Origin of Humans in the Context of Three Latin American Countries with Different Forms and Degrees of Secularism
- But Who Is it for? The History of School Science in England
- Does Social Constructionist Curricula Both Decrease Essentialist and Increase Nominalist Beliefs About Race?
- Effect of Scientific Argumentation on the Development of Critical Thinking
- Exploring the Inclusion of Nature of Science in Biology Curriculum and High-Stakes Assessments in Hong Kong
- How Should We Select Conceptual Content for Biology High School Curricula?
- Exploring the Promises and Perils of Integrated STEM Through Disciplinary Practices and Epistemologies
- Supporting Elementary Teachers’ Collective Inquiry into the “E” in STEM
- The Influence of PCK-Based NOS Teaching on Pre-service Science Teachers’ NOS Views
- Introducing Prospective Science Teachers to the Landscape of Science Education
- Re-examining Postcolonial Science Education Within a Power-Knowledge Framework
- Science Education in the Era of a Pandemic
- How Do University Students Perceive the Nature of Science?
- Dialogic Pathways to Manage Uncertainty for Productive Engagement in Scientific Argumentation
- Correction to: The Confounding of Race in High School Biology Textbooks, 2014-2019
- The Laboratory as a Vehicle for Enhancing Argumentation Among Pre-Service Science Teachers
- “Evolution? I Don’t Believe in It”
- Conceptual Trends and Issues in Biology Didactics
- From Inquiry-Based Science Education to the Approach Based on Scientific Practices
- Acceptance of Biological Evolution by First-Year Life Sciences University Students
- The Confounding of Race in High School Biology Textbooks, 2014–2019
- Understanding Students’ Perceptions of the Nature of Science in the Context of Their Gender and Their Parents’ Occupation
- Darwinian Dialectics
- Enabling Factors of Preservice Science Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Nature of Science and Nature of Scientific Inquiry
- Editorial Vision for Science & Education
- The Physicist as Gulliver Traveling the Matrix
- A Multi-Perspective Reflection on How Indigenous Knowledge and Related Ideas Can Improve Science Education for Sustainability
- Historical Networks in Science Education
- Arguments of 14-Year-Olds in the Context of History of the Development of Organic Chemistry
- Navigating Alarming Media Messages About Nutrition and Health
- Prediction and Contingency in Evolution by Natural Selection
- Timefulness: an Important Conceptualization but Needing a Better Approach
- Contributions of Science and Technology Education to the Exercise of Students’ Citizenship
- Science and Values in Undergraduate Education
- Must Evolution Education that Aims at Belief Be Indoctrinating?
- The Influence of Context on the Large-Scale Assessment of High School Students’ Epistemic Cognition of Scientific Argumentation
- A Hypothetical Learning Progression for Quantifying Phenomena in Science
- Developing Preservice Teachers’ Understanding of and Pedagogical Content Knowledge for History of Science–Integrated Science Instruction
- A Methodological Toolkit for Science
- Do Biologists’ Conceptions of Science as a Social Epistemology Align with Critical Contextual Empiricism?
- When Modern Physics Meets Nature of Science
- Examining Reasoning Practices and Epistemic Actions to Explore Students’ Understanding of Genetics and Evolution
- Farewell
- The Development of Nuclear Physics Between the Wars
- Shifting the Focus of Undergraduate Physics and Engineering Courses
- Extending the Utility of the Views of Nature of Science Assessment through Epistemic Network Analysis
- Keeping Students Out of Mary’s (Class)room
- The Correspondence of Charles Darwin as a Tool for Reflecting on Nature of Science
- The Latest Research on Conceptual Change from Developmental Psychology
- Epistemology from a Global Perspective
- Objectivity and Science Education
- Context-Dependent “Upper Anchors” for Learning Progressions
- Effects of Historical Story Telling on Student Understanding of Nature of Science
- Learning to Interpret Measurement and Motion in Fourth Grade Computational Modeling
- Orienting Scientific Progress
- Learning Progressions and Science Practices
- When Things Go Wrong
- An Argumentative Tool for Facilitating Critical Evaluation
- Everyday Scientific Imagination
- Science, Society, and Scientific Literacy
- Selecting Socio-scientific Issues for Teaching
- The Body and the Production of Phenomena in the Science Laboratory
- Tensions Between Learning Models and Engaging in Modeling
- Correction to: Learning About Archaeology and Prehistoric Life
- Correction to: A Critical Review of Students’ and Teachers’ Understandings of Nature of Science
- Synthesis of Epistemic Cognition
- Darwin’s Really Dangerous Idea
- Sedimentation of Modeling Practices
- Features of Modeling-Based Abductive Reasoning as a Disciplinary Practice of Inquiry in Earth Science
- Investigating Coherence About Nature of Science in Science Curriculum Documents
- Fundamental Issues Regarding the Nature of Technology
- Teaching Nature of Scientific Knowledge to Kindergarten Through University Students
- A Novel Method for Teaching the Difference and Relationship Between Theories and Laws to High School Students
- Instructors’ Rationales and Strategies for Teaching History of Science in Preservice Settings
- Learning About Archaeology and Prehistoric Life
- Contributions of the Family Resemblance Approach to Nature of Science in Science Education
- Improving Science Teachers’ Views about Scientific Inquiry
- A Critical Review of Students’ and Teachers’ Understandings of Nature of Science
- Controversies in Science
- World Patterns in Evolution Education
- Teaching and Learning Nature of Science in Elementary Classrooms
- Towards a Refined Depiction of Nature of Science
- A (Really Useful) Companion to the History of Science
- A Conceptual Analysis of Perspective Taking in Support of Socioscientific Reasoning
- No One Can Understand Quantum Mechanics [at Least Not Until After It Is Replaced by a Superior Theory]
- Making Understanding Intelligible
- Teachers’ Use of Educative Features in Guides for Nature of Science Read-Alouds
- Nature of Engineering Knowledge
- The Role of Art Practice in Elementary School Science
- Exploring Secondary School Students’ Stances on the Predictive and Explanatory Power of Science
- On Scientism, Unlimited
- Exploring the Complexity of Students’ Scientific Explanations and Associated Nature of Science Views Within a Place-Based Socioscientific Issue Context
- Analyzing the Language of an Adapted Primary Literature Article
- Empirical Philosophy of Science
- The Use of Interactive Fiction to Promote Conceptual Change in Science
- Contextualizing the Relationship Between Nature of Scientific Knowledge and Scientific Inquiry
- The Value of False Theories in Science Education
- Bringing Inferentialism to Science Education
- Teaching the Philosophy of Science to Undergraduate Science Students
- Nature of Science in School Science Textbooks
- Knowing the early modern world: Van Helmont’s universal philosophy
- Do Religious People Hate Science?
- A Brief History of the Gene Concept
- Science as a Vaccine
- Examining the Representations of NOS in Educational Resources
- Skill Transmittance in Science Education
- Towards a Philosophically Guided Schema for Studying Scientific Explanation in Science Education
- Promoting Curiosity?
- Science and Uncertainty
- Challenging Students’ Belief in the ‘Balance of Nature’ Idea
- Modeling Conceptualization and Investigating Teaching Effectiveness
- Revisiting Model-Based Learning
- Teaching About Energy
- Contemporary Perspectives on the Meaning, Roles, and Implications of Chance in Evolution
- Rhetorical, Narrative, Cognitive, and Epistemological Perspectives on Science and Culture
- Profound Problems with (and Potentials of) Pressure in Analyzing Hydrostatics
- A Theater-Based Device for Training Teachers on the Nature of Science
- A Disappointed Philosopher of Nature
- The Phenomenon of False Assumption in Historical and Educational Texts
- The “Species” Concept as a Gateway to Nature of Science
- What Is Inside the Earth?
- Science, Coloniality, and “the Great Rationality Divide”
- On the Meaning of Concepts in Science Education
- Naïve Empiricism and the Nature of Science in Narratives of Conflict Between Science and Religion
- Comparing the Impact of Two Science-as-Inquiry Methods on the NOS Understanding of High-School Biology Students
- The History of Research in Genetics, Development, and Evolution
- Understanding Curved Spacetime
- Shining Light on Language for, in, and as Science Content
- Making a Case in Favor of Not Yet Applied Science
- Metaphors for Learning: a Guide for Teachers
- Beyond Darwin: Cognitive Niches and Extragenetic Information
- The Inclusion of the Nature of Science in Nine Recent International Science Education Standards Documents
- Learning About Reality Through Models and Computer Simulations
- What Is the Impact of the Impact Factor?
- Looking at the Social Aspects of Nature of Science in Science Education Through a New Lens
- Scientists’ Ontological and Epistemological Views about Science from the Perspective of Critical Realism
- Examining Student Engagement with Science Through a Bourdieusian Notion of Field
- Life Reconsidered
- Dimensions of Inductive Risk: Prospects, Boundaries, New Facets
- Darwinism, Democracy, and Race
- The Nature of Scientific Practice and Science Education
- Is a Dialogue Between Science and Religion Possible?
- Indispensable Falsehoods
- An Einstein Encyclopaedia
- Siegel’s Educational Ideal and Non-instrumental Philosophical Practice
- Images of Objective Knowledge Construction in Sexual Selection Chapters of Evolution Textbooks
- Illustrating the History of Science
- Can Didactic Transposition and Popularization Explain Transformations of Genetic Knowledge from Research to Classroom?
- Attitudes Measurement: Nature, Issues, Methods, and Recommendations
- Societal Controversies, Critical Thinking, and Moral Education
- Different People in Different Places
- The Missing Curriculum in Physics Problem-Solving Education
- Developing Epistemic Aims and Supports for Engaging Students in Scientific Practices
- What Is Physics Problem-Solving Competency? The Views of Arnold Sommerfeld and Enrico Fermi
- Lucky Belief in Science Education
- “The Reinvention of Seeing”: Vermeer, Leuwenhoek, and Their Optical Instruments
- Impact of Chinese Culture on Pre-service Science Teachers’ Views of the Nature of Science
- The Evolution of U.S. Museums and Science Centers as Informal Learning Environments
- Radical Scepticism: an Issue for Science Education?
- Goethe’s Conception of “Experiment as Mediator” and Implications for Practical Work in School Science
- Sacred Cows Exposed
- What Is Light?
- Teaching and Learning About the Nature of Science
- The Concept of Metamorphosis and its Metaphors
- Physics and Mathematics as Interwoven Disciplines in Science Education
- Taking the Scientist’s Perspective
- Utilizing Professional Vision in Supporting Preservice Teachers’ Learning About Contextualized Scientific Practices
- Fever in Philadelphia
- Reducing Pseudoscientific and Paranormal Beliefs in University Students Through a Course in Science and Critical Thinking
- William James, Darwinian Theory and Personal Evolution
- Progress Is Not an Illusion
- Human Nature from Multiple Perspectives
- Connecting Inquiry and Values in Science Education
- Exploring Relationships Among Belief in Genetic Determinism, Genetics Knowledge, and Social Factors
- The (Dis)Unity of Cultural Evolutionary Theory
- The Historical Heart of Atmospheric Science
- Changes in Students’ Views about Nature of Scientific Inquiry at a Science Camp
- How Physica Became Physics
- Using Computer Simulations for Promoting Model-based Reasoning
- Caring Enough to Teach Science
- Learning Gene Expression Through Modelling and Argumentation
- A Conceptual Characterization of Online Videos Explaining Natural Selection
- Should the Historical Star-System in Chemical Education Be Replaced?
- Genetics Education
- A Categorization Model for Educational Values of the History of Mathematics
- Biological Principles and Threshold Concepts for Understanding Natural Selection
- The Variety of HPST Scholarship
- Learner Characteristics and Understanding Nature of Science
- Everyone Can Understand Quantum Mechanics-Really?
- Reaching a Consensus on the Definition of Genetic Literacy that Is Required from a Twenty-First-Century Citizen
- A Study of Two Instructional Sequences Informed by Alternative Learning Progressions in Genetics
- Models as Relational Categories
- Toward Bridging the Mechanistic Gap Between Genes and Traits by Emphasizing the Role of Proteins in a Computational Environment
- Scientism and Scientific Thinking
- Assessment of Genetics Understanding
- Understanding Science, Naturally
- High School Physics Students’ Personal Epistemologies and School Science Practice
- Discovering Socio-cultural Aspects of Science Through Artworks
- Risk in Science Instruction
- The Impact of a Course on Nature of Science Pedagogical Views and Rationales
- What do we need to live well?
- From black and white to shades of grey
- “There is One Geometry and in Each Case There is a Different Formula”
- Changes in Pre-service Science Teachers’ Understandings After Being Involved in Explicit Nature of Science and Socioscientific Argumentation Processes
- History and Philosophy of Science Courses for Science Students
- Conference Issues Vs. Conference Proceedings
- Are Values in Science Like a Tapestry or a Patchwork Quilt?
- Philosophical Accounts of Biological Functions
- Controversy as a Blind Spot in Teaching Nature of Science
- History of science content analysis of Chinese science textbooks from the perspective of acculturation
- The Cultural Argument for Understanding Nature of Science
- Shaping and Being Shaped by Environments for Learning Science
- Addressing Science Educational Issues and Goals from a Modelling-Based Perspective—An Integrating Account
- The Many Faces of Chemistry from a Philosophical Perspective
- Analysis of the Image of Scientists Portrayed in the Lebanese National Science Textbooks
- Research on Teaching Thinking
- Genetic Determinism in the Genetics Curriculum
- Earth at Rest
- Dioramas as a Window for Teaching and Learning in Natural History Museums
- How to Get to No, or Arguing for the Sake of Truth
- Working Alongside Scientists
- Science teaching in university science departments
- Using Drama to Promote Argumentation in Science Education
- The Impact of Explicit Teaching of Methodological Aspects of Physics on Scientistic Beliefs and Interest
- Generating an Authentic Relationship between Science and School Science
- Tension Between Visions of Science Education
- Time and Space, Concepts and Phenomena
- The Value of Home-made Science
- Neither Einstein nor Bergson, but Both!
- Wundt for the 21st Century
- Sounding the Call for External Validity in Decision Neuroscience
- Belief, Knowledge and Understanding
- Representing the Quantum Object Through Fiction in Teaching
- Associations Between Attitudes Towards Science and Children’s Evaluation of Information About Socioscientific Issues
- Good Use of a ‘Bad’ Metaphor
- ‘Models of’ versus ‘Models for’
- The Intimate Gene
- Characterisation of the Context-Dependence of the Gene Concept in Research Articles
- Scientific Controversies: Authentic and Contrived
- Radiation, Risk, and History
- The “HPS dimension” of Science Education Articles
- You Say “Myth” Like It’s a Bad Thing
- The Case for Natural History
- In Praise of Philosophically-Engaged History of Science
- Explicitly Teaching Critical Thinking Skills in a History Course
- Darwinism as Religion
- Thermodynamical Arguments Against Evolution
- The Nature of the Arguments for Creationism, Intelligent Design, and Evolution
- Classroom Animals Provide More Than Just Science Education
- Understanding the Nature of Science Through a Critical and Reflective Analysis of the Controversy Between Pasteur and Liebig on Fermentation
- Philosophical, Logical and Scientific Perspectives in Engineering Education
- Johannes Kepler, The Man Who Merged Physics with Astronomy
- Dramatizing the Authentic Research of a Local Scientist to Urban Elementary Students Through Professional Theater
- Teaching Weight-Gravity and Gravitation in Middle School
- Nature of Science and Science Content Learning
- Exhibiting modernity
- Western Science from Greek Antiquity to Quantum Physics
- The Bad Use of Metaphors and the Use of Bad Metaphors
- The Multi-faceted Idea of Chance in Darwin’s Writings
- Science that matters