20 July 2017
100 years of European philosophy since the great war: Crisis and reconfigurations -
Smartfounding: Four Grades of Resistance to Thought Experiments -
Modal Multilattice Logic -
A Regularist Approach to Mechanistic Type-Level Explanation -
Law and Habits -
In Defense of Levels: Layer Cakes and Guilt by Association -
The Case for Enrolling High-Cost Patients in an ACO -
The Potential Use of Sociological Perspectives for Business Ethics Teaching -
Further Into the Abyss: Graham Priest’s Towards Non-Being -
A Bayesian Solution to the Conflict of Narrowness and Precision in Direct Inference -
On Studying Human Teaching Behavior with Robots: a Review -
Heidegger’s Shadow: Kant, Husserl and the Transcendental Turn -
Einstein’s 1917 static model of the universe: a centennial review - Number of publications for this day: 13
19 July 2017
Danto as Educator -
Cosmic Cinema – On the Philosophical Films of Terrence Malick -
Richard Rorty – The Philosopher as Man of Letters -
Learning How to See – An Interview with Judith Butler -
Today’s Psychotic Academy – Risking the Pedagogy of “Žižek’s 180” -
A Dialectic of Dissatisfaction – Interviewing Simon Critchley on Education and Philosophy -
Towards (Back to?) a Philosophical Education – An Interview with Gianni Vattimo -
Philosophy and Its Relation to Other Disciplines in Derrida’s Writings on Education -
Teaching and Learning at the Autonomous University during Barcelona’s Seventies – The Remains of Philosophy -
Hamlet’s Potentiality – Reply to Jennifer Bates and Andrew Benjamin -
The Ends of Negation – Cutrofello’s Hamlet -
Care of Death – On the Teaching of Reiner Schürmann -
The Rub of the Negative – Concrete Universality, the Sache selbst, and Noumena in Cutrofello’s All for Nothing -
Identities and Freedom – Power, Love, and Other Dangers -
Complex Identities and Relational Freedoms -
“What’s Love Got To Do With It?” – Alison Weir’s Identities and Freedom, Feminist Theory Between Power and Connection -
Introduction to the Special Issue: On Philosophical Education -
Attention bias to threat in mothers with emotional disorders predicts increased offspring anxiety symptoms: a joint cross-sectional and longitudinal analysis -
The paradoxes of Utopian game-playing -
What Is ‘The Meaning of Our Cheerfulness’? Philosophy as a Way of Life in Nietzsche and Montaigne -
Frege on Syntax, Ontology, and Truth’s Pride of Place -
Beholdenness to Entities and the Concept of ‘Dasein’: Phenomenology, Ontology and Idealism in the early Heidegger -
Kritik von Lebensformen, by Rahel Jaeggi. Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp Verlag, 2014, 451 pp. ISBN 978-3-518-29587-8 €20.00 -
Forms not Norms! On Haugeland on Heidegger on Being -
Kant’s Transcendental Deduction: An Analytical-Historical Commentary, by Henry Allison. Oxford University Press, 2015, 496 pp. ISBN 13: 978-0-19-872485-8 hb £75.00 -
Haugeland’s Heidegger and the Metaphysics of Normativity -
Autonomy and Mental Disorder, edited by Lubomira Radoilska. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012, xli + 285 pp. ISBN 978-0-19-959542-6 pb £41.99. -
Christopher W. Morris, ed., Questions of Life and Death: Readings in Practical Ethics -
Shari Collins, Bertha Alvarez Manninen, Jacqueline M. Gately, and Eric Comerford, Being Ethical: Classic and New Voices on Contemporary Issues -
Show Me a Class That’s Got a Good Movie, Show Me – Teaching Ethics through Film -
Using Narrative to Teach Ethics -
“You see now that it is at any rate possible” – Fiction, Philosophy, and Insight -
Learning From Ethicists, Part 2 – How Ethics is Taught at Leading Institutions in the Pacific Region -
Education in Morality Through Natality – No More Morals -
The Significance of Injustice for Bioethics -
Research methods for pedagogy. By Melanie Nind, Alicia Curtin and Kathy Hall -
Research methods for pedagogy. By Melanie Nind, Alicia Curtin and Kathy Hall. Pp. 274. London: Bloomsbury. 2016. £21.99 (pbk). ISBN 978-1-4742-4281-3 -
Volatility forecasting for low-volatility portfolio selection in the US and the Korean equity markets -
Homogeneous changes in cofinalities with applications to HOD -
Sympathetic introspection as method and practice: Cooley’s contributions to critical qualitative inquiry and the theory of mind debate -
Legal Punishment -
Privacy, Informed Consent, and Participant Observation -
Manual Labor and ‘Mean Mechanicks’: Bacon’s Mechanical History and the Deprecation of Craft Skills in Early Modern Science -
Genetically Modified Crops, Inclusion, and Democracy -
Post-Copernican Science in Galileo’s Italy -
Facing the Credibility Crisis of Science: On the Ambivalent Role of Pluralism in Establishing Relevance and Reliability -
Demarcating Fringe Science for Policy -
Valence evaluation with approaching or withdrawing cues: directly testing valence–arousal conflict theory -
Fuzzy Logic -
The disporia of borders: Hindu-Sikh transnationals in the diaspora -
Numéro 2017/3 – Tome 80 – L’invention de la modernité à Naples -
Ricoeur’s askēsis : textual and gymnastic exercises for self-transformation -
Genome editing and assisted reproduction: curing embryos, society or prospective parents? -
Linking Signifié with Signifiant: The Court of Justice of European Union as a Product-Defining Authority -
Self-Extensional Three-Valued Paraconsistent Logics -
From Earth to the Universe: Life, Intelligence, and Evolution -
Incitement: A Study in Language Crime -
How Accused Scientists Deal with Scientific Fraud: View from a Different Culture -
Euthanasia: Global Scenario and Its Status in India -
Should We All be Scientists? Re-thinking Laboratory Research as a Calling -
Was regression to the mean really the solution to Darwin’s problem with heredity? -
On Argumentation Logic and Propositional Logic -
Ongoing: On grief’s open-ended rehearsal -
Killing in War: Unasked Questions-Ill-Founded Legitimisation -
How mechanisms explain interfield cooperation: biological–chemical study of plant growth hormones in Utrecht and Pasadena, 1930–1938 -
How Fast Does Darwin’s Elephant Population Grow? -
Sound and Notation: Comparative Study on Musical Ontology -
Metaphor, Blending, and Cultural Variation: A Reply to Camus -
Rat running the G20: collective intelligence for navigating the disrupted city -
Analysis of the Image of Scientists Portrayed in the Lebanese National Science Textbooks -
Epistemic Authority: Preemption or Proper Basing? -
The diaspora of borders: Hindu-Sikh transnationals in the diaspora -
Human Existence and Transcendence - Number of publications for this day: 74
18 July 2017
Panpsychism -
Reconsidering the roles of gratitude and indebtedness in social exchange -
Educational philosophy for a post-secular age. By David Lewin -
Educational philosophy for a post-secular age. By David Lewin. Pp 167. Abingdon: Routledge. 2017. £95.00 (hbk), £34.99 (ebk). ISBN 978-1-138-92366-9 (hbk), 978-1-315-68490-1 (ebk) -
Relationship between moral distress and ethical climate with job satisfaction in nurses -
Ekman’s Paradox -
Index for 2016 -
Referees 2016 -
Religion and Sustainability: Social Movements and the Politics of the Environment -
The Religious Right’s Compassionate Steward and Conservationist – The Lost Philosophies of Pat Robertson -
Thinking like a Mall: Environmental Philosophy after the End of Nature -
Sustainable Values, Sustainable Change: A Guide to Environmental Decision Making -
Is Stellar Nucleosynthesis a Good Thing?