29 May 2017
Never Die Alone: Death and Birth in Pure Land Buddhism -
Codings and strongly inaccessible cardinals -
Respecting the Dignity of Children with Disabilities in Clinical Practice -
The Evolution of Spina Bifida Treatment Through a Biomedical Ethics Lens -
Erratum to: Art, Ethics and the Promotion of Human Dignity -
Review of Ethics in the Conflicts of Modernity: An Essay on Desire, Practical Reasoning and Narrative by A. MacIntyre -
Unsustainability of Sustainability: Cognitive Frames and Tensions in Bottom of the Pyramid Projects -
Towards a Cognitive Neuroscience of Intentionality -
A Finite Axiomatization of G-Dependence -
Situationism, Manipulation, and Objective Self-Awareness -
A new future similarity objection -
Reply to Fine on Aboutness -
Opening the Regulatory Black Box of Clinical Cancer Research: Transnational Expertise Networks and “Disruptive” Technologies -
Are Causal Laws a Relic of Bygone Age? -
The Ontological Form of Tropes -
Managing Corporate Sustainability with a Paradoxical Lens: Lessons from Strategic Agility -
“Super-intelligent” machine: technological exuberance or the road to subjection - Number of publications for this day: 17
28 May 2017
Paraconsistent Double Negations as Classical and Intuitionistic Negations -
Words that reveal: Jean-Yves Lacoste and the experience of God -
Tone-at-the-Top Lessons from Abrahamic Justice -
Utilitarian Traits and the Janus-Headed Model: Origins, Meaning, and Interpretation - Number of publications for this day: 4
27 May 2017
A comparison of fitness-case sampling methods for genetic programming -
A computer model of context-dependent perception in a very simple world -
Partisan judicial speech and recusal procedure -
‘The Persistence of a Delusion’: Review of Conversations and Controversies in the Scientific Study of Religion: Collaborative and Co-authored Essays by Luther H. Martin and Donald Wiebe, edited by Luther H. Martin and Donald Wiebe (Brill, 2016) -
Two applications of finite side conditions at $$omega _2$$ ω 2 -
Saturation and solvability in abstract elementary classes with amalgamation -
Executives’ Behaviour and Innovation in Corporate Governance: The Case of Internet Voting at Shareholders’ General Meetings in French Listed Companies -
Mood, Delusions and Poetry: Emotional ‘Wording of the World’ in Psychosis, Philosophy and the Everyday -
Colors and Stuff: Exploring the Visual Representation of Color -
Interactive, Inclusive Substance Dualism -
Children’s Decision to Transmit Information is Guided by their Evaluation of the Nature of that Information -
Does Money Buy Immigrant Happiness? -
Should physicians tell the truth without taking social complications into account? A striking case -
Definite descriptions and negative existential quantifiers -
Arguments from Expert Opinion and Persistent Bias -
The Burden of Proof in Philosophical Persuasion Dialogue -
Sustainability Marketing Commitment: Empirical Insights About Its Drivers at the Corporate and Functional Level of Marketing -
E-health beyond technology: analyzing the paradigm shift that lies beneath -
Concern noted: a descriptive study of editorial expressions of concern in PubMed and PubMed Central - Number of publications for this day: 19
26 May 2017
Identity change and informed consent -
From protection to entitlement: selecting research subjects for early phase clinical trials involving breakthrough therapies -
Is medically assisted death a special obligation? -
Living with the animals: animal or robotic companions for the elderly in smart homes? -
Attitudes towards end-of-life decisions in case of long-term care dependency: a survey among the older population in Austria -
The costs and benefits of a cigarette ban -
Viewing benefit sharing in global health research through the lens of Aristotelian justice -
Ethics briefing -
Response to Crisp and Sullivan-Bissett -
Commentary on ‘Competence in chronic mental illness: the relevance of practical wisdom -
Prescription preferences in antipsychotics and attitude towards the pharmaceutical industry in Belgium -
Appealing to the crowd: ethical justifications in Canadian medical crowdfunding campaigns -
Neutralising fair credit: factors that influence unethical authorship practices -
The role of emotions and values in competence -
Competence in chronic mental illness: the relevance of practical wisdom -
The role of religious beliefs in ethics committee consultations for conflict over life-sustaining treatment -
Competence, Consent and Complexity -
Beyond demarcation: Care ethics as an interdisciplinary field of inquiry -
Professional values and career choice of nursing students -
Youth Practitioner Professional Narratives: Changing Identities in Changing Times -
Youth Practitwioner Professional Narratives: Changing Identities in Changing Times -
Virtue Ethics is Empirically Adequate: A Defense of the Caps Response to Situationism -
How Berkeley’s Gardener Knows His Cherry Tree -
The Impact of Institutional and Technical Social Responsibilities on the Likelihood of Corporate Fraud -
Benefit Corporations as a Distraction – An Overview and Critique -
Afro-communitarian Ethics – Implications for Small Business Stakeholder Relationships -
Opportunity or Opportunism? – An Examination of International Recruitment via Employer and Nation Branding Strategies -
Adapting the Jewish Spiritual Practice of Mussar to Develop Business Students’ Character -
Ana Simões; Maria Paula Diogo; Kostas Gavroglu, eds. Sciences in the Universities of Europe, Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: Academic Landscapes. -
Neel Ahuja. Bioinsecurities: Disease Interventions, Empire, and the Government of Species. -
Christian Fleck. Etablierung in der Fremde: Vertriebene Wissenschaftler in den USA nach 1933. -
Hyung Wook Park. Old Age, New Science: Gerontologists and Their Biosocial Visions, 1900–1960. -
Joris Vandendriessche; Evert Peeters; Kaat Wils, eds. Scientists’ Expertise as Performance: Between State and Society, 1860–1960. -
Heiko Stoff. Gift in der Nahrung: Zur Genese der Verbraucherpolitik Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts. -
History of Science Society Annual Meeting, 2016 -
James T. Costa. Wallace, Darwin, and the Origin of Species. -
Sarah Amato. Beastly Possessions: Animals in Victorian Consumer Culture. -
Jeremy Gray. The Real and the Complex: A History of Analysis in the Nineteenth Century. -
Diarmid A. Finnegan; Jonathan Jeffrey Wright, eds. Spaces of Global Knowledge: Exhibition, Encounter, and Exchange in an Age of Empire. -
Christophe Bonneuil; Jean-Baptiste Fressoz. The Shock of the Anthropocene: The Earth, History and Us. -
Qualifying Consequences: A Response to “Consequences of the Spanish Civil War for Entomology” -
Samuel J. Redman. Bone Rooms: From Scientific Racism to Human Prehistory in Museums. -
Sergei S. Demidov; Boris V. Lëvshin, eds. The Case of Academician Nikolai Nikolaevich Luzin. -
On Building Knowledge: Comments on “Qualifying Consequences” -
C. G. Jung; Erich Neumann. Analytical Psychology in Exile: The Correspondence of C. G. Jung and Erich Neumann. -
Timothy J. Jorgensen. Strange Glow: The Story of Radiation. -
Gregory B. Moynahan. Ernst Cassirer and the Critical Science of Germany, 1899–1919. -
Consequences of the Spanish Civil War for Entomology: A Quantitative Example of Abrupt Alteration in Scientific Research Dynamics -
Gowan Dawson. Show Me the Bone: Reconstructing Prehistoric Monsters in Nineteenth-Century Britain and America.; Martin J. S. Rudwick. Earth’s Deep History: How It Was Discovered and Why It Matters. -
Sarah Gordon. Indecent Exposures: Eadweard Muybridge’s “Animal Locomotion” Nudes. -
Tadeusz Grzesik, ed. Disputationes “Physicorum” dictae Magistri Serpentis “Excercitium” (editio critica). -
Scott Curtis. The Shape of Spectatorship: Art, Science, and Early Cinema in Germany. -
Ralph M. Leck. Vita Sexualis: Karl Ulrichs and the Origins of Sexual Science. -
Axel Jansen; Andreas Franzmann; Peter Münte, eds. Legitimizing Science: National and Global Publics (1800–2010). -
Paul J. J. M. Bakker, ed. Averroes’ Natural Philosophy and Its Reception in the Latin West. -
Andreas Lerch. Scientia astrologiae: Der Diskurs über die Wissenschaftlichkeit der Astrologie und die lateinischen Lehrbücher 1470–1610. -
Sarah Bridger. Scientists at War: The Ethics of Cold War Weapons Research. -
Maurice Clavelin. Galilée, cosmologie et science du mouvement, suivi de Regards sur l’empirisme au XXe siècle. -
Challenging Tropes: Genius, Heroic Invention, and the Longitude Problem in the Museum -
Franck Collard. Les écrits sur les poisons.