13 June 2017
Frank Erbguth, Ralf J. Jox (Hrsg) (2017) Angewandte Ethik in der Neuromedizin -
Induction and Natural Necessities -
Why Social Science is Biological Science -
Friendship reconsidered: What it means and how it matters to politics -
Adequacy in Education and Normative School Choice -
Rendering satellites more visible -
Actions and Decisions: Pragmatism Gateway to Artful Analytic Management Philosophizing -
Autopolyploidy leads to rapid genomic changes in Arabidopsis thaliana -
Reconsidering Morphology Through an Experimental Case Study -
Gender (In)Difference in Gender (Un)Equal Couples. Intimate Dyads Between Gender Nostalgia and Post Genderism -
Nowhere to run, rabbit: the cold-war calculus of disease ecology -
On the Concept of Theodicy -
The World We Live In (Phaenomenologica 220) -
Contrast and Constitution - Number of publications for this day: 14
12 June 2017
Procreation, Parenthood, and Educational Rights: Ethical and Philosophical Issues -
Uwagi o roli przypadku we fizyce -
O metodach fizyki doświadczalnej -
Komu ma służyć wznowienie monografii Barbary Skargi o pozytywizmie? -
Panorama inna niż wszystkie -
O dwóch takich, co o nauce i wierze rozmawiali -
Vortrag im Philosophischen Seminar 1893/1894 -
Marian Smoluchowski’s manuscripts – important source for philosophy in science -
O elektronach -
O teoryach elektryczności -
Indeterministic worlds of Franz-Serafin Exner and Marian Smoluchowski -
Fluctuating world of Marian Smoluchowski -
Marian Smoluchowski’s approach to the causality principle in the Brownian motion research -
Od Redakcji -
The issue of hypotheses and scientific theories in the philosophical thoughts of Marian Smoluchowski -
Table of contents -
In search of a universal human rights metaphor: Moral conversations across differences -
Emotion differentiation and its relation with emotional well-being in adolescents -
Membership recruitment and training in health care ethics committees: Results from a national pilot survey -
On the violation of hospitalized patients’ rights: A qualitative study -
Violent Extremism, National Security and Prevention. Institutional Discourses and their Implications for Schooling -
Combinatorics of $lambda$ -terms: a natural approach -
Achieving Top Performance While Building Collegiality in Sales: It All Starts with Ethics -
Corporate social responsibility in community development and sustainability: Rourkela Steel Plant, a unit of SAIL, India -
Otherwise than Being-with: Levinas on Heidegger and Community -
Intervention to Promote Responsible Conduct of Research Mentoring -
Abortion of Fetus with Down’s Syndrome: India Joins the Worldwide Controversy Surrounding Abortion Laws -
Sex, Drugs, and a Few Other Things -
Bioethics and Biopolitics: Presents and Futures of Reproduction -
Help-Search Practices in Rehabilitation Team Meetings: A Sacksian Analysis -
The Transformative Cultural Intelligence Hypothesis: Evidence from Young Children’s Problem-Solving -
Citizen Participation: A Critical Look at the Democratic Adequacy of Government Consultations -
Two Forms of Responsibility – Organizational and Societal -
Cultural Capital in the Economic Field: A Study of Relationships in an Art Market -
Infinite Populations, Choice and Determinacy -
What lies beneath: Early modern discovery and The Invention of Science -
Uncertainty, Art and Marketing – Searching for the Invisible Hand -
How the West was won -
Scientific Foundation of Business Models Theory: Research Traditions Approach -
What, if anything, does quantum field theory explain? -
A handbook for social change -
The many lives of Alexandre Koyré -
Proof Theory for Functional Modal Logic -
Locke’s Science of Knowledge - Number of publications for this day: 44
11 June 2017
Awards: The IRIS Replication Award -
Exploration and Engineering: The Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the Quest for Mars, Erik M. Conway, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2015, 405 p, $32.95, ISBN 978-1-4214-2122-3 -
A Pragmatic Argument for a Pragmatic Theory of Truth -
Philosophical Exorcism and Pragmatic Sharing of the Unsharable: A Return from Rorty to Dewey through John Cassavetes and David Lynch -
When to Believe Upon Insufficient Evidence: Three Criteria -
Dogmatic Evidence of “The Given” -
Pragmatism: The Task before Us -
A Prophetic Pragmatist Response to Koopman’s Transitional Pragmatism -
Pragmatism, Practice and the Politics of Critique -
, Brian E. Butler -
Being Pragmatist about Pragmatism: Replies to Stéphane Madelrieux, Alexander Livingston, and Brad Stone -
, Michael Slater -
, Pentti Määthttänen -
, Beth L. Eddy - Number of publications for this day: 14
10 June 2017
The history of science as the progress of the human spirit: The historiography of astronomy in the eighteenth century -
سوژه سه ساحتی در فلسفه اسلامی معاصر (دیدگاه مرتضی … -
مسئله فهم در معرفت شناسی ملاصدرا و نظریه فضیلت محور … -
The Animal Trade by C. J. C. Phillips (review) -
Animals in China: Law and Society by Deborah Cao (review) -
“What Have Animals to Do With Social Work?” A Sociological Reflection on Species and Social Work -
Preventing the Suffering of Free-Living Animals: Should Animal Advocates Begin the Killing? -
On the Suffering of Animals in Nature: Legal Barriers and the Moral Duty to Intervene -
Why Eating Animals Is Not Good for Us -
The Aggregation of Suffering in the Regulatory Context: Scientific Experimentation, Animals, and Intrinsic Value -
The “It” in Our Midst -
Alienation and Nature in Environmental Philosophy by Simon Hailwood (review) -
Lyric Details and Ecological Integrity -
Intersectionality and the Changing Face of Ecofeminism -
Technology and/or Nature: Denatured/Renatured/Engineered/Artifacted Life? -
“Ecological Restorations as Practices of Moral Repair” -
Autonomous Pigs -
Alex V. Barnard, Freegans: Diving into the Wealth of Food Waste in America -
Hugh P. McDonald, Environmental Philosophy: A Revaluation of Cosmopolitan Ethics from an Ecocentric Standpoint -
Toby Svoboda, Duties Regarding Nature: A Kantian Environmental Ethic -
Simon P. James, Environmental Philosophy: An Introduction -
Human-Nature Relationships and Linkages to Environmental Behaviour -
Nature, Engagement, Empathy: Yijing as a Chinese Ecological Aesthetics -
Hundertwasser – Inspiration for Environmental Ethics: Reformulating the Ecological Self -
Phenomenology and Teleology: Hans Jonas’s Philosophy of Life -
Value Pluralism and Consistency Maximisation in the Writings of Aldo Leopold: Moving Beyond Callicott’s Interpretations of the Land Ethic -
Beyond the Anthropocene: Perspectives on Human-Nature Relations, Old and New -
Contents of Environmental Values Volume 26, Number 3