3 August 2016
Why Ignorance Fails to Excuse Climate Debt – An Aristotelian Critique -
Sex Robots and Solipsism – Towards a Culture of Empty Contact -
Eudaemonia, Well-Beings and the Pursuit of Sustainability -
The Infectiousness of Hope -
Cognitive fusion and emotion differentiation: does getting entangled with our thoughts dysregulate the generation, experience and regulation of emotion? -
Posthumanism and educational research -
The Hysteresis Effect: Theorizing Mismatch in Action - Number of publications for this day: 7
2 August 2016
Varieties of Transcendental Idealism – Kant and Heidegger Thinking beyond Life -
Spinoza’s Imagination – Rethinking Passivity -
Self-Consciousness and Moral Responsibility -
Kant, Hegel, and the Moral Imagination -
Kant’s Critique of Baumgarten’s Aesthetics -
Initiation, Extraction, and Transformation – What It Takes to Answer Socrates’s Question -
The Spinozistic Path to Skepticism – Maimon, Novalis, and the Demands of Reason -
Government Speech and Public Opinion: Democracy by the Bootstraps -
Minoritarian Democracy: The Democratic Case for No Borders -
- Number of publications for this day: 10
1 August 2016
Social Media and Language Processing: How Facebook and Twitter Provide the Best Frequency Estimates for Studying Word Recognition -
Toleration and groups -
General Theory of Victims FRANÇOIS LARUELLE, Translated by Jessie Hock and Alex Dubilet Malden, MA: Polity Press, 184 pp. $19.95 (paper) -
Agential Risks: A Comprehensive Introduction -
Normative Source and Extensional Adequacy -
Masculinities in global perspective: hegemony, contestation, and changing structures of power -
The cultural work of office charisma: maintaining professional power in psychotherapy -
Situated political innovation: explaining the historical emergence of new modes of political practice -
Three notions of dynamicness in language -
Our even -
Past time reference in a language with optional tense - Number of publications for this day: 11
31 July 2016
Review: Madhyamaka in 12th Century Tibet 29 July 2016
Dealing with Big Numbers: Representation and Understanding of Magnitudes Outside of Human Experience -
Learning During Processing: Word Learning Doesn’t Wait for Word Recognition to Finish -
The legal professions’ new handbooks: narratives, standards and values - Number of publications for this day: 3
28 July 2016
Everyday Deeds -
Family Business and the 1% -
Ethics begin at home -
Integrated assessment of emerging science and technologies as creating learning processes among assessment communities - Number of publications for this day: 4
27 July 2016
A novel robust Arabic light stemmer -
Automatic negotiation: playing the domain instead of the opponent -
An imperialist competitive algorithm for virtual machine placement in cloud computing -
Retracted: The Witness Set Constraint - Number of publications for this day: 4
26 July 2016
God and Dispositional Essentialism: An Account of the Laws of Nature -
Wittgenstein and the Animal Origins of Linguistic Communication -
Atheism and Morality, Guilt and Shame: Why the Moral Complacency of the New Atheism is a Mistake -
Geographical thinking in nursing inquiry, part two: performance, possibility, and non-representational theory -
Selfies, relfies and phallic tagging: posthuman part-icipations in teen digital sexuality assemblages -
Redundancy checking algorithms based on parallel novel extension rule -
Taking Stock of SIM: Social Issues in Management Division of the Academy of Management -
Political Theory and the Politics of Comparison -
Taking Stock of SIM -
Reconciling concepts of space and person-centred care of the older person with cognitive impairment in the acute care setting -
Does Variability Across Events Affect Verb Learning in English, Mandarin, and Korean? -
The relationship between momentary emotions and well-being across European Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Asian Americans -
Aristotle for nursing -
- Number of publications for this day: 14
25 July 2016
Shadow detection of moving objects based on multisource information in Internet of things -
Outcomes to Partners in Multi-Stakeholder Cross-Sector Partnerships: A Resource-Based View -
Outcomes to Partners in Multi-Stakeholder Cross-Sector Partnerships -
The regulation of government litigants and their lawyers: the regulatory force of Victoria’s model litigant guidelines - Number of publications for this day: 4
24 July 2016
Report: Conference on Buddhist Ethics 23 July 2016
The Episodic Nature of Experience: A Dynamical Systems Analysis 22 July 2016
Debunking Morality: Lessons from the EAAN Literature -
Kenny’s Wrong Formula -
Measuring emotions during epistemic activities: the Epistemically-Related Emotion Scales -
The Forum, the System, and the Polity -
Improving Human-Machine Cooperative Classification Via Cognitive Theories of Similarity -
Words Get in the Way: Linguistic Effects on Talker Discrimination -
Ontological Trivialism? (Advance Article) - Number of publications for this day: 7
21 July 2016
Michael Oakeshott and the Postulates of Individuality -
Numéro 2016/3 – Tome 79 – Leo Strauss et le problème politique - Number of publications for this day: 2
20 July 2016
Resilience, Emotion Regulation, and Thomas Aquinas -
Aristotle the Virtue Doctor -
Wittgenstein’s Private Language Investigation -
Simone Weil, Late Philosophical Writings (ed. with intro. Eric O.Springsted, trans. Eric O. Springsted and Lawrence E. Schmidt), (Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 2015). viii+204, $20 pb. -
Stephen Mulhall, The Great Riddle: Wittgenstein and Nonsense, Theology and Philosophy (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015). Pp viii + 138, £27.50 hb. - Number of publications for this day: 5
19 July 2016
Modal Consequence Relations Extending $mathbf{S4.3}$ : An Application of Projective Unification -
Deciding Unifiability and Computing Local Unifiers in the Description Logic $mathcal{E!L}$ without Top Constructor -
Vicious Sorrow: The Roots of a ‘Spiritual’ Sin in the Summa Theologiae -
Discussing education by means of metaphors -
Invasion, alienation, and imperialist nostalgia: Overcoming the necrophilous nature of neoliberal schools -
The care of the self and biopolitics: Resistance and practices of freedom -
Two premises and one general hypothesis for the analysis of the educational present -
On being musical: Education towards inclusion -
The Process Matters: Moral Constraints on Cosmopolitan Education -
Maternal participant experience in a South African birth cohort study enrolling healthy pregnant women and their infants -
Royal religious beneficence in pre-modern India: social and political implications - Number of publications for this day: 11
18 July 2016
What Kind of Theory is the Humean Theory of Motivation? -
Dilemmas in international research and the value of practical wisdom -
Arranging Objects in Space: Measuring Task-Relevant Organizational Behaviors During Goal Pursuit -
The Business Case for Corporate Social Responsibility: A Critique and an Indirect Path Forward -
The Business Case for Corporate Social Responsibility -
Numéro 2016/3 – – -
Numéro 2016/3 – n° 146 – Varia -
Questioning the Western idea of reason through Hindu philosophy: An analysis of The Circle of Reason by Amitav Ghosh - Number of publications for this day: 8
15 July 2016
Advice for Noncognitivists -
Beyond the ‘other’ as constitutive outside: The politics of immunity in Roberto Esposito and Niklas Luhmann -
The Adequacy of Resemblance Nominalism about Perfect Naturalness -
- Number of publications for this day: 4
14 July 2016
The Real Struggle: An Objective Notion of Expertise? -
Latin American Philosophers: Some Recent Challenges to Their Intellectual Character -
Studying Rhetorical Audiences – a Call for Qualitative Reception Studies in Argumentation and Rhetoric