10 May 2017
Facing a Disruptive Face: Embodiment in the Everyday Experiences of “Disfigured” Individuals -
When and for Whom Ethical Leadership is More Effective in Eliciting Work Meaningfulness and Positive Attitudes: The Moderating Roles of Core Self-Evaluation and Perceived Organizational Support -
Role of retaliation and value orientation in whistleblowing intentions -
Masanes and Oppenheim on the Third Law of Thermodynamics -
Contingency in Political Philosophy -
Establishing a Framework for a Natural Area Taxonomy -
The Structure Group of a Generalized Orthomodular Lattice -
One Act or Two? Hannah Ginsborg on Aesthetic Judgement - Number of publications for this day: 8
9 May 2017
Thomas Aquinas on War and Peace -
European Philosophy and Original Sin in Stephen Mulhall -
The assessment of emotional clarity via response times to emotion items: shedding light on the response process and its relation to emotion regulation strategies -
A philosopher’s guide to the foundations of quantum field theory -
The right and the wrong kind of reasons -
Pragmatic encroachment in epistemology -
Kinds of norms -
The Evanescence of Neutrality -
Addressing Barriers to Deliberative Participation in Adaptive Preference Interventions -
Hermeneutic caring conversations in forensic psychiatric caring -
Hegel’s Schein as Ideology of Equality and Freedom in Capitalism -
John Gay and the Birth of Utilitarianism -
Corporate Crime and Plea Bargains -
From Corporate Moral Agency to Corporate Moral Rights -
Member Corporations, Property Corporations, and Constitutional Rights -
Should Corporations Have A Right To Finance Political Campaigns? -
Challenging Corporate Personhood Theory: Reclaiming the Public -
Morality, Ontology, and Corporate Rights -
Adding many Baumgartner clubs -
The Use of Genetic Testing Information in the Insurance Industry: An Ethical and Societal Analysis of Public Policy Options -
Posttraumatic Growth in Children and Adolescents Exposed to the 2010 Earthquake in Chile and Its Relationship with Rumination and Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms -
Natural Deduction for Fitting’s Four-Valued Generalizations of Kleene’s Logics -
Staff’s Views from One Canadian Organ Procurement Organization on Organ Donation and Organ Transplant Technologies: a Content Analysis -
Intellectual property and industrialization: legalizing hope in economic growth -
Erratum to: Introduction: Perception Without Representation -
Arbitrariness is not enough: towards a functional approach to the genetic code -
Why bad Moods Matter. William James on Melancholy, Mystic Emotion, and the Meaning of Life -
Epistemic democracy: beyond knowledge exploitation -
Ethics for an uncertain future -
Belief, Knowledge and Understanding -
Persons, Stages, and Tensed Belief -
Who is Afraid of Commitment? On the Relation of Scientific Evidence and Conceptual Theory -
Confirmation, Increase in Probability, and the Likelihood Ratio Measure: a Reply to Glass and McCartney -
The Equal Society: Essays in Theory and Practice - Number of publications for this day: 34
8 May 2017
Anthropocentric by Default? Attribution of Familiar and Novel Properties to Living Things -
Blind Speakers Show Language-Specific Patterns in Co-Speech Gesture but Not Silent Gesture -
The Moral Problem with the Free Will Defense Against the Problem of Evil -
Positional Goods and the Size of Inequality -
Institutional Legitimacy -
New visiting policy: A step toward nursing ethics -
Perception of futile care and caring behaviors of nurses in intensive care units -
Review: Gods of Medieval Japan -
Strong measure zero and infinite games -
Same graph, different universe -
Functional Morphology in Paleobiology: Origins of the Method of ‘Paradigms’ -
Introduction: Theoretical and Technological Perspectives on Online Arguments -
On The Liar Sentence: A Fregean Analysis -
Market Reality Versus Religious Morality: Empirical Evidence from the Saudi Arabian Labor Market -
Mystical Feelings and the Process of Self-Transformation -
The Ethics of Anti-aging Clinical Trials -
What is noise, and what isn’t? -
On Motive Accounts of Care -
The Philosophy of the Mozi: The First Consequentialists - Number of publications for this day: 20
7 May 2017
- Number of publications for this day: 2
6 May 2017
Page, text and screen in the university: Revisiting the Illich hypothesis -
The Moral Agency of Group Agents -
Perceived Privacy Violation: Exploring the Malleability of Privacy Expectations -
Religion-Based Decision Making in Indian Multinationals: A Multi-faith Study of Ethical Virtues and Mindsets -
On Moral Thoughts, Feelings and Actions—A Review of The Social Psychology of Morality by Joseph Forgas, Lee Jussim, and Paul van Lange (Eds) -
William Ewald and Wilfried Sieg (eds.), Michael Hallett (associate ed.), David Hilbert’s Lectures on the Foundations of Arithmetic and Logic 1917–1933 . In collaboration with Ulrich Majer and Dirk Schlimm (David Hilbert’s Lectures on the Foundations of Mathematics and Physics, 1891–1933, Vol. 3), Springer-Verlag: Berlin and Heidelberg, 2013, xxvi + 1062 pp. ISBN 978-3-540-20578-4 (hardcover) $129.00, (Kindle) $86.37. -
Once More, with Feeling! Reply to Ainslie -
Searching for Norms to Violate. Reply to Henden & Gjelsvik -
Representing the Quantum Object Through Fiction in Teaching -
Challenging Doris’ Attack on Aggregation: Why We are Not Left “Completely in the Dark” about Global Virtues -
Digital’s Cleaving Power and Its Consequences -
The Problem of Error: The Moral Psychology Argument for Atheism -
Conditionalization Does Not (in General) Maximize Expected Accuracy -
Intuitions are Used as Evidence in Philosophy -
Experienced Utility or Decision Utility for QALY Calculation? Both - Number of publications for this day: 15
5 May 2017
No Harm, Still Foul: Concerns About Reputation Drive Dislike of Harmless Plagiarizers -
The Reactive Sentiments and the Justification of Punishment -
Criminal Law and the Internal Logic of Punishmen -
Continuous higher randomness -
Curiosity about a positive or negative event prolongs the duration of emotional experience -
Disorientation and Moral Life -
Ethics and the Problem of Evil -
Biological Criteria of Disease: Four Ways of Going Wrong -
Founding acts: Constitutional origins in a democratic age -
Experimental religiosities and dharma traditions: new directions in the study of vernacular religion in Asia and the Diaspora -
Synthetic biology and the search for alternative genetic systems: Taking how-possibly models seriously -
The Expanded Access Cure: A Twenty-First Century Framework for Companies -
Epistemic Healing: A Critical Ethical Response to Epistemic Violence in Business Ethics -
Three Kinds of Intention in Lawmaking -
The Heterogeneity of the Academic Profession: The Effect of Occupational Variables on University Scientists’ Participation in Research Commercialization -
Self-tests for influenza: an empirical ethics investigation -
Spacetime Fluctuations and a Stochastic Schrödinger–Newton Equation -
Computing with Numbers and Other Non-syntactic Things: De re Knowledge of Abstract Objects † -
Realist-expressivism and the fundamental role of normative belief -
Corporate Citizenship, Social Responsibility, and Sustainability Reports as “Would-be” Narratives