1 January 2010
Shaping the Ethics of an Emergent Field: Scientists’ and Policymakers’ Representations of Nanotechnologies -
Reclaiming the Green Continent: Ecology, Globalization, and Policy and Decision in Latin America -
The Issues Related To Student Authentication in Distance Education - Number of publications for this day: 3
1 December 2009
Rossian Minimalism -
Foundations of Natural Language Grammar -
Computing Partition Functions of PCFGs -
Unsupervised Part-of-Speech Tagging in the Large -
Interaction Grammars -
Towards Unrestricted, Large-Scale Acquisition of Feature-Based Conceptual Representations from Corpus Data -
Identification of Sentence-to-Sentence Relations Using a Textual Entailer - Number of publications for this day: 7
1 November 2009
Beyond History: The Ongoing Aspects of Autonomy 1 October 2009
What Is Wrong with Kamm’s and Scanlon’s Arguments Against Taurek 1 September 2009
A danger of definition: Polar predicates in moral theory -
Preferentism and the Paradox of Desire - Number of publications for this day: 2
1 August 2009
Implanted Desires, Self-Formation, and Blame -
In Defense of the Primacy of Virtues - Number of publications for this day: 2
4 July 2009
Violation Semirings in Optimality Theory 29 June 2009
- Number of publications for this day: 4
1 June 2009
Moorean Arguments and Moral Revisionism 13 April 2009
Prediction in Joint Action: What, When, and Where 1 April 2009
Three Millian Ways to Resolve Open Questions 1 March 2009
Monadic Second-Order Logic and Transitive Closure Logics Over Trees -
Saving People and Flipping Coins - Number of publications for this day: 2
1 February 2009
Kafizin and the Cypriot Syllabary -
Collations of Platonis W -
A New Date for the Battle of Andros? A Discussion -
Demolior as a Passive -
Notes on the Tragic Poets -
On the New Greek Historical Drama -
On the Foundation of the Actian Games -
The Metrical Units of Greek Lyric Verse. I1 -
A New Gnomologium: with some Remarks on Gnomic Anthologies (I) -
Callimachea1 -
The Michigan Alcidamas-Papyrus; Heraclitus Fr. 56D; The Riddle of the Lice -
CAQ volume 44 issue 3-4 Cover and Back matter -
CAQ volume 44 issue 3-4 Cover and Front matter - Number of publications for this day: 13
30 January 2009
Homo Heuristicus: Why Biased Minds Make Better Inferences 1 January 2009
Experience, Temporality and History -
The Philosophy of Natural History and Historiography Making Prehistory: Historical Science and the Scientific Realism Debate -
Early Heidegger’s Concept of History in Light of the Neo-Kantians -
Contents Volume 3 (2009) -
Diotima’s Eudaemonism: Intrinsic Value and Rational Motivation in Plato’s Symposium -
A Synchronic Justification for Aristotle’s Commitment to Prime Matter -
Delimiting Aristotle’s Conception of Stasis in the Politics -
The Stoic Ontology of Geometrical Limits -
Musical Theory and Philosophy: The Case of Archestratus -
Contents Volume 54 (2009) -
Neoplatonism -
Book Review: The Digital Cast of Being: Metaphysics, Mathematics, Cartesianism, Cybernetics, Capitalism, Communication Michael Eldred Piscataway, New Jersey: Transaction Books, 2009 - Number of publications for this day: 12
1 November 2008
Caring and the Boundary-Driven Structure of Practical Deliberation -
Moral Principles Are Not Moral Laws -
Noetherian varieties in definably complete structures - Number of publications for this day: 3
1 August 2008
Hume’s Internalism Reconsidered -
Publishers’ note -
Publications received [65] -
Articles by author’s name in alphabetical/chronological order -
Publications received in chronicle order -
Book reviews - Number of publications for this day: 6
11 July 2008
Topometric spaces and perturbations of metric structures 18 June 2008
Full algebra of generalized functions and non-standard asymptotic analysis 1 June 2008
Publications received [64] -
The case of the nun Mettiyā reexamined: on the expulsion of a pregnant bhikṣuṇī in the Vinaya of the Mahāsāṅghikas and other Indian Buddhist monastic law codes -
Göhler, Lars [Hg.], Indische Kultur im Kontext. Rituale, Texte und Ideen aus Indien und der Welt. Festschrift für Klaus Mylius -
Vincent Eltschinger: Penser l’autorité des Écritures. La polémique de Dharmakīrti contre la notion brahmanique orthodoxe d’un Veda sans auteur. Autour de Pramāṇavārttika I.213-268 et Svavṛtti -
Michel Hulin: Comment la philosophie indienne s’est-elle développée ? La querelle brahmanes-bouddhistes -
Proferes, Theodore N., Vedic Ideals of Sovereignty and the Poetics of Power -
Mathur, Asutosh Dayal, Medieval Hindu Law. Historical Evolution and Enlightened Rebellion -
Yasuhiro Sueki: Bibliographical Sources for Buddhist Studies: from the Viewpoint of Buddhist Philology -
Schmitt, Rüdiger, Pseudo-altpersische Inschriften: Inschriftenfälschungen und moderne Nachbildungen in altpersischer Keilschrift -
Meditating on the king’s feet? Some remarks on the expression pādānudhyāta -
The story of Dharmaruci - Number of publications for this day: 11
1 May 2008
Nonlinear stochastic integrals for hyperfinite Lévy processes -
On the constructive Dedekind reals -
Asymptotics of families of solutions of nonlinear difference equations - Number of publications for this day: 3
1 March 2008
Lefèvre, Vincent, Commanditaires & artistes en Inde du Sud. Des Pallava aux Nāyak (VI e – XVIII e siècle) . -
Contractualism, Reciprocity, Compensation -
Mémorial Ojihara Yutaka. Studia Indologica édité par T. Yagi et M. Hara [Toyo Bunko Research Library 9]. -
Alston, A.J., The Śaṇkara Source Book . Vol. I: Śaṇkara on the Absolute , pp. IX, 282; Vol. II: Śaṇkara on the Creation , pp. IX, 298; Vol. III: Śaṇkara on the Soul , pp. IX, 238; Vol. IV: Śaṇkara on Rival Views , pp. IX, 418; Vol. V: Śaṇkara on Discipleship , pp. VIII, 406; Vol. VI: Śaṇkara on Enlightenment , pp. IX, 444 -
Tubb, Gary A.; Emery B. Boose, Scholastic Sanskrit. A Manual for Students -
Bowles, Adam, Dharma, Disorder and the Political in Ancient India. The Āpaddharmaparvan of the Mahābhārata . - Number of publications for this day: 6
1 February 2008
‘Simply in Virtue of Being Human’: the Whos and Whys of Human Rights 17 January 2008
Some reflections on the Cambridge approach to philosophy (II) -
Hume’s treatment of identity -
Eighteenth century writers on twentieth century subjects -
Journal received -
Notes and news - Number of publications for this day: 5
1 October 2007
Introducing Logic and Analysis -
Inverse problem for cuts -
Enlargements of schemes - Number of publications for this day: 3
1 September 2007
Welfare, Achievement, and Self-Sacrifice 1 August 2007
Well-Being and Virtue 1 July 2007
A Unified Moral Terrain? 28 June 2007
A Reflection on Arts‐Based Research 14 June 2007
Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy XXXII 1 January 2007
Egalitarian Justice and Innocent Choice 1 August 2006
Strict Liability and the Mitigation of Moral Luck 1 March 2006
Explaining Reasons: Where Does the Buck Stop?