7 November 2016
Clayton Bohnet. Logic and the Limits of Philosophy in Kant and Hegel. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. ISBN 978-1-137-52174-3 (hbk). Pp. 270. $95.00. -
Insight and the Enlightenment: Why Einsicht in Chapter Six of Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit? -
Pattern as observation: Darwin’s ‘great facts’ of geographical distribution -
Mechanics Lost: Husserl’s Galileo and Ihde’s Telescope - Number of publications for this day: 7
5 November 2016
Differences in the Evaluation of Generic Statements About Human and Non-Human Categories 4 November 2016
The Metaphysics of Degrees -
Climate Change, No‐Harm Principle, and Moral Responsibility of Individual Emitters -
Climate Change, No-Harm Principle, and Moral Responsibility of Individual Emitters -
The Matrix Verb as a Source of Comprehension Difficulty in Object Relative Sentences -
MEG Evidence for Incremental Sentence Composition in the Anterior Temporal Lobe -
Understanding Human Dignity, or Saving Dignity from Ockam’s Razor -
Numéro 2016/11 – Novembre – Nos prisons - Number of publications for this day: 9
3 November 2016
Evolutionary Genetics and Theological Narratives of Human Origins -
Pro bono lawyering: personal motives and institutionalised practice -
High liberalism and weak economic freedoms -
Why might poor sleep quality lead to depression? A role for emotion regulation -
Contextualizing Individual Competencies for Managing the Corporate Social Responsibility Adaptation Process: The Apparent Influence of the Business Case Logic -
The Chief Political Officer: CEO Characteristics and Firm Investment in Corporate Political Activity -
You Scratch My Back and I Scratch Yours: Investigating Inter-Partner Legitimacy in Relationships Between Social Enterprises and Their Key Partners -
A case study of researchers’ knowledge and opinions about the ethical review process for research in Botswana -
The Chief Political Officer -
You Scratch My Back and I Scratch Yours -
Contextualizing Individual Competencies for Managing the Corporate Social Responsibility Adaptation Process -
La Révolution est un bloc? Wallace on Affirmation and Regret -
Autonomy, Respect, and the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Crisis -
The Transfer and Delegation of Responsibilities for Genetic Offspring in Gamete Provision -
Dissolution of hypotheses in biochemistry: three case studies -
‘Mr Cummings clearly does not understand the science of genetics and should maybe go back to school on the subject’: an exploratory content analysis of the online comments beneath a controversial news story - Number of publications for this day: 16
2 November 2016
A rejection of involuntary treatment in mental health social work -
Grounding is Not Superinternal -
Clark Butler. The Dialectical Method: A Treatise Hegel Never Wrote. New York: Humanity Books, 2011. ISBN 978-1-6161-4489-0 (pbk). Pp. 276. $39.00. - Number of publications for this day: 3
1 November 2016
The Why-Question Methodology, The Guise of the Good and Legal Normativity -
Intentional Action and Law -
The Question Why and the Common Good -
Action, Politics, and the Normativity of Law -
Listening harder: Queer archive and biography -
Chasing Heideggerian circles: Freedom, call, and our educational ground -
Normative Pluralism Worthy of the Name Is False -
Promises and Conflicting Obligations -
Well-being, happiness and the structural crisis of neoliberalism: an interdisciplinary analysis through the lenses of emotions -
Information-driven network analysis: evolving the “complex networks” paradigm -
Symposium on “Multidimensional subjective well-being” -
A preliminary investigation about the relationship between well-being and fertility status in different menstrual cycle phases -
The meaning of happiness: attention and time perception -
Inference from the best systematization -
Nudge to the future: capitalizing on illusory superiority bias to mitigate temporal discounting -
Sleep and the management of alertness -
The subjective well-being of women in Europe: children, work and employment protection legislation -
Syed Azmatullah: The Coach’s Mind Manual -
Systems Approaches to Managing Change: A Practical Guide -
Review of Soft Systems Methodology in Action -
Editorial: Meanings and Processes -
Heidegger’s Critique of Technology and the Contemporary Return to Artisan Business Activity -
The source of solar energy, ca. 1840–1910: From meteoric hypothesis to radioactive speculations -
Birth and initial developments of experiments with resonant detectors searching for gravitational waves -
Waiting for the W -
The Stern-Gerlach experiment revisited -
Wave-particle and wave-wave interactions in hot plasmas: a French historical point of view -
Cultural trauma, counter-narratives, and dialogical intellectuals: the works of Murakami Haruki and Mori Tatsuya in the context of the Aum affair -
Turning distaste into taste: context-specific habitus and the practical congruity of culture -
Socio-historical foundations of citizenship practice: after social revolution in Portugal -
The development of Euclidean axiomatics -
On Kepler’s system of conics in Astronomiae pars optica -
Carlos Alberto Sánchez: Contingency and Commitment: Mexican Existentialism and the Place of Philosophy -
Thomas Luckmann (October 14, 1927–May 10, 2016) -
Present Contemporaries and Absent Consociates: Rethinking Schütz’s “We Relation” Beyond Copresence -
Sociology as a Naïve Science: Alfred Schütz and the Phenomenological Theory of Attitudes -
The (Im)Possible Grasp of Networked Realities: Disclosing Gregory Bateson’s Work for the Study of Technology - Number of publications for this day: 37
31 October 2016
People look at the object they fear: oculomotor capture by stimuli that signal threat -
Motivated reasoning in the prediction of sports outcomes and the belief in the “hot hand” -
Perspectives of IRB chairs on the informed consent process -
On Regretting Things I Didn’t Do and Couldn’t Have Done - Number of publications for this day: 4
29 October 2016
Southwell1 and Oxford -
Praying Confidently for the Salvation of All -
Thomas Aquinas, Prophecy, and the ‘Scientific’ Character of Sacred Doctrine -
The Failure of Joseph Raz’s Account of Legal Obligation -
Rejoinder by Kevin L. Flannery, S.J. - Number of publications for this day: 6
28 October 2016
The scene of the classroom -
A critical analysis of the failure of nurses to raise concerns about poor patient care -
The Bible Read through the Prism of Theology -
The Kabbalistic Sources of Spinoza -
Aimed Inquiry and Positive Theology in -
The Collective Soul -
Numéro 2016/4 – Tome 79 – Visages de Putnam - Number of publications for this day: 7
27 October 2016
Conceptualising humiliation -
Patients’ moral views on coercion in mental healthcare -
Engaging Fringe Stakeholders in Business and Society Research -
Habituation and Hermeneutics: Toward a Thomistic Account of Pre-Understanding -
Beyond Natural Law -
Artificial RespirationWhat does God really do in the beginning? -
Time Meets Eternity: The Incarnation’s Significance for History and Culture -
Imagine That: Reading Eternal Progress Non-Metaphysically -
Aquinas, Hadot, and Spiritual Exercises - Number of publications for this day: 9
26 October 2016
Against Democracy Jason Brennan, 2016 Princeton, NJ Princeton University Press 296 pp., £17.25 (hb)