26 October 2016
Causing Little Ones to Stumble: Paul Bailey and the Millstone of Religion -
A Spirituality of Reconciliation: Lessons from Rwanda -
Thomas Aquinas on the Grace of Knowing God -
Functional Synergy Between Postural and Visual Behaviors When Performing a Difficult Precise Visual Task in Upright Stance -
Icon(oclast)ic Discourse: Marion’s Logic of the Infinite -
Saint Augustine and the Theological Critique of Ideology -
Pusey and the Romantic Poets: Some Links to Eucharistic Theology -
Knowing Responsibly, Thinking Ecologically: Response to Panelists -
Fierce Love: What We Can Learn about Epistemic Responsibility from Histories of AIDS Advocacy -
From Epistemic Responsibility to Ecological Thinking: The Importance of Advocacy for Epistemic Community -
Responsibilism and the Analytic-Sociological Debate in Social Epistemology -
The Epistemological and the Moral/Political in Epistemic Responsibility: Beginnings and Reworkings in Lorraine Code’s Work -
Introduction to The Challenge of Epistemic Responsibility: Essays in Honour of Lorraine Code -
Allied Identities -
Unhappy Confessions: The Temptation of Admitting to White Privilege -
Love and Resistance: Moral Solidarity in the Face of Perceptual Failure -
Malfunctions and teleology - Number of publications for this day: 21
25 October 2016
Special Issue on Admissible Rules and Unification -
Enkratic Agency -
Kant, Neo-Kantians, and Transcendental Subjectivity -
Lonergan and Wittgenstein on the Dialectic of Methods -
Re-Telling Faith: A Contemporary Philosophical Redraft of Christianity as Hermeneutics -
The Case for the Nonideal Morality of War -
Does It Matter How One Assesses Moral Reasoning? Differences (Biases) in the Recognition Versus Formulation Tasks -
Does a Hermeneutical Clarification of “Presence” Advance O’Collins’ Christology? -
Entitlement and the Epistemic Status of Cornerstone Beliefs -
, Reinhard Mehring (Advance Article) -
Irony and Opinion -
Making the World Body Whole and Complete -
Julian and Porphyry on the Resurrection of Jesus in the Gospels -
The Devil in the Details -
Vladislav Suvák -
Bernard Collette-Dučič et Sylvain Delcomminette -
Stern-Gillet, S. and Gurtler, G. -
Alexandra Michalewski -
Pauliina Remes and Svetla Slaveva-Griffith -
Eleni Perdikouri -
Malcolm Heath -
Del Forno, D. 2015 -
Plotinus -
Julieta Cardigni -
Evaluation of corporate social responsibility from a stakeholder’s perspective—a case study of Aparajitha Corporate Services in India - Number of publications for this day: 25
24 October 2016
Context learning for threat detection -
Why Intentions? -
A randomized study of a method for optimizing adolescent assent to biomedical research -
Heidegger on Human Finitude: Beginning at the End -
Kierkegaard on Impartiality and Love -
What It’s Like To Have a Cognitive Home -
Nietzsche, Nature, Nurture -
Jeffrey Reid. The Anti-Romantic: Hegel Against Ironic Romanticism. New York: Bloomsbury, 2014. ISBN 978-1-472-57481-7 (hbk). Pp. 196. $112.00. -
Contemplative Practice: Philosophy, Pedagogy, and Science - Number of publications for this day: 10
23 October 2016
22 October 2016
Evidentialism, Transparency, and Commitments -
Norms of Belief -
An Argument for Uniqueness About Evidential Support -
Knowing Our Own Hearts: Self-Reporting and the Science of Love -
Mind Misreading -
Unconscious Evidence -
Against Emotional Dogmatism -
How Understanding People Differs from Understanding the Natural World -
Simulation and Understanding Other Minds -
Against the Taking Condition -
Practical Perception and Intelligent Action -
Incompatibilist Commitment and Moral Self-Knowledge: The Epistemology of Libertarianism -
How to be an Infallibilist* -
No State A Priori Known to Be Factive is Mental* -
Safety, Explanation, Iteration -
The Essential Connection Between Epistemology and the Theory of Reference -
Is There a Problem With Cognitive Outsourcing? -
Empiricist Pragmatism -
Good Looking* -
Testimonial Knowledge: A Unified Account -
Redefining Illusion and Hallucination in Light of New Cases -
Belief and Self-Knowledge: Lessons From Moore’s Paradox -
Information and Inaccuracy - Number of publications for this day: 23
21 October 2016
A cautionary tale regarding ‘believing’ allegations of historical child abuse -
Bioethics, General Ethics and CAM -
Misplaced Paternalism and other Mistakes in the Debate over Kidney Sales -
Assisted Suicide in Switzerland: Clarifying Liberties and Claims -
Moral conflict and competing duties in the initiation of a biomedical HIV prevention trial with minor adolescents -
University Education Construed in the Light of Faith -
Volume 45 Index -
A Kantian Account of the Knowledge of Life and the Life Sciences -
Nicholas of Cusa’s Maximum as a Renaissance Precursor to Hegel’s True Infinity -
On the Fundamental Dissimilarity of Aristotelian and Kantian Time Concepts -
German Idealism as Post-Kantianism -
The Synthetic Unity of Apperception in Hegel’s Logic of the Concept -
Berkeley’s Unseen Horse and Coach -
Hegel on Sovereignty and Monarchy -
Can Infinitival to Omissions and Provisions Be Primed? An Experimental Investigation Into the Role of Constructional Competition in Infinitival to Omission Errors -
Do Bilinguals Automatically Activate Their Native Language When They Are Not Using It? -
Fractions We Cannot Ignore: The Nonsymbolic Ratio Congruity Effect -
Familiarity, Priming, and Perception in Similarity Judgments -
A Prime Example of the Maluma/Takete Effect? Testing for Sound Symbolic Priming -
Plateaus, Dips, and Leaps: Where to Look for Inventions and Discoveries During Skilled Performance