18 July 2016
Dilemmas in international research and the value of practical wisdom -
Arranging Objects in Space: Measuring Task-Relevant Organizational Behaviors During Goal Pursuit -
The Business Case for Corporate Social Responsibility: A Critique and an Indirect Path Forward -
The Business Case for Corporate Social Responsibility -
Numéro 2016/3 – – -
Numéro 2016/3 – n° 146 – Varia -
Questioning the Western idea of reason through Hindu philosophy: An analysis of The Circle of Reason by Amitav Ghosh - Number of publications for this day: 7
15 July 2016
Advice for Noncognitivists -
Beyond the ‘other’ as constitutive outside: The politics of immunity in Roberto Esposito and Niklas Luhmann -
The Adequacy of Resemblance Nominalism about Perfect Naturalness -
- Number of publications for this day: 4
14 July 2016
The Real Struggle: An Objective Notion of Expertise? -
Latin American Philosophers: Some Recent Challenges to Their Intellectual Character -
Studying Rhetorical Audiences – a Call for Qualitative Reception Studies in Argumentation and Rhetoric -
Employing and Exploiting the Presumptions of Communication in Argumentation: An Application of Normative Pragmatics -
Criticism without Fundamental Principles -
Considering Carneades as a Framework for Informal Logic: A Reply to Walton and Gordon -
Why Arguments from Expert Opinion are still Weak: A Reply to Seidel -
Enhancing Rationality: Heuristics, Biases, and The Critical Thinking Project -
Co-Hyperintensionality -
Responding to N.T. Wright’s Rejection of the Soul -
Illusions of Optimal Motion, Relationism, and Perceptual Content -
Justice Across Boundaries: Whose Obligations? Onora O’Neill, 2016 Cambridge Cambridge University Press 249 pp. £21.99/$32.99 (pb) -
Anticipatory affect during action preparation: evidence from backward compatibility in dual-task performance - Number of publications for this day: 13
13 July 2016
Appearance, Discrimination, and Reaction Qualifications -
Agamben, G.: “L`uso dei corpi” -
Jefferson, Th.: “Escritos políticos. Declaración de Independencia, Autobiografía, Epistolario… “ -
Villaverde Rico, M. J. y López Sastre, G.: “Civilizados y salvajes. La mirada de los ilustrados sobre el mundo no europeo” -
Cusa, N.: “La caza de la sabiduría. Edición bilingüe, notas y comentario de Mariano Álvarez” -
Trawny, P.: “Heidegger y el mito de la conspiración mundial de los judíos” -
Aragüés Estragués, J. M.: “De la vanguardia al Cyborg. Aproximaciones al paradigma postmoderno” -
Mèlich, J.-C.: “Lógica de la crueldad” -
Argullol, R.: “Pasión que quiso ser hombre” -
Prieto López, L.: “Suárez y el destino de la metafísica: de Avicena a Heidegger.” -
Organizational Transparency: Conceptualizations, Conditions, and Consequences -
The European Union as a demoicracy: Really a third way? -
Organizational Transparency -
La norma de la filosofía: carne y hueso del canon filosófico español -
Quintín Racionero Carmona en el marco de la filosofía española actual -
La visibilidad del mundo y la invisibilidad del alma. Estructura fenomenológica del mirar humano -
Enfermedad y caída en Albert Camus -
Del neoliberalismo como ideología -
El don de lo no dado: la fenomenología de la donación de Jean-Luc Marion ante el “hay” levinasiano -
El cuerpo, el artificio, los sonámbulos. Sobre el uso spinoziano de la experiencia como crítica de la concepción cartesiana de la libertad -
Amor, lenguaje y olvido. Sobre memoria y desmemoria en los diálogos de Platón -
El Parménides de Platón y la comprensión del Uno en la filosofía de Plotino: ¿un olvido de Heidegger? -
De la metafísica a la anarquía. El pensamiento político de Reiner Schürmann -
Heidegger y lo insondable del pensar -
La actualidad de la hermenéutica. Entrevista a Jean Grondin y Ramón Rodríguez - Number of publications for this day: 25
12 July 2016
Relative Difficulty of Understanding Foreign Accents as a Marker of Proficiency -
Categorical Perception Beyond the Basic Level: The Case of Warm and Cool Colors -
Nature, Grace and Catholic Engagement in Contemporary Cultural Dialogue -
Discovering Psychological Principles by Mining Naturally Occurring Data Sets -
Fearing shades of grey: individual differences in fear responding towards generalisation stimuli -
- Number of publications for this day: 6
11 July 2016
Panpsychism, Emergentism and the Metaphysics of Causation -
Is the Norm on Belief Evaluative? A Response to McHugh -
Spiritual care as a response to an exaptation: how evolutionary psychology informs the debate -
Individuality and hierarchy in Cicero’s De Officiis -
The two sides of adversity: the effect of distant versus recent adversity on updating emotional content in working memory -
- Number of publications for this day: 6
8 July 2016
Acknowledging our Referees from September 2014 through June 2016 -
WITHDRAWN—Administrative Duplicate Publication: Research ethics committees: The ineligibles -
Research ethics committees: The ineligibles -
Unmet Needs for Clinical Ethics Support Services in Nurse -
Study Time: Heidegger and the Temporality of Education -
Environmental Education as a Lived-Body Practice? A Contemplative Pedagogy Perspective -
Dwelling and creative imagination in Gaston Bachelard’s phenomenology: Returning to the poetic space of education and learning -
Numéro 2016/2 – 20-2 – Circulations et échanges dans l’espace euro-méditerranéen (XVIIIe-XXIe siècles) -
Numéro 2016/HS – n° 291 – Quelle identité de l’éthique théologique aujourd’hui ? -
Numéro 2016/2 – 20-2 – Circulations et échanges dans l’espace euro-méditerranéen (XVIIIe-XXIe siècles) -
Numéro 2016/HS – n° 291 – Quelle identité de l’éthique théologique aujourd’hui ? -
Numéro 2016/1 – Tome 100 – Pensée antique et médiévale: un mépris du corps ? -
Numéro 2016/HS – n° 291 – Quelle identité de l’éthique théologique aujourd’hui ? -
Numéro 2016/1 – Tome 100 – Varia -
Numéro 2016/2 – 20-2 – Circulations et échanges dans l’espace euro-méditerranéen (XVIIIe-XXIe siècles) - Number of publications for this day: 15
7 July 2016
What’s wrong with promising to try? -
Two Kinds of Feminist Philosophy -
Epistemic Warrants and Higher-Order Theories of Conscious Perception -
Sensitivity and Higher-Order Knowledge -
Mindful attention predicts greater recovery from negative emotions, but not reduced reactivity -
- Number of publications for this day: 8
6 July 2016
Bringing critical realism to nursing practice: Roy Bhaskar’s contribution -
Ethical challenges in online research: Public/private perceptions -
Forbidden Fruit: Saint Augustine and the Psychology of Eating Disorders -
Jacques Maritain’s Ethics of Art -
Towards an Understanding of the Ontological Conditions issuing from Original Sin -
Can Natural Law Ethics be Tenable Today? Towards a Critical Natural Law Theory -
Divine Goodness, Predestination, and the Hypostatic Union: St. Thomas on the Temporal Realization of the Father’s Eternal Plan in the Incarnate Son -
Learning from Bad Teachers: Leibniz as a Propaedeutic for Chinese Philosophy -
Nāgārjuna’s Pañcakoṭi, Agrippa’s Trilemma, and the Uses of Skepticism -
Where Does the Cetanic Break Take Place? Weakness of Will in Śāntideva’s Bodhicaryāvatāra -
From Political Liberalism to Para-Liberalism: Epistemological Pluralism, Cognitive Liberalism & Authentic Choice -
VOL 7 NO 2 COVER PAGE - Number of publications for this day: 14
5 July 2016
Skin-transmitted pathogens and the heebie jeebies: evidence for a subclass of disgust stimuli that evoke a qualitatively unique emotional response -
The English word disgust has no exact translation in Hindi or Malayalam