6 January 2013
Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy 1 January 2013
Moral Error Theory and the Argument from Epistemic Reasons -
The ‘Cloud’ of Unknowing – What a Government Cloud May and May Not Offer: A Practitioner Perspective -
Appropriate Use of Information Systems: A Policy Training Approach -
In Defense of the ‘Human Prejudice’ -
Towards a Socially Responsible Research (SRR) Charter in Engineering Sciences at CNRS level -
A Paradox Between Technological Autonomy and Ethical Heteronomy of Philosophy of Technology: Social Control System -
Robots and the Ethics of Care - Number of publications for this day: 7
11 December 2012
Self-interest, Sympathy and the Invisible Hand: From Adam Smith to Market Liberalism -
Mathematics, Science and the Cambridge Tradition -
Walter Eucken on Patent Laws: Are Patents Just ‘Nonsense upon Stilts’? -
Forecasting, Prediction and Precision: A Commentary - Number of publications for this day: 4
1 December 2012
Editors’ Note -
Service robotics: an emergent technology field at the interface between industry and services -
Legal aspects of service robotics -
Interdisciplinary technology assessment of service robots: the psychological/work science perspective -
Mapping the ethical landscape of carbon capture and storage -
Service robots on their way? First steps of an interdisciplinary technology assessment -
Service robots in the mirror of reflective research -
Evolutionary Debunking, Moral Realism and Moral Knowledge -
Inescapability and Normativity - Number of publications for this day: 9
9 November 2012
The Evolution of Exudativory in Primates 1 November 2012
Cyberspace as a new arena for terroristic propaganda: an updated examination -
Ethical aspects of vulnerability in research -
Participation in ‘big style’: first observations at the German citizens’ dialogue on future technologies -
Legitimation problems of participatory processes in technology assessment and technology policy -
Assessing project approval procedures as formalised forms of public participation -
Forward-looking activities: incorporating citizens’ visions -
Old problems, new directions and upcoming requirements in participatory technology assessment -
Why do we still need participatory technology assessment? -
Lost in translation? The dilemma of alignment within participatory technology developments -
From invited to uninvited participation (and back?): rethinking civil society engagement in technology assessment and development -
One size fits all? On the institutionalization of participatory technology assessment and its interconnection with national ways of policy-making: the cases of Switzerland and Austria -
Zeal of Acceptance: Balancing Image and Business in Early Twentieth-century American Dentistry -
Understanding Schizophrenic Delusion: The Role of Some Primary Alterations of Subjective Experience -
EnviroGenomarkers: The Interplay Between Mechanisms and Difference Making in Establishing Causal Claims -
From the Problem of the Nature of Psychosis to the Phenomenological Reform of Psychiatry. Historical and Epistemological Remarks on Ludwig Binswanger’s Psychiatric Project - Number of publications for this day: 15
30 October 2012
Believe and Confess: Revisiting Christian Doxastic Intentionality 29 October 2012
Contemporary Trends in Atheist Criticism of Thomistic Natural Theology 4 October 2012
Polyploidy and Genome Evolution 1 October 2012
Lack of Ethics for eLearning: Two Sides of the Ethical Coin -
A Triad of Crisis Communication in the United States: Social Networks for Social Change in the Obama Era -
Human Extinction and Farsighted Universal Surveillance -
Value Lexicality and Human Enhancement -
Succulent Sins, Personalized Politics, and Mainstream Media’s Tabloidization Temptation - Number of publications for this day: 5
29 September 2012
Evolutionary Biology: Mechanisms and Trends -
Mouse Development -
The Macaque Connection -
Virtue and Happiness - Number of publications for this day: 4
1 September 2012
The Normative Significance of Conscience 2 August 2012
1 August 2012
Objective Morality, Subjective Morality, and the Explanatory Question -
Moral Responsibility and Merit - Number of publications for this day: 2
27 July 2012
The Dual Nature of Life(Zhegunov) 20 July 2012
Species Survival in Fragmented Landscapes 17 July 2012
Editorial Introduction to the First Issue of Economic Thought -
Mathematical Modelling and Ideology in the Economics Academy: competing explanations of the failings of the modern discipline? -
Economics and Research Assessment Systems -
Richard Cantillon’s Early Monetary Views? -
Different Approaches to the Financial Crisis -
On the Limits of Rational Choice Theory -
An Evolutionary Efficiency Alternative to the Notion of Pareto Efficiency - Number of publications for this day: 7
9 July 2012
The Logotheology of Therese of Lisieux: ‘A Way That Is Very Straight, Very Short, and Totally New’ 1 July 2012
Against the Being For Account of Normative Certitude -
Artificial Ethics: A Common Way for Human and Artificial Moral Agents and an Emergent Technoethical Field -
Legal Issues of the French Law on Creation and Internet (Hadopi 1 and 2) -
Anthropogenesis and Dynamics of Values Under Conditions of Information Technology Development -
Systems of Ethical Reasoning and Media Communications -
The Use and Abuse of Digital Democracy: Case Study of Mybarackobama.com - Number of publications for this day: 6
1 June 2012
Debi Ghate and Richard E. Ralston: Why businessmen need philosophy: the capitalist’s guide to the ideas behind Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged -
Robots and cyborgs: to be or to have a body? -
Baby Steps to Superintelligence: Neuroprosthetics and Children -
Responsibility Revisited -
Epigenetic Responsibility -
Medical Responsibility and Clinical Guidelines: A Few Remarks from Two Italian Juridical Cases -
The Diversity of Responsibility: The Value of Explication and Pluralization -
An Ethic of Care and Responsibility: Reflections on Third-Party Reproduction -
Sharing Responsibility in Gamete Donation: Balancing Relations and New Knowledge in Latvia - Number of publications for this day: 9
1 April 2012
Could Morality Have a Source? -
The Humanity of the Human Body: Is Homo Cybersapien a New Species? -
Robotics, Ethics, and the Environment -
Personal Liability and Human Free Will in the Background of Emerging Neuroethical Issues: Some Remarks Arising From Recent Case Law -
Presence, Reciprocity and Robotic Mediations: The Case of Autonomous Social Robots - Number of publications for this day: 5
21 March 2012
Genesis – In The Beginning 28 February 2012
Reporting Diarrhoea through a Vernacular Term in Quechua-speaking Settings of Rural Bolivia 20 February 2012
Total Antioxidant Concentrations of Breastmilk – An Eye-opener to the Negligent -
Lactoferrin for the Prevention of Post-antibiotic Diarrhoea -
Bacteriological Quality of Foods and Water Sold by Vendors and in Restaurants in Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria: A Comparative Study of Three Microbiological Methods -
Modelling of Infectious Diseases for Providing Signal of Epidemics: A Measles Case Study in Bangladesh -
Trends in Pneumonia and Influenza-associated Hospitalizations in South Korea, 2002-2005 -
Antitubercular Drug Resistance in Four Healthcare Facilities in North India -
Inconsistent Effects of Iron-Folic Acid and/or Zinc Supplementation on the Cognitive Development of Infants -
Perceptions of Malawian Nurses about Nursing Interventions for Malnourished Children and Their Parents -
Factors Associated with Treatment Compliance in Hypertension in Southwest Nigeria -
Assessment of Implementation of Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood Illness in India -
Perinatal Outcomes of Multiple Births in Southwest Nigeria