18 January 2025
Emergent Processes as Generation of Discontinuities -
Evolutionary Ethics and Mate Selection -
“Todes” and “Todxs”, linguistic innovations or grammatical gender violations? -
Neural specialization for ‘visual’ concepts emerges in the absence of vision -
Crossing the Stream, Leaving the Cave: Buddhist-Platonist Philosophical Inquiries -
The Metaphysics of Margaret Cavendish and Anne Conway: Monism, Vitalism, and Self-Motion -
Errors through misidentification and the specialness of first-person thought -
Framing, Filtering and Fixing: The Ethics of Risk Communication -
Informal Institutions and Multinationals’ Drive Towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): A Dark‐Side Perspective -
A trope‐theoretic solution to the missing value problem -
The simplicity of physical laws -
Deception and manipulation in generative AI -
Conspiracy and power -
Unveiling Her Efforts: Gender Diversity’s Impact on Performance Commitments in M&As -
Hidden Bias, Overt Impact: A Systematic Review of the Empirical Literature on Racial Microaggressions at Work -
In Moderation: Automation in the Digital Public Sphere - Number of publications for this day: 16
17 January 2025
Why Taxes Need Not Treat Equals Equally -
Democratic Theory and Economic Planning -
Order in the Nothing: Autopoiesis and the Organizational Characterization of the Living -
Theoretical and Artificial Construction of the Living: Redefining the Approach from an Autopoietic Point of View -
Introduction to book: What Is a Chemical Element? -
AI contextual information shapes moral and aesthetic judgments of AI-generated visual art -
Generic multiplicative endomorphism of a field -
Is germline genome‐editing person‐affecting or identity‐affecting, and does it matter? -
The Unity of the Ideal Virtues -
Sharing Freedom: republicanism and exclusion in revolutionary France -
Attraction and Alienation -
The Epistemology of Bio-Inspired Disciplines: Unpacking Modelling in Biorobotics -
Pessimism and Optimism in Non-Ideal Inquiry Epistemology -
Blueprint of ethics content in undergraduate education: A workshop-research study -
Dig Beneath a Mosque -
Max Weber and the Re-Enchantment of Charisma -
Consciousness in Neorealism: Perry, Montague, and Holt -
The Settler Colonial Ideal in Nineteenth-Century France: From Revolutionary Shipwreck to Settler Colonial Shores -
How Knowledge Travels: Learned Periodicals and the Atlantic Republic of Letters -
Academic Freedom in the English Revolution: Libertas Scholastica, Libertas Philosophandi, and the Reformation of the Universities -
Spiritual and Medical Melancholy in Lutheran Responses to Johann Weyer’s Criticism of the Witch Trials -
J. G. A. Pocock: A Life in Letters -
The Potential Goods of Moral Failure -
Minding: A Radically New Management Approach Based on Free Energy Minimization -
An evolutionary game theory for event-driven ecological population dynamics -
The Lesser Evil Argument for (and Against) Political Obligation -
Philosophy of Science Made Simple and Relevant -
Mobilization of Scientific Knowledge Domains to Build Epistemic Practices Among Pre-service Chemistry Teachers -
Case Study Pedagogy in Disaster Education -
African and Western Conceptions of Death and Dying: The Role of Ancestors, the Enduring Past and the Meaning of Life -
Research Ethics Capacity Development in Anglophone West Africa: a Scoping Review -
The Dark Side: Linking Organizational Justice to Unethical Employee Behaviors -
Olfaction is a Spatial Sense -
The hyperintensionality of art -
Approximations that matter: virtual particles as carriers of interactions -
Pastoral hazardscapes in Aotearoa New Zealand: gender, land dispossession, and dairying in a warming climate -
María Zambrano y Alfonso Rodríguez Aldave en Chile: algunos artículos olvidados y otros materiales de prensa relacionados con su estancia y actividades en el país andino -
Leibniz y la aplicación de la matemática a la física -
Leibniz y el problema de la relación entre Dios y las esencias: oposición y evolución desde un modelo teo-mereológico hacia un modelo representacional -
Conceptos políticos fundamentales: un análisis contemporáneo de Alfonso Galindo Hervás, Conceptos políticos fundamentales: un análisis contemporáneo, Madrid: Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, 2021 -
Correspondencia entre Hélène Metzger Bruhl y Otto Neurath (1936-1939) -
Pasiones y vida feliz: de Montaigne a Leibniz -
La flecha y la trampa. Figuras de la finitud en un discurso fúnebre de Kierkegaard -
Revelar el arcano de Michel Foucault, resistir a los dispositivos neoliberales: nota crítica a propósito de CASTRO ORELLANA, R. (2023), Dispositivos neoliberales y resistencias (Epílogo de José Luis Villacañas), Barcelona: Herder. -
La interpretación platónica del desafío inmoralista -
Metafísica, Dinámica y Éter en la Filosofía Teórica de Kant -
La técnica como rasgo constitutivo del hombre: nota crítica a propósito de ALONSO, M. (2021), Ortega y la técnica, Madrid-México D.F.: CSIC-Plaza y Valdés. -
La ciencia perspectiva (1684-1687), de G.W. Leibniz -
Antagonismos en la Europa revolucionaria: de Kant y Fichte a Napoleón y Constant -
Qué puede Dios y qué el monarca: dos vías de reconstrucción teológico-política de la filosofía política de Descartes -
La ironía ante la tarea de la interioridad: Kierkegaard, crítico de la Frühromantik -
Nuevas reflexiones acerca del ser modos finitos de la sustancia infinita en Spinoza. -
Jenofonte, Saber habitar. Oikonomikós, Madrid: Ediciones Asimétricas, 2023 -
Tractatus Logico Philosophicus y Analysis Situs: aires de familia -
Ramas San Miguel, Clara, El tiempo perdido. Contra la Edad Dorada. Una crítica del fantasma de la melancolía en política y filosofía., Barcelona: Arpa, 2024. -
Boletín de Bibliografía Spinozista n.º 26 -
Conditiones non sunt multiplicanda sine necessitate: el problema de la equivalencia de las estipulaciones de Locke y Nozick -
Index to Volume 46, 2024 -
HET volume 46 issue 4 Cover and Front matter -
HET volume 46 issue 4 Cover and Back matter - Number of publications for this day: 61
16 January 2025
Philosophical perspectives on neuroendocrine-immune interactions: the building block model and complementary ecological approaches -
A No-Go Theorem for psi-ontic Models? No, Surely Not! -
Randomized experiments and causal inference: Randomization balances the impact of confounders in the statistical sense -
Provisional report on Discussions on Group 3 of the Periodic Table. -
The tree of life and the table of the elements -
How and why the Periodic Table should be elevated to a higher status in chemistry courses, and a very brief history of the periodic table -
Various forms of the periodic table including the left‑step table, the regularization of atomic number triads and first‑member anomalies. -
Not the Measurement Problem’s Problem: Black Hole Information Loss with Schrödinger’s Cat -
Alien Structure: Language and Reality -
The Moral Philosophy of Maria Montessori: Agency and Ethical Life -
Metaphor and Metaphilosophy: Wittgenstein, MacDonald, and Conceptual Metaphor Theory -
Simple Auto‐Associative Networks Succeed at Universal Generalization of the Identity Function and Reduplication Rule -
Bayesian surprise intensifies pain in a novel visual-noxious association -
Ethics in Action: Personal Reflections of Canadian Psychologists -
Evolutionary debunking arguments, moral knowledge and underdetermination -
Memory, anticipation, and future-bias -
Are episodic memory and episodic simulation different in kind? -
Implications of assisted dying for nursing practice -
Medical ethics on research‐related organ donation and transplantation in China -
Commerce over care: exploring legal advice given in potential economic abuse cases -
Global Im-Possibilites: Exploring the Paradoxes of Just Sustainabilities -
How to Take Skepticism Seriously -
Future contingents, openness and the possibility of omniscience: Defending an argument against relativism and supervaluationism