
Welcome to the Philosophy Paperboy. This website publishes the latest contents from philosophy journals around the world (Currently, 570 journals are listed). Take it as a newspaper for philosophers. Check it daily so to never miss a paper.

Philosophy Paperboy is a project by Andrea Raimondi (Assistant Professor at Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology) in collaboration with Lorenzo Cataldi (Philosophy graduate and web/graphic designer).

If you use this website, please consider supporting our work. Any pledge, no matter how small, will be very gratefully accepted and used to cover the cost of infrastructures, the time to maintain the service and to develop new awesome features.

We are deeply grateful to our beloved patrons for their support: Andrew Lavigne, Adam, AG Rud, AntiLogicalism, Antonio Vargas, Bjorn Freter, Enrico Pasini, Grasped in Thought, Huub Vromen, Joao Ricardo, Lmorus, Sally Parker-Ryan, Ziad Shihab, Ben Winokur, Bernardus Bouwhuls, Borut Trpin, Casper Storm Hansen, Daniel Kilov, Inigo Valero, James McGuire, Jiangtian Li, Kosta Gligorijevic, Marco Almada, Mia Wood, Min Seo, Philip Yaure, Richard Moran, Ruby Klink, Sara Heydari Fard, Taylor, Walter Horn, and William Sked. Thanks, fellows!