- On categoricity of scattered linear orders of constructive ranks
- Different covering numbers of compact tree ideals
- The provably total functions of basic arithmetic and its extensions
- Undecidability of indecomposable polynomial rings
- Punctually presented structures II: comparing presentations
- On some $$Sigma ^{B}_{0}$$ -formulae generalizing counting principles over $$V^{0}$$
- On absorption’s formula definable semigroups of complete theories
- Intuitionistic sets and numbers: small set theory and Heyting arithmetic
- The Tarski–Lindenbaum algebra of the class of strongly constructivizable models with $$omega $$ -stable theories
- The Fan Theorem, its strong negation, and the determinacy of games
- Glivenko–Cantelli classes and NIP formulas
- Separablilty of metric measure spaces and choice axioms
- Fragments of IOpen
- Pathology of submeasures and $$F_{sigma }$$ ideals
- Positive indiscernibles
- Spectral MV-algebras and equispectrality
- On two consequences of CH established by Sierpiński
- Katětov order between Hindman, Ramsey and summable ideals
- On undecidability of the propositional logic of an associative binary modality
- Quantifier-free induction for lists
- Square compactness and Lindelöf trees
- The Josefson–Nissenzweig theorem and filters on $$omega $$
- The extent of saturation of induced ideals
- Games characterizing certain families of functions
- Herbrandized modified realizability
- Cohesive powers of structures
- Indiscernibles and satisfaction classes in arithmetic
- Pcf without choice Sh835
- On computable numberings of families of Turing degrees
- Around accumulation points and maximal sequences of indiscernibles
- Varieties of truth definitions
- Essential hereditary undecidability
- On the extendability to $$mathbf {Pi }_3^0$$ ideals and Katětov order
- Errata: on the role of the continuum hypothesis in forcing principles for subcomplete forcing
- Vector spaces with a union of independent subspaces
- Nondefinability results with entire functions of finite order in polynomially bounded o-minimal structures
- The second-order version of Morley’s theorem on the number of countable models does not require large cardinals
- Indestructibility and the linearity of the Mitchell ordering
- Regressive versions of Hindman’s theorem
- Cut elimination for coherent theories in negation normal form
- L-domains as locally continuous sequent calculi
- Prenex normalization and the hierarchical classification of formulas
- Weak essentially undecidable theories of concatenation, part II
- Maximal Tukey types, P-ideals and the weak Rudin–Keisler order
- On Harrop disjunction property in intermediate predicate logics
- Stably embedded submodels of Henselian valued fields
- On diagonal functions for equivalence relations
- Compositional truth with propositional tautologies and quantifier-free correctness
- Effective weak and vague convergence of measures on the real line
- Cut elimination by unthreading
- Superrosiness and dense pairs of geometric structures
- Computable approximations of a chainable continuum with a computable endpoint
- Semi-honest subrecursive degrees and the collection rule in arithmetic
- Convergence of measures after adding a real
- A Mathias criterion for the Magidor iteration of Prikry forcings
- Herbrand complexity and the epsilon calculus with equality
- Revisiting the conservativity of fixpoints over intuitionistic arithmetic
- Turing degrees and randomness for continuous measures
- Models of $${{textsf{ZFA}}}$$ in which every linearly ordered set can be well ordered
- The fixed point and the Craig interpolation properties for sublogics of $$textbf{IL}$$
- Recursive Polish spaces
- On the complexity of the theory of a computably presented metric structure
- Structure of semisimple rings in reverse and computable mathematics
- A syntactic approach to Borel functions: some extensions of Louveau’s theorem
- On the non-existence of $$kappa $$ -mad families
- An AEC framework for fields with commuting automorphisms
- The small index property for countable superatomic boolean algebras
- Questions on cardinal invariants of Boolean algebras
- Mathias and silver forcing parametrized by density
- Definable Tietze extension property in o-minimal expansions of ordered groups
- Correction to: Towers, mad families, and unboundedness
- Consistency and interpolation in linear continuous logic
- The axiom of choice in metric measure spaces and maximal $$delta $$ -separated sets
- A topological completeness theorem for transfinite provability logic
- Sets of real numbers closed under Turing equivalence: applications to fields, orders and automorphisms
- Ideals with Smital properties
- Towers, mad families, and unboundedness
- Involutive symmetric Gödel spaces, their algebraic duals and logic
- Ranks based on strong amalgamation Fraïssé classes
- A criterion for the strong cell decomposition property
- Some implications of Ramsey Choice for families of $$varvec{n}$$ -element sets
- Independent families and some notions of finiteness
- Glivenko sequent classes and constructive cut elimination in geometric logics
- The structure of $$kappa $$ -maximal cofinitary groups
- Correction to: Generalization of Shapiro’s theorem to higher arities and noninjective notations
- Generic existence of interval P-points
- Towards a homotopy domain theory
- Bachmann–Howard derivatives
- Tameness in generalized metric structures
- On the topological dynamics of automorphism groups: a model-theoretic perspective
- Big Ramsey degrees in universal inverse limit structures
- Preservation properties for products and sums of metric structures
- On the rigidity of Souslin trees and their generic branches
- $$sQ_1$$ s Q 1 -degrees of computably enumerable sets
- Generalization of Shapiro’s theorem to higher arities and noninjective notations
- Combinatorial properties and dependent choice in symmetric extensions based on Lévy collapse
- The additive structure of integers with the lower Wythoff sequence
- On forcing over $$L(mathbb {R})$$ L ( R )
- Wellfoundedness proof with the maximal distinguished set
- Involutive Uninorm Logic with Fixed Point enjoys finite strong standard completeness
- Complexity of $$Sigma ^0_n$$ Σ n 0 -classifications for definable subsets
- An ordinal-connection axiom as a weak form of global choice under the GCH
- Positive logics
- A few more dissimilarities between second-order arithmetic and set theory
- Filter pairs and natural extensions of logics
- Pseudointersection numbers, ideal slaloms, topological spaces, and cardinal inequalities
- An infinitary propositional probability logic
- Computable scott sentences for quasi–Hopfian finitely presented structures
- Second order arithmetic as the model companion of set theory
- The existence of states based on Glivenko semihoops
- Implicit recursion-theoretic characterizations of counting classes
- $$Delta ^0_1$$ Δ 1 0 variants of the law of excluded middle and related principles
- Type space functors and interpretations in positive logic
- Destructibility and axiomatizability of Kaufmann models
- Ramsey degrees of ultrafilters, pseudointersection numbers, and the tools of topological Ramsey spaces
- Enhancing induction in a contraction free logic with unrestricted abstraction: from $$mathbf {Z}$$ Z to $$mathbf {Z}_2$$ Z 2
- On well-splitting posets
- Dividing lines in unstable theories and subclasses of Baire 1 functions
- Weak essentially undecidable theories of concatenation
- Disjunctive logic programs, answer sets, and the cut rule
- On decidability of amenability in computable groups
- On extendability to $$F_sigma $$ F σ ideals
- Antichains of copies of ultrahomogeneous structures
- An alternative proof of the Hilbert-style axiomatization for the $${wedge ,vee }$$ { ∧ , ∨ } -fragment of classical propositional logic
- Mutual algebraicity and cellularity
- Equivalence of generics
- Hindman’s theorem for sums along the full binary tree, $$Sigma ^0_2$$ Σ 2 0 -induction and the Pigeonhole principle for trees
- On the isomorphism problem for some classes of computable algebraic structures
- Reverse mathematics and semisimple rings
- Iterated multiplication in $$ VTC ^0$$ V T C 0
- Remarks on weak amalgamation and large conjugacy classes in non-archimedean groups
- A note on cut-elimination for classical propositional logic
- Between Hilbert and Gentzen: four-valued consequence systems and structural reasoning
- Many different uniformity numbers of Yorioka ideals
- A criterion for uniform finiteness in the imaginary sorts
- Efficient elimination of Skolem functions in $$text {LK}^text {h}$$ LK h
- Monadic $$ktimes j$$ k × j -rough Heyting algebras
- The covering number of the strong measure zero ideal can be above almost everything else
- Reflection and not SCH with overlapping extenders
- Coanalytic ultrafilter bases
- Model theory of monadic predicate logic with the infinity quantifier
- Bounded inductive dichotomy: separation of open and clopen determinacies with finite alternatives in constructive contexts
- Hanf numbers for extendibility and related phenomena
- Multiplicative finite embeddability vs divisibility of ultrafilters
- Definable groups in dense pairs of geometric structures
- Computability and the game of cops and robbers on graphs
- Combinatory logic with polymorphic types
- Condensable models of set theory
- First-order theories of bounded trees
- Sprague–Grundy theory in bounded arithmetic
- A boundedness principle for the Hjorth rank
- Various forms of infinity for finitely supported structures
- On the spectra of cardinalities of branches of Kurepa trees
- Knowledge, behavior, and rationality: rationalizability in epistemic games
- On ultrafilter extensions of first-order models and ultrafilter interpretations
- Independence-friendly logic without Henkin quantification
- 24th Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation—WoLLIC 2017
- Formalism and Hilbert’s understanding of consistency problems
- On Hilbert algebras generated by the order
- Rosenthal families, filters, and semifilters
- Normalisation and subformula property for a system of classical logic with Tarski’s rule
- Does weak quasi-o-minimality behave better than weak o-minimality?
- Representability and compactness for pseudopowers
- Small $$mathfrak {u}(kappa )$$ u ( κ ) at singular $$kappa $$ κ with compactness at $$kappa ^{++}$$ κ + +
- Degree structures of conjunctive reducibility
- Definable connectedness of randomizations of groups
- Proof-theoretic uniform boundedness and bounded collection principles and countable Heine–Borel compactness
- The abstract type of the real numbers
- Factorizing the $$mathbf {Top}$$ Top – $$mathbf {Loc}$$ Loc adjunction through positive topologies
- Pointwise complexity of the derivative of a computable function
- The independence of $$mathsf {GCH}$$ GCH and a combinatorial principle related to Banach–Mazur games
- The theories of Baldwin–Shi hypergraphs and their atomic models
- The automorphism group and definability of the jump operator in the $$omega $$ ω -enumeration degrees
- Monotonic modal logics with a conjunction
- Infinite decreasing chains in the Mitchell order
- Proof theory for heterogeneous logic combining formulas and diagrams: proof normalization
- Hereditary G-compactness
- Short note: Least fixed points versus least closed points
- Generalised stability of ultraproducts of finite residue rings
- Interpreting the compositional truth predicate in models of arithmetic
- Forcing the Mapping Reflection Principle by finite approximations
- Strong downward Löwenheim–Skolem theorems for stationary logics, II: reflection down to the continuum
- Model completeness and relative decidability
- Towers and clubs
- Another method for constructing models of not approachability and not SCH
- Sofic profiles of $$S(omega )$$ S ( ω ) and computability
- The absorption law
- Keisler’s order via Boolean ultrapowers
- A fixed-point theorem for definably amenable groups
- Cichoń’s diagram and localisation cardinals
- Quantum logic is undecidable
- Small sets in Mann pairs
- Learning theory in the arithmetic hierarchy II
- Tree-like constructions in topology and modal logic
- Characterising Brouwer’s continuity by bar recursion on moduli of continuity
- Axiomatic theory of betweenness
- A note on uniform density in weak arithmetical theories
- On countably saturated linear orders and certain class of countably saturated graphs
- Some complete $$omega $$ ω -powers of a one-counter language, for any Borel class of finite rank
- Ring structure theorems and arithmetic comprehension
- Strong cell decomposition property in o-minimal traces
- Selection properties of the split interval and the Continuum Hypothesis
- Continuous logic and embeddings of Lebesgue spaces
- First-order concatenation theory with bounded quantifiers
- Easton collapses and a strongly saturated filter
- Logics of left variable inclusion and Płonka sums of matrices
- Strong downward Löwenheim–Skolem theorems for stationary logics, I
- $$AD_{mathbb {R}}$$ADR implies that all sets of reals are $$Theta $$Θ universally Baire
- Special ultrafilters and cofinal subsets of $$({}^omega omega , <^*)$$(ωω,<∗)
- Fields with automorphism and valuation
- Ideal generalizations of Egoroff’s theorem
- Local reflection, definable elements and 1-provability
- Kurepa trees and spectra of $${mathcal {L}}_{omega _1,omega }$$Lω1,ω -sentences
- Bounded-low sets and the high/low hierarchy
- Classifying material implications over minimal logic
- Chang’s Conjecture with $$square _{omega _1, 2}$$□ω1,2 from an $$omega _1$$ω1 -Erdős cardinal
- A version of $$kappa $$κ -Miller forcing
- Tanaka’s theorem revisited
- Classifying equivalence relations in the Ershov hierarchy
- End extensions of models of fragments of PA
- On the independence of premiss axiom and rule
- A diamond-plus principle consistent with AD
- Scattered sentences have few separable randomizations
- Some nondefinability results with entire functions in a polynomially bounded o-minimal structure
- Completeness of the primitive recursive $$omega $$ω -rule
- Incomparability in local structures of s -degrees and Q -degrees
- The noneffectivity of Arslanov’s completeness criterion and related theorems
- Definable combinatorics with dense linear orders
- Uniform Lyndon interpolation property in propositional modal logics
- Dependent choice as a termination principle
- Finite sets and infinite sets in weak intuitionistic arithmetic
- On Ramsey choice and partial choice for infinite families of n -element sets
- Reversibility of extreme relational structures
- Rank-initial embeddings of non-standard models of set theory
- Induction rules in bounded arithmetic
- Covering properties of $$omega $$ω -mad families
- Scott sentences for equivalence structures
- Analytic computable structure theory and $$L^p$$ L p -spaces part 2
- Square below a non-weakly compact cardinal
- Absorbing the structural rules in the sequent calculus with additional atomic rules
- Antichains of perfect and splitting trees
- Weaker variants of infinite time Turing machines
- A small ultrafilter number at smaller cardinals
- On the forking topology of a reduct of a simple theory
- Detecting properties from descriptions of groups
- Ordinal analyses for monotone and cofinal transfinite inductions
- Proof-theoretic strengths of the well-ordering principles
- Properties of the atoms in finitely supported structures
- Fields with a dense-codense linearly independent multiplicative subgroup
- The weakly compact reflection principle need not imply a high order of weak compactness
- NIP henselian valued fields
- Deciding active structural completeness
- Polynomial time ultrapowers and the consistency of circuit lower bounds
- Definable one-dimensional topologies in O-minimal structures
- The subcompleteness of diagonal Prikry forcing
- Compactness in MV-topologies: Tychonoff theorem and Stone–Čech compactification
- Non-forking w-good frames
- Product of invariant types modulo domination–equivalence
- Free sequences in $${mathscr {P}}left( omega right) /text {fin}$$ P ω / fin
- A note on groups definable in the p -adic field
- Pseudo P-points and splitting number
- An inner model theoretic proof of Becker’s theorem
- Set-theoretic blockchains
- Construction with opposition: cardinal invariants and games
- Continuous triangular norm based fuzzy topology
- Ideals of independence
- Complete and atomic Tarski algebras
- Chainable and circularly chainable semicomputable sets in computable topological spaces
- The spectrum of independence
- The strong tree property and the failure of SCH
- Using Ramsey’s theorem once
- Generic Vopěnka cardinals and models of ZF with few $$aleph _1$$ ℵ 1 -Suslin sets
- Definable valuations induced by multiplicative subgroups and NIP fields
- Prikry forcing and tree Prikry forcing of various filters
- Truth, disjunction, and induction
- A flexible type system for the small Veblen ordinal
- Non-homogeneity of quotients of Prikry forcings
- Determinacy separations for class games
- A Kuroda-style j -translation
- Cut elimination for entailment relations
- VC-density for trees
- Reverse mathematics and colorings of hypergraphs
- On the classification of vertex-transitive structures
- A partition relation for pairs on $$omega ^{omega ^omega }$$ ω ω ω
- A model of $$mathsf {ZFA}+ mathsf {PAC}$$ ZFA + PAC with no outer model of $$mathsf {ZFAC}$$ ZFAC with the same pure part
- Generic variations and NTP $$_1$$ 1
- Degrees of bi-embeddable categoricity of equivalence structures
- Well quasi orders in a categorical setting
- Comparing the degrees of enumerability and the closed Medvedev degrees
- Elementary theories and hereditary undecidability for semilattices of numberings
- Distinct volume subsets via indiscernibles
- A continuity principle equivalent to the monotone $$Pi ^{0}_{1}$$ Π 1 0 fan theorem
- Conjugacy for homogeneous ordered graphs
- A continuity principle equivalent to the monotone $$Pi ^{0}_{1}$$ Π 1 0 fan theorem
- Diamond, scales and GCH down to $$aleph _{omega ^2}$$ ℵ ω 2
- Diamond, scales and GCH down to $$aleph _{omega ^2}$$ ℵ ω 2
- Dickson’s lemma and weak Ramsey theory
- Degree spectra of real closed fields
- Maehara-style modal nested calculi
- On uniformly continuous functions between pseudometric spaces and the Axiom of Countable Choice
- A note on Gentzen’s ordinal assignment
- A note on iterated consistency and infinite proofs
- On the non-existence of mad families
- On positive local combinatorial dividing-lines in model theory
- A Laver-like indestructibility for hypermeasurable cardinals
- Some remarks on inp-minimal and finite burden groups
- A model of the generic Vopěnka principle in which the ordinals are not Mahlo
- Selfextensional logics with a distributive nearlattice term
- Uniform interpolation and sequent calculi in modal logic
- A completeness theorem for continuous predicate modal logic
- The binary expansion and the intermediate value theorem in constructive reverse mathematics
- An extension of Shelah’s trichotomy theorem
- Sequent calculus for classical logic probabilized
- A strong failure of $$aleph _0$$ ℵ 0 -stability for atomic classes
- Extendible cardinals and the mantle
- The iterability hierarchy above $${{mathrm{mathsf {I3}}}}$$ I 3
- Families of sets related to Rosenthal’s lemma
- Strange ultrafilters
- Convexity and unique minimum points
- Diagonal reflections on squares
- On partial disjunction properties of theories containing Peano arithmetic
- A collection of topological Ramsey spaces of trees and their application to profinite graph theory
- Splitting idempotents in a fibered setting
- Stationary sets added when forcing squares
- Hanf number for Scott sentences of computable structures
- Generic variations and NTP $$_1$$ 1
- Consistency of the intensional level of the Minimalist Foundation with Church’s thesis and axiom of choice
- Closure properties of parametric subcompleteness
- A model of $$mathsf {ZFA}+ mathsf {PAC}$$ ZFA + PAC with no outer model of $$mathsf {ZFAC}$$ ZFAC with the same pure part
- Definability of types and VC density in differential topological fields
- Homomorphism reductions on Polish groups
- Model completeness of generic graphs in rational cases
- Embedding locales and formal topologies into positive topologies
- A partition relation for pairs on $$omega ^{omega ^omega }$$ ω ω ω
- On a class of maximality principles
- Good frames in the Hart–Shelah example
- On the minimal cover property and certain notions of finite
- Derivatives of normal functions and $$omega $$ ω -models
- Ax–Schanuel for linear differential equations
- Borel globalizations of partial actions of Polish groups
- On the consistency strength of level by level inequivalence
- RETRACTED ARTICLE: A completeness theorem for continuous predicate modal logic
- Shadows of the axiom of choice in the universe $$L(mathbb {R})$$ L ( R )
- Complete groups are complete co-analytic
- A weird relation between two cardinals
- Bounding quantification in parametric expansions of Presburger arithmetic
- Iterated ultrapowers for the masses
- Relative exchangeability with equivalence relations
- Collapsing $$omega _2$$ ω 2 with semi-proper forcing
- Epsilon substitution for $$textit{ID}_1$$ ID 1 via cut-elimination
- Model theory of finite and pseudofinite groups
- Computable valued fields
- The small index property for homogeneous models in AEC’s
- Largest initial segments pointwise fixed by automorphisms of models of set theory
- The long extender algebra
- Aronszajn and Kurepa trees
- On a question of Silver about gap-two cardinal transfer principles
- On some dynamical aspects of NIP theories
- The tree property at the successor of a singular limit of measurable cardinals
- Strongly uplifting cardinals and the boldface resurrection axioms
- Scott sentences for certain groups
- Decidability of the AE-theory of the lattice of $${varPi }_1^0$$ Π 1 0 classes
- Maximal trees
- Models of weak theories of truth
- Bounded low and high sets
- A logic for arguing about probabilities in measure teams
- The reverse mathematics of non-decreasing subsequences
- Implicational (semilinear) logics III: completeness properties
- A weak variant of Hindman’s Theorem stronger than Hilbert’s Theorem
- Dedicated to James Earl Baumgartner
- Expressivity in chain-based modal logics
- Continuous reducibility and dimension of metric spaces
- On Katětov and Katětov–Blass orders on analytic P-ideals and Borel ideals
- Quasiminimal abstract elementary classes
- Countable OD sets of reals belong to the ground model
- The strength of countable saturation
- The subcompleteness of Magidor forcing
- A null ideal for inaccessibles
- l -Groups C ( X ) in continuous logic
- Interpretable groups in Mann pairs
- Baumgartner’s isomorphism problem for $$aleph _2$$ ℵ 2 -dense suborders of $$mathbb {R}$$ R
- Creature forcing and five cardinal characteristics in Cichoń’s diagram
- Ordinal notation systems corresponding to Friedman’s linearized well-partial-orders with gap-condition
- Some remarks on Baire’s grand theorem
- Codings and strongly inaccessible cardinals
- Saturation and solvability in abstract elementary classes with amalgamation
- Two applications of finite side conditions at $$omega _2$$ ω 2
- Interpretability suprema in Peano Arithmetic
- Uniform proofs of ACC representations
- A predicate extension of real valued logic
- The sharp for the Chang model is small
- A herbrandized functional interpretation of classical first-order logic
- The nonstationary ideal on $$P_kappa (lambda )$$ P κ ( λ ) for $$lambda $$ λ singular
- In memoriam: James Earl Baumgartner (1943–2011)
- On constructions with 2-cardinals
- Minimal elementary end extensions
- Equimorphy: the case of chains
- Katětov order on Borel ideals
- Adding many Baumgartner clubs
- Same graph, different universe
- Strong measure zero and infinite games