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- Joseph Walker-Lenow. An Augustinian Christology: Completing Christ
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- Joseph Torchia, OP, Plotinus and Augustine on the Mid-Rank of the Soul: Navigating Two Worlds
- James V. Schall, SJ (edited by William McCormick, SJ), The Nature of Political Philosophy and Other Studies and Commentaries
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- Ty Paul Monroe, Putting on Christ: Augustine’s Early Theology of Salvation and Sacraments
- Adam Ployd, Augustine, Martyrdom, and Classical Rhetoric
- Matthew Lynskey, Tyconius’s Book of Rules: An Ancient Invitation to Ecclesial Hermeneutics
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- Natalie Carnes, Motherhood: A Confession
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- Gavin Ortlund, Retrieving Augustine’s Doctrine of Creation: Ancient Wisdom for Current Controversy
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- Michael P. Foley, translation and commentary, On the Happy Life
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- David F. Appleby and Teresa Olsen Pierre, editors. On the Shoulders of Giants: Essays in Honor of Glenn W. Olsen
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- A Letter from the Editor
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- A Letter from the Editors