- The Philosophy of Self or Truth
- ‘Alasdair MacIntyre, George Lindbeck, and the Nature of Tradition’ by David Trenery
- Hegel, Subjectivity, and Metaphysics: A Heideggerean Interpretation
- Primary and Secondary Reflection: The Existential Fulcrum
- Pretending God: Critique of Kant’s Ethics
- Reading Wittgenstein within the Framework of Rorty and Irigaray
- Islam, Christianity, and the History of Religious Persecution of Enslaved Africans
- Ontological and Epistemological Foundations of Contemporary Pragmatic and Realistic Philosophy of Law
- A View towards Law with Respect to Phenomenology of Edmund Husserl
- Ontological Groundwork for Hermeneutics: Heidegger and Gadamer