- Bodily Movements in Video Game Practice: A Phenomenological Analysis of Digital Virtuality
- Remaking Chemsex Event Networks in the Age of HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)
- Annual Index – Volume 30, 2024
- A Psychoanalytic Reconsideration of Chemsex and Anti-Retroviral Time: Or, It’s G O’Clock
- David Le Breton’s Existential Sociology of the Body
- ‘Project Monster’: Exploring Projects of Monstrification in Bodybuilding Communities
- The Processuality of ‘Sex’ in Biomedicine: Exploring Stem Cell Research, Cancer Medicine and Vaccine Safety Research
- Multiplying Meanings of Pregnancy Through Personal Accounts of Gestational Trophoblastic Disease
- Efficiency and the Productive Body: The Gilbreths’ Photographic Motion Studies of Work
- Embodied Suzhi: Constituting Middle-Class Subjectivity in Post-Socialist China
- On the Learning, Transmission, and Embodiment of Swimming’s Haptic Grammar
- On the Embodied Experience of Anti-abortion Laws and Regulations: The Gendered Burden of ‘Abortion Work’
- Michel Serres’s Sensorial Philosophy and the Importance of Skin in Francis Bacon’s Nudes
- Sensing a Heartbeat: A New Perspective on Self-Tracking Technologies through the Integration of Interoception
- Embroidering Infertility: Using Art to Reveal and Resist Technobiopower in In Vitro Fertilisation Experiences
- Engineering the Skin: Embodied Experiences of Healing from Acne Among YouTube Vloggers
- Reverse-Engineering Touch: Sense-Making and Making Sense with Prosthetic Neurostimulation
- Between Self-Tracking and Alternative Medicine: Biomimetic Imaginary in Contemporary Biohacking
- Trans Embodiment, Fitness Wearables and the Queer Pleasures of Datafication
- Annual Index – Volume 29, 2023
- Freezing Sperm for the Future: Reconceptualizing Kinship, Love, and Legacy
- The Victimised Body: Sexual Violence, Incapacity, and the Materialisation of Unconscious Bodies in Rape Verdicts
- Legitimacy and Respectability on the Skin: Bruises, Women’s Rugby and Situational Meaning
- The Materiality of Power and Bodily Matter(ing): Embodied Resistance in Palestine
- How Racial Matter Comes to Matter: Memory Work, Animacy and Childhood Dolls
- Theorising Fatness as an Ordering Issue: A Conceptual Framework for Analysing the Construction of Fatness as Disorder
- Bodily Scars as Lived Memory in Post-Genocide Rwanda
- The More-Than-Human Micropolitics of the Dissection Assemblage: What Can a ‘Dead’ Body Do?
- Biocircularities: New Formations of Embodied Time
- Architecture for Anatomy: History, Affect, and the Material Reproduction of the Body in Two Medical School Buildings
- On the Contesting Conceptualisation of the Human Body: Between ‘Homo-Microbis’ and ‘Homo-Algorithmicus’
- Redefining Bioavailability through Migrant Egg Donors in Spain
- Cochlear Implants: Young Adults’ Embodied Experiences of Deafness and Hearing through Implanted Technology
- Programming Plasticity as Embodied in Childhood: A Critical Genealogy of The Biology of Adversity and Resilience
- Thanks to Reviewers 2022
- Annual Index – Volume 28, 2022
- Doing Bodies in YouTube Videos about Contested Illnesses
- Primordial Brains and Bodies: How Neurobiological Discourses Shape Policing Experiences
- Lacanian Psychoanalysis, Addiction and Enjoyment
- Pregnant Bodies, Physical Activity and Health Literacy
- Shame, Chronic Illness and Participatory Storytelling
- Bodies in Balance: Tracking Type 1 Diabetes
- Nakedness as Decolonial Praxis
- Unfinished Lives and Multiple Deaths: Bodies, Buddhists and Organ Donation
- The Social Transmission of Bodily Knowledge
- The Temporal Politics of Placenta Epigenetics: Bodies, Environments and Time
- Symmetries of Touch: Reconsidering Tactility in the Age of Ubiquitous Computing
- Living with ‘New Diseases’ in Dakar: Embodied Time and the Emergence of Chronicity
- Circuits of Time: Enacting Postgenomics in Indigenous Australia
- The Tacit Dimension of Touch: Tactile Recognition, Tangibility and Self-touch in Kurt Goldstein’s Studies on Agnosia
- Pathic Subjectivation: Guattari’s Experiments with Contact
- Images Made by Contagion: On Dermatological Wax Moulages
- Women’s Bodies and the Evolution of Anti-rape Technologies: From the Hoop Skirt to the Smart Frock
- Affect Theory and Breast Cancer Memoirs: Rescripting Fears of Death and Dying in the Anthropocene
- Exploring the Multiplicity of Embodied Agency in Colombian Assisted Reproduction
- Governing Corporeal Movement in India during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Interview with Samantha Frost, ‘Attentive Body’: Epigenetic Processes and the Self-formative Subjectivity
- Exoskeletons, Rehabilitation and Bodily Capacities
- Headphones, Auditory Violence and the Sonic Flooding of Corporeal Space
- Hearing Gloves and Seeing Tongues? Disability, Sensory Substitution and the Origins of the Neuroplastic Subject
- Recombinant DNA and Genome-editing Technologies: Embodied Utopias and Heterotopias
- Primordial Haptics, 1925–1935: Hands, Tools and the Psychotechnics of Prehistory
- Surface Media: McLuhan, the Bauhaus and the Tactile Values of TV
- The Haunting Temporalities of Transplantation
- Dancing with and within the Digital Domain
- Animal, Body, Data: Starling Murmurations and the Dynamic of Becoming In-formation
- Carrying as Method: Listening to Bodies as Archives
- Disposalscapes: ‘Estranged’ Limbs after Amputation
- Interview with Bryan S Turner: Reflections on the 25th Anniversary of Body & Society
- Drawing Atmosphere: A Case Study of Architectural Design for Care in Later Life
- Bodies of Fashion and the Fashioning of Subjectivity
- The Attentive Body: How the Indexicality of Epigenetic Processes Enriches Our Understanding of Embodied Subjectivity
- Fascias: Methodological Propositions and Ontologies That Stretch and Slide
- Mapping the Drugged Body: Telling Different Kinds of Drug-using Stories
- Intimate Lives in the Global Bioeconomy: Reproductive Biographies of Mexican Egg Donors
- Towards a Theory of Posthuman Care: Real Humans and Caring Robots
- What More Do Bodies Know? Moving with the Gendered Affects of Place
- The (De)materialization of Criminal Bodies in Forensic DNA Phenotyping
- Breathing Song and Smoke: Ritual Intentionality and the Sustenance of an Interaffective Realm
- On Breath and Breathing: A Concluding Comment
- Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Breath, Body and World
- Making Breath Visible: Reflections on Relations between Bodies, Breath and World in the Critical Medical Humanities
- Breathing beyond Embodiment: Exploring Emergence, Grieving and Song in Laboratory Theatre
- Thinking with a Feminist Political Ecology of Air-and-breathing-bodies
- Breathing Spaces: Modelling Exposure in Air Pollution Science
- ‘Catching Ovulation’: Exploring Women’s Use of Fertility Tracking Apps as a Reproductive Technology
- Personalized Medicine in Practice: Postgenomics from Multiplicity to Immutability
- Index to Volume 25, 2019
- Genome Editing Animals and the Promise of Control in a (Post-) Anthropocentric World
- Gilbert Simondon and the Technical Mentalities and Transindividual Affects of Art-science
- The Biopolitical Embodiment of Work in the Era of Human Enhancement
- Embodiment is Ecological: The Metabolic Lives of Whey Protein Powder
- Introduction: The Legacies and Limits of The Body in Pain
- Face and the City
- Expertise and Non-binary Bodies: Sex, Gender and the Case of Dutee Chand
- Do Brain Decoders Have an Ontological Mind of Their Own? Response to Nikolas Rose
- Noise as Dysappearance: Attuning to a Life with Type 1 Diabetes
- Elaine Scarry, Michael Haneke’s ‘Funny Games’ and the Structure of Cruelty
- Labour Pain, ‘Natal Politics’ and Reproductive Justice for Black Birth Givers
- Affective War: Wounded Bodies as Political Technologies
- Risk and the Spectral Politics of Disability
- Governing Homelessness through Running
- Machines with Faces: Robot Bodies and the Problem of Cruelty
- On Pain as a Distinct Sensation: Mapping Intensities, Affects, and Difference in ‘Interior States’
- There Is No Brain: Rethinking Neuroscience through a Nomadic Ontology
- ‘Synthetic Blood’: Entangling Politics and Biology
- Predatory War, Drones and Torture: Remapping the Body in Pain
- Touch and Affect: Analysing the Archive of Touch Biographies
- Affective Pedagogies, Equine-assisted Experiments and Posthuman Leadership
- Index to Volume 24, 2018
- Embodiment in High-altitude Mountaineering: Sensing and Working with the Weather
- Gender, Ethnicity, and Transgender Embodiment: Interrogating Classification in Facial Feminization Surgery
- The Multiple Lives of Affect: A Case Study of Commercial Surrogacy
- Triathlon Bodies in Motion: Reconceptualizing Feelings of Pain, Nausea and Disgust in the Ironman Triathlon
- Tracking Affective Labour for Agility in the Quantified Workplace
- A Postgenomic Body: Histories, Genealogy, Politics
- Why Kinesthesia, Tactility and Affectivity Matter: Critical and Constructive Perspectives
- Drugs, Brains and Other Subalterns: Public Debate and the New Materialist Politics of Addiction
- Biometric Bodies, Or How to Make Electronic Fingerprinting Work in India
- ‘Cancer Coiffures’: Embodied Storylines of Cancer Patienthood and Survivorship in the Consumerist Cultural Imaginary
- Biopolitical Metaphor: Habitualized Embodiment between Discourse and Affect
- ‘Skin Portraiture’ in the Age of Bio Art: Bodily Boundaries, Technology and Difference in Contemporary Visual Culture
- Skin and Scars: Probing the Visual Culture of Addiction
- The Skinscape: Reflections on the Dermalogical Turn
- Collapsing the Surfaces of Skin and Photograph in Cosmetic Minimally-Invasive Procedures
- Making Skin Visible: How Consumer Culture Imagery Commodifies Identity
- Understanding Skin-cutting in Adolescence: Sacrificing a Part to Save the Whole
- Skin Studies: Past, Present and Future
- Skin Work: Understanding the Embodied Experience of Acne
- ‘A Petty Form of Suffering’: A Brief Cultural Study of Itching
- Interview: Cynthia Imogen Hammond and Marc Lafrance on Drawings for a Thicker Skin
- Jean-Luc Nancy and La Peau des images: Truth is Skin-deep
- Embodiment and Ontologies of Inequality in Medicine: Towards an Integrative Understanding of Disease and Health Disparities
- Thanks to Reviewers
- Index to Volume 23, 2017
- Habitual Reflexivity and Skilled Action
- Habit and the Politics of Social Change
- A Transmaterial Approach to Walking Methodologies
- Exploring the Ineffable in Women’s Experiences of Relationality with their Stored IVF Embryos
- Indeterminacy and More-than-human Bodies
- Anthropocene Bodies, Geological Time and the Crisis of Natality
- Indeterminate Bodies
- Indeterminate Subjects, Irreducible Worlds
- Microbial Suicide
- Adopting Neuroscience
- Plastic Naturecultures
- Body Image and Prosthetic Aesthetics
- On the Materialization of Hormone Treatment Risks
- Staging Embryos
- Technology, Embodiment, and Affect in Voice Sciences
- Dancing Practices