- Shaping a Sustainable Future Through Multilevel Environmental Behaviors Inside and Outside Organizations
- Corporate Foundations’ Governance Mechanisms as a Tool for Stakeholder Engagement
- The Impact of Digital Technology Innovation on Firm Performance: Based on the Corporate Digital Responsibility Perspective
- Small Feet, Big Prints: The Contribution of Family‐Owned Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- Introducing Twin Transitions in Family Businesses: A Triple‐Bottom‐Line Perspective
- Responsive Corporate Social Responsibility: Insights Into Institutional and Agency Factors Influencing Japanese Multinational Enterprises
- When Does Corporate Social Responsibility Backfire? Intentional Crises and the Insurance Value of CSR
- Green Investing and Corporate Environmental Violations: Do CEO Ability and Female Directors Matter?
- Firms in Times of Economic Uncertainty: Digital Integration to Counter Information Asymmetry and ESG Controversies
- Informal Institutions and Multinationals’ Drive Towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): A Dark‐Side Perspective
- A Visualized Review of Research on Unethical Behavior in Organizations
- Green Finance and Climate Technology: Evidence From a Quasi‐Natural Experiment
- Environmental Actions and Leadership Integrity: Unpacking Symbolic and Substantive Pro‐Environmental Behavior Impact on Organizational Perception
- A Good Story but not the Whole Story: Stakeholder Theory as an Ethics of Capitalism
- How and When Does Unethical Pro‐Organizational Behavior Lead to Organizational Deviance? A Moderated Dual‐Path Model
- How Has the COVID‐19 Crisis Affected the Link Between ESG Disclosure and Firm Value? A Two‐Level Analysis of European Listed Companies
- High‐Speed Rail Opening and Corporate Environmental Responsibility Performance: Analysis of Talent Aggregation and Supervisory Pressure
- Environmental Concern of Owner‐Managers and Environmental Practices of SMEs: A Typology Considering Size and Sector‐Specific Environmental Regulations
- “Sticking to One’s Post” or “Backing the Right Captain”?—The Impact of Corporate Environmental, Social, and Governance Performance on Employee Turnover
- Birds of a Feather Flock Together: The Impact of Top Management Team Faultlines on Environmental, Social, and Governance Performance
- How Much Does the Business Development of Circular Eco‐Efficient Practices Improve by Shaking Stakeholders up?
- Are Corporations Like Psychopaths? Lessons On Moral Responsibility From Rio Tinto’s Juukan Gorge Disaster
- Can Platform Leadership Drive Twin Transitions in Greening SMEs? Exploring the Nexus Between AI Infrastructure Flexibility, Information Effects, and Green Sustainable Practices
- Influence of Corporate Digital Responsibility on Financial Performance: The Mediating Role of Firm Reputation
- Research on Corporate Social Responsibility in Public Relations: A Hybrid Review Through Topic Modeling Analysis and Way Forward
- CSR Authenticity During Disruptive Events: Exploring Social Media Evaluations of Tesla’s Ventilator Initiative in Response to COVID‐19
- Environmental Ethics Unveiled: Navigating the Nexus Between Government Divestiture and Environmental Investment
- CEO Ability and ESG Responsibility Fulfillment
- Ethical Leadership: A Bibliometric Review and Research Framework with Methodological Implications
- The Impact of TMT Stability on Firms’ Sustainable Development: ESG Scores as a Constraint or Catalyst for Chinese Heavy‐Polluting Firms?
- Institutional Imprinting as a Source of Managerial Attention Priority: A Behavioral Theory of Hybrid Organizations
- Examining the Impact of Leadership Coaching Behavior on Team‐Level Knowledge Creation and Environmental Performance: A Social Exchange Theory Perspective
- Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Dialogue: Bypassing Elected Staff Representatives?
- Ethics and Entrepreneurship: How Recent Unanticipated Externalities Change the Scope A Bibliometric Analysis and Research Agenda
- Dual Social Responsibility: The Pathway Effects and Mechanisms of Benevolent and Malevolent Actions on Firm Performance
- Corporate Sustainability Reporting: Shifting From Optional Due Diligence to Mandatory Duty
- Are Good Leaders Also Green Leaders? Differentiating Established and Environmental Leadership Styles, Their Antecedents, and Predictive Validity for Corporate Environmental Responsiveness
- Ethical Leadership as a Driver of Supervisor Technical and Social Effectiveness: A Triple Helix for Cultivating Employees’ Sense of Purpose
- Publics’ Expectation Toward Ethical Leadership and Ethical Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Evidence From the U.S. and South Korea
- Green Consumption Values and Environmental Concerns Nexus: The Moderating Role of Buying Involvement in Organic Food Consumption in Pakistan
- Ethical Ramifications of the Dark Side of Business Practices in the International Business Area
- Toward sustainable smart agriculture in a developing country: An empirical analysis of green firms determinants
- Enhancing value creation through stakeholder engagement in sustainable mega‐events: The case of Expo 2020 Dubai legacy
- Counter‐hegemonic ethics for sustainable business
- Organizational ethical pressure as a threat to employee health: The buffering roles of ethical leadership and employee ethical efficacy
- Business ethics, law and zemiology: The criminology of social and environmental harm
- ESG pay and corporate social irresponsibility: Does culture matter?
- Connecting the dots in green food purchasing behavior literature: A system thinking approach for systematic literature reviews
- Cost of debt financing, stock returns, and corporate strategic ESG disclosure: Evidence from China
- Can Chinese‐style trade unions promote corporate philanthropy? A stakeholder theory perspective
- Impact of female directors’ foreign experience on green innovation: Evidence from China
- The curvilinear effect of environmental, social, and governance performance on stock price crash risk in China
- Are listed SMEs ready for the corporate sustainability reporting directive? Evidence from Italy
- Unraveling the smokescreen of ESG disclosure debate: Shedding light on excessive ESG disclosure and economic risk
- ESG and overcapacity governance evidence from Chinese listed firms
- Genuine CSR motive and organizational attractiveness: The effects of a Company’s inconsistent CSR behaviors on moral jobseekers
- Managerial decision horizon and corporate greenwashing: Evidence from China
- Culture matters: Cultural variability in corporate codes of conduct as a means to foster organizational legitimacy
- Toward a contemporary understanding of organizational trust in socio‐economic systems: Connecting theoretical perspectives of the management and business ethics literature
- Evaluation of Taiwan’s IC industry production and market efficiencies under the consideration of corporate social responsibility
- An exploration of cooperative stakeholder engagement and risk‐taking behavior in privately held family firms
- Mapping business ethics and society: A systematic journey into research and way forward
- How climate change and modern slavery interact in the supply chain: A conceptual model development through a systemic review
- Perceived greenwashing and employee green behavior: The roles of green organizational identity and self‐serving leadership
- How does leader self‐sacrifice lead to employees’ unethical pro‐organizational behavior? A moderated mediation model
- A technology‐enabled framework for stakeholder engagement in a destination management system: Evidence from DMS Puglia
- Assessing the influence of ESG washing on bank reputational exposure: A cross‐country analysis
- Can environmental tax promote green M&A in emerging market firms? Evidence from China’s heavy polluters
- How to have the best of both worlds: Value‐based decision‐making through stakeholder value trade‐offs
- A business ethics perspective on constructive deviant behavior in organizations: A literature review and an integrated framework proposal
- How and when employees’ attributions of their employers’ CSR activities affect their extra‐role work behavior
- Performance pressure and annual report text manipulation: Evidence from China
- Guiding sustainable growth: The interplay between CEO trustworthiness, managerial ability, and green innovation
- Unmasking luxury consumption and its psychology: An experimental approach to understanding the motivations behind ethical and sustainable brand preferences
- The moral dark side of entrepreneurial leadership: How it leads to employee creative unethicality
- Do independent directors inform the share of CSR criteria in executive compensation? Moderating effect of gender diversity
- Unveiling the impact of territorial and network embeddedness on circular economy adoption in cooperatives
- The role of organizational culture and structure in implementing sustainability initiatives
- Examining the competing demands of business and sustainability: What do corporate sustainability discourses reveal?
- How does green entrepreneurial orientation improve enterprises’ sustainable performance? Evidence from agricultural sector in China
- Exploring stakeholder engagement network behavior: Strategic and managerial implications for corporate social responsibility
- Can corporate social responsibility reduce customer mistreatment? A contingent dual‐process model
- Sustainable supply chains – Designing a requisite holistic model
- Impact of ownership structure and cross‐listing on the role of female audit committee financial experts in mitigating earnings management
- Unveiling sustainability: Tech‐infused governance and ESG performance in textile industry
- The impact of green brand trust repair strategies on trust repair after greenwashing: From a brand legitimacy perspective
- Stakeholder engagement in managing systemic risk management
- Returnee executives and corporate fraud: Evidence from China
- Trust and control dynamics in buyer–supplier relationships: The case of organic honey certification in Cuba
- Assessing digital capability for twin transition and profitability: From firm and people perspectives with leadership support as moderator
- Assessing the influence of organisational citizenship behaviour towards environment on economic cost performance in UAE hotels
- Stakeholder engagement processes for the made in Italy small‐ and medium‐sized enterprises: Value co‐creation in the stakeholder network
- Framing consumer empowerment in the digital economy: From networks and engagement toward sustainable purchase
- How informational stimuli, formative experiences, and socialization can activate values to foster sustainable entrepreneurship engagement
- Does financial distress suppress CSR gap? The moderating effect of state ownership and market competition
- Discovering generation Z’s level of principled moral reasoning and assessing demographic variations
- Investigating the key success factors within business models that facilitate long‐term value creation for sustainability‐focused start‐ups
- Marketing innovation for sustainability: Review, trends, and way forward
- Moving from voluntary to mandatory sustainability reporting—Transparency in sustainable development goals (SDG) reporting: An analysis of Germany’s largest MNCs
- Market penalty, collective punishment, and buffering: A study on the insurance‐like effect of CSR in environmental violations
- Group ethical voice and ethical behaviors: The mediating role of group moral transitive motivation and moderating role of group faultlines
- Corporate social responsibility disclosure and corporate social irresponsibility in emerging economies: Does institutional quality matter?
- The contribution of the labour practices to organizational performance: The mediating role of social sustainability
- Does voluntary environmental, social, and governance disclosure impact initial public offer withdrawal risk?
- Imitation behavior in environmental, social, and governance disclosure: Textual analysis evidence from Chinese listed enterprises
- Communicating CSR relationships in COVID‐19: The evolution of cross‐sector communication networks on social media
- Transforming environmental leadership into environmental performance: The mediating role of green intellectual capital
- How can sustainable business models distribute value more equitably in global value chains? Introducing “value chain profit sharing” as an emerging alternative to fair trade, direct trade, or solidarity trade
- Skeletons in the closet: How and when internal and external corporate social responsibility affect employees’ internal whistleblowing behaviors
- Green finance, management power, and environmental information disclosure in China—Theoretical mechanism and empirical evidence
- An examination of the 2012–2022 empirical ethical decision‐making literature: A quinary review
- The effect of government informatization construction on corporate digital technology innovation: New evidence from China
- The consequences of dishonesty—A mediation‐moderation praxis of greenwashing, tourists’ green trust, and word‐of‐mouth: The role of connectedness to nature
- Unveiling the influence of institutional quality on board gender diversity and corporate environmental, social, and governance disputes in China
- CEO career horizons, foreign experience, and state ownership impact on the adoption of the Global Reporting Initiative standards for corporate social responsibility reporting
- Comparative study of socially responsible consumption measurement in three Latin American countries
- Sustainable supply chain governance: A literature review
- Constructing a social responsibility system for professional sports clubs based on the perspective of China
- Monetary wisdom: Can yoking religiosity (God) and the love of money (mammon) in performance and humane contexts inspire honesty? The Matthew Effect in Religion
- Not all faultlines are created equal: The heterogeneous impact of TMT faultlines on a firm’s ESG disclosure
- Fostering pro‐environmental behavior at work: A self‐determination theory perspective
- Antecedents of electric vehicle purchasing behaviors: Evidence from Türkiye
- Moral licensing effect of work engagement: The role of psychological entitlement and relationship conflict with supervisors
- Firm’s emission reduction effectiveness and the influence of the five institutional dimensions of the quintuple helix model: European evidence
- Team ethical culture as a coupling mechanism between a well‐implemented organizational ethics program and the prevention of unethical behavior in teams
- Fostering circular economy through open innovation: Insights from multiple case study
- Scaling circular economy business models: A capability perspective
- Reimagining the sustainable consumer: Why social representations of sustainable consumption matter
- Consultants as discreet corporate change agents for sustainability: Transforming organizations from the outside‐in
- Emotions, norms, and consequences as the forces of good and evil: An investigation on sales professionals
- Relationality in transaction cost economics and stakeholder theory: A new conceptual framework
- Socially responsible purchasing (SRP) in the supply chain industry: Meanings and influences
- Stakeholder engagement for sustainable value co‐creation: Evidence from made in Italy SMEs
- Measuring machinewashing under the corporate digital responsibility theory: A proposal for a methodological path
- Global standards and the philosophy of consumption: Toward a consumer‐driven governance of global value chains
- Corporate social responsibility in times of social distancing: Evidence from China
- Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) disclosure, earnings management and cash holdings: Evidence from a European context
- Corporate change agents for sustainability—Transforming organizations from the inside out
- Stakeholder engagement disclosures in sustainability reports: Evidence from Italian food companies
- Going green? On the drivers of individuals’ green bank adoption
- What entrepreneurial skillsets support responsible value creation in health and social care? A mixed methods study
- Corporate sustainability professionals: The landscape of sustainability job positions
- A meta‐analysis exploring the relationship between perceived brand ethicality and consumer response
- Navigating corporate philanthropy in the digital world: The normative effect of Entrepreneurs’ social media usage
- Why do funders support social welfare crowdfunding platforms? An elaboration likelihood perspective
- Destructive managerial anger stemming from self‐immanent pride: Is humility a solution?
- Letters to stakeholders: An emerging phenomenon of multi‐stakeholder engagement
- Unlocking sustainable governance: The role of women at the corporate apex
- Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) and idiosyncratic volatility: The COVID‐19 pandemic and its impact on ESG‐sensitive industries
- Metagovernance forms for enhancing sustainability‐oriented innovation in a knowledge ecosystem
- Companies’ ethical certification and their attractiveness to institutional investors: An intermediate signaling perspective
- Measuring greenwashing: A systematic methodological literature review
- The same or different? How optimal distinctiveness in corporate social responsibility affects organizational resilience during COVID‐19
- A thematic analysis of code of ethics disclosures in SEC 8‐K Item 5.05
- Does second‐generation involvement promote family firm environmental investment? The China experience
- Are female CEOs greener? Female CEOs and green innovation: The role of their political embeddedness
- What you see is what you get? Building confidence in ESG disclosures for sustainable finance through external assurance
- Competencies for sustainability: Insights from the encyclical letter Laudato Si
- Microaggressions, cancel culture, safe spaces, and academic freedom: A private property rights argumentation
- The power of ethical words
- Can penalties for environmental violations deter firms from engaging in greenwashing?
- Watch me invest: Does CEO narcissism affect green innovation? CEO personality traits and eco‐innovation
- The role of purchasing and supply management in diffusing sustainability in supply networks: A systematic literature review
- Family firm entrepreneurship and sustainability initiatives: Women as corporate change agents
- How open innovation specialists contribute to corporate sustainability and responsibility: A latent Dirichlet allocation approach
- Corporate power and democracy: A business ethical reflection and research agenda
- Are emotions essential for consumer ethical decision‐making: A Necessary Condition Analysis
- Engaging marginal stakeholders on social networking sites. A cross‐country exploratory analysis among Generation Z consumers
- The impact of corporate environmental management practices on environmental performance
- Quality or breadth? Environmental information disclosure, corporate financial performance and the role of analysts
- Study on the impact of corporate social responsibility on carbon performance in the background of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality
- Subjugation by superstition: Gender, small business and family in Bangladesh
- How did corporate responses to the Covid‐19 pandemic correspond with CSR?
- Communication aimed at engendering trustworthiness: An analysis of CSR messages on Twitter
- Market reactions to the Business Roundtable August 19, 2019 announcement on the Purpose of a Corporation
- Testing four nudges in socially responsible investments: Default winner by inertia
- Creating shared value through open innovation: Insights from the case of Enel industrial plants
- Impact investing: Scientometric review and research agenda
- Putting entrepreneurship in corporate change agency: A typology of social intrapreneurs
- Shareholder activism in listed family firms: Exploring the effectiveness of say‐on‐pay on CEO compensation
- The role of women on board in combatting greenwashing: A new perspective on environmental performance
- Can organizations get away with greenwashing? CSR attributions and counterproductive sustainability behaviors
- Diversified boards and the achievement of environmental, social, and governance goals
- How does founders’ religiosity affect the proactive environmental strategies in family firms? Evidence from China
- Company ESG performance and institutional investor ownership preferences
- A thorough examination of organizations from an ethical viewpoint: A bibliometric and content analysis of organizational virtuousness studies
- Nexus between government surveillance on executive compensation and green innovation: Evidence from the type of state‐owned enterprises
- Understanding the link between subsidiary CEOs and corporate social responsibility in emerging markets: Moderating role of social capital
- Ethics of mortgage advisers in the Netherlands: Professional attitudes and moral dilemmas
- Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility: Taking stock and looking forward
- Firm governance structures, earnings management, and carbon emission disclosures in Chinese high‐polluting firms
- The role of leader favoritism, unfairness, and employability in employee psychological withdrawal behavior
- In search of change: Organizational role expectancies of CSR professionals
- Climate change and business accountability, empirical evidence on the roles of environmental strategy and environmental accounting
- Drivers and impacts of green product innovation as open innovation: Evidence from science‐based firms
- Resource‐efficiency actions and financial performance: Exploring the moderating role of production cost
- Direct and spillover effects of board gender quotas: Revisiting the Norwegian experience
- Sustainable investment and environmental, social, and governance investing: A bibliometric and systematic literature review
- Women and CSR budgeting and spending: Does ownership enhance their CSR role?
- Digital transformation and greenwashing in environmental, social, and governance disclosure: Does investor attention matter?
- Online sustainable development goals disclosure: A comparative study in Italian and Spanish local governments
- Board cultural diversity and bank social performance: The mediating role of corporate social responsibility strategy
- Family firm status and environmental disclosure: The moderating effect of board gender diversity
- Star CEOs and ESG performance in China: An integrated view of role identity and role constraints logics
- Not all green innovations are equally green: State ownership, green innovation generality and contingencies
- Examining the role of knowledge sharing among stakeholders and firm innovation performance: Moderating role of technology usage
- Technology, capitalism, and the social contract
- Corporate environmental efforts, government environmental subsidies, and corporate non‐environmental R&D intensity: Evidence from listed firms
- Not all stakeholders are equal: Corporate social responsibility variability and corporate financial performance
- Impact of digital transformation on performance of environment, social, and governance: Empirical evidence from China
- The differential impact of substantive and symbolic CSR attribution on job satisfaction and turnover intention
- Personal values, consumer identities, and attitudes toward electric cars among Egyptian consumers
- The double‐edged sword of employee forgiveness: How forgiveness motives steer forgiveness toward interpersonal citizenship behaviors and interpersonal deviance
- Institutional pressures and the adoption of responsible management education at universities and business schools in Central and Eastern Europe
- Ethical workplace climate in nonprofit organizations: Conceptualization and measurement
- Creating organizational value and sustainability through green HR practices: An innovative approach with the moderating role of top management support
- What if my boss is a narcissist? The effects of chief executive officer narcissism on female proportion in top management teams
- Avoiding unnecessary suffering: Towards a moral minimum standard for humans’ responsibility for animal welfare
- The curvilinear relationship between corporate social responsibility and competitive advantage: Empirical evidence from China
- The impact of top management teams’ faultlines on organizational transparency―Evidence from CSR initiatives
- Analyzing the implications of organic standardization and certification in alternative food networks: The capability approach
- Green side of informal institutions: Social trust and environmental sustainability
- Alasdair MacIntyre and Adam Smith on markets, virtues and ends in a capitalist economy
- Sustainability and interactive network branding in fast‐changing business environments
- Consumer ethics: An extensive bibliometric review (1995–2021)
- Does religious atmosphere promote corporate green innovation performance? Evidence from China
- Inclusive leadership and work engagement: Exploring the role of psychological safety and trust in leader in multiple organizational context
- Towards theorising corporate social irresponsibility: The Déjà Vu cases of collapsed forestry ventures
- Differential impact of chief executive officer tenure on the firm’s external and internal corporate social responsibility: Moderating effects of firm’s visibility and slack
- Do academic CEOs influence corporate social irresponsibility? The moderating effects of negative attainment discrepancy and slack resources
- All about the human: A Buddhist take on AI ethics
- Exploring the effect of socially responsible human resource management on employee resilience: The role of basic psychological needs and collectivism
- Analysing the impact of green consumption values on brand responses and behavioural intention
- The Enterprise at the Service of Society in the 21st century
- When consumers lose power: An examination of the stakeholder dynamics in the pharmaceutical industry
- Cause‐related marketing in pandemic context—The effects of cause‐brand fit and cause‐brand alliance on customer‐based legitimacy and reputation
- Near and dear: How the politicians’ home biasinfluences corporate philanthropy in China
- Assessing the interplay between Open Innovation and Sustainability‐Oriented Innovation: A systematic literature review and a research agenda
- How does environmental corporate social responsibility contribute to the development of a green corporate image? The sequential mediating roles of employees’ environmental passion and pro‐environmental behavior
- Saving the world through private‐sector efficiency and local empowerment? Discursive legitimacy construction for social entrepreneurship in the Global South
- Surviving or solidarity? Crisis responses of small and medium‐sized enterprises during the Covid‐19 pandemic
- The CSR‐19 scale: A measure of corporate social responsibility actions during COVID‐19 pandemic
- Does performance persistence below aspirations affect firms’ accounting information disclosure strategies? An empirical study based on reliability and comparability
- The influence of Islam in shaping organisational socially responsible behaviour
- How open innovation can improve companies’ corporate social responsibility performance?
- Behavioral economics and monetary wisdom: A cross‐level analysis of monetary aspiration, pay (dis)satisfaction, risk perception, and corruption in 32 nations
- Meaningful work and unethical work: The crisis in Australian financial advice
- Pursuing innovative solutions to sustainability problems through openness: A future research agenda
- Changes in corporate social responsibility activity during a pandemic: The case of COVID‐19
- Calm after the storm? The role of social and environmental practices on small and medium enterprises resilience throughout COVID‐19 crisis
- Business ethics: Between Friedman and Freeman? A response to A Puzzle about Business Ethics
- Technology ethics assessment: Politicising the ‘Socratic approach’
- Top management teams’ foreign experience, environmental regulation, and firms’ green innovation
- Capitalism & ethics
- Board gender diversity, government subsidies, and green vehicles sales: Evidence from China
- The state of ethical decision‐making research in accounting: A retrospective assessment from 1987 to 2022
- Inside the black box of responsible consumers: Novel perspectives from an integrative literature review
- Conflicts between mining companies and communities: Institutional environments and conflict resolution approaches
- A generational perspective of family firms’ social capital: Interplay between ethical leadership and firm performance
- Ethical judgments in the sharing economy: When consumers misbehave, providers complain
- ESG and volatility risk: International evidence
- Diving deep into the dark side: A review and examination of research on organizational misconduct in emerging markets
- Ethical leadership in a complex environment: A case study on Nunavik health organizations
- Which firms opt for corporate social responsibility assurance? A machine learning prediction
- The impact at stake: Risk and return in publicly listed social impact firms
- Knowledge base for social capital’s role in scaling social impact: A bibliometric analysis
- Sophistry or wisdom in words: Aristotle on rhetoric and leadership
- Passionate to be a social entrepreneur in Saudi Arabia: A moderated mediation analysis of social entrepreneurial intention
- Follow the genuine leader: The “green imitation”
- Conditions for mission‐led companies to humanize the economy: An Aristotelian perspective
- Twenty‐five years of management research on poverty: A systematic review of the literature and a research agenda
- Publishing Big Data research in Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility: Advice for authors
- Long‐term effects of institutional conditions on perceived corruption – A study on organizational imprinting in post‐communist countries
- Leader expectations facilitate employee pro‐environmental behavior
- The virtues of the exemplary moral leader. Lessons from Aristotle’s ethics
- Whose work? Which markets? Rethinking work and markets in light of virtue ethics
- Does religiosity affect financing activity? Evidence from Indonesia
- Moral courage and manager‐regret
- Understanding the mechanisms of sustainable capitalism: The 4S model
- A fear‐based view of wisdom: The role of leader fear of failure and psychological empowerment
- The influence of government support over environmental protection investment on SMEs: R&D collaboration and financial aspects
- Chief executive officer ability and corporate environmental sustainability information disclosure
- Deceitful when insecure: The effect of self‐efficacy beliefs on the use of deception in negotiations
- How ethical and political identifications drive adaptive behavior in the digital piracy context
- External governance pressure and corporate environmental responsibility: Evidence from a quasi‐natural experiment in China
- It is time for optimal distinctiveness: Corporate social responsibility engagement under dynamic competitive effects during the COVID‐19 crisis
- Justice in triad: Revisiting supplier involvement in new product development
- Fostering creative selling through ethics. An emotion‐based approach
- Servant leadership, transformational leadership, and customer satisfaction: An implicit leadership theories perspective
- Media visibility and corporate social responsibility investment evidence in Spain
- Impact of returnee executives and managerial discretion on excess perquisite consumption
- Irresponsible contagions: Propagating harmful behavior through imitation
- The SDGs: A change agenda shaping the future of business and humanity at large
- Religion, spirituality, and well‐being: A systematic literature review and futuristic agenda
- Will auditors charge more for corporate philanthropy? Evidence from China
- Ethical implications of text generation in the age of artificial intelligence
- Enough chit‐chat, strike! Deliberation and agonism in corporate governance
- How does social trust affect corporate financial performance? The mediating role of corporate social responsibility
- Climate change shocks and socially responsible investments
- Social responsibility in micro businesses in an African context: Towards a theoretical understanding
- Does an (in)congruent corporate social responsibility strategy affect employees’ turnover intention? A configurational analysis in an emerging country
- T(w)alking responsibility: A case of CSR performativity during the COVID‐19 pandemic
- The effect of corporate donation motive attribution on investors’ judgments of future earnings prospects: The moderating role of individual moral orientation
- The importance of morality for collective self‐esteem and motivation to engage in socially responsible behavior at work among professionals in the finance industry
- Do board subcommittees boost European firm value? The moderating role of gender diversity on boards
- If MacIntyre ran a business school… how practical wisdom can be developed in management education
- Listed peers’ giving and corporate philanthropy: The motivations to imitate
- Women on boards and corporate environmental performance in Italian companies: The importance of nomination background
- Companies to promote CSR impact on employees: High‐performance work systems as a moderator
- Beyond structural injustice: Pursuing justice for workers in post‐pandemic global value chains
- The horizontal S‐shaped relationship between corporate social responsibility and financial performance: The moderating effects of firm size and industry dynamism
- A deontic perspective on organizational citizenship behavior toward the environment: The contribution of anticipated guilt
- Employee engagement, innovative work behaviour, and employee wellbeing: Do workplace spirituality and individual spirituality matter?
- Greenwash and green brand equity: The mediating role of green brand image, green satisfaction and green trust and the moderating role of information and knowledge
- How does consumer pressure affect green innovation of manufacturing SMEs in the presence of green human resource management and green values? A moderated mediation analysis
- Corporate social responsibility and COVID‐19: Prior reporting experience and assurance
- Justifying ethical values: A purposive ethics for managers
- A novel framework to unearth corporate hypocrisy: Connotation, formation mechanism, manifestation, and contagion effect
- How they walk the talk: Responsible management education in Finnish business schools
- Restoring the Garden of Eden: A Ricoeurian view of the ethics of environmental entrepreneurship
- Making decisions affecting oneself versus others: The effect of interpersonal closeness and Dark Triad traits
- Synthesizing the affinity between employees’ internal‐external CSR perceptions and work outcomes: A meta‐analytic investigation
- BEER Spotlight Editorial Series I: Ethics, the environment and responsibility in family businesses
- Hartman’s quandary: Reconciling pluralism and realism for virtue ethics in business
- Screening: Value enhancing or diminishing?
- Political connection and CSR: Evidence from Korea
- Can we have our cake and eat it too? Corporate social responsibility and employees’ eudaimonic well‐being and performance
- The impact of perceived due care on trustworthiness and free market support in the Dutch banking sector
- Ethical consumerism and wage levels: Evidence from an experimental market
- Stakeholder theory: A process‐ontological perspective
- Corporate environmental responsibility and bank loans
- The role of the audit committee in enhancing the credibility of CSR disclosure: Evidence from STOXX Europe 600 members
- Gender diversity on boards for organizational impression management: An empirical study of Japanese firms
- Exposure to workplace bullying and negative gossip behaviors: Buffering roles of personal and contextual resources
- Power and responsibility: How different sources of CEO power affect firms’ corporate social responsibility practices
- Employees striving for innovation in social enterprises: The roles of social mission and commitment‐based human resource management
- A personalist approach to business ethics: New perspectives for virtue ethics and servant leadership
- Does environmental underperformance duration affect firms’ green innovation? Evidence from China
- Can rewards induce corresponding forms of theft? Introducing the reward‐theft parity effect
- Capitalism, COVID‐19 and lockdowns
- How can SMEs effectively embed environmental sustainability? Evidence on the relationships between cognitive frames, life cycle management and organizational learning process
- How does the EU non‐financial directive affect the assurance market?
- Systematic ESG exposure and stock returns: Evidence from the United States during the 1991–2019 period
- Examining the relationship between negative media coverage and corporate social responsibility
- Walking the talk about corporate social responsibility communication: An elaboration likelihood model perspective
- Intrinsic religiosity and counterproductive work behavior: The mediating role of Islamic work ethic
- Corporate fraud as a negative signal: Implications for firms’ innovation performance
- Behind the scenes of an academic journal: Challenges, commitment, and resilience
- Measuring the financial and social performance of French mutual funds: A data envelopment analysis approach
- Wellbeing‐oriented organizations: Connecting human flourishing with ecological regeneration
- Moral attentiveness as a boundary condition: Servant leadership and the impact of supervisor affiliation on pro‐group unethical behavior
- Capitalism and crises: A comparative analysis of mainstream and heterodox perceptions and related ethical considerations
- Do bad apples do good deeds? The role of morality
- Two sides of the same personality coin: An opportunity to refocus (un)ethical analysis
- Values, personality traits, and packaging‐free shopping: A mixed‐method approach
- Blame and culpability in explaining changes in perceptions of corporate social responsibility and credibility
- Entrepreneurial orientation, entrepreneurial competencies, innovation, and performances in SMEs of Pakistan: Moderating role of social ties
- Analysis of the impact mechanism of environmental regulations on corporate environmental proactivity—based on the perspective of political connections
- Rethinking corporate social responsibility under contemporary capitalism: Five ways to reinvent CSR
- Financial return or social responsibility? An investigation into the stakeholder focus of institutional investors
- Ethical human resource management mitigates the positive association between illegitimate tasks and employee unethical behaviour
- BEER Heterodoxies: A new section to trigger unorthodox voices and perspectives
- Strategy implementation for the 2030 agenda: Insights from Brazilian companies
- Examining the impetus for internal CSR Practices with digitalization strategy in the service industry during COVID‐19 pandemic
- Islamic financial services industry: Aspirations and achievements
- Environmental management, nonmarket strategy, and firm performance in emerging markets: The case of ISO 14001
- Rules versus principles for ethical market behaviour
- The impact of B Corp certification on financial stability: Evidence from a multi‐country sample
- Do negative investor attitudes drive corporate social responsibility? Evidence from China
- The conception of organizational integrity: A derivation from the individual level using a virtue‐based approach
- How hedonic and perceived community benefits from employee CSR involvement drive CSR advocacy behavior to co‐workers
- Business ethics research at the world’s leading universities and business schools
- Exploring the intellectual structure of research in codes of ethics: A bibliometric analysis
- Corporate social responsibility and employee attitudes: The moderating role of employee age
- The dark triad and corporate sustainability: An empirical analysis of personality traits of sustainability managers
- High performance yet ethically risky? A self‐regulation perspective on the double‐edged sword effects of the performance‐oriented human resource system
- Don’t put all your green eggs in one basket: Examining environmentally friendly sub‐branding strategies
- Assurance of corporate social responsibility reports: Does it reduce decoupling practices?
- Team‐level servant leadership and team performance: The mediating roles of organizational citizenship behavior and internal social capital
- The influence of Alasdair MacIntyre’s “After Virtue” book on business ethics studies: A citation concept analysis
- Rising like a phoenix: From suppression to 6.967
- A typology of small‐ and medium‐sized supplier approaches to social responsibility
- Transforming economics values toward life: From heterodoxy to orthodoxy
- Portraying ethical reasoning in Islamic banking: Addressing the role of work experience
- Founder CEOs, personal incentives, and corporate social irresponsibility
- In search of the roots of corporate reputation management: Being a consistent corporate social performer
- A puzzle about business ethics
- Corruption and social trust: The role of corporate social responsibility
- Drop Rawls?
- Stakeholder relations of sustainable banks: Community benefit above the common good
- Stakeholder theory and the knowledge problem: A Hayekian perspective
- Media visibility and board gender diversity
- Does female human capital constrain earning management: The case of the United Kingdom
- Caring for survivors: Do CSR policies matter for post‐restructuring employee performance?
- Advancing transcendent development: An in‐depth review of developmental corporate social responsibility’s value proposition, inhibitions, and inclusive sustainable development prospects
- Extreme weather and ratings on corporate climate mitigation policies
- Impeding corporate social responsibility: Revisiting the role of government in shaping business — Marginalized local community relations
- Spirituality and ethical treatment of customers and employees by devout Thai women small business owners
- How financial institutions can serve the common good of society: Insights from Catholic Social Teaching
- Virtue and virtuousness in organizations: Guidelines for ascribing individual and organizational moral responsibility
- Impression management tactics in the CEO statements of Turkish sustainability reports
- Drivers of CSR anchoring in transition economies: Evidence from Poland
- Investigating when religious culture increases trade credit: A signaling theory approach
- Impact investing and sustainable market transformations: The role of venture capital funds
- Ethics at the workplace in the fourth industrial revolution: A Catholic social teaching perspective
- Impact of employees’ perceived threat of market competition on unethical marketing and selling practices: Moral disengagement and ethical leadership
- Promoting employees’ pro‐environmental behaviour through empowering leadership: The roles of psychological ownership, empowerment role identity, and environmental self‐identity
- Examining the within‐person effects of abusive supervision on multifoci deviance: Ethical climate as a moderator
- Islamic Religious Atmosphere and Audit Pricing: Evidence from Iran
- Implementation and profitability of sustainable investment strategies: An errors‐in‐variables perspective
- Dark times for cosmopolitanism? An ethical framework to address private agri‐food governance and planetary stewardship
- Micro‐credit NGOs and strategic trust: An odd couple?
- Do business ethics really matter?
- Antecedents of corporate misconduct: A linguistic content analysis of decoupling tendencies in sustainability reporting
- How capital markets assess the credibility and accuracy of CSR reporting: Exploring the effects of assurance quality and CSR restatement issuance
- Ethical behavior perceptions in Russia: Do ethics‐related programs and individual characteristics matter?
- MSI deliberations and context: The influence of Southeast Asian business systems on member justifications and approaches to anti‐corruption
- How does collaborative economy contribute to common good?
- Go beyond tokens: Number and type both matter
- How do standard setters define materiality and why does it matter?
- An ethical defense of cryptocurrencies
- Impact investments, evil investments, and something in between: Comparing social banks’ investment criteria and strategies with depositors’ investment preferences
- Making implicit CSR explicit? Considering the continuity of Japanese “micro moral unity”
- Gender differences in perceived workplace harassment and gender egalitarianism: A comparative cross‐national analysis
- Antecedents of CSR communication by hotels: The case of the Colombian Caribbean Region
- CEO personality and language use in CSR reporting
- A review of CSR classification schemes and the operationalization of bolted‐on vs. built‐in CSR
- Collaborative economy, a society service? Involvement with ethics and the common good
- What do we know about corporate philanthropy? A review and research directions
- “A healthy outside starts from the inside”: A matter of sustainable consumption behavior in Italy and Pakistan
- Intention without action? Differences between whistleblowing intention and behavior on corruption and fraud
- Combining ethics and compliance: A systems psychodynamic inquiry into praxis and outcomes
- Developmental and collegial peer‐reviews: A BEER roadmap
- Sin sectors and negative screening
- Emotional intelligence and servant leadership: A meta‐analytic review
- Culture, convention, and continuity: Islam and family firm ethical behavior
- Chaos as opportunity
- The ethos of business students
- Fit for addressing grand challenges? A process model for effective accountability relationships within multi‐stakeholder initiatives in developing countries
- Exploring how and when ethical conflict impairs employee organizational commitment: A stress perspective investigation
- Socially responsible consumption in Russia: Testing the theory of planned behavior and the moderating role of trust
- The digital transformation of work: A relational view
- Responsibility of the University in Employability: Development and validation of a measurement scale across five studies
- Practicing management wisely
- Who really cares about the environment? CEOs’ military service experience and firms’ investment in environmental protection
- BE:ER is beyond suppression
- Cover Image
- Best practices in ethics management: Insights from a qualitative study in Slovakia
- The effect of formalism on unethical decision making: The mediating effect of moral disengagement and moderating effect of moral attentiveness
- How Norway’s sovereign wealth fund negative screening affects firms’ value and behaviour
- The ethical consequences of “going dark”
- Personality and balanced psychological contracts: The mediating roles of epistemic curiosity and rule‐following behavior
- Different forms of corporate philanthropy, different effects: A multilevel analysis
- Political connections and corporate social responsibility: Political incentives in China
- Innovative ethics officers as drivers of effective ethics programs: An empirical study in the Netherlands
- CSR politics of non‐recognition: Justification fallacies marginalising criticism, society, and environment
- An integrative ethical approach to leader favoritism
- Students’ perception of corporate social responsibility: Analyzing the influence of gender, academic status, and exposure to business ethics education
- Whistleblowing and power: A network perspective
- Practical wisdom as an adaptive algorithm for leadership: Integrating Eastern and Western perspectives to navigate complexity and uncertainty
- The calling of the virtuous manager: Politics shepherded by practical wisdom
- Phronesis in administration and organizations: A literature review and future research agenda
- Board‐level ethics committees in large European firms
- A bar too high? On the use of practical wisdom in business ethics
- Practical wisdom: A virtue for leaders. Bringing together Aquinas and Authentic Leadership
- CSR and banking soundness: A causal perspective
- Exploring the relationship between employees’ CSR perceptions and intention to emigrate: Evidence from a developing country
- “Me” versus “We” in moral dilemmas: Group composition and social influence effects on group utilitarianism
- Patterns of social reporting from an Islamic framework and the moral legitimacy factors that influence them
- In search of a fitting moral psychology for practical wisdom: Exploring a missing link in virtuous management
- Open Access, Open Science, and Coronavirus: Mega trends with historical proportions
- Cross‐sector alliances in the global refugee crisis: An institutional theory approach
- How can corporations adopt Confucianism in business practices? Two representative cases
- How does past behaviour stimulate consumers’ intentions to repeat unethical behaviour? The roles of perceived risk and ethical beliefs
- Students’ perception of CSR and its influence on business performance. A multiple mediation analysis
- Overall justice and supervisor conscientiousness: Implications for ethical leadership and employee self‐esteem
- Organizational failure to ethically manage sexual harassment: Limits to #metoo
- Specifically human: Human work and care in the age of machines
- Solidarity economy and political mobilisation: Insights from Barcelona
- Governing partnerships for development in post‐conflict settings: Evidence from a longitudinal case study in Colombia
- One size doesn’t fit all: How institutional complexity within the state shapes firms’ environmental innovation
- The thesis of “doux commerce” and the social licence to operate framework
- An analysis of business ethics in the cultural contexts of different religions
- Multiple directorships in emerging countries: Fiduciary duties at stake?
- Want to get your paper published? Please follow this virtuous guidance!
- The consequences of employees’ perceived corporate social responsibility: A meta‐analysis
- Consumers’ perception of CSR motives in a post‐socialist society: The case of Serbia
- CSR for Happiness: Corporate determinants of societal happiness as social responsibility
- Exploring antecedents and consequences of managerial moral stress
- Leading with moral courage: The interplay of guilt and courage on perceived ethical leadership and group organizational citizenship behaviors
- Organized labor and corporate philanthropy: Evidence from Korea
- A path to altruism: Investigating the effects of brand origin and message explicitness in CR‐M campaigns
- Three types of organizational boundary spanning: Predicting CSR policy extensiveness among global consumer products companies
- Corporate culture, ethical stimulus, and managerial momentum: Theory and evidence
- Does context matter for sustainability disclosure? Institutional factors in Southeast Asia
- How market value relates to corporate philanthropy and its assurance. The moderating effect of the business sector
- A relativistic approach to moral judgment in individuals: Review and reinterpretation
- Cross‐national assessment of the effects of income level, socialization process, and social conditions on employees’ ethics
- A reinvigorated vision for BE:ER to sustain a trajectory of excellence
- It’s not me, it’s you: Testing a moderated mediation model of subordinate deviance and abusive supervision through the self‐regulatory perspective
- Blockchain and business ethics
- Angels and devils?: How do benevolent and authoritarian leaders differ in shaping ethical climate via justice perceptions across cultures?
- Conceptualizing data‐deliberation: The starry sky beetle, environmental system risk, and Habermasian CSR in the digital age
- Listen to the voice of the customer—First steps towards stakeholder democracy
- Corporate environmental performance and financing decisions
- Leading by example: Testing a moderated mediation model of ethical leadership, value congruence, and followers’ openness to ethical influence
- At the intersection of corporate governance and performance in family business settings: Extant knowledge and future research
- Socially responsible mutual fund exit decisions
- Crossing the borderline in strategic corporate philanthropy: Dangote and the construction of cement roads in Nigeria
- Corporate social responsibility for poverty alleviation: An integrated research framework
- Corporate environmental reputation: Exploring its definitional landscape
- How group and perceiver characteristics affect collective blame following counterproductive work behavior
- It’s not me, it’s you: Testing a moderated mediation model of subordinate deviance and abusive supervision through the self‐regulatory perspective
- How far can brands go to defend themselves? The extent of negative publicity impact on proactive consumer behaviors and brand equity
- Socially responsible downsizing: Comparing family and non‐family firms
- The moderating role of board monitoring power in the relationship between environmental conditions and corporate social responsibility
- Effects of corporate social responsibility on customer satisfaction and organizational attractiveness: A signaling perspective
- “Oh! Teleworking!” Regimes of engagement and the lived experience of female Spanish teleworkers
- Unethical, neurotic, or both? A psychoanalytic account of ethical failures within organizations
- Organizational environmental orientation and employee environmental in‐role behaviors: A cross‐level study
- “Don’t try to teach me, I got nothing to learn”: Management students’ perceptions of business ethics teaching
- Why bad feelings predict good behaviours: The role of positive and negative anticipated emotions on consumer ethical decision making
- Beyond silence or compliance: The complexities of reporting a friend for misconduct
- Top executives’ perceptions of the inclusion of corporate social responsibility in quality management
- Practically wise ethical decision‐making: An ethnographic application to the UNE‐Millicom merger
- Blending practice worlds: Impact assessment as a transdisciplinary practice
- Maximising business returns to corporate social responsibility communication: An empirical test
- Environmental entrepreneurship as a multi‐component and dynamic construct: Duality of goals, environmental agency, and environmental value creation
- Do employees value strategic CSR? A tale of affective organizational commitment and its underlying mechanisms
- The motivations of external whistleblowers and their impact on the intention to blow the whistle again
- Law‐abiding organizational climates in developing countries: The role of institutional factors and socially responsible organizational practices
- A dynamic stakeholder model: An Other‐oriented ethical approach
- Why some are more equal: Family firm heterogeneity and the effect on management’s attention to CSR
- The interplay of corporate social responsibility and corporate political activity in emerging markets: The role of strategic flexibility in non‐market strategies
- Interculturality as a source of organisational positivity in expatriate work teams: An exploratory study
- Pray local and act global? Christian religiosity in the U.S. and human rights
- Commitment of independent and institutional women directors to corporate social responsibility reporting
- Greening the hospitality industry in the developing world: Analysis of the drivers and barriers
- Moral standards in managerial decisions: In search of a comprehensive theoretical framework
- Educating for self‐interest or ‐transcendence? An empirical approach to investigating the role of moral competencies in opportunity recognition for sustainable development
- A Nietzschean re‐evaluation of values as a way of re‐imagining business ethics
- Impact of abusive supervision on deviant work behavior: The role of Islamic work ethic
- Impacts of peers’ unethical behavior on employees’ ethical intention: Moderated mediation by Machiavellian orientation
- Voice and power: Feminist governance as transnational justice in the globalized value chain
- Intellectual capital reporting practices in an Islamic bank: A case study
- Justice versus fairness in the family business workplace: A socioemotional wealth approach
- The appearance standard: Criteria and remedies for when a mere appearance of unethical behavior is morally unacceptable
- Stakeholder engagement through empowerment: The case of coffee farmers
- Gender and governance in developing economies
- CEO letters: Social license to operate and community involvement in the mining industry
- Culture follows design: Code design as an antecedent of the ethical culture
- The impact of CSR on corporate reputation perceptions of the public—A configurational multi‐time, multi‐source perspective
- “There is no time for rest”: Gendered CSR, sustainable development and the unpaid care work governance gap
- Does socially responsible mutual fund performance vary over the business cycle? New insights on the effect of idiosyncratic SR features
- Balancing social and political strategies in emerging markets: Evidence from India
- Evidence of different models of socially responsible HRM in Europe
- Managing relational conflict in Korean social enterprises: The role of participatory HRM practices, diversity climate, and perceived social impact
- An inquiry into pseudo‐legitimations: A framework to investigate the clash of managerial legitimations and employees’ unfairness claims
- An inquiry into pseudo‐legitimations: A framework to investigate the clash of managerial legitimations and employees’ unfairness claims
- The (missing) subjects of research on gender and global governance: Toward inquiry into the ruling relations of development
- Constructing gender identity through masculinity in CSR reports: The South Korean case
- Board gender diversity and firm performance: The moderating role of firm size
- Machiavellianism, stakeholder orientation, and support for sustainability reporting
- Confucian ethics, moral foundations, and shareholder value perspectives: An exploratory study
- The effects of Shariah board composition on Islamic equity indices’ performance
- The shortened Corporate Ethical Virtues scale: Measurement invariance and mean differences across two occupational groups
- Be bad but (still) look good: Can controversial industries enhance corporate reputation through CSR initiatives?
- Lobbying and the responsible firm: Agenda‐setting for a freshly conceptualized field
- Lobbying and the responsible firm: Agenda-setting for a freshly conceptualized field
- Ethical consumer decision-making: The role of need for cognition and affective responses
- Corporate social responsibility towards human development: A capabilities framework
- Can compliance restart integrity? Toward a harmonized approach. The example of the audit committee
- Assessing the effect of government surveillance on firm supererogation: The case of the U.S. automobile industry
- Linking owner–managers’ personal sustainability behaviors and corporate practices in SMEs: The moderating roles of perceived advantages and environmental hostility
- Authorship trends and collaboration patterns in business ethics literature
- The performance of socially responsible equity mutual funds: Evidence from Sweden
- Experimental investigation into the role of trust in collusion
- The ethical use of crowdsourcing
- How can mindfulness enhance moral reasoning? An examination using business school students
- Brands as labour rights advocates? Potential and limits of brand advocacy in global supply chains
- Effects of responsible human resource management practices on female employees’ turnover intentions
- Machiavellianism, social norms, and taxpayer compliance
- Corporate social responsibility and employee outcomes: The role of country context
- Stakeholder theory: A deliberative perspective
- Examining the win-win proposition of shared value across contexts: Implications for future application
- Tracing stakeholder terminology then and now: Convergence and new pathways
- Sustainable banking in Latin American developing countries: Leading to (mutual) prosperity
- Capturing advances in CSR: Developed versus developing country perspectives
- Caught in a communicative catch-22? Translating the notion of CSR as shared value creation in a Danish CSR frontrunner
- An external perspective on CSR: What matters and what does not?
- Family firms and the interests of non-family stakeholders: The influence of family managers’ affective commitment and family salience in terms of power
- Sense and sensibility: Testing an attention-based view of organizational responses to social issues
- Investigating critical organizational factors toward sustainability index: Insights from the Taiwanese electronics industry
- A complementary perspective on business ethics in South Korea: Civil religion, common misconceptions, and overlooked social structures
- Aligning responsible business practices: A case study
- Green intentions under the blue flag: Exploring differences in EU consumers’ willingness to pay more for environmentally-friendly products
- Sustainability assurance and cost of capital: Does assurance impact on credibility of corporate social responsibility information?
- Corporate volunteering: A bibliometric analysis from 1990 to 2015
- Assessing mission drift at venture capital impact investors
- CSR and the workplace attitudes of irregular employees: The case of subcontracted workers in Korea
- Desire to be ethical or ability to self-control: Which is more crucial for ethical behavior?
- When organizations are too good: Applying Aristotle’s doctrine of the mean to the corporate ethical virtues model
- Institutional investors as stewards of the corporation: Exploring the challenges to the monitoring hypothesis
- Political dependence, social scrutiny, and corporate philanthropy: Evidence from disaster relief
- The influence of media, positive perception, and identification on survey-based measures of corruption
- Business ethics searches: A socioeconomic and demographic analysis of U.S. Google Trends in the context of the 2008 financial crisis
- Engaging with environmental stakeholders: Routes to building environmental capabilities in the context of the low carbon economy
- The role of female directors in promoting CSR practices: An international comparison between family and non-family businesses
- Leadership styles and corporate social responsibility management: Analysis from a gender perspective
- Intra-stakeholder alliances in plant-closing decisions: A stakeholder theory approach