- CJL volume 37 issue 2 Cover and Front matter
- CJL volume 37 issue 2 Cover and Back matter
- The Practical Otiosity of Exclusionary Reasons
- Freedom Under the Private Law Allan Beever
- John Robots, Thurgood Martian, and the Syntax Monster: A New Argument Against AI Judges
- The Liberal Case for Community Land Trusts
- Necessary Truths and St. Thomas Aquinas’ Definition of ‘Law’
- The Coming of Age of Deliberative Constitutionalism
- Doctrinal Legal Science: A Science of Its Own?
- When Is it Right to Speak of Animal Rights?
- Moral Pluralism and Constitutional Horizontality
- Should No Further Books Be Written on the Law of Unjust Enrichment?
- Defending Aggregated Legislative Intent
- Democracy and the Notwithstanding Clause
- CJL volume 37 issue 1 Cover and Back matter
- The Impact of the Size of Bribes on Criminal Sanctions: An Integrated Philosophical and Economic Analysis
- CJL volume 37 issue 1 Cover and Front matter
- Opportunistic Breach of Contract
- The Foundations of Constitutional Democracy: The Kelsen-Natural Law Controversy
- The Power to Contract and the Offer-and-Acceptance Analysis of Contract Formation
- Shadows or Forgeries? Explaining Legal Normativity
- Defending Dworkin’s One-System Anti-Positivism
- The Rise and Fall of Private Law – Reciprocal Freedom: Private Law and Public Right Ernest J. Weinrib
- The Property Right to Voice
- Human Rights, Interpretivism, and the Semantic Sting
- CJL volume 36 issue 2 Cover and Back matter
- Aspiration and Reality in Legal Education David Sandomierski
- CJL volume 36 issue 2 Cover and Front matter
- An Age of Rights?
- The Rule of Justice: The Compassionate Application of Law to Life
- The Significance of Conscience in Community: Rethinking the ‘Hands Off Religion’ Doctrine
- The Physical-Emotional Distinction in Tort
- Participation and Law’s Authority
- Rights Talk and Constitutional Emotivism
- Public Law’s Cerberus: A Three-Headed Approach to Charter Rights-Limiting Administrative Decisions
- CJL volume 36 issue 1 Cover and Back matter
- CJL volume 36 issue 1 Cover and Front matter
- The Standard Picture and Statutory Interpretation – ERRATUM
- Legal Obligation, Criminal Wrongdoing, and Necessity
- Legal Positivism for Legal Officials
- The Standard Picture and Statutory Interpretation
- Theorising Gambling Self-Exclusion Agreements: The Inadequacy of Procedural Autonomy
- Metaethics and the Limits of Normative Contract Theory
- Hart on Legal Powers as Legal Competences
- Children’s Participation in Divorce Proceedings—An Arendtian Critique
- Theorizing Access to Civil Justice
- Owning the Street: The Everyday Life of Property Amelia Thorpe
- Discretion in the Automated Administrative State
- Positivism and Unity
- Political Obligation and the Need for Justice
- Liberal Property and the Power of Law
- Subsidiarity and the Allocation of Governmental Powers
- How to Answer Dworkin’s Argument from Theoretical Disagreement Without Attributing Confusion or Disingenuity to Legal Officials
- Three Conceptions of Law in Democratic Theory
- Hume’s Conventionalist Account of Property and the History of English Land Law
- Purposes in Law and in Life: An Experimental Investigation of Purpose Attribution
- Legal Positivism and the Moral Origins of Legal Systems
- CJL volume 35 issue 2 Cover and Back matter
- Property and Self-Determination
- CJL volume 35 issue 2 Cover and Front matter
- Legal Realism and ‘Working’ Rules
- Don’t Feel Threatened by Law
- Corporate Law and Governance Pluralism
- Philosophy of Law as an Integral Part of Philosophy: Essays on the Jurisprudence of Gerald J. Postema edited by Thomas Bustamante and Thiago Lopes Decat
- Express Trusts, Private Law Theory, and Legal Concepts
- Unilateral Acquisition and the Requirements of Freedom: A Kantian Account of the Judicial Exceptions to Patent Protection
- Contract as Transfer of Ownership, Even Without Consideration
- Exploring the Notion of Necessity in Essentialist Legal Theory
- Linking Gains to Wrongs
- Justice in Transactions Benson Peter
- That’s None of Your Business! On the Limits of Employer Control of Employee Behavior Outside of Working Hours
- CJL volume 35 issue 1 Cover and Back matter
- From Each According to Their Ability? An Analysis of Endowment Taxation and Potential Earnings
- CJL volume 35 issue 1 Cover and Front matter
- Time and Moral Choice in Islamic Jurisprudence
- The Interpretation of Court Opinions
- Character and Repeat-Offender Sentencing
- Words That Harm: Defending the Dignity Approach to Hate Speech Regulation
- Communitarianism, Properly Understood
- The Political Conception of Human Rights and Its Rule(s) of Recognition
- Moving Along the Continuum of Loyalty From a Standard Towards Rules
- The Rule of Law for All Sentient Animals
- Law, Freedom, and Slavery
- CJL volume 34 issue 2 Cover and Back matter
- CJL volume 34 issue 2 Cover and Front matter
- Why Is Aboriginal Title Property if It Looks Like Sovereignty?
- Radbruch’s Formula Revisited: The Lex Injusta Non Est Lex Maxim in Constitutional Democracies
- Justifying (or Not) the Office of Trusteeship With Particular Reference to Massively Discretionary Trusts
- The Question To Be Faced Is One of Fact: H.L.A. Hart’s Legal Theory Through His View of International Law
- Corrective Justice and Reparations for Black Slavery
- Arbitrariness as Discrimination
- Beyond Reasonableness: The Dignitarian Structure of Human and Constitutional Rights
- Making What Present Again? A Critique of Argumentative Judicial Representation
- Recognizing One More Wrong
- When Contract’s Basic Assumptions Fail
- CJL volume 34 issue 1 Cover and Back matter
- Flourishing Under Private Law? A Critique of McBride’s Explanatory Theory
- CJL volume 34 issue 1 Cover and Front matter
- Pragmatic Reconstruction in Jurisprudence: Features of a Realistic Legal Theory
- On the Nature of Necessary Truths in Jurisprudence: Putting Wittgensteinian Hinges to Use
- Judging Rationally
- Minimalism, Determinacy, and Human Rights
- The Value of Vagueness: A Feminist Analysis
- The “Other” Relationship to Land: Property, Belonging, and Alternative Ontology
- Humane Driving
- Transforming American Prosecution
- CJL volume 33 issue 2 Cover and Front matter
- CJL volume 33 issue 2 Cover and Back matter
- Distributive Justice in the Age of Climate Change
- The Unavoidability of Evaluation for Interest Theories of Rights
- Categories, Balancing, and Fake News: The Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights
- Tort Law, Corrective Justice and the Problem of Autonomous-Machine-Caused Harm
- Legal Directives and Practical Reasons by Noam Gur
- Judicial Discretion as a Result of Systemic Indeterminacy
- Governmental-Funded Religious Associations and Non-Discrimination Rules: On Immunity and Public Funding
- Two Accounts of International Tax Justice
- Fairness in Allocations of Parental Responsibilities, and the Limits of Law
- A Dynamic Judicial Approach to Diachronic Legislative Integrity
- Private Law’s Estranged Bedfellows: Why Pashukanis Should Worry Contemporary Formalists
- CJL volume 33 issue 1 Cover and Back matter
- Equity and Homelessness
- CJL volume 33 issue 1 Cover and Front matter
- Hobbes’s Third Jurisprudence: Legal Pragmatism and the Dualist Menace
- The Proportionality Puzzle in Contract Law: A Challenge for Private Law Theory?
- Reasonable Accommodation for Age
- Eichmann’s Mistake: The Problem of Thoughtlessness in International Criminal Law
- The Coxford Lecture Seek the Good: Professional Trust, Justice, and the Rule of Law
- Describing Law
- Tax Uniformity as a Requirement of Justice
- Materially Identical to Mistaken Payment
- Deciding, ‘What Happened?’ When We Don’t Really Know: Finding Theoretical Grounding for Legitimate Judicial Fact-Finding
- CJL volume 32 issue 2 Cover and Front matter
- CJL volume 32 issue 2 Cover and Back matter
- Property Rights and the Regulatory State
- A Sceptic’s Guide to Justice in International Tax Policy
- Contemporary Tort Theory and Tort Law’s Evolution
- Contract Damages, Moral Agency, and Henry James’ The Ambassadors
- The Authority of Law in Plato’s Crito
- The Coxford Lecture Honour, Oaths, and the Rule of Law
- Membership Rights: The Individual Rights of Group Members
- An Approach to Legal Principles Based on Their Justifying Function
- Crisis, Resilience, and the Time of Law
- Retributivism and the Use of Imprisonment as the Ultimate Back-up Sanction
- The Usage of What Country: A Critical Analysis of Legal Ethics in Transnational Legal Practice
- CJL volume 32 issue 1 Cover and Front matter
- CJL volume 32 issue 1 Cover and Back matter
- Can Human Flourishing Be Liberal?
- Law in Theory and History: New Essays on a Neglected Dialogue edited by Maksymilian Del Mar and Michael Lobban*
- Towards a Linguistic Criticism of Legal Hegemony: Some remarks on ‘Bentham v. Judges and Co.’
- Ronald Dworkin and Duncan Kennedy: Two Views of Interpretation
- Philosophy and Constitutional Theory: The Cautionary Tale of Jeremy Waldron and the Philosopher’s Stone
- The Coxford Lecture Do Markets Drive Out Traditional Values?
- Nobody’s Perfect: Moral Responsibility in Negligence
- Correlativity and its Logic: Asymmetry not Equality in the Law
- The Problem of Dependency of Corrective Justice: Corrective Entitlements and Private Transactions
- Ocean Commons, Law of the Sea and Rights for the Sea
- Law, Moral Facts and Interpretation: A Dworkinian Response to Mark Greenberg’s Moral Impact Theory of Law
- CJL volume 31 issue 2 Cover and Front matter
- CJL volume 31 issue 2 Cover and Back matter
- The Metaphysics of Statehood
- A Taxonomy of Legal Control
- Can the Reasonable Doubt Standard be Justified? A Reconstructed Dialogue
- Exclusionary Reasons, Virtuous Motivation, and Legal Authority
- Ronald Dworkin and the Curious Case of the Floodgates Argument
- “Listen to Them and Give Them a King”: Self-Determination, Democracy, and the Proportionality Principle
- Constitutional Interpretation and Institutional Perspectives: A Deliberative Proposal
- Justifying Resistance to Immigration Law: The Case of Mere Noncompliance
- Legal Time
- CJL volume 31 issue 1 Cover and Back matter
- Freedom and Force: Essays on Kant’s Legal Philosophy edited by Sari Kisilevsky and Martin J Stone*
- CJL volume 31 issue 1 Cover and Front matter
- Public Wrongs and Private Wrongs
- Property, Human Flourishing and St. Thomas Aquinas: Assessing a Contemporary Revival
- Law as an Interactive Kind: On the Concept and the Nature of Law
- Transfer by Contract in Kant, Hegel, and Comparative Law
- Coercion and Volition in Law and Philosophy
- The People’s Right to Know and State Secrecy
- Why Judicial Formalism is Incompatible with the Rule of Law
- Notes Toward a Postmodern Principle
- Private Law Exceptionalism? Part II: A Basic Difficulty with the Argument from Formal Equality*