- Medical Risk, Patient Hope, and Hospital Chaplaincy: Cautionary Tales
- To Our Guest Reviewers: Thank You
- Uncertainty, Risk, and the Need for Trust in Our Hope for Health
- A Theological Framework for Understanding Hope in the Clinic
- On the Morality of Reallocating Life-Sustaining Interventions in Times of Scarcity
- Ethical Accompaniment and End-of-Life Care
- Inhumation as Theophanic Encounter: The Eastern Orthodox Rejection of Cremation
- Deadly Language Games: Theological Reflections on Emerging Reproductive Technologies
- Detached From Humanity: Artificial Gestation and the Christian Dilemma
- Ectopic Pregnancy as Previable Delivery
- Artificial Wombs: Could They Deliver an Answer to the Problem of Frozen Embryos?
- Abortion Pills: Killing or Letting Die?
- Ectogestation and Humanity’s Whence? An Exploration with Saint Augustine and Karl Barth
- To Whom is the Chaplain Beholden? Guest Editor Introduction to Special Issue
- To Whom Is the Institutional Chaplain Beholden? Reconciling the Christian Chaplain’s Tension of Identity With a Theology of Calling
- Chaplaincy as a “Living Human Web”
- Multi-faith Chaplaincy’s Outcomes-Based Measures: The Tail that Wags the Dog
- Serve Somebody: Musings of a Pastoral Care Practitioner on the Covenant of Care
- The Triple Beholdenness of Polish Hospital Chaplains: How to Avoid Confusion?
- The Numinous Presence That Binds: How the Chaplain Navigates Disparate Commitments Through the Lens of Hospital Baptism
- Faithfully Describing and Responding to Addiction and Pain: Christian “Homefulness” and Desire
- Responding Wisely to Persistent Pain: Insights from Patristic Theology and Clinical Experience
- “But I Am Afflicted” Attending to Persons in Pain and Modern Health Care
- Salvation and Health in Southern Appalachia: What the Opioid Crisis Reveals about Health Care and the Church
- Suffering Illness as an Ascetic: Lessons for Women in Pain
- Responding Faithfully to Women’s Pain: Practicing the Stations of the Cross
- Responding to People in Pain with Jane Austen’s Mansfield Park
- Reclaiming Broken Bodies (or, This Is Gonna Hurt Some): Pain, Healing, and the Opioid Crisis
- Theology, Medicalization, and Risk: Observations from the New Testament
- Theological and Ethical Problems with Medicalizing Risk
- “Sufficient for the day is its own trouble”: Medicalizing Risk and the Way of Jesus
- No Acceptable Losses: Risk, Prevention, and Justice
- Protecting Life or Managing Risk? Suicide Prevention and the Lure of Medicalized Control
- Health Care in Service of Life: Preventative Medicine in Light of the Analogia Entis
- The Tree of Life, Health, and Risk Through the Lens of Biblical Wisdom
- Transhumanism, Motion, and Human Perfection
- Incarnation, Posthumanism and Performative Anthropology: The Body of Technology and the Body of Christ
- Techne and Teleios: A Christian Perspective on the Incarnation and Human Enhancement Technology
- Highway to Cocytus or Ascent into Paradise: Apatheia and Moral Bioenhancement
- “Perfect in Humanity”: The Analogy of Perfection in the Person of Christ
- Reviewer Acknowledgment
- God Became Human So That Humans Could Become Posthuman?
- Guest Editor Introduction to Special Issue “(Ir)Religion in Clinical Ethics Consultation Methodology and Competencies”
- Malek’s Programmatic Secularism? A Dissent
- How to Spot a Usurper: Clinical Ethics Consultation and (True) Moral Authority
- Severing Clinical Ethics Consultation from the Ethical Commitments and Preferences of Clinical Ethics Consultants
- Policing the Sublime: The Metaphysical Harms of Irreligious Clinical Ethics
- There is Room for Encouraging Conversion in the Scope of Bioethics Expertise
- Medicine against Suicide: Sustaining Solidarity with Those Diminished by Illness and Debility
- Physician Assistance in Dying: An Option for Christians?
- Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia: Theological and Ethical Responses
- Dying under a Description? Physician-Assisted Suicide, Persons, and Solidarity
- Understanding the Voices of Disability Advocates in Physician-Assisted Suicide Debates
- Killing and Allowing to Die: Insights from Augustine
- Is Pregnancy Really a Good Samaritan Act?
- Deontic Fallacies and the Arguments against Conscientious Objections
- Christian Bioethics and the Partisan Commitments of Secular Bioethicists: Epistemic Injustice, Moral Distress, Civil Disobedience
- Indexing Burdens and Benefits of Treatment to Age: Revisiting Paul Ramsey’s “Medical Indications” Policy
- Confessional Approach to Disclosure of Medical Error
- Opposing Vitalism and Embracing Hospice: How a Theology of the Sabbath Can Inform End-of-Life Care
- Physicians, Assisted Suicide, and Christian Virtues
- Solidarity, Trust, and Christian Faith in the Doctor–Patient Relationship
- The Doctor–Patient Relationship: Does Christianity Make a Difference?
- The Catholic Moral Tradition, Conscience, and the Practice of Medicine
- Conscientious Objection or an Internal Morality of Medicine?
- Visions of the Common Good: Engelhardt’s Engagement with Catholic Social Teaching
- Christian Humility and the Goods of Perinatal Hospice
- Christian Bioethics: Sex and/or Gender?
- Christian Bioethics would like to thank the following guest reviewers for their help during the past year
- By Whose Authority? Sexual Ethics, Postmodernism, and Orthodox Christianity
- A Wojtyłian Reading of Performativity and the Self in Judith Butler
- Totalitarian Transhumanism versus Christian Theosis: From Russian Orthodoxy with Love
- When the Starting Place Is Lived Experience: The Pastoral and Therapeutic Implications of John Paul II’s Account of the Person
- Social and Medical Gender Transition and Acceptance of Biological Sex
- Christian Bioethics: Immanent Goals or a Transcendent Orientation?
- Risk, Health, and Physical Enhancement: The Dangers of Health Care as Risk Reduction for Christian Bioethics
- Corrigendum to “Orthodox Perspectives on In Vitro Fertilization in Russia”
- Medicine and the Common Good in the Aristotelian-Thomistic Tradition
- Orthodox Perspectives on In Vitro Fertilization in Russia
- Christian Integrity Regained: Reformational Worldview Engagement for Everyday Medical Practice
- Beyond Stewardship: Reordering the Economic Imagination of Catholic Health Care
- Reformed Theology and Conscientious Refusal of Medical Treatment
- Technics and Liturgics
- Relating Hippocratic and Christian Medical Ethics
- Brain Transplant and Personal Identity
- Christian Bioethics: From Foundations to the Future
- Re-Enchanting Nature and Medicine
- A Re-enchanted Response to a Communal Call: Toward a Christian Understanding of Medicine as Vocation
- Calling, Virtue, and the Practice of Medicine
- Health Care as Vocation? Practicing Faithfully in an Age of Disenchantment
- Beyond Re-enchantment: Christian Materialism and Modern Medicine
- The Spirit, Giver of Life: Pneumatology and the Re-Enchantment of Medicine
- Purpose and Providence: An Outline for Christian Practical Wisdom in Health Care
- Bioethics and Human Flourishing: Christian Wisdom in a Secular Age
- Beauty in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: Is Every Child a Pearl?
- The End of Sex: Finis or Telos?
- Natural Law, Catholicism, and the Protestant Critique: Why We Are Really Not That Far Apart
- Corrigendum to: “The Physician and Community of Faithful in the Integrated Care of the Mentally Ill: An Orthodox Christian Discussion of the Physician’s Moral and Professional Obligations”
- Sexual Identity, Gender, and Human Fulfillment: Analyzing the “Middle Way” Between Liberal and Traditionalist Approaches
- A Considerably Common Morality: Catholic Ethics and Secular Principlism in Dialogue
- Bioethics without God: The Transformation of Medicine within a Fully Secular Culture
- Simon Says: On the Magical Impulse of Studies on the Efficacy of Intercessory Prayer
- Can Catholic Hospitals Still Be Catholic? A Virtue Theory Response
- Psychiatry’s Dysphoric Turn: Psychophysical Dysmorphia, Transgender Euphoria, and the Rise of Pedophilia
- Ethics: The Art of Wandering Aimlessly?
- Medicating the Soul: Why Medication Needs Stories
- “As One Infirm, I Approach the Balm of Life”: Psychiatric Medication, Agency, and Freedom in the Psychology of St. Thomas Aquinas
- Bodies, Agency, and the Relational Self: A Pauline Approach to the Goals and Use of Psychiatric Drugs
- That Jagged Little Pill and the Counter-Politics of the Community of the Expelled: Sacramentality and Psychiatric Medications
- Of Minds and Brains and Cocreation: Psychopharmaceuticals and Modern Technological Imaginaries
- Christian Bioethics Loses Its Founding Editor
- Taking Our Meds Faithfully? Christian Engagements with Psychiatric Medication
- A Market in Human Flesh: Ramsey’s Arguments on Organ Sale, 50 Years Later
- Covenantal Casuistry: Covenant Ethics in Ramsey’s Patient as Person
- Ramsey on “Choosing Life” at the End of Life: Conceptual Analysis of Euthanasia and Adjudicating End-of-Life Care Options
- Brain Death and Organ Donation: A Crisis of Public Trust
- Paul Ramsey Remembered
- The Fiftieth Anniversary of Patient as Person: Paul Ramsey’s Groundbreaking Approach to Christian Bioethics
- God Says It, That Settles It? The Nature and Place of Moral Authorities in Political Discourse
- Christian Bioethics, Brain Death, and Vital Organ Donation
- Distinguishing Deference from Deferment: Assisted Suicide Is the Wrong Response
- I Am My Brother’s Keeper: Communitarian Obligations to the Dying Person
- Institutionalizing Inequality: The Physical Criterion of Assisted Suicide
- Physician-Assisted Suicide and Voluntary Euthanasia: How Not to Die as a Christian
- Christian Bioethics would like to thank the following guest reviewers for their help during the past year:
- Christian Bioethics would like to thank the following guest reviewers for their help during the past year:
- The Image of God and Human Dignity: A Complex Conversation
- Putting Image into Practice: Imago Dei , Dignity, and Their Bioethical Import
- John Kilner’s Understanding of The Imago Dei and The Ethical Treatment of Persons with Disabilities
- The Image of God, the Need for God, and Bioethics
- Radical Dependence and the Imago Dei : Bioethical Implications of Access to Healthcare for People with Disabilities
- Created in the Image of God: Bioethical Implications of the Imago Dei
- Putting Image into Practice: Imago Dei, Dignity, and Their Bioethical Import
- John Kilner’s Understanding of The Imago Dei and The Ethical Treatment of Persons with Disabilities
- Radical Dependence and the Imago Dei: Bioethical Implications of Access to Healthcare for People with Disabilities
- Created in the Image of God: Bioethical Implications of the Imago Dei
- A God’s-Eye Perspective after Onto-Theology: Notes toward a Post-Modern Christian Culture
- The Scandal of Secular Bioethics: What Happens When the Culture Acts as if there is No God?
- Engelhardt as Sectarian: An Evangelical Protestant Consideration of After God
- The God-shaped Void in the Post-Theistic World: H. Tristram Engelhardt’s Quest in After God 1
- Moral Pluralism and Christian Bioethics: On H. T. Engelhardt Jr.’s After God
- Minding the ‘Unbridgeable Gap’: The Future of Conscientious Objection in a Secular Age
- Hegel, The Reconceptualization of Science, and the Managerial Elite
- On Liturgical Morality
- Beginning at the End: Liturgy and the Care of the Dying
- Death and Christianity
- Medicine, Machines, and Mourning: The Formation of Physicians and Praying the Psalms
- Desecularizing Death
- The Meaning of Death and the Goal of Medicine: An Augustinian and Barthian Reassessment
- Asclepius against the Crucified: Medical Nihilism and Incarnational Life in Death