- Active and passive citizens: a defense of majoritarian democracy
- Axel Honneth: The working sovereign: labor and democratic citizenship
- Kevin Pham: The architects of dignity: Vietnamese visions of decolonization
- Bruno Leipold: Citizen Marx: republicanism and the formation of Karl Marx’s social and political thought
- Conspiracy and power
- New materialism and the politics of climate action: a critical dialogue
- Labor, nature, and the reproduction of capitalism: an exchange on subjection and emancipation
- Reparative justice and the victim’s burden: why accepting an apology is not a moral obligation
- Democracy tamed: French liberalism and the politics of suffrage
- Paths to a world without families: reasons, means, and ends in family abolitionism
- The two faces of democracy: Decentering agonism and deliberation
- Indian Philosophy, Indian Revolution: On Caste and Politics
- Left is not woke
- Illusion and fetishism in critical theory: a study of Nietzsche, Benjamin, Castoriadis, and the situationists
- Intervention before interventionism: a global genealogy
- Confucian democratic constitutionalism
- Grand narratives in critical international theory
- The agonistic path towards populism: Mouffe, the left and its democratic crossroads
- The influence of German emigration on American intellectual life: philosophy and sociology
- On critical genealogy
- The History of Ideas: Equality, Justice and Revolution
- Feminist approaches to environmental politics
- Correction: The Poetics of Failure in Simone de Beauvoir’s Les bouches inutiles
- The cultivation of the ear: practices of political listening and The Belief in Intuition
- The past and present of catholic anti-liberalism
- A phenomenology of abuse: discursive cornering, gaslighting, and institutionalized vulnerability
- Perfectionism as a requirement of justice: natural law, political authority, and the common good
- Correction: Anarchism: war, violence and scapegoating
- Liberalism as a Way of Life
- Democracy’s resilience to populism’s threat
- Facing authority: a theory of political legitimacy
- The picnic: an escape to freedom and the collapse of the iron curtain
- Citizen knowledge: markets, experts, and the infrastructure of democracy
- Anarchism: war, violence and scapegoating
- A precarious happiness: Adorno and the sources of normativity
- Marxism and the capitalist state: Towards a new debate
- Unsettling the world: Edward Said and political theory
- A new structural transformation of the public sphere and deliberative politics
- The poverty of our freedom
- Streaming and blocking: how to take back the streets (for democratic theory)
- The right-wing mirror of critical theory: studies of Schmitt, Oakeshott, Hayek, Strauss, and Rand
- Hegel’s world revolutions
- Liberalism against itself: cold war intellectuals and the making of our times
- Walter Benjamin and the idea of natural history
- ‘The Kids don’t want reconciliation, they want Land Back’: thinking about decolonization and settler solidarity after the death of reconciliation
- The humanity of universal crime: inclusion, inequality, and intervention in international political thought
- Private virtues, public vices: Philanthropy and democratic equality
- Stanley Cavell’s democratic perfectionism: community, individuality, and post-truth politics
- Political fatalism and the (im)possibility of social transformation
- The Politics of German Idealism: Law and Social Change at the Turn of the 19th Century
- Publisher Correction to: The principle of political hope: progress, action, and democracy in modern thought
- Public space democracy: performative, visual and normative dimensions of politics in a global age
- Material conditions and human freedom
- Hannah Arendt: A Very Short Introduction
- Multiculturalism and the nation in Germany: a study in moral conflict
- The visionaries: Arendt, Beauvoir, Rand, Weil, and the power of philosophy in dark times
- Care ethics in theory and practice: Joan C. Tronto in conversation with Iris Parra Jounou
- Loren Goldman (ed) The principle of political hope: progress, action, and democracy in modern thought
- In the shadow of totalitarianism: Action, judgement and evil in politics
- Acting as if: the utopian political thought and actions of the US disability rights movement
- The nomos of citizenship: migrant rights, law and the possibility of justice
- The body in pieces: towards a feminist phenomenology of violence
- Solar politics
- Also a history of philosophy, volume I: The project of a genealogy of postmetaphysical thinking
- Truth and its political forms: an explorative cartography
- Contemporary political theory annual prize for 2023 (volume 21)
- In the street: Democratic action, theatricality, and political friendship
- Democracy and exclusion
- The power of political representation
- Heidegger in ruins: between philosophy and ideology
- Return to Ecotopia?
- Slavery with extra steps: conceptualising impersonal market domination
- Democratic self-government and the algocratic shortcut: the democratic harms in algorithmic governance of society
- Defensive relativism: The use of cultural relativism in international legal practice
- Non-living politics
- Left populism, commons and radical democracy: counter-hegemonic alliances in our times
- Nihilistic Times: Thinking with Max Weber
- Cannibal capitalism: how our system is devouring democracy, care, and the planet—and what we can do about it
- Reconsidering reparations
- The credit they deserve: contesting predictive practices and the afterlives of red-lining
- Neoliberal fascism? Fascist trends in early neoliberal thought and echoes in the present
- Democratic renewal and the spirit of democracy
- Marx, revolution, and social democracy
- José Medina, The epistemology of protest: silencing, epistemic activism, and the communicative life of resistance (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023)
- Hope after ‘the end of the world’: rethinking critique in the Anthropocene
- A mirror for the crowds: the mediated terrain of political leadership in post-revolutionary Iran
- The liberalism of care: community, philosophy, and ethics
- The gender of critical theory: On the experiential grounds of critique
- Breaking intersubjectivity: a critical theory of counter-revolutionary trauma in Egypt
- The future lost and how to reclaim it
- No other planet: Utopian visions for a climate-changed world
- Modern philosopher kings: wisdom and power in politics
- Police abolition
- Correction to: Revolts, migrations and their boundaries
- The nonhuman condition: Radical democracy through new materialist lenses
- Sexualized violence and feminist counter-violence
- The political implication of the ‘untraceability’ of structural injustice
- Reclaiming care: refusal, nullification, and decolonial politics
- Militant conversion in a prison of the mind: Malcolm X and Spinoza on domination and freedom
- Agents of change: political philosophy in practice
- Mute compulsion: A Marxist theory of the economic power of capital
- Visionary political theory
- Revolts, migrations and their boundaries
- Securing white democracy: Guns and the politics of whiteness
- William Pietz: The problem of the fetish
- Kant’s grounded cosmopolitanism: original common possession and the right to visit
- Anticolonial eruptions: racial hubris and the cunning of resistance
- Correction to: Carl Schmitt and Democratic Backsliding
- The future of political theory: Lippincott lecture
- Carl Schmitt and Democratic Backsliding
- The Poetics of Failure in Simone de Beauvoir’s Les bouches inutiles
- Teaching political theory: A pluralistic approach
- A realistic blacktopia: Why we must unite to fight
- Digital working lives: worker autonomy and the gig-economy
- This is Us: Imagination, identity, and American racial hierarchy
- Life after privacy: Reclaiming democracy in a surveillance society
- Just fodder: The ethics of feeding animals
- The democratic sublime: On aesthetics and popular assembly
- Politics and expertise: How to use science in a democratic society
- European disunion: democracy, sovereignty and the politics of emergency
- Ecology, labor, politics: Violence in Arendt’s Vita Activa
- Realism: A distinctively 20th-century European tradition
- ‘A fruit of every clime’? Rousseau’s environmental politics
- Authoritarian Populism, Democracy and the Long Counter-Revolution of the Radical Right
- In defense of tempered progressive patriotism
- The open society and the challenge of populism: Solution and problem
- Contemporary political theory annual prize 2022 (volume 20)
- Soldiers of God in a secular world: Catholic theology and twentieth-century French politics
- Constituent power in the European Union
- The prehistory of private property: Implications for modern political theory
- Valuation practices and the cooptation charge: Quantification and monetization as political logics
- A false tree of liberty: Human rights in radical thought
- Why Confucian Meritocrats Must Be Democrats: Contesting Non-political Human Rights
- A hard case for the ethics of supported voting: Cognitive and communicative disabilities, and incommunicability
- Beyond reason: Postcolonial theory and the social sciences
- Who needs a world view?
- Affluence and freedom: An environmental history of political ideas
- Worldly shame: Ethos in action
- Designing for democracy: How to build community in digital environments
- Conservative liberalism, ordoliberalism and the state
- Feminist sexual futures
- The Atlantic realists: empire and international political thought between Germany and the USA
- Freedom, democracy and constitutionalism in Europe
- A feminist theory of refusal
- The limits of scientific reason: Habermas, Foucault, and science as a social institution
- The political theory of global supply chains
- Thin sympathy: A strategy to thicken transitional justice
- Liberalism in dark times: The liberal ethos in the twentieth century
- Legitimacy crises in embedded democracies
- Democracy Rules
- Rawls’s egalitarianism
- The art of parasitical resistance
- Building power to change the world: The political thought of the German council movement
- Left populism in Europe: Lessons from Jeremy Corbyn to Podemos
- Lauren Berlant’s legacy in contemporary political theory
- ‘I Felt Like a Bird Without Wings’: incorporating the study of emotions into grounded normative theory
- Failing to see what matters most: Towards a better understanding of dehumanisation
- Immigration and freedom
- The specter of Babel: A reconstruction of political judgment
- Anarchafeminism
- Living Law: Jewish Political Theology from Hermann Cohen to Hannah Arendt
- Political Memory and the Aesthetics of Care: The Art of Complicity and Resistance
- Transnational cosmopolitanism: Kant, Du Bois, and justice as a political craft
- Practical necessity, freedom, and history: From Hobbes to Marx
- Solidarity in conflict: A democratic theory
- Praxis and revolution: A theory of social transformation
- Platform socialism: How to reclaim our digital future from big tech
- The enabling value of group vulnerability
- Revisiting Marx’s critique of liberalism: Rethinking justice, legality and rights
- Radical proceduralism: Democracy from philosophical principles to political institutions
- Ecologizing democratic theory: Agency, representation, animacy
- The boundary problem of democracy: A function-sensitive view
- Genesis and validity: The theory and practice of intellectual history
- Strikes, civil rights, and radical disobedience: From King to Debs and back
- Reckoning: Black lives matter and the democratic necessity of social movements
- Deliberative Democracy
- Shari‘a, inshallah: Finding God in Somali legal politics
- Cruelty as citizenship: How migrant suffering sustains white democracy
- The inter-est between us: Ontology, epistemology, and the failure of political representation
- Visions of council democracy: Castoriadis, Lefort, Arendt
- Plato and the mythic tradition in political thought
- Between Gaia and ground: Four axioms of existence and the ancestral catastrophe of late liberalism
- The right to sex
- Instituting thought: Three paradigms of political ontology
- Sexuality: The 1964 Clermont-Ferrand & 1969 Vincennes lectures
- Democracy against liberalism: its rise and fall
- The humble cosmopolitan: Rights, diversity, and trans-state democracy
- Carl Schmitt’s early legal-theoretical writings: Statute and judgment and the value of the state and the significance of the individual
- Method to the madness: Reading Foucault between geometry and brackets
- Shall we forget human nature? Political anthropology and technics from Marx and Engels to Simondon
- Critique & praxis: A critical philosophy of illusions, values, and action
- Annual Prize of £500 for an article published in volume 19, 2020
- From sound to music: Listening to the political with Gilles Deleuze
- The politics of repair
- The sumud within: Walid Daka’s abolitionist decolonization
- Correction to: The Epistemic Value of Testimony
- Anarchism mainstreamed? On recent trends, challenges and opportunities in anarchist scholarship
- The last man takes LSD: Foucault and the end of revolution
- Migrants in the profane
- Colonial pasts, racial capitalism, and coloniality
- Duncan Bell, Dreamworlds of Race: Empire and the Utopian Destiny of Anglo-America. Princeton University Press, 2020
- Modernity’s exclusions
- Seeing like an activist: Civil disobedience and the civil rights movement
- A green theory of technological change: Ecologism and the case for technological scepticism
- Intimate terrains of black possibility
- The architectures of waiting: Helmut Puff and Bernardo Zacka in conversation
- Global justice and social conflict: The foundations of liberal order and international law
- The politics of care
- From the theater to the hippodrome: A critique of Jeffrey Green’s theory of plebiscitary democracy and an alternative
- Perpetuation as perpetration: Wrongful benefit and responsibility for historical injustice
- Languages of transnational revolution: The ‘Republicans of Nacogdoches’ and ideological code-switching in the U.S.-Mexico borderlands
- Deweyan experimentalism and the problem of method in political philosophy
- Global justice, natural resources, and climate change
- Justice beyond repair: Negative Dialectics and the politics of guilt and atonement
- On canons and question marks: The work of women’s international thought
- Feminist afterlives: The defenses and dead ends of revisionist history
- Worldmaking after empire: The rise and fall of self-determination
- Democracy without shortcuts: A participatory conception of deliberative democracy
- Hope in a secular age: Deconstruction, negative theology, and the future of faith
- Beyond technofix: Thinking with Epimetheus in the anthropocene
- Fear of breakdown: Politics and psychoanalysis
- People die in six ways and each is politics: Infrastructure and the possible
- Political science pedagogy: A critical, radical, and utopian perspective
- Resisting neoliberal capitalism in Chile: The possibility of social critique
- Politics in the Time of COVID
- Walter Benjamin’s antifascist education: from riddles to radio
- Restitution and the politics of repair: Tropes, imaginaries, theories
- Regaining control over precarity
- A philosopher’s economist: Hume and the rise of capitalism
- Sartre antihumaniste: Antisujectivisme, marxisme critique, postcolonialisme
- The problem of value pluralism. Isaiah Berlin and beyond
- The animal condition in the human condition: Rethinking Arendt’s political action beyond the human species
- The green case for a randomly selected chamber
- The Epistemic Value of Testimony
- Correction to: Constituent assemblies
- Bataille’s anti-fascism
- Companion Ecologies: A New Theory of the Subject
- Political parties and republican democracy
- Disability and political theory
- Intersectionality as Critical Social Theory
- The claims of experience: autobiography and American democracy
- Cloud ethics: Algorithms and the attributes of ourselves and others
- Violent borders, citizenship and the politics of migration
- The (anti)-democratic spirit of populism
- Epistemic oppression, resistance, and resurgence
- Comparative political theory, indigenous resurgence, and epistemic justice: From deparochialization to treaty
- Constituent assemblies
- Insurgent truth. Chelsea Manning and the politics of outsider truth-telling
- Constituent power and its institutions
- From missed opportunities to future possibilities: Towards an improper politics
- The dangerous class: The concept of the lumpenproletariat
- Critique on the couch: Why Critical Theory needs psychoanalysis
- The space of disappearance: A narrative commons in the ruins of Argentine state terror
- Environmental political theory
- Beyond ‘contemporary relevance’: Reading critical theory today
- Spinoza: thoughts on hope in our political present
- Critique of rights
- Routledge handbook of psychoanalytic political theory
- The model of the legislator: Political theory, policy, and realist utopianism
- Kant’s nonideal theory of politics
- Towards an improper politics
- The universal enemy: Jihad, empire, and the challenge of solidarity
- Political theology of international order
- The persistence of myth: Brazil’s undead ‘racial democracy’
- Against instinctual reason: Alain Badiou on the disinterested interest of truth procedures in the post-truth era
- Backward-looking reparations and structural injustice
- Violence and Revolutionary Change
- Systemic corruption: Constitutional ideas for an anti-oligarchic republic
- Development as rebellion: A biography of Julius Nyerere
- Victory: The triumph and tragedy of just war
- The politics of twenty-first century socialism
- The Oxford handbook of global justice
- Politics as ‘Sinister Wisdom’: Reparation and responsibility in lesbian feminism
- Potential History: Unlearning Imperialism
- The work of politics: Making a democratic welfare state
- Toni Morrison and political theory
- Contesting conformity: Democracy and the paradox of political belonging
- ‘After Auschwitz’: Writing history after injustice in Adorno and Lyotard
- The Political Force of the Comedic
- How and Why to Do Just War Theory
- Value, Conflict, and Order: Berlin, Hampshire, Williams, and the Realist Revival in Political Theory
- Ella Baker and the challenge of black rule
- Constituent power and the law
- Radical enfranchisement in the jury room and public life
- Laughter as dissensus: Kant and the limits of normative theorizing around laughter
- Security and democratic equality
- Annual Prize of £500 for an article published in volume 18, 2019
- Disenchanting Global Justice: Liberalism, Capitalism and Finance
- The limits of subtractive politics: Agamben and Rousseau’s inheritance
- Nietzsche, irrationalism, and the cruel irony of Adorno and Horkheimer’s political quietude
- Rediscovering Political Friendship. Aristotle’s Theory and Modern Identity, Community, and Equality
- Being Present: Embodying Political Relations in Indigenous Encounters with the Crown
- Anaesthetics of existence: Essays on experience at the edge
- Political Theory with an Ethnographic Sensibility
- The politics of precarity
- Militant acts: The role of investigations in radical political struggles
- Truth versus ignorance in democratic politics: An existentialist perspective on the democratic promise of political freedom
- Necropolitics
- The consequences of liberal modernity: Explaining and resisting neoliberalism through Alasdair MacIntyre
- Political Agency in Humans and Other Animals
- Democratic philanthropy
- Kant’s politics and its contemporary meaning: Recent approaches
- How we became our data: A genealogy of the informational person
- Foucault on psychagogy and the politics of education
- Mourning work: Death and democracy during a pandemic
- Illegal: How America’s lawless immigration regime threatens us all
- Breaking billboards: protest and a politics of play
- Climate machines, fascist drives and truth
- Displacing Caravaggio: art, media, and humanitarian visual culture
- (Un)realistic utopia: Rethinking political legitimacy, democracy, and resistance in China
- What’s the use? On the uses of use
- Theft is property! Dispossession and critical theory
- The Habermas/Rawls debate
- The moment of rupture: Historical consciousness in interwar German thought
- Oppression and racial slavery: Abolitionist challenges to neo-republicanism
- Carl Schmitt as a theorist of the 1933 Nazi revolution: “The difficult task of rethinking and recultivating traditional concepts”
- Political action and the philosophy of mind
- Wayward lives, beautiful experiments: Intimate histories of social upheaval
- The force of nonviolence: An ethico-political bind
- Correction to: The enduring significance of cruelty
- Ethnocentric political theory, secularism and multiculturalism
- Colonial capitalism and the dilemmas of liberalism
- Capitalism and democracy in the twenty-first century: A global future beyond nationalism
- After (post) hegemony
- Listening obliquely: Listening as norm and strategy for structural justice
- In defense of charisma
- Fundamentals of comparative and intercultural philosophy
- The Left Case for Brexit. Reflections on the Current Crisis
- The political technology of the ‘Camp’ in historical capitalism
- Abjection and mourning in the struggle over fetal remains
- Beyond populism and technocracy: The challenges and limits of democratic epistemology
- James Baldwin and the politics of white identity
- Listening to Black lives matter: racial capitalism and the critique of neoliberalism
- Theorizing the Politics of Protest: Contemporary Debates on Civil Disobedience
- A tirania dos poderes coniventes: O Brasil na conjuntura
- Genealogies of terrorism: Revolution, state violence, empire
- Tragedy, education, democracy: J. Peter Euben’s Political Theory
- John Rawls: The path to a theory of justice
- The enduring significance of cruelty
- Empire and its afterlives
- Justice Through a Multispecies Lens
- Queer Terror: Life, death, and desire in the settler colony
- Lived fictions: Unity and exclusion in Canadian politics
- The morals of the market: Human rights and the rise of neoliberalism
- Meanderings through the politics of everyday life
- Revolution or legality? Confronting the spectre of Marx in Habermas’s legal philosophy
- The political theory of neoliberalism
- From ‘fugitive democracy’ to ‘fugitive justice’: Cultivating a democratic ethos
- The prevention of torture: An ecological approach
- Liberty, diversity and domination: Kant, Mill and the Government of Difference
- War for peace: Genealogies of a violent ideal in western and Islamic political thought
- Rights as weapons: Instruments of conflict, tools of power
- Dirty hands and the fragility of democracy
- Legitimacy as a zero-sum game: Presidential populism and the performative success of the unauthorized outsider
- Conspiracism and Delegitimation
- Flattery and the history of political thought: That Glib and Oily Art
- Emotion, protest, democracy: Collective identities in contemporary Spain
- A democratic bearing: Admirable citizens, uneven injustice, and critical theory
- Contemporary Political Theory Annual Prize of £500 for an article published in volume 17, 2018
- Sièyes and Marx in Paris
- Democracy in the Anthropocene
- The masked demos: Associational anonymity and democratic practice
- Embryos and Alphabets: A reproductive history of the nonhuman
- Critical theories of neoliberalism and their significance for left politics
- Improper communities in the work of Roberto Esposito and Jacques Rancière
- In the Marxian workshops: Producing subjects
- The cruel optimism of sexual consent
- Exploring a European tradition of allyship with sovereign struggles against colonial violence: A critique of Giorgio Agamben and Jacques Derrida through the heretical Jewish Anarchism of Gustav Landauer (1870–1919)
- Species-being for whom? The five faces of interspecies oppression
- Settler state apologies and the elusiveness of forgiveness: The purification ritual that does not purify
- Distributed agency, responsibility and preventing grave wrongs
- Origin stories: Wonder woman and sovereign exceptionalism
- Becoming who we are: Politics and practical philosophy in the work of Stanley Cavell
- Capability without dignity?
- Juxtaposition, Hemispheric Thought, and the Bounds of Political Theory: Juliet Hooker’s Theorizing Race in the Americas
- The perpetual immigrant and the limits of Athenian democracy
- Putting proximity in its place
- 99 theses on the reevaluation of value. A postcapitalist manifesto
- Democracy and goodness: A historicist political theory
- Ethical Restoration After Communal Violence: The grieving and the unrepentant
- Naming violence: A critical theory of genocide, torture, and terrorism
- Critiquing capitalism today. New ways to Read Marx
- The “Agonistic Turn”: Political Theory and the Displacement of Politics in New Contexts
- War and the politics of ethics
- Radical democracy and left populism after the squares: ‘Social Movement’ (Ukraine), Podemos (Spain), and the question of organization
- The exception and the paradigm: Giorgio Agamben on law and life
- Has liberalism ruined everything?
- Rethinking political judgment: Arendt and existentialism
- As if: Idealization and ideals
- Correction to: Rethinking Politicisation
- Totalizing institutions, critique and resistance
- Lukács’s phenomenology of capitalism: Reification revalued
- Les Aveux de la chair . Vol. 4 of L’Histoire de la sexualité
- Motivating cosmopolitanism: Jürgen Habermas, Jean-Luc Nancy, and the case for cosmocommonism
- Constellations of indigeneity: The power of definition
- Democratic opening and closure: Struggles of (de)legitimation in the settler colony
- Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) and Political Theory
- The Nature of Silence and Its Democratic Possibilities
- The practice of political theory: Rorty and continental thought
- The government of desire: A genealogy of the liberal subject
- A time for anticolonial theory
- Rethinking Politicisation
- A good guy with a drone: On the ethics of drone warfare
- Undoing work, rethinking community: A critique of the social function of work
- Friendship among nations: History of a concept
- Political theology: A critical introduction
- Hannah Arendt’s Ethics
- Ausdruck, Mitwelt, Ordnung. Zur Ursprünglichkeit einer Dimension des Politischen im Anschluss an die Philosophie des frühen Heidegger
- Reading Marx
- The figure of the child in democratic politics
- Sex wars, SlutWalks, and carceral feminism
- Levinas and the question of politics
- Just liberal violence: Sweatshops, torture, war
- The politics of borders: Sovereignty, security, and the citizen after 9/11
- Before the Law: The complete text of Préjugés
- Secularism and the politics of translation
- Political theory between philosophy and rhetoric. Politics as transcendence and contingency
- Reclaiming populism
- Machiavelli and the orders of violence
- Plato as Critical Theorist
- Becoming political: Spinoza’s vital republicanism and the democratic power of judgement
- Staged: Show trials, political theater, and the aesthetics of judgment
- The monarchy of fear: A philosopher looks at our political crisis
- A political companion to Frederick Douglass
- Constituting Freedom: Machiavelli and Florence
- Capitalism: A conversation in critical theory
- An all-too-human future? Revolution, utopia and the many lives of humanity
- Civil Disobedience
- Epistemic democracy and the role of experts
- Cosmo-nationalism: American, French and German philosophy
- Back to the future of black struggle in theory and practice
- Decolonizing radical democracy
- Montaigne and the Tolerance of Politics
- The uncertain future of marriage
- Entangled Humanism as a Political Project: William Connolly’s Facing the Planetary
- Politics recovered: Realist thought in theory and practice
- Stain removal: Ethics and race
- Reclaiming wonder: After the sublime
- A duty to resist: When disobedience should be uncivil
- A philosophy for Europe: From the outside
- Human rights and the care of the self
- The minority body: A theory of disability
- Political uses of Utopia: New Marxist, anarchist, and radical democratic perspectives
- The micropolitics of desire reproduced: A Nietzschean revolutionary-becoming in a post-industrial age
- The Democratic Production of Political Cohesion: Partisanship, Institutional Design and Life Form
- Rethinking radical democracy
- What’s in a world? Du Bois and Heidegger on politics, aesthetics, and foundings
- A genealogy of political theory: a polemic
- Poststructuralist discourse theory as an independent paradigm for studying institutions: Towards a new definition of ‘discursive construction’ in institutional analysis
- Annual Prize of £500 for an article published in volume 13 (2014)
- “Poor in World”: Hannah Arendt’s critique of imperialism
- Representing judgment – Judging representation: Rhetoric, judgment and ethos in democratic representation
- Annual Prize of £500 for an article published in volume 16 (2017)
- Beyond humanitarianism: Normatively approaching immigration and integration
- Pragmatism and justice
- Politicising digital space: Theory, the internet and renewing democracy
- On small war: Carl von Clausewitz and people’s war
- After injury: A historical anatomy of forgiveness, resentment, and apology
- Dangerous minds: Nietzsche, Heidegger, and the return of the far right
- Democratic Inclusion Beyond the State?
- Biopolitics 2.0: Reclaiming the power of life in the anthropocene
- Hegel’s political philosophy: On the normative significance of method and system
- Good government: Democracy beyond elections
- For Foucault: Against normative political theory
- Liberalism for the twenty-first century: The skeptical radicalism of Judith Shklar
- Rancière’s sentiments
- Whose names count? Jacques Rancière on Alfredo Jaar’s Rwanda Project
- Critique without judgment in political theory: Politicization in Foucault’s historical genealogy of Herculine Barbin
- Hannah Arendt and the fragility of human dignity
- Resistant exit
- Changing the subject: Philosophy from Socrates to Adorno
- Insisting on complicity
- How to tell the political truth: Foucault on new combinations of the basic modes of veridiction
- Reason and power: Difference, structural implication, and political transformation
- Mourning, melancholia, and race now
- Comedy and critical thought: Laughter as resistance
- The problem of religious diversity: European challenges, Asian approaches
- A road to nowhere: The idea of progress and its critics
- Free speech on campus
- Post-sovereign power and leadership
- Excluded within: The [un]intelligibility of radical political actors
- Deliberation, unjust exclusion, and the rhetorical turn
- State violence and moral horror
- At the Limits of the Political: Affect, Life, Things
- Poetic Justice: Rereading Plato’s Republic
- Who speaks for nature? On the politics of science
- The political challenges of the posthumous life
- The once and future liberal: After identity politics
- The Expanding Blaze: How the American Revolution Ignited the World, 1775–1848
- Recalibrating oppositional politics
- Political theory and film: From Adorno to Žižek
- The politics of unreason: the Frankfurt School and the origins of antisemitism
- Democracy to come: Politics as relational praxis
- The Infidel and the Professor: David Hume, Adam Smith, and the Friendship that Shaped Modern Thought
- Adam Smith: Systematic philosopher and public thinker
- Political realism in apocalyptic times
- Excessive subjectivity: Kant, Hegel, Lacan, and the foundations of ethics
- Political and ethical action in the age of Trump
- Benjamin Barber and the Practice of Political Theory
- Political ontology and international political thought: Voiding a pluralist world
- Critical theory in critical times: Transforming the global political and economic order
- The policy state: An American predicament
- Emancipation, Progress, Critique: Debating Amy Allen’s The End of Progress
- To err is human: Biography vs. biopolitics in Michel Foucault
- Re-envisioning property
- Appearances of ēthos in political thought: The dimension of practical reason
- The politics and gender of truth-telling in Foucault’s lectures on parrhesia
- British multiculturalism and the politics of representation
- Callous objects: Designs against the homeless
- A theory of regret
- Teachers of the people: Political education in Rousseau, Hegel, Tocqueville, and Mill
- Connected by commitment: Oppression and our obligation to undermine it
- Hegel’s social ethics: Religion, conflict, and rituals of recognition
- The politics of the human
- Emotions, community, and citizenship: Cross-disciplinary perspectives
- Creolizing political theory in conversation
- From resistance to invention in the politics of the impossible: Bernard Stiegler’s political reading of Maurice Blanchot
- The misinterpellated subject
- Philosophy as political technē : The tradition of invention in Simondon’s political thought
- A problem from hell: Natural history, empire, and the devil in the New World
- Black Rights/White Wrongs: The critique of racial liberalism
- Kropotkin: Reviewing the classical Anarchist tradition
- Writing human rights: The political imaginaries of writers of color
- Puzzling Identities
- Domestic colonies: The turn inward to colony
- Facing the planetary: Entangled humanism and the politics of swarming
- Puzzling identities
- The politics of founding in focus
- Rebelling against suffering in capitalism
- Living a feminist life
- The Pragmatic Vision of Visionary Pragmatism: The Challenge of Radical Democracy in a Neoliberal World Order
- A history of modern political thought: the question of interpretation
- Counter-history of the present: Untimely interrogations into globalization, technology, and democracy
- Shame: A genealogy of queer practices in the 19th century
- On ne naît pas femme: On le devient: The life of a sentence
- The Concept in Crisis: Reading Capital Today
- Dreaming in dark times: Six exercises in political thought
- New forms of revolt: Essays on Kristeva’s intimate politics
- Pax Gandhiana: The political philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi
- The politics of modern honor
- Epistemic marginalisation and the seductive power of art
- Redefining the Muslim community: Ethnicity, religion, and politics in the thought of Alfarabi
- When the state meets the street: Public service and moral agency
- American mourning: Tragedy, democracy, resilience
- Popular politics in a realist key
- Technosystem: The social life of reason
- Afro pessimism
- Anarchism and art: Democracy in the cracks and on the margins
- Agonistic mourning: Political dissidence and the Women in Black
- Critical theory and the challenge of praxis
- Human rights standards: Hegemony, law and, politics
- Portfolio society: On the capitalist mode of prediction
- Partisanship and political liberalism in diverse societies
- The domestication of critical theory
- Carceral humanitarianism: Logics of refugee detention
- Anti-book. On the art and politics of radical publishing
- A moral theory of solidarity
- Foucault’s futures: A critique of reproductive reason
- The moral and political philosophy of immigration: Liberty, security, and equality
- Interdependency: The fourth existential insult to humanity
- Life, emergent: The social in the afterlives of violence
- State power and breastfeeding promotion: A critique
- Politics and the concept of the political: The political imagination
- Democracy, freedom, and Afro-modern political thought
- Are rights less important for republicans than for liberals? Pettit versus Pettit
- Awakening to Race: Individualism and Social Consciousness in America
- Political responsibility: Responding to predicaments of power
- Agamben and radical politics
- Ideologies of experience: Trauma, failure, deprivation, and the abandonment of the self
- Thinking like a Mall: Environmental philosophy after the end of nature
- “To be human, nonetheless, remains a decision”: Humanism as decisionism in contemporary critical political theory
- Political political theory: Essays on institutions
- Adorno and democracy: The American years
- Public trials: Burke, Zola, Arendt, and the politics of lost causes
- Changing referents: Learning across space and time in China and the west
- Nietzsche’s Great Politics
- Animals and democratic theory: Beyond an anthropocentric account
- The changing space between politics and biology
- Commoning the political, politicizing the common: Community and the political in Jean-Luc Nancy, Roberto Esposito and Giorgio Agamben
- Movement parties against austerity
- Annual Prize of £500 for an article published in volume 15 (2016)
- Global powers of horror: Security, politics, and the body in pieces
- An impossible dream? Racial integration in the United States
- Politics with Beauvoir: Freedom in the encounter
- Inclinations: a critique of rectitude
- The Black Jacobins reader
- Back to basics
- The form of politics: Aristotle and Plato on friendship
- Christian human rights
- Public Things: Democracy in Disrepair
- Border Studies
- The end of progress: Decolonizing the normative foundations of critical theory
- Strangers in our midst: The political philosophy of immigration
- The minor gesture
- Advenit Cicero
- Love’s enlightenment: Rethinking charity in modernity
- Democracy, critique and the ontological turn
- The politics of justice: Levinas, violence, and the ethical–political relation
- Populism, anti-populism and crisis
- Unravelling the subject with Spinoza: Towards a morphological analysis of the scene of subjectivity
- Metamorphoses of the city: On the western dynamic
- Democratic impatience: Martin Luther King, Jr. on democratic temporality
- Law and the philosophy of privacy
- Picturing justice
- Recognition or disagreement: A critical encounter on the politics of freedom, equality, and identity
- Freedom beyond sovereignty: Reconstructing liberal individualism
- Deleuze’s political vision
- The political space of art: The Dardenne brothers, Arundhati Roy, Ai Weiwei, and Burial
- The paradox of liberation: Secular revolutions and religious counterrevolutions
- Butler and Ethics
- ‘The return of things as they were’: New humanitarianism, restitutive desire and the politics of unrectifiable loss
- The origins of neoliberalism: Modelling the economy from Jesus to Foucault
- The challenge of surrealism: The correspondence of Theodor W. Adorno and Elisabeth Lenk
- Refugees and the myth of human rights: Life outside the pale of the law
- 100 years of European philosophy since the great war: Crisis and reconfigurations
- Arendt, Levinas, and a politics of relationality
- Politics against domination
- Who cares what the people think? Revisiting David Miller’s approach to theorising about justice
- Democracy and the death of shame: Political equality and social disturbance
- Vulnerability in resistance
- Decolonizing democracy: Intersections of philosophy and postcolonial theory
- Dancing feminist conversations: Never without materiality
- Democracy and justice: Reading Derrida in Istanbul
- The neoliberal subject: Resilience, adaptation and vulnerability
- What is populism?
- The democratic theory of Hans-Georg Gadamer
- Deliberative democracy between theory and practice
- Arendt, democracy, and judgment
- Foucault in Iran: Islamic revolution after the enlightenment
- Marx’s Inferno: The political theory of capital
- The shadow of unfairness: A plebeian theory of liberal democracy
- The human rights state: Justice within and beyond sovereign nations
- Friendship reconsidered: What it means and how it matters to politics
- Secrets and democracy: From arcana imperii to Wikileaks
- The socratic turn: Knowledge of good and evil in an age of science
- Sophistry and political philosophy: Protagoras’ challenge to Socrates
- The struggle for democracy: Paradoxes of progress and the politics of change
- Ingenious citizenship: Recrafting democracy for Social change
- Founding acts: Constitutional origins in a democratic age
- Atheism, secularism and toleration: Towards a political atheology
- Without banisters: Adorno against humanity
- Identity politics and democratic nondomination
- A political theory of territory
- Catching capital: The ethics of tax competition
- Rightlessness in an age of rights: Hannah Arendt and the contemporary struggles of migrants
- Foucault and the politics of rights
- The Democratic Horizon
- Foucault and neo-liberalism
- The structure of world history: From modes of production to modes of exchange
- Kierkegaard and the matter of philosophy: A fractured dialectic
- Machiavelli’s legacy: The Prince after 500 years
- Postanarchism
- Violence and civility: On the limits of political philosophy
- Hans Lindahl’s Fault Lines of Globalization
- The next revolution: Popular assemblies and the promise of direct democracy
- Why democracy is oppositional
- Decolonizing Dialectics
- Care ethics and political theory