- Phenomenological understandings of the relationship between ethics and the idea of God
- The anonymous temporality of animal life: Merleau-Ponty and Deleuze on the passive syntheses of the organic
- Drew M. Dalton: The Matter of Evil: From Speculative Realism to Ethical Pessimism, Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 2024
- Ambiguities of conscience: Heidegger, Levinas, Richir
- Plasticity and neoplasticity in Malabou’s the future of Hegel: addressing the concept’s ambiguity
- Review of Critique of Critique (Stanford UP 2023) by Roy Ben-Shai
- Husserl on disappointment in the sphere of willing
- Phenomenologies of aging: an introduction
- Introduction: The ‘functional ideal of truth’ — A new key for Cassirer research
- Unraveling the ties that bind: the social fragility of old age
- Ernst Cassirer: Forms and transformations of the philosophical concept of truth (1929)
- When the past becomes future-like: A phenomenological study of memory, time, and self-familiarity
- The objectivity of mathematics in Cassirer’s symbol-theoretical approach
- Objectivity and truth in Ernst Cassirer’s ethics
- Pluralism and the unity of science: physics and political epistemology in Cassirer’s phenomenology of knowledge
- Learning to see the world in which we live
- Cassirer on language, objectivity, and truth
- On the functional logic of cultural value in Locke and Cassirer’s philosophies of culture
- The influence of relativity on the philosophy of symbolic forms
- Truth and science: Cassirer’s conception of truth and its role in the scientific enterprise
- Between art and science: on Ernst Cassirer’s concept of style
- Directions of objectivity. Cassirer on art as a symbolic language
- Cassirer’s functionalist account of physical truth: object, measurement and technology
- Natural sciences, technology and foresight: an approach based on Ernst Cassirer’s symbol theory
- Mathematical sciences as symbolic form: the objects and objectivity of science in Ernst Cassirer’s philosophy of science and culture
- Gerontological difference: Tracing the ontological generativity of aging after Heidegger
- From care to solidarity
- Ageing-in-the-world
- Care and resentment. An essay on moral temporality
- Continuity in Leibniz and Deleuze: A reading of Difference and Repetition and The Fold
- John Rogove and Pietro D’Oriano (eds.), Heidegger and his anglo-american reception: a comprehensive approach, cham: Springer Nature, 2022, 390 pp., ISBN: 978-3-031-05816-5
- Karl Löwith on the I–thou relation and interpersonal proximity
- From Base Materialism to Base Culture: Georges Bataille and the Politics of Heterogeneity
- Practical concepts and intentional understanding: on the lineage of beginning phenomenology
- Questioning the boundary between “Us” and “Them” with Waldenfels and Derrida
- Being-in-movement: phenomenological ontology of being
- The perceived object in media-based empathy: applying Edith Stein’s concept of Wortleib
- Touched by beauty: a qualitative inquiry into phenomenology of beauty
- The omnitemporality of idealities
- Photography and evidence: reflections on the imagistic violence
- The groundlessness of sense: a critique of Husserl’s idea of grounding
- Gottesglaube as Glaubenstrotz. The concessive structure of the Christian religious attitude
- Sharon Krishek, Lovers in essence: a Kierkegaardian defense of romantic love
- Expectation and judgment: towards a phenomenology of discrimination
- Flourishing while withering: an explication and critique of Simone de Beauvoir’s phenomenology of aging
- God becoming flesh, flesh becoming divine
- Entering the grey zone of aging between health and disease: a critical phenomenological account
- An eyewitness account of Edmund Husserl and Freiburg phenomenology in 1923–24. Towards reclaiming the plurivocity of historical sources of the Phenomenological Movement
- Jacques Derrida and Hans-Georg Gadamer, correspondence (1977–2000) Jacques Derrida, How right he was: Gadamer, my Cicerone (2002)
- Introduction: Husserl and community
- Beyond intersubjectivism: common mind and the multipolar structure of sociality after Husserl
- Existential selfhood in Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology of Perception
- Intercorporeality online: anchoring in sound
- Binding and axiomatics: Deleuze and Guattari’s transcendental account of capitalism
- On Heidegger’s conception of emotion, which is to say, Husserl’s conception of time: an analysis of Befindlichkeit and temporality
- Beyond the mere present: Husserl on the temporality of human and animal consciousness
- “A sociality of pure egoists”: Husserl’s critique of liberalism
- Vocational life: personal, communal and temporal structures
- Husserl on the state: a critical reappraisal
- Empty satisfaction—a social phenomenology of late modern enjoyment
- Cultural appropriation: an Husserlian account
- Jean-Paul Sartre’s philosophical realism in Being and Nothingness versus Jan Patočka’s a-subjective phenomenology on the crucial question of the body
- The “tuning-in” relationship in music and in ethics
- Community: a unified disunity?
- From communication to communalization: a Husserlian account
- Augustine and Heidegger on Verticality and Everydayness
- Time, moral and anti-moral: Améry and Levinas on historical responses to trauma
- Nietzsche’s turn: from nature as value-less to value-laden
- The impurity of praxis: Arendt and Agamben
- Exploring the philosophical concept of my death in the context of biology: the scholarly significance of the unknown
- Difference and presence: Derrida and Husserl’s phenomenology of language, time, history, and scientific rationality
- Essentialism, historicity, and ethicalization: rethinking Husserl’s project of phenomenological theology
- Emmanuel Alloa, Looking Through Images: A Phenomenology of Visual Media, trans. Nils F. Schott. New York: Columbia University Press, 2021. Xiv + 391 pp.
- The Resistance of Presence
- Kevin Thompson and Perry Zurn (eds.): Intolerable: Writings from Michel Foucault and the Prisons Information Group [1970–1980]
- Shannon M. Mussett: Entropic Philosophy: chaos, breakdown, and creation, Lanham: Roman & Littlefield, 2022, 203 pp., ISBN: 978-1-78,661-246-5
- Husserl on shared intentionality and normativity
- The ethical night of libertinism: Beauvoir’s reading of Sade
- Time’s entanglements: Beauvoir and Fanon on reductive temporalities
- Lifeworld art: on Husserl’s Crisis book and beyond
- Correction to: The afterlife of fictional media violence. A genetic phenomenology of emotions following Husserl and Freud
- Riddles of the body: Derrida and Hegel on corporeality and signs
- Brave new lifeworld: vicissitudes of the Lebenswelt in French “phenomenology” and beyond
- The Jew as a doppelgänger: the role of the double in the constitution of identity
- Moments of realization: extending Homeworld in British-African Novelist Doris Lessing’s Four-Gated City
- The temporality of artwork and festival and the temporality of the cosmos: gadamer’s reflections on time and eternity
- Essence, modality, and the material a Priori: Scheler and Contemporary Essentialism
- The worst, the lesser violence and the politics of deconstruction
- Lines made by walking—On the aesthetic experience of landscape
- James G. Hart, Hedwig Conrad-Martius’ Ontological Phenomenology, ed. Rodney K. B. Parker, Cham: Springer, 2020, 272 pp., ISBN 978-3030448417
- Healing the Lifeworld: On personal and collective individuation
- Varieties of the Lifeworld: Phenomenology and Aesthetic Experience
- The afterlife of fictional media violence. A genetic phenomenology of emotions following Husserl and Freud
- Raoul Moati, Levinas and the night of being: a guide to totality and infinity, translated by Daniel Wyche, New York: Fordham University Press, 2017, 217 + xvii pp., ISBN: 9780823273201
- Bettina Bergo: Anxiety – a philosophical history. New York: Oxford University Press, 2021, 514 pp, ISBN: 978-0-19-753971-2
- Martin Koci: Thinking Faith after Christianity: A Theological Reading of Jan Patočka’s Phenomenological Philosophy, 2020, New York: State University of New York Press, 301 pp. ISBN 978-1-4384-7893-7, ISBN 978-1-4384-7892-0
- “Being tied to experience”: towards a subjective account of the phenomenology of the event
- The unaffordable and the sublime
- A critique of the crowd psychological heritage in early sociology, classic phenomenology and recent social psychology
- Word as image: Gadamer on the unity of word and thing
- Rethinking Husserl’s lifeworld: The many faces of the world in Heidegger’s early Freiburg lecture courses
- Correction to: Heisenbergian explanation and Husserlian evidence: ontological significance in idealized language
- Nietzsche on the passions and self-cultivation: contra the Stoics and Spinoza
- Structuralist heroes and points of heresy: recognizing Gilles Deleuze’s (anti-)structuralism
- Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenological perspective on quantum mechanics
- Introduction: Phenomenology of Quantum Mechanics
- Levels of the absolute in Husserl
- Ulrike Kistner and Philippe Van Haute: Violence, Slavery and Freedom between Hegel and Fanon, Johannesburg: Wits University Press, 2020, 168 pp., ISBN 978-1-77,614-623-9, ISBN 978-1-77,614-627-7
- Correction to: Phenomenology of imagining and the pragmatics of fictional language
- Heisenbergian explanation and Husserlian evidence: ontological significance in idealized language
- Hermann levin goldschmidt. Contradiction set free. Translated by John Koster. London, UK: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020. 152 pp. + ix. ISBN: 978-1-350-077,979-3
- Understanding and explanation. Paul Ricœur and human geography
- Heidegger on death as a deficient mode
- Informational foundations of quantum theory: critical reconsideration from the point of view of a phenomenologist
- The intersubjective responsibility of durational trauma: Contributions of Bergson and Levinas to the philosophy of trauma
- Critical phenomenology and psychiatry
- The shattering of meaning. Jan Patočka and his triple concept of history
- Andrea Staiti: Etica naturalistica e fenomenologia, il Mulino, Bologna, 2020, 158 pp., ISBN: 9788815287502
- Make applied phenomenology what it needs to be: an interdisciplinary research program
- On the transcendental undercurrents of phenomenology: the case of the living body
- Husserl, Heidegger, and the paradox of subjectivity
- Taking Watsuji online: betweenness and expression in online spaces
- Personal identity: birth, death and the conditions of selfhood
- Lueck, Bryan: Obligation and the fact of sense , Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 2019, ISBN: 978 1 4744 4272 5
- Colby Dickinson, Words Fail: Theology, poetry and the challenge of representation (perspectives in continental philosophy, Fordham U.P., 2017)
- Pathogenesis: Freud’s Paul and the question of historical truth
- A political ontology for Europe: Roberto Esposito’s instituent paradigm
- Introduction: the phenomenological method today
- Pathology as a phenomenological tool
- Phenomenological method and philosophy of history
- Philosophical empathy (in the Style of Merleau-Ponty)
- Order, experience, and critique: The phenomenological method in political and legal theory
- Levinas and the political problem of original peace
- The primacy of the noematic. On the methodological relevance of art for phenomenology
- Violence and image
- The phenomenality of the phenomenon: Heidegger on physics
- Phenomenological method and contemporary ethics
- Corijn van Mazijk: Perception and reality in Kant, Husserl, and McDowell , New York: Routledge, 2020, 192 pp., ISBN 978-0-367-44180-7, ISBN 978-1-003-01022-7
- Giving as Loving: a requiem for the gift?
- Interview with physicist Christopher Fuchs
- The one, the true, the good… or not: Badiou, Agamben, and atheistic transcendentality
- The body ideal in French phenomenology
- Husserl, the mathematization of nature, and the informational reconstruction of quantum theory
- The secondary passivity: Merleau-Ponty at the limit of phenomenology
- Martin Ritter: Into the world: the movement of Patočka’s phenomenology
- Pierre Hadot, Albert Camus and the orphic view of nature
- Fritz London and the measurement problem: a phenomenological approach
- Blok, Vincent: Heidegger’s concept of philosophical method: innovating philosophy in the age of global warming
- Roland Breeur: Lies—Imposture—Stupidity
- Power from indirect pain: a historical phenomenology of medical pain management
- On Chinese receptions and translations of Heidegger’s Dasein
- Of a false dilemma and the knowledge of values
- Is the life-world reduction sufficient in quantum physics?
- One table or two? scientific anti-realism and Husserl’s phenomenology
- Moore, Ian Alexander: Eckhart, Heidegger, and the Imperative of Releasement
- Developmental phenomenology: examples from social cognition
- Sean J. McGrath: Thinking nature: an essay in negative ecology
- Christoph Durt, Thomas Fuchs, and Christian Tewes (eds): Embodiment, enaction and culture: investigating the constitution of the shared world
- Violence and forgiveness: from one mimesis to another
- Phenomenology of imagining and the pragmatics of fictional language
- Prolegomena to a phenomenology of “religious violence”: an introductory exposition
- Estrangement, epochē, and performance: Bertolt Brecht’s Verfremdungseffek t and a phenomenology of spectatorship
- Animate being: an inquiry into Being in Heidegger’s Being and Time
- Corine Pelluchon: Nourishment: a philosophy of the political body , trans. by Justin E. H. Smith
- The act of forgetting: Husserl on the constitution of the absent past
- “One is what one does”: from pragmatic to performative disclosure of the who
- Jean-Yves Lacoste’s thesis on truth
- Correction to: The logic of hatred and its social and historical expressions: From the great witch-hunt to terror and present-day djihadism
- Subject, enjoyment, hegemony: a discussion of Ernesto Laclau’s interpretation of empty signifiers and the real as impossible in Lacanian psychoanalysis
- Temporality and embodied self-presence
- Feeling as the origin of value in Scheler and Mencius
- Sebastian Luft and Thane M. Naberhaus (trans.): Husserliana: Collected Works Book 14: First Philosophy: Lectures 1923/24 and Related Texts from the Manuscripts (1920–1925)
- Faith, violence, and phronesis: narrative identity, rhetorical symbolism, and ritual embodiment in religious communities
- Transcendental pride and Luciferism: On being bearers of light and powers of darkness
- The logic of hatred and its social and historical expressions: From the great witch-hunt to terror and present-day djihadism
- The horsemen of the Apocalypse: messianism and terror
- In the beginning was violence: Emmanuel Levinas on religion and violence
- Violent times, the horror of the unspeakable and the temporality of religious experience
- Bergson’s philosophical method: At the edge of phenomenology and mathematics
- Jean Wahl’s unassailable heritage
- Review of Penelope Deutscher, Foucault’s Futures: A Critique of Reproductive Reason
- Collective intentionality and the further challenge of collective free improvisation
- Normative reconstruction and social memory: Honneth and Ricoeur
- Affectivity and the distinction between minimal and narrative self
- Intercorporeity and the first-person plural in Merleau-Ponty
- From “Block-Things” to “Time-Things”: Merleau-Ponty’s temporal ontology in part two of the phenomenology of perception
- Nietzsche and Levinas on time
- Eidetic intuition as physiognomics: rethinking Adorno’s phenomenological heritage
- A criticism of Young’s ‘Throwing Like a Girl’ through Scheler’s understanding of motor action
- On memory, nostalgia, and the temporal expression of Josquin’s Ave Maria… virgo serena
- Susan Bredlau, the other in perception: a phenomenological account of our experiences of other persons
- Book review of Rafael Winkler’s Philosophy of Finitude: Heidegger, Levinas, and Nietzsche
- Review of Hendrik Stoker, Conscience: phenomena and theories , Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2018
- Being with Technique–Technique as being-with: The technological communities of Gilbert Simondon
- The relevance of the theory of pseudo-culture
- Attitudes and illusions: Herbert Leyendecker’s phenomenology of perception
- Personal identity and the otherness of one’s own body
- Geoffrey Dierckxsens: Paul Ricoeur’s moral anthropology—singularity, responsibility, and justice
- Applied phenomenology: why it is safe to ignore the epoché
- Feminist experiences: a response to Smaranda Aldea and Amy Allen
- Forgiveness as institution: a Merleau-Pontian account
- On perception and trust: Merleau-Ponty and the emotional significance of our relations with others
- Killing the father, Parmenides: On Lacan’s anti-philosophy
- Sensibility and the otherness of the world: Levinas and Merleau-Ponty
- Kinesthesia: An extended critical overview and a beginning phenomenology of learning
- From existential alterity to ethical reciprocity: Beauvoir’s alternative to Levinas
- Feminism as critique: comments on Johanna Oksala’s feminist experiences
- Comments on Johanna Oksala’s Feminist Experiences
- Piper’s question and ours: a role for adversity in group-centred views of non-agentive shame
- ‘Estrangement’ in aesthetics and beyond: Russian formalism and phenomenological method
- Unconscious reasons: Habermas, Foucault, and psychoanalysis
- Motor intentionality and the intentionality of improvisation: a contribution to a phenomenology of musical improvisation
- Husserl’s covert critique of Kant in the sixth book of Logical Investigations
- Review of Don Beith’s The Birth of Sense: generative passivity in Merleau-Ponty’s philosophy (978-0-8214-2310-3)
- Comedy Begins with Our Simplest Gestures: Levinas, Ethics, and Humor
- Abigail L. Rosenthal: A Good Look at Evil , new edition (Wipf and Stock 2018)
- Mercier, Hugo, and Dan Sperber: The enigma of reason
- An inquiry on radical empathy and the phenomenological reduction in Sartre and Merleau-Ponty
- Bergson’s panpsychism
- Book review of Adrian Johnston’s, Irrepressible Truth : On Lacan’s “The Freudian Thing”
- Translation and introduction: Alexandre Koyré’s “Hegel at Jena”
- Violence and the return of the religious
- The phenomenology of shame: a clarification in light of max Scheler and Confucianism
- Education as ethics: Emmanuel Levinas on Jewish schooling
- Time, or the mediation of the now: on Dan Zahavi’s “irrelational” account of self-temporalization
- Review of phenomenology and the arts, ed. Peter R. Costello and Licia Carlson
- Against Levinas’ messianic politics: a polemic
- Gendlin’s experiential phenomenology of “saying”
- Thinking emergence as interaffecting: approaching and contextualizing Eugene Gendlin’s Process Model
- The Laruellean Clinamen: François Laruelle and French Atomism
- Presentation as indirection, indirection as schooling: The two aspects of Benjamin’s scholastic method
- The logic of comprehensive or deep emotional change
- The biographical approach in Karl Jaspers’ work: From philosophy of life to autobiography
- Pol Vandevelde and Arun Iyer (eds): Hermeneutics between history and philosophy: the selected writings of Hans-Georg Gadamer—volume 1
- “Seeing-in” and twofold empathic intentionality: a Husserlian account
- Lefort as a reader of Machiavelli and Marx
- The notion of aesthetic freedom in contemporary German philosophy: Christoph Menke’s The Power of Art and Martin Seel’s Active Passivity
- Heidegger’s philosophical botany
- Narrative identity and phenomenology
- Goethe and the study of life: a comparison with Husserl and Simmel
- Rudolf Makkreel: Orientation and Judgment in Hermeneutics
- Ryan Coyne: Heidegger’s Confessions: The remains of Saint Augustine in Being and Time and beyond
- J. Colin McQuillan: Immanuel Kant: The Very Idea of a Critique of Pure Reason
- Radegundis, Stolze, John, Stanley, and Larisa Cercel (ed): Translational hermeneutics: The first symposium
- The gift of Mexican historicism
- Ongoing: On grief’s open-ended rehearsal
- Ricoeur’s askēsis : textual and gymnastic exercises for self-transformation
- Review Article of Michael Staudigl’s Phänomenologie der Gewalt
- Thinking love: Heidegger and Arendt
- Making sense of Heidegger’s ‘phenomenology of the inconspicuous’ or inapparent ( Phänomenologie des Unscheinbaren )
- Equitable relief as a relay between juridical and biopower: the case of school desegregation
- Arendt’s genealogy of thinking
- The concept of violence in the work of Hannah Arendt
- Beyond the politics of reception: Jacques Rancière and the politics of art
- On (the) nothing: Heidegger and Nishida
- Words that reveal: Jean-Yves Lacoste and the experience of God
- Bergson, human rights, and joy
- The joy of Desire: Understanding Levinas’s Desire of the Other as gift
- Making sense of the lived body and the lived world: meaning and presence in Husserl, Derrida and Noë
- The acephalic community: Bataillean sovereignty, the question of relation, and the passage to the subject
- The primacy question in Merleau-Ponty’s existential phenomenology
- Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology in the light of Kant’s Third Critique and Schelling’s Real – Idealismus
- Merleau-Ponty’s Gordian knot: Transcendental phenomenology, science, and naturalism
- Other minds embodied
- Measurement as transcendental–empirical écart : Merleau-Ponty on deep temporality
- The real of the rabble: Žižek and the historical truth of the Hegelo-Lacanian dialectic
- Introduction: Merleau-Ponty’s Gordian knot
- Was Merleau-Ponty a ‘transcendental’ phenomenologist?
- Toward a transcendental account of creativity. Kant and Merleau-Ponty on the creative power of judgment and creativity as institution
- What is the body without organs? Machine and organism in Deleuze and Guattari
- The violence of the ethical encounter: listening to the suffering subject as a speaking body
- Nietzsche beyond correlationism: Meillassoux’s history of modern philosophy
- Husserl and queer theory
- Evolution and the meaning of being: Heidegger, Jonas and Nihilism
- Process as reality: Kierkegaard’s aesthetic approach to the ethical
- Violence and existence: an examination of Carl Schmitt’s philosophy
- Husserl on symbolic technologies and meaning-constitution: A critical inquiry