- Visualizing Taxonomic Reasoning: Casta Paintings and the Hierarchization of Bodily Differences
- Reparative Racial Justice from Wariness in the Rawlsian Original Position
- The Role of Culture in Race: A Critique of Jeffers
- Afro-Latinx, Hispanic, and Latinx Identity: Understanding the Americas
- Immanuel Kant and a Second Slavery
- Black Nausea: Existential Awareness of Antiblack Racism and a Phenomenology of Caution
- Kant on Race Mixing, Subracial Variety, and Progressive Culture
- Biopolitics, Carcerality, and Capital in Foucault’s Unfinished Account of the Racial State
- Slavery and Race: Philosophical Debates in the Eighteenth Century by Julia Jorati (review)
- The Life of Charles Mills, Radical Philosopher Extraordinaire
- “Without Losing Sight of the Concrete”: Critical and Metacritical Theories of Race
- Charles Mills’s “Black Trash”: Reproducing Race, Pig Waste, and Ecological Resistance
- “I Understand That I Will Never Understand”: White Ignorance, Anti-Racism, and the Right to Opacity
- Reparations for Reproductive Slavery and Its Afterlives
- The Combahee River Collective Statement and Black Feminist Universalism
- The Colonial Contract and the Coloniality of Gender: Decolonial Feminist Reflections on Charles Mills’s Racia-Sexual Contract
- Nothing and Infinity: Black Life’s Response to Ontological Terror
- Critical Philosophy of Race: Essays by Robert Bernasconi (review)
- On Necropolitics: Achille Mbembe and the Critique of Black Reason
- Living Plots in the Stone-Time of Necropolitics
- Necropolitics, Border Walls, and a Murder of Jim and Juan Crows in the Americas
- Du Bois, Marx, and the Jewish Question Reconsidered
- “L’Européen sait et ne sait pas”: Frantz Fanon and Epistemologies of Ignorance
- An Irrealist Theory of Race
- “This Land of Thorns Is Not Habitable”: Diagnosing the Despair of Racialized Meta-oppression
- Her Mother’s Tongue: Bilingual Dwelling, Being In-Between, and the Intergenerational Co-creation of Language-Worlds
- Fatal Longings: Nostalgia, Slavery, and Medicine
- Race Is an Indivisible Singular but Practice Insists It Is a Frangible Plural
- “Why Race Still Matters”
- Race, Intellectual Racism, and the Opened Door
- Rodney, Mills, and Rousseau: Revisiting the Social Contract Idea
- Being Black and Woman in a Racist and Sexist Society: Locating an Existential Standpoint Philosophy in Mamphela Ramphele’s Autobiography
- Can Iqaba Possess Ontological Legitimacy?
- “Subaltern Studies and the Transition in Indian History Writing”
- The Evasive Racism of Caste—and the Homological Power of the “Aryan” Doctrine
- The Radical in Ambedkar: Critical Reflections ed. by Anand Teltumbde and Suraj Yengde (review)
- Guest Editor’s Introduction: Critical Philosophy of Caste and Race
- The Necessity of Dalitude: Being Dalit in Urban and Academic Spaces in the Twenty-First Century in India
- Ground Down and Locked in a Paperweight: Toward a Critical Psychology of Caste-Based Humiliation
- Nietzsche Contra Manu: Ambedkar’s Nietzsche Moment and the Politics of Dalit Rage
- Sarithiram as Interpretative Pedagogy: Iyothee Thass’s Casteless Community and History
- Revisiting the Minority Imagination: An Inquiry into the Anticaste Pasmanda-Muslim Discourse in India
- “Whatever Happened to Jogta and Jogtin?”: Subjugation of Dalits in Lower-Caste Religious Practices
- The Karen Call: Emergency, Destiny, and Surveillance
- Ontology and Lalangue (or, Blackness and Language)
- Kant and Slavery—Or Why He Never Became a Racial Egalitarian
- Introduction: Ontology and Blackness, a Dossier
- Johann Gottlieb Stoll and Forster’s Challenge to Kant
- Translator’s Introduction to “Transcendence and Paratranscendence”
- The Powers of Dignity: The Black Political Philosophy of Frederick Douglass
- “Retrospective Significance”: On Reparations, Ontological Incoherence and Living in a Catastrophe
- Paraontology: Interruption, Inheritance, or a Debt One Often Regrets
- On James Baldwin and Black Rage
- Warding Off the Ghosts of Race in the Historiography of Philosophy
- Disability and White Supremacy
- What Is an Anti-Racist Philosophy of Race and History? A New Look at Kant, Hegel, and Du Bois
- Toward a Black Radical Critique of Natality: Beyond Hannah Arendt’s Biopolitics
- Terrortories: Colonialism’s Built Environments as Structural Disablement
- Creolizing the Nation by Kris F. Sealey (review)
- Active Ignorance, Antiracism, and the Psychology of White Shame
- Glissant and the Middle Passage: Philosophy, Beginning, Abyss by John Drabinski (review)
- Introduction from Altered Man: The History of Race and Degeneration from the Seventeenth to the Nineteenth Century
- Frederick Douglass’s Prospective Aesthetic Theory
- Two Kinds of Postracialism: Declaration and Aspiration
- White Privilege: Unconscious Racism, Freud, and Neuroscience of Implicit Bias
- Impure at the Origins: The Role of Mixed-Race Bodies in Colonization, Slavery, and Racial Demarcation
- The “Unknown” Middle Easterner: Post-Racial Anxieties and Anti-MENA Racism Throughout Colonized Space-Time
- Feeling Racial Pride In the Mode of Frederick Douglass
- What’s the Matter with Value? Anna Julia Cooper’s Political-Economic Thought
- The Persistence Of Scientific Racism: Ernst Cassirer on the Myth of Race
- Romaphobia: The Last Acceptable Form of Racism by Aidan McGarry (review)
- White Privilege by Shannon Sullivan (review)
- Racism and “Self-Love”: The Case of White Nationalism
- On “Ur-Contempt” and the Maintenance of Racial Injustice: A Response to Monahan’s “Racism and ‘Self-Love’: The Case of White Nationalism”
- Politicizing the Geological: Articulations of Earth and History in Modern Philosophical Race Discourse
- The Aisthetic-Cosmological Dimension of María Lugone’s Decolonial Feminism
- Stillness, Aesthesis, Resistance
- Border Zones, In-Between Spaces, and Turns: On Lugones, the Coloniality of Gender, and the Diasporic Peregrina
- Compelled to Cross, Tempted to Master: Affective Challenges in Lugones’s Decolonial Feminist Methodology
- The Pornotrope of Decolonial Feminism
- Interlocking, Intersecting, and Intermeshing: Critical Engagements with Black and Latina Feminist Paradigms of Identity and Oppression
- Lugones’s World-Making
- Complex Communication and Decolonial Struggles: The Forging of Deep Coalitions through Emotional Echoing and Resistant Imaginations
- Toward a Decolonial Feminist Imaginary: Decolonizing Futurity
- Fanon’s Body: Judith Butler’s Reading of the “Historico-Racial Schema”
- “What Are You?”: Addressing Racial Ambiguity
- Between Two Worlds: Jean Price-Mars, Haiti, and Africa ed. by Celucien L. Joseph, Jean Eddy Saint Paul, and Glodel Mezilas (review)
- Editors’ Introduction Tango Dancing with María Lugones: Toward Decolonial Feminisms
- Gender and Universality in Colonial Methodology
- Aspects of the Coloniality of Knowledge
- Should We Narrow the Scope of “Racism” to Accommodate White Sensitivities?
- Wittgenstein, Aspect Blindness, and White Supremacy
- “That Third and Darker Thought”: African-American Challenges to the Political Theories of Jacques Rancière and Axel Honneth
- Traveling Elsewheres: Afropolitanism, Americanah, and the Illocution of Travel
- Is Islamophobia (Always) Racism?
- Is It Still Nationalism? A Critique of Ronald Sundstrom’s “Sheltering Xenophobia”
- Johann Gottlieb Steeb on Human Diversity: Synthesizing Kant and Blumenbach
- The Chemistry of Blackness: Benjamin Rush, Thomas Jefferson, Everard Home, and the Project of Defining Blackness through Chemical Explanations
- The Politics of Unreason: The Frankfurt School and the Origins of Modern Antisemitism by Lars Rensmann (review)
- Frantz Fanon, Psychiatry and Politics by Nigel C. Gibson and Roberto Beneduce (review)
- Climate Apartheid: The Forgetting of Race in the Anthropocene
- Blackness and the Pitfalls of Anthropocene Ethics
- A Permanent Struggle Against an Omnipresent Death: Revisiting Environmental Racism with Frantz Fanon
- Edge City: Reflections on the Urbanocene and the Plantatiocene
- Seed Bags and storytelling: Modes of Living and Writing after the End in Wanuri Kahiu’s Pumzi
- Bodies of Color, Bodies of Sorrow: On Resistant Sorrow, Aesthetic Unsettlement, and Becoming-With
- Criminalization and Undocumented Migrante Laborer Identities in the Zone of Nonbeing
- Disposable Subjects: Staging Illegality and Racial Terror in the Borderlands
- Jewels and Ladders: Visualizing and Resisting the Racialization and Dehumanization of E/Im-migrants and Refugees
- The Habits of Racism: A Phenomenology of Racism and Racialized Embodiment by Helen Ngo (review)
- Race Otherwise: Forging a New Humanism for South Africa by Zimitri Erasmus (review)
- Black on the Outside, White on the Inside: Peter Abelard’s Use of Race
- Reforming Racializing Bodily Habits: Affective Environment and Mindfulness Meditation
- Race and Sex in Western Philosophy: Another Answer to the Question “What Does It Mean to Orient Oneself in Thinking?”
- The Racial Legacy of the Enlightenment in Simón Bolívar’s Political Thought
- Out of the Binary and Beyond the Spectrum: Redefining and Reclaiming Native American Race
- “The Fixity of Whiteness”: Genetic Admixture and the Legacy of the One-Drop Rule
- Unconscious Racial Prejudice as Psychological Resistance: A Limitation of the Implicit Bias Model
- Antisemitism and Islamophobia in Europe: A Shared Story? eds. by James Renton & Ben Gidley, and: Whites, Jews, and Us: Towards a Politics of Revolutionary Love by Houria Bouteldja (review)
- Black Is Beautiful: A Philosophy of Black Aesthetics by Paul C. Taylor (review)
- The Race-Religion Constellation: A European Contribution to the Critical Philosophy of Race
- Race and the Senses: Toward Articulating the Sensory Apparatus of Race
- Dark Ghettos: Injustice, Dissent, and Reform by Tommie Shelby (review)
- Theorizing Race in the Americas: Douglass, Sarmiento, Du Bois, and Vasconcelos by Juliet Hooker (review)
- Intersectionality: Origins, Contestations, Horizons by Anna Carastathis (review)
- Unmasking the Big Bluff of Legitimate Governance and So-Called Independence: Creolizing Rousseau through the Reflections of Anna Julia Cooper
- The Composite Community: Thinking Through Fanon’s Critique of a Narrow Nationalism
- “What it means to be human!”
- White Priority
- Obama’s Racial Legacy: The Power of Whiteness
- Rearranging the Furniture of History: Non-Racialism as Anticolonial Praxis
- Steve Biko and the Liberatory Potential of Non-Racialism and Post-Racialism
- Shattering the Myth of a Post-Racial Consensus in South African Higher Education: “Rhodes Must Fall” and the Struggle for Transformation at the University of Cape Town
- “Whole masses of uncharted territory”: Metaphors, Internal Spatiality, and Racialized Relationships in Post-Apartheid South Africa
- Decolonization and Denazification: Student Politics, Cultural Revolution, and the Affective Labor of Remembering
- Race Trouble and the Impossibility of Non-Racialism
- Smadditizin’ Across the Years: Race and Class in the Work of Charles Mills
- Black Feminist Reflections on Charles Mills’s “Intersecting Contracts”
- Intersectional Meditations: A Reply to Kathryn Gines and Shannon Sullivan
- The Pragmatics of Resistance: Framing Anti-Blackness and the Limits of Political Ontology
- On the Historiography of Africana Philosophy: Overcoming Disciplinary Decadence through the Teleological Suspension of Philosophy
- Snow-Blind in a Blizzard of Their Own Making: Bodies of Structural Harmony and White Male Negrophobes in the Work of Frantz Fanon
- Pragmatism, Racial Solidarity, and Negotiating Social Practices: Evading the Problem of “Problem Solving” Talk
- The Future of Whiteness by Linda Martín Alcoff (review)