- Human and Artificial Decision Making – A Unified View
- Table of Contents of Vol. XXIV
- Minds, Machines and Gödel
- Intentions and Representations
- How is Content Externalism Characterized by Vehicle Externalists
- Concepts are Containers
- Frauke Albersmeier, The Concept of Moral Progress
- A Sufficientarian Proposal for Discharging Our Moral Duties Towards Emigrants
- Owen Flanagan, How to do Things with Emotions: The Morality of Anger and Shame across Cultures
- Embedded Metaphor and Perspective Shifting
- Rationality and Intransitivity
- Propositions, Concepts, and the Fregean/Russellian Distinction
- Reclaiming Russellian Singular Thoughts
- The Mystery of Intuition in Einstein’s Thought Experiments
- Generative Linguistics and the Computational Level
- Thought Experiment as Bridge Between Science and Common Sense
- Miščević On Thought Experiments
- Miščević: Mental Models and More
- A Goodbye to Nenad
- Farewell to Nenad
- Nenad Miščević
- Patrik Engisch and Julia Langkau (eds.), The Philosophy of Fiction: Imagination and Cognition
- Social Science as a Kind of Writing
- The Dark Side of Cultural Sensitivity – Right-Wing Anxiety and Institutional Literary Censorship in Israel
- Drawing Reflections – What Kind of Knowledge Does Self-referential Literature Yield?
- Escaping Fiction
- Aesthetic Value of Immoral Fictions
- Intimations of a Lyricism sans Subject – On the Poetics of Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe
- Beyond Reading – What it Means to Encounter a Literary Work of Art
- Literary Interpretation is Not Just About Meaning
- Table of Contents of Vol. XXIII
- What is a Tense, Anyway?
- The Syntax of Prominence
- Incoherent Meanings
- Intentionalism and the Natural Interpretation of Discourses
- From Coherence Relations to the Grammar of Pronouns and Tense
- Précis for Context and Coherence: – The Logic and Grammar of Prominence
- Linguistic Conventions or Open-Ended Reasoning – Some Questions for Una Stojnić
- Reassessing the Exploitation Charge in Sweatshop Labor
- Unwanted Arbitrariness
- A Tension in Some Non-Naturalistic Explanations of Moral Truths
- Bare Projectibilism and Natural Kinds: A Defense
- Transitivity and Humeanism about Laws
- The Problem of Perceptual Agreement
- Rawls and the Global Original Position
- Is Autism a Mental Disorder According to the Harmful Dysfunction View?
- Imagination, Thought Experiments, and Personal Identity
- How Does Justice Relate to Economic Welfare? – A Case Against Austro-Libertarian Welfare Economics
- Evolutionary Game Theory and Interdisciplinary Integration
- How to Conquer the Liar and Enthrone the Logical Concept of Truth – an Informal Exposition
- Jessica Brown, Fallibilism: Evidence and Knowledge
- Imagining the Ring of Gyges – The Dual Rationality of Thought-Experimenting
- Purposiveness of Human Behavior – Integrating Behaviorist and Cognitivist Processes/Models
- Machine Learning, Functions and Goals
- Ascribing Proto-Intentions – Action Understanding as Minimal Mindreading
- Intentions and Their Role in (the Explanation of) Language Change
- Kathy Wilkes, Teleology, and the Explanation of Behaviour
- Memories of Dubrovnik’s Global Citizen—Kathy Wilkes
- Kathy Wilkes at the Inter-University Centre Dubrovnik – Philosophy, Courage, and Much More
- John Perry, Frege’s Detour: An Essay on Meaning, Reference, and Truth
- Non-Stupidity Condition and Pragmatics in Artificial Intelligence
- Strict Conditionals – Replies to Lowe and Tsai
- Empty Higher Order States in Higher Order Theories of Consciousness
- Identity of Dynamic Meanings
- Cladism, Monophyly and Natural Kinds
- Epistemic Priority or Aims of Research? – A Critique of Lexical Priority of Truth in Regulatory Science
- Is Representationalism Committed to Colour Physicalism?
- Table of Contents of Vol. XXI
- Ivan Cerovac, Epistemic Democracy and Political Legitimacy
- Acknowledgement to Referees
- Jonathan Gilmore, Apt Imaginings, Feelings for Fictions and Other Creatures of the Mind
- Wolfgang Huemer and Ingrid Vendrell Ferran (eds.), Beauty: New Essays in Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art
- The Intuition behind the Non-Identity Problem
- On Formalizing Logical Modalities
- Implicitness, Logical Form and Arguments
- Arguing about Free Will – Lewis and the Consequence Argument
- Argumentation as a Speech Act – A (Provisional) Balance
- J. David Velleman, On Being Me: A Personal Invitation to Philosophy
- The Priority of Common Sense in Philosophy
- The Problem with Impure Infinitism
- Two Accounts of the Problem of Enhanced Control
- Chomsky’s London
- Aesthetic Eating
- J. S. Mill on Higher Pleasures and Modes of Existence
- Are Capabilities Compatible with Political Liberalism? A Third Way
- United Nations Development Programme, Human Development Report 2020. The Next Frontier Human Development and the Anthropocene
- Rafe McGregor, Narrative Justice
- Tiziana Andina, Petar Bojanić (eds.), Institutions in Action. The Nature and the Role of Institutions in the Real World
- Art and the Impossible
- Generative Linguistics Meets Normative Inferentialism: Part 2
- Doing Things with Words – The Transformative Force of Poetry
- A Literary Aesthetics of War Crime
- Davies and Levinson on the Musical Expression of Emotion – What’s the Problem?
- Learning from Fiction to Change our Personal Narratives
- Fashion as an Aesthetic Form of Life – A Wittgensteinian Interpretation
- Art Addressing Consumerism in the Age of Late Capitalism
- Aldo Rossi: “My Architecture Stands Mute and Cold”
- Architecture and Sites – A Lesson from the Categorisation of Artworks
- Representationalism, Double Vision, and Afterimages – A Response to Işık Sarıhan
- What Do We Experience When Listening to a Familiar Language?
- The Limits of Expertism
- Béatrice Longuenesse, I, Me, Mine: Back to Kant and Back Again
- Semantic Deference and Groundedness
- Table of Contents of Vol. XX
- Invasive Weeds in Parmenides’s Garden
- Can Statism Help?
- Two Concepts of the Epistemic Value of Public Deliberation
- Samir Okasha, Philosophy of Biology. A Very Short Introduction
- Vincent C. Müller (ed.), Philosophy and Theory of Artificial Intelligence 2017
- Larry Krasnoff, Nuria Sánchez Madrid, Paula Satne (eds.), Kant’s Doctrine of Right in the Twenty-first Century
- Anđel Starčević, Mate Kapović, Daliborka Sarić, Jeziku je svejedno (Language could care less)
- Generative Linguistics Meets Normative Inferentialism: Part 1
- But Without …? – Reflections on Pietroski’s Conjoining Meanings
- Précis of Conjoining Meanings – Semantics Without Truth Values
- Compositionality and Expressive Power – Comments on Pietroski
- Conjoining and the Weak/Strong Quantifier Distinction
- David Hitchcock, On Reasoning and Argument. Essays in Informal Logic and on Critical Thinking
- Michael E. Bratman, Planning, Time and Self-governance: Essays in Practical Rationality
- The Non-Identity Problem and the Admissibility of Outlandish Thought Experiments in Applied Philosophy
- Bending and Stretching the Definition of Lying
- Unscrutable Morality – Could Anyone Know Every Moral Truth?
- Which Theory of Public Reason? – Epistemic Injustice and Public Reason
- The Epistemic Justification of Democracy
- Democracy, Truth, and Epistemic Proceduralism
- How to Craft Economic Policy – Values in Economics
- Political Parties as Corruption Hazards – The Republican Case for Sortition
- John Dunn Interview
- Leif Wenar, Blood Oil: Tyrants, Violence, and the Rules that Run the World
- Justin Garson, A Critical Overview of Biological Functions
- Epistemic Infinitism, the Reason-Giving Game, and the Regress Skeptic
- Are people smarter than machines?
- Does Sherlock Holmes Exist?
- Structural Realism in Biology – A (Sympathetic) Critique
- Mathematics and Physics within the Context of Justification – Induction vs. Universal Generalization
- The Effectiveness of Representations in Mathematics
- Legitimate Mathematical Methods
- Literature and Truth – Revisiting Stolnitz’s Anti-cognitivism
- Philip Goff, Consciousness and Fundamental Reality
- Literary Fiction and the Cultivation of Virtue
- Introducing Cinematic Humanism – A Solution to the Problem of Cinematic Cognitivism
- Aesthetic Possibilities of Cinematic Improvisation
- Tasting the Truth – The Role of Food and Gustatory Knowledge in Hannibal
- Art History without Theory – A Case Study in 20th Century Scholarship
- Artistic Conversations: Artworks and Personhood
- Aesthetic and Artistic Verdicts
- Making Sense of ‘Popular Art’
- Tim Crane, The Meaning of Belief: Religion from an Atheist’s Point of View
- Content, Mental Representation and Intentionality – Challenging the Revolutionary Character of Radical Enactivism
- Populists, Samaritans and Cosmopolitans – What is the Right Alliance?
- On Three Attempts to Rebut the Evans Argument against Indeterminate Identity
- Michael Walzer’s Republican Theory of Distributive Justice – “Complex Equality” as Equal Freedom from Domination
- The Epistemic Value of Partisanship
- Procreative Beneficence toward Whom?
- Laborde’s Liberalism’s Religion – The Problem of Religious Exemptions
- Being a Progressive in Divinitia
- Religious Accommodation – An Egalitarian Defence
- Neutrality and the Relations between Different Possible Locations of the Good
- Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
- Advances in Experimental Philosophy and Philosophical Methodology
- The Epistemic Life of Groups
- How Gruesome are the No-free-lunch Theorems for Machine Learning?
- Reconciling Poetry and Philosophy – Evaluating Maximilian De Gaynesford’s Proposal
- Informal Reasoning and Formal Logic – Normativity of Natural Language Reasoning
- Some Limitations on the Applications of Propositional Logic
- Evolution and Ethics – No Streetian Debunking of Moral Realism
- On a Consequence in a Broad Sense
- On the Measurability of Measurement Standards
- Predicates of Personal Taste – Relativism, Contextualism or Pluralism?
- Lewisian Scorekeeping and the Future
- Negative or Positive? – Three Theories of Evaluation Reversal
- An Anscombean Reference for ‘I’?
- The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Imagination
- Strangers in Our Midst: The Political Philosophy of Immigration
- Wisdom and Reason
- The Enigma of Reason
- Do Conversational Implicatures Express Arguments?
- On the Rationality of Conspiracy Theories
- Devitt’s ‘Intrinsic Biological Essentialism’
- Structured Propositions, Unity, and the Sense-Nonsense Distinction
- Devitt’s Promiscuous Essentialism
- Intuitions Once Again! Object-level vs. Meta-level
- Intuitions: Rijeka Response to Nenad Miščević
- Intuitions: Epistemology and Metaphysics of Language
- The Routledge Companion to Thought Experiments
- The Myth of the Moral Brain. The Limits of Moral Enhancement
- The ‘Arguments Instead of Intuitions’ Account of Thought Experiments – Discussion of The Myth of the Intuitive by Max Deutsch
- “The Brain in Vat” at the Intersection
- The Hidden Links between Real, Thought and Numerical Experiments
- Simulation and Thought Experiments – The Example of Contractualism
- Thought Experiments in the Theory of Law – The Imaginary Scenarios in Hart’s The Concept of Law
- Intuiting Intuition – The Seeming Account of Moral Intuition
- On Understanding a Theory on Conscious Experiences
- ‘Mais la fantaisie est-elle un privilège des seuls poètes?’ – Schlick on a ‘Sinn kriterium’ for Thought Experiments
- Is the Antipathetic Fallacy Responsible for the Intuition that Consciousness is Distinct from the Physical?
- The Function and Limit of Galileo’s Falling Bodies Thought Experiment – Absolute Weight, Specifi c Weight and the Medium’s Resistance
- The Mathematics-Natural Sciences Analogy and the Underlying Logic – The Road through Thought Experiments and Related Methods
- Thought Experiments between Nature and Society: A Festschrift for Nenad Miščević
- Moral Thought-Experiments, Intuitions, and Heuristics
- Perspectives on the Self
- Table of Contents of Vol. XVII
- The Oxford Handbook of Food, Politics, and Society
- The Power of Language – Discussion of Charles Taylor’s The Language Animal: The Full Shape of the Human Linguistic Capacity
- Subjectivity and Perspective in Truth-Theoretic Semantics
- Value Disagreement and Two Aspects of Meaning
- Temporally Restricted Composition
- Is There a Meaning-Intention Problem?
- Saying without Knowing What or How
- Speaker Reference and Cognitive Architecture
- Gricean Semantics and Vague Speaker-Meaning
- On Stephen Neale’s manuscript Silent Reference
- Knowledge Through Imagination
- Understanding “I”: Thought and Language
- The Original Position
- Baseless Knowledge
- On the Moral Irrelevance of a Global Basic Structure – Prospects for a Satisficing Sufficientarian Theory of Global Justice
- Let’s Not Worry about the Reclamation Worry
- The Myth of Embodied Metaphor
- Social Identity, Indexicality, and the Appropriation of Slurs
- Pejoratives and Testimonial Injustice – Precis
- Precis of the Theoretical Part of A Word Which Bears a Sword
- Loaded Words and Expressive Words – Assessing Two Semantic Frameworks for Slurs
- Possible Uses of Tennant’s Methodology in Secondary Education
- Maximization, Slotean Satisficing, and Theories of Sufficientarian Justice
- Self-deception and Selectivity – Reply to Jurjako
- A Philosophical Critique of the Concept of Miracle as a “Supernatural Event”
- The Grounding Problem for Panpsychism and the Identity Theory of Powers
- Bayesianism and the Idea of Scientific Rationality
- Imagination – A Sine Qua Non of Science
- Are We Causally Redundant? – Eliminativism and the no-Self View
- A Critical Introduction to the Metaphysics of Modality
- Apraxia, Appearances, and Beliefs – The Pyrrhonists’ Way Out
- Freedom and Self-Creation: Anselmian Libertarianism
- Epistemic Value. Curiosity, Knowledge and Response-Dependence
- Afterthoughts on Critiques to The Philosophy of Curiosity
- The Concept of Curiosity in the Practice of Philosophy for Children
- Semantics through Reference to the Unknown
- Stop and Smell the Roses – Inostensible Propositional Knowledge and Raising the Standard of Knowing
- Curiosity about Curiosity
- Comments on Inan’s Notions of Objectual and Propositional Curiosity
- Inan on Objectual and Propositional Ignorance
- Curiosity and Ignorance