- Saving cosmopolitanism from colonialism
- Morally philosophizing the indefensible or politically theorizing the disagreeable?
- Anti-power politics and the rise of the far-right in Portugal: why is the contemporary far-right attractive to voters on the left?
- Migration and discrimination: exploring the pathways of a more integrated research agenda
- The immigration discrimination dilemma
- The value of the concept of discrimination in contexts of migration: the case of structural discrimination
- Bordering and status-harms
- Discrimination and the exclusion of people with disabilities
- Property and Justice: A Trend Towards Marxist Political Philosophy
- The principle of coherence between internal and external migration: an apagogical argument for open borders?
- Not intrinsically unconstitutional: the Portuguese constitutional court, the right to life, and assisted death
- On Contemporary Chinese Legal System
- What does populism mean for democracy? Populist practice, democracy and constitutionalism
- Effective altruism, tithing, and a principle of progressive giving
- The function of solidarity and its normative implications
- Acting in solidarity with the poor? Some conceptual and practical challenges
- Grounding the political theory of global injustice in the actions of poor-led movements: a comment on Poverty, Solidarity, and Poor-Led Social Movements, Monique Deveaux, Oxford University Press, 2021
- On why the poor have duties too
- Against ‘The Poor’ as a global category
- Reply to critics – Ethics & global politics book symposium on Poverty, Solidarity, and Poor-Led Social Movements
- Introduction to Symposium: Monique Deveaux’s Poverty, Solidarity, and Poor-Led Social Movements
- Collective political capabilities
- The Humanity of Universal Crime: Inclusion, Inequality, and Intervention in International Political Thought
- Republicanism and the legitimacy of state border controls
- Subjection and inclusion: on Ludvig Beckman’s The Boundaries of Democracy
- Proportionality in cyberwar and just war theory
- Refugees, membership, and state system legitimacy
- Citizenship as strict liability: a review of Avia Pasternak’s responsible citizens, Irresponsible States
- Citizenship as strict liability: a review of Avia Pasternak’s Responsible Citizens, Irresponsible States
- Migrants by plan and migrants by stork: can we refuse citizenship to one, but not the other?
- Attributing what to whom? Nations, value-adding activities, and territorial rights
- Should we open borders? Yes, but not in the name of global justice
- ‘Where you live should not determine whether you live’. Global justice and the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines
- Reciprocity and the duty to stay
- When the state doesn’t commit: a review essay of Julian Culp’s Democratic Education in a Globalized World
- In defense of citizenship testing: a reply to Daniel Sharp
- Why citizenship tests are necessarily illiberal: a reply to Blake
- The capital flight quadrilemma: democratic trade-Offs and international investment
- The resource curse and duties to immigrants
- Are human rights enough? On human rights and inequality
- Upholding public institutions in the midst of conflicts: the threat of political corruption
- Complicity in democratic engagement with autocratic systems
- Mitigating the costs of departure. Brain drain, disadvantage and fair burden-sharing
- Human rights and liberal values: can religion-targeted immigration bans be justified?
- Travel bans and COVID-19
- Travel bans, climate change, refugees and human rights: a response to my critics
- Refugees, legitimacy and development
- Does Brock’s theory of migration justice adequately account for climate refugees?
- Introduction essay: migration justice in a cruel Covid-19 world
- Deportation, harms, and human rights
- A defense of the moral and legal right to secede
- Beyond lockdown? The ethics of global movement in a new era
- What Kind of Functionings Matter for Global Justice for Children?
- Political self-deception and epistemic vice
- What is political about political self-deception?
- From political self-deception to self-deception in political theory
- Self-deception, war, and the quest for the appropriate prophylactic
- Reality check: can impartial umpires solve the problem of political self-deception?
- Political Self-Deception revisited: reply to comments
- Pathologies of democratic deliberation: introduction to the symposium on A.E. Galeotti’s Political Self-Deception
- What can be achieved through education at all? A response to Julian Culp
- Global education and the liberal project
- Teach your children well: introduction to the book symposium on Julian Culp’s democratic education in a globalized world
- A vindication of transnational democratic education – replies to Michael Festl, Martin Beckstein and Michael Geiss
- Cosmopolitan arrogance, epistemic modesty and the motivational prerequisites for solidarity
- Statements on race and class: the fairness of skills-based immigration criteria
- Dilemmas regarding returning ISIS fighters
- May states select among refugees?
- Refugees and the limits of political philosophy
- The ethics of refugee prioritization: reframing the debate
- LGBT rights and refugees: a case for prioritizing LGBT status in refugee admissions
- Vulnerable minorities and democratic legitimacy in refugee admission
- Refugees and minorities: some conceptual and normative issues
- Reframing the refugee crisis: from rescue to interconnection
- Prolegomena to a critical theory of the global order
- Principles of justice and the idea of practice-dependence
- Should states prioritize child refugees?
- Amartya Sen’s nonideal theory
- BRICS, soft power and climate change: new challenges in global governance?
- Can the right to internal movement, residence, and employment ground a right to immigrate?
- Responsibility, Structural Injustice, and Structural Transformation
- The dark side of institutionalism: Carl Schmitt reading Santi Romano
- Law as a global entity through Italian eyes and minds
- Whither the state? On Santi Romano’s The legal order
- Voting from prison: against the democratic case for disenfranchisement
- A counter-mine that explodes silently: Romano and Schmitt on the unity of the legal order
- Santi Romano against the state?
- The limited (but relevant) role of the doctrine of the double effect in the Just War Theory
- Living with others: fostering radical cosmopolitanism through citizenship politics in Berlin
- Agency law and odious debts
- Classifying states: instrumental rhetoric or a compelling normative theory?
- Nudging charitable giving: the ethics of nudging in international poverty reduction
- Nudging Charitable Giving: The ethics of Nudge in international poverty reduction
- Must a world government violate the right to exit?
- Cosmopolitan Europe? Cosmopolitan justice against EU-centredness