- Can articulations save the planet?
- Subsidiarity, sphere sovereignty, and state sovereignty
- Addressing ‘the civic status of a contradiction’: Wittgenstein and democratic self-realisation
- Climate refugeehood: A counterargument
- The eclipse of solidarity: Precarious work, agency and collective action
- The political theory of techno-colonialism
- A(nother) democratic case for federalism
- Stanley Cavell, John Rawls and moral perfectionism in liberal democracy
- Political representation, the environment, and Edmund Burke: A re-reading of the Western canon through the lens of multispecies justice
- The outsider: Outsider rhetoric and truth-seeking in The Profession of Faith
- Realist climate action: Between responsiveness and responsibility
- Max Weber, demagogy and charismatic representation
- Platform cooperativism and freedom as non-domination in the gig economy
- Night labour, social reproduction and political struggle in the ‘Working Day’ chapter of Marx’s Capital
- Lottocracy or psephocracy? Democracy, elections, and random selection
- Bearing witness, animal rights and the slaughterhouse vigil
- The dignitarian return
- Political theory and the politics of need
- How many worlds are there? One, but also many: Decolonial theory, comparison, ‘reality’
- Cricket and colonialism: Towards a political theory of sport
- Securing non-domination in the social republic: A social republican theory of rights
- A modern theodicy: John Rawls and ‘The Law of Peoples’
- ‘It was just a joke!’ Comedy and freedom of speech
- Security, digital border technologies, and immigration admissions: Challenges of and to non-discrimination, liberty and equality
- Colonial injustice, legitimate authority, and immigration control
- Eliminating the gendered division of labor: The argument from primary goods
- Between the square and the circle: a view from the ‘representative standpoint’
- Expropriation as a measure of corporate reform: Learning from the Berlin initiative
- Animal flourishing in a time of ecological crisis
- Ideal theory needs a realistic defense
- The retrieval of positive freedom, post-Kantian perfectionism and neo-Roman liberty in contemporary political thought
- The interactive wrong of political corruption: A reply to Warren, Santoro and Fabre
- There is no such thing as a political conservative
- Corruption and political institutions
- A progressive approach to normative political theorizing
- Political corruption in unjust regimes
- Whistleblowing and Complicity in Normative Theorizing on Political Corruption
- Democratic politics and hope: An Arendtian perspective
- Hans Kelsen on political Catholicism and Christian Democracy
- Critical theory and North American indigenous thought
- On blind deference in Open Democracy
- The future-oriented franchise: Instituting temporal electoral circles
- An honest man?: Rousseau’s critique of Locke’s character education
- Representative government as anti-imperialism: Edward Carpenter’s radical critique of Victorian civilization
- Tacit consent and political legitimacy
- Ambivalent thinking amid pandemic biopolitics
- The relevance of the eighteenth century to modern political theory
- Editorial announcement
- Gentrification and everyday democracy
- To tighten or relax social bonds?: Vietnamese criticism and self-criticism, and liberal self-exploration
- Murray Bookchin and the value of democratic municipalism
- Service, reciprocity, and remedy: From Confucian meritocracy to Confucian democracy
- Envy, self-esteem, and distributive justice
- Understanding democratic conflicts: The failures of agonistic theory
- Taking rulers’ interests seriously: the case for realist theories of legitimacy
- Data-owning democracy: Citizen empowerment through data ownership
- What (if anything) is ideological about ideal theory?
- Citizen responsibility and group agency
- Reciprocal libertarianism
- Responding to historical injustices: Collective inheritance and the moral irrelevance of group identity
- Critical historiography and the problem of judgment
- Dissolving the colour line: L. T. Hobhouse on race and liberal empire
- Rethinking revolutionary times
- Insurgent multiplicities
- Climate Change and Displacement: Towards a Pluralist Approach
- The past as battlefield
- Public justification, gender, and the family
- The promises and perils of predictive politics
- Algorithmic Domination in the Gig Economy
- Theorizing the multitude before Machiavelli. Marsilius of Padua between Aristotle and Ibn Rushd
- The household in Isocrates’ political thought
- Integrationism, practice-dependence and global justice
- Too old to vote? A democratic analysis of age-weighted voting
- Mapping and countermapping shifting borders
- States as Agents and as Trustees
- “Sovereignty, territory, and the legitimacy of the international order”
- Is architecture relevant for political theory?
- Moral proximity and the territorial imperative
- “Standing behind your phrase”: Arendt and Jaspers on the (post-)metaphysics of evil
- Political thought in Central and Eastern Europe: The open society, its friends, and enemies*
- Revisiting the constructivist turn in political representation
- The basic liberties: An essay on analytical specification
- Suet puddings and red pillarboxes: A review of Marc Stears’ Out of the Ordinary
- Spotlight: Pragmatism in contemporary political theory
- Perils of Party
- The material conditions of non-domination: Property, independence, and the means of production
- Structural injustice and the significance of the past
- A Theory of Justice Fifty Years Later
- Migration and the critique of ‘state thought’: Abdelmalek Sayad as a political theorist
- Reviving democracy: Creating pathways out of legitimacy crises
- Micro-domination
- Resisting the global neoliberal economy
- What is a deliberative system? A tale of two ontologies
- Transformations of work and democratic decay
- African American political thought reimagined: A review of African American Political Thought: A Collected History
- Is the privatization of state functions always, and only intrinsically, wrong? On Chiara Cordelli’s The Privatized State
- Demos (a)kurios? Agenda power and democratic control in ancient Greece
- Revisiting ancient and modern liberty: On de Dijn’s Freedom: An Unruly History
- Domestic institutions, growth and global justice
- The politics of welfare
- Hannah Arendt, antiracist rebellion, and the counterinsurgent logic of the social
- Fenelon, a conservative mind?
- Fénelon and the refinement of self-love
- Do self-determining states have a conditional right to exclude would-be immigrants?
- Fénelon and the political summum malum of self-love
- The political realism of Jeremy Bentham
- Varieties of economic dependence
- The injustices of global justice scholarship
- François Fénelon: Modern philosopher or conservative theologian?
- To be or not to be human: Resolving the paradox of dehumanisation
- Do we need an anti-oligarchic constitution?
- In defence of a liberal realism and a realist political ethics: On Edward Hall’s Value, Conflict, and Order
- Parliamentarism: From Burke to Weber
- Historical memory, democratic citizenship, and political theory: Reconstructing a historical method in Judith Shklar’s writings
- Sieyès and Republican liberty
- Finding common ground
- Justice in waiting: The harms and wrongs of temporary refugee protection
- Making peace with the barbarians: Neo-Confucianism and the pro-peace argument in 17th-century Korea
- Virtue after Foucault: On refuge and integration in Western Europe
- Neoliberalism, leadership, and democracy: Schumpeter on “Schumpeterian” theories of entrepreneurship
- The self as a multitude: Edward Abramowski’s social philosophy and the politics of cooperativism in Poland at the turn of the 20th century
- Responsibility for climate justice: Political not moral
- A theatrical conception of power
- On the concept of political manipulation
- A framework for analyzing public reason theories
- Is freedom as non-domination a right-wing idea?
- Meaning and context in political theory
- Political normativity and the functional autonomy of politics
- Unruly kids? Conceptualizing and defending youth disobedience
- The meek and the mighty: Two models of oppression
- How can political liberalism respond to contemporary populism?
- Conspiracy theories and reasonable pluralism
- ‘This man is my property’: Slavery and political absolutism in Locke and the classical social contract tradition
- Can realism save us from populism? Rousseau in the digital age
- Testing pragmatic genealogy in political theory: The curious case of John Rawls
- Toying with the law: Deleuze, Lacan and the promise of perversion
- The real promise of federalism: A case study of Arendt’s international thought
- Republicanism, EU democracy and differentiated (dis-)integration
- Universal concern, contingency and the single practice assumption: Sangiovanni’s theory of human rights
- “Nothing much had happened”: Settler colonialism in Hannah Arendt
- Public goods in Michael Oakeshott’s ‘world of pragmata’
- Introduction for Book symposium on Andrea Sangiovanni’s Humanity without Dignity
- On ‘aristocratic’ dignity
- From concept to conceptions: Can the Broad View overcome the debate between orthodox and political theories of human rights?
- Two concerns about the rejection of social cruelty as the basis of moral equality
- Do the reactive attitudes justify public reason?
- Hoping for an apocalypse? Political Realism in Apocalyptic Times by Alison McQueen
- The early modern “creation” of property and its enduring influence
- Inverted founding: Emperor organ theory, constitutionalism, and koku-min
- Radical republicanism and solidarity
- Locke, liberty, and law: Legalism and extra-legal powers in the Second Treatise
- Recognition and social freedom
- Agonistic democracy and constitutionalism in the age of populism
- How markets are made: Race, democracy and transnationalism in neoliberal thought
- Infant political agency: Redrawing the epistemic boundaries of democratic inclusion
- Habermas on rationality: Means, ends and communication
- La Boétie and republican liberty: Voluntary servitude and non-domination
- Smashing the state gently: Radical realism and realist anarchism
- Who’s the realest?
- Providence and contingency in Corsica: Rousseau on freedom without politics
- An ideology critique of nonideal methodology
- Judith N Shklar as theorist of political obligation
- Principles, practices and disciplinary power struggles in political theory
- Governmental functions and the specification of rights
- The autonomy of the political and the challenge of social sciences
- Locke on consent, membership and emigration: A reconsideration
- Structural domination in the labor market
- A socialist republican theory of freedom and government
- Defying democratic despair: A Kantian account of hope in politics
- “I tremble with my whole heart”: Cicero on the anxieties of eloquence
- Civil disobedience, and what else? Making space for uncivil forms of resistance
- Tying legitimacy to political power: Graded legitimacy standards for international institutions
- Propositional attitudes, harm and public hate speech situations: towards a maieutic approach
- Why economic agency matters: An account of structural domination in the economic realm
- Bergson contra Bergson: Race and morality in The Two Sources
- Consent by residence: A defense
- EU migration, out-of-work benefits and reciprocity: Are member states justified in restricting access to welfare rights?
- Republican Auctoritas: Harrington’s dual theory of political legitimacy
- Neutrality without pluralism
- The Naturall Condition of Mankind.
- Did we trade freedom for credit? Finance, domination, and the political economy of freedom
- Aristotle’s realist regime theory
- Opacity respect, bureaucracy and philanthropy: A response to Nathan
- No proviso: Habermas on Rawls, religion and public reason
- Hume and Smith studies after Forbes and Trevor-Roper
- Political realism and epistemic democracy: An international perspective
- Back to the rough ground: Textual, oral and enactive meaning in comparative political theory
- Institutionalising Kant’s political philosophy: Foregrounding cosmopolitan right
- Introduction: ‘István Hont as political theorist’
- Rousseau on refined Epicureanism and the problem of modern liberty
- Social positions and institutional privilege as matters of justice
- Against Lottocracy
- Cynic cosmopolitanism
- What is conservatism? History, ideology and party
- Theorising commercial society: Rousseau, Smith and Hont
- Arsehole aristocracy (or: Montesquieu on honour, revisited)
- István Hont and political theory
- What’s it got to do with the price of bread? Condorcet and Grouchy on freedom and unreasonable laws in commerce
- Fair-play obligations and distributive injustice
- Ambiguity and vagueness in political terminology: On coding and referential imprecision
- Beyond the search for the subject: An anti-essentialist ontology for liberal democracy
- The ethics of commercial human smuggling
- Political participation as self-cultivation: Towards a participatory theory of Confucian democracy
- The limits of culture in political theory: A critique of multiculturalism from the perspective of anthropology’s ontological turn
- The veil of philanthropy: Kant on the political benefits of dissimulation and simulation
- Costs of refugee admission and the ethics of extraterritorial protection
- Equality of opportunity and the precarization of labour markets
- The natural duty of justice in non-ideal circumstances: On the moral demands of institution building and reform
- New territorial rights for sinking island states
- The two faces of personhood: Hobbes, corporate agency and the personality of the state
- Pierre Clastres as comparative political theorist: The democratic potential of the new political anthropology
- What was primitive accumulation? Reconstructing the origin of a critical concept
- The power of “wealth, nobility and men:” Inequality and corruption in Machiavelli’s Florentine Histories
- Reversing Schmitt: The sovereign as a guardian of rational pluralism and the peculiarity of the Islamic state of exception in al-Juwaynī’s dialectical theology
- Staying in or moving out? Justice and the abolition of the dark ghetto
- Property-owning democracy as an alternative to capitalism
- Between mediation and critique: Quaker nonviolence in apartheid Cape Town, 1976–1990
- From body to flesh: Lefort, Merleau-Ponty, and democratic indeterminacy
- The challenges of ideal theory and appeal of secular apocalyptic thought
- Hayek’s neo-Roman liberalism
- Does socialism need fraternity? On Axel Honneth’s The Idea of Socialism
- Contra politanism
- Targeting rents: Global taxes on natural resources
- Zhuangzi: Closet Confucian?
- Gareth Stedman Jones, Karl Marx: Greatness and Illusion, Allen Lane: London, 2016; xvii + 768 pp. ISBN: 978-0-713-99904-4, £35-00 (hbk)
- More Greatness than Illusion: Stedman Jones on Marx
- Confucianism and its contexts: New research in Confucian political learning
- Moral authority and rulership in Ming literati thought
- How should we use the Chinese past? Contemporary Confucianism, the ‘reorganization of the national heritage’ and non-Western histories of thought in a global age
- Strong popular sovereignty and constitutional legitimacy
- Language and legitimacy: Is pragmatist political theory fallacious?
- The politics of historical vision: Use of the past in the Analects
- Introduction: Normative dimensions of the European crisis
- Who should pay for humanitarian intervention?
- The normativity of democracy
- Defining the duty to contribute: Against the market solution
- Systemic domination as ground of justice
- Confucian reflective commitment and free expression
- Social justice and the distribution of republican freedom
- Mary Wollstonecraft’s conception of ‘true taste’ and its role in egalitarian education and citizenship
- The moving global Everest: A new challenge to global ideal theory as a necessary compass
- Hobbes and political realism
- Populism, liberal democracy and the ethics of peoplehood
- Review: Jeremy Waldron, Political Political Theory (Harvard University Press)
- Review: Jeremy Waldron’s Political Political Theory
- Freedom without being: Kant’s corrective as the philosophical crux of Agamben’s ‘Homo Sacer’ series
- The limits of justification: Critique, disclosure and reflexivity
- Fighting electoral corruption in the Victorian era: An overlooked dimension of John Stuart Mill’s political thought
- An interpretation of political argument
- Which conception of political equality do deliberative mini-publics promote?
- On the circumstances of justice
- Beyond understanding: Comparative political theory and cosmopolitan political thought, a research agenda
- Political realism and moral corruption
- Aristotle and the problem of oligarchic harm: Insights for democracy
- A Kantian argument against world poverty
- Bureaucratic respectful equality
- Ontology and political theory: A critical encounter between Rawls and Foucault
- Toleration and groups
- Beyond the ‘other’ as constitutive outside: The politics of immunity in Roberto Esposito and Niklas Luhmann
- The European Union as a demoicracy: Really a third way?
- Individuality and hierarchy in Cicero’s De Officiis
- A European Republic of Sovereign States: Sovereignty, republicanism and the European Union
- The social construction of demoicracy in the European Union
- Four concepts of rules: A theory of rule egalitarianism
- Between reason and will: On Christopher Meckstroth’s The Struggle for Democracy
- Maximum convergence on a just minimum: A pluralist justification for European Social Policy
- Non-discrimination, in-work benefits, and free movement in the EU
- Paternalism, behavioural economics, irrationality and state failure
- Within the heart’s darkness: The role of emotions in Arendt’s political thought
- Nihilism, democracy and liberalism: Maudemarie Clark’s ‘Nietzsche on Ethics and Politics’
- How to think beyond sovereignty: On Sieyes and constituent power
- Between banality and radicality: Arendt and Kant on evil and responsibility
- Imperial pasts, imperial presents
- Anarchist ambivalence: Politics and violence in the thought of Bakunin, Tolstoy and Kropotkin
- The diversity of tactics: Anarchism and political power
- Intimations of Oakeshott: A critical reading of his ‘Notebooks, 1922–86’
- Animal rights and the deliberative turn in democratic theory
- Troubling appropriations: JS Mill, liberalism, and the virtues of uncertainty
- Occasional decisiveness: Exception, decision and resistance in Kierkegaard and Schmitt
- Human development and alienation in the thought of Karl Marx
- To choose one’s company: Arendt, Kant, and the Political Sixth Sense
- Can deliberation neutralise power?
- Surveillance, freedom and the republic
- Rawls’ methodological blueprint
- The labour republicans and the classical republican tradition: Alex Gourevitch’s From Slavery to the Cooperative Commonwealth
- How social democrats may become reluctant radicals: Thomas Piketty’s Capital and Wolfgang Streeck’s Buying Time
- Rousseau on the ground of obligation: Reconsidering the Social Autonomy interpretation
- Mapping rule and subversion: Perspective and the democratic turn in Machiavelli scholarship
- Culture, neutrality and minority rights
- Wollstonecraft and the political value of contempt
- Why not
- Plural voting and political equality: A thought experiment in democratic theory
- Emile the citizen? A reassessment of the relationship between private education and citizenship in Rousseau’s political thought
- On political responsibility in post-revolutionary times: Kant and Constant’s debate on lying
- Self-censorship for democrats
- Sufficiency and freedom in Locke’s theory of property
- From gay liberation to marriage equality: A political lesson to be learnt
- Rawls and political realism: Realistic utopianism or judgement in bad faith?
- The two faces of domination in republican political theory
- Humility and humanity: Machiavelli’s rejection and appropriation of a Christian Ideal
- Rights, citizenship and political struggle
- How to do realistic political theory (and why you might want to)
- The democratic boundary problem and social contract theory
- On the question of authority in the Arab Spring
- The impartiality of Smith’s spectator: The problem of parochialism and the possibility of social critique
- Hannah Arendt reads Carl Schmitt’s The Nomos of the Earth: A dialogue on law and geopolitics from the margins
- With radicals like these, who needs conservatives? Doom, gloom, and realism in political theory