- Jurisdiction, Legal Form, and the Transition to Capitalism Debate: Recovering Agency and Discontinuity
- From Erasure to Restoration: Antisemitism and the Visual Reverberations of a Revolutionary Pedagogy
- Franz Kafka and Antisemitism: The Historical Context of Der Prozess
- The French Debate over On the Jewish Question: From an Anachronistic Trial to the Crisis of Secularism
- Letter to the Damned of Israel
- Introduction to Abraham Serfaty’s ‘Letter to the Damned of Israel’
- Power, Politics, and Personification: Toward a Critique of Postone’s Theory of Antisemitism
- Auschwitz and Hiroshima: Günther Anders
- Rootism, Modernity, and the Jew: Antisemitism and the Reactionary Imaginary, 1789–1945
- The Baby and the Bathwater: Class Analysis and Class Formation after Deindustrialisation
- Young Marx’s Treatise on Christian Art and the Bonn Notebooks
- Karl Korsch on Marx’s New Materialism
- Antisemitism as Anti-Jewish Racism: Reflections on an Anti-Racist Analytic
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- Containing Muslims: Europe’s Lower-Strata Working-Class Muslims and the Weaponisation of Antisemitism and Islamophobia
- Far-Right Antisemitism and Heteronationalism
- Revisiting the ‘Jewish Question’ and Its Contemporary Discontents
- Not Your Good Germans: Holocaust Memory, Anti-Fascism, and the Anti-Zionism of the Jewish New Left
- Why the Brazilian Jewish Left Is Not Anti-Zionist
- Global Palestine Solidarity and the Jewish Question
- Marxism and the Critique of Antisemitism
- A Situationist Portrait of Power: Cybernetics, May ’68, and The Situationist International
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- Five Interconnections of Race and Class
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- Marx and the Concept of a Social Formation
- Marx’s Critical Theory of Slavery
- Sohn-Rethel’s Unity of the Critique of Society and the Critique of Epistemology, and his Theoretical Blind Spot: Measure
- When Monopsony Power Wanes
- Robert Wedderburn’s ‘Universal War’: Anti-Colonial Universality in the Age of Revolution
- Revisiting the Plantation Society: The New World Group and the Critique of Capitalism
- Misperceptions of the Border: Migration, Race, and Class Today
- The Logic Question: Marx, Trendelenburg, and the Critique of Hegel
- Reduced to Brutish Nature: On Racism and the Law of Value
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- Race and Reification
- A Racial Theory of Labour: Racial Capitalism from Colonial Slavery to Postcolonial Migration
- Reexamining Race and Capitalism in the Marxist Tradition – Editorial Introduction
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- Abstract Labour and Socialism
- ‘Abstract Labour and Socialism’: An Introduction
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- The Planning Daemon: Future Desire and Communal Production
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- Humanism Contra Post-humanism
- The Future is the Termination Shock: On the Antinomies and Psychopathologies of Geoengineering. Part Two
- What Is (Insurgent) Universality?
- Introduction to the Symposium on Massimiliano Tomba’s Insurgent Universality: An Alternative Legacy of Modernity
- The Future Is the Termination Shock: On the Antinomies and Psychopathologies of Geoengineering. Part One
- Theses on Economic Policy
- ‘Theses on Economic Policy’: A Document from the Verkhne-Uralsk Political Prison of 1933
- Insurgent Universality: An Alternative Legacy of Modernity
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- Tomba’s Unforgotten Histories
- History and its Discontents
- Temporalities, Universality and Insurgency: On Massimiliano Tomba’s Insurgent Universality
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- Sève and Alienation – A Biographical Preface
- A Defence of the Concept of the Landowning Class as the Third Class
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- Andreu Nin on Italian Fascism
- Andreu Nin on Fascism in Italy: Translator’s Introduction
- Japan’s Secular Stagnation, Marx’s Law of the Tendency of the Rate of Profit to Fall, and the Theory of Monopoly Capitalism
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- Thirty Years after the Break-up of Yugoslavia
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- Theory and History: Brief Remarks on the Object of Capital
- Introduction to Nicos Poulantzas, ‘Theory and History: Brief Remarks on the Object of Capital’
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- The Many Tasks of the Marxist Translator
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- Phenomenology, Scientific Method and the Transformation Problem
- History, Materialism, Historical Materialism: A Response to Carolyn Lesjak and Stefano Ercolino
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- On Stepping Stones and Other Calamities of Marxist Historiography
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- Two Historicisms: Unpacking the Rules of Reproduction Debate
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- The Neue Marx-Lektüre and the ‘Monetary Theory of Value’ in the East German Labour-Value Measurement Debate
- ‘The Soviet Problem’ in Post-Soviet Russian Marxism, or the Afterlife of the USSR
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- The Rise and Fall of the Revolutionary Left in ‘People’s Poland’
- The Dialectics of Race: Proletarian Literature, Richard Wright, and the Making of Revolutionary Subjectivity
- Ilyenkov’s Dialectics of the Ideal and Engels’s Dialectics of Nature
- Unrestrained Individuation
- The Vacuity of Structurelessness: Situating Agency and Structure in Exploitative and Alienated Social Relations
- Structure and Agency in Historical Materialism: A Response to Knafo and Teschke
- On Levels and Categories
- Elsewhere and Otherwise
- The First Workers’ Government in History: Karl Marx’s Addenda to Lissagaray’s History of the Commune of 1871
- Class, Assets and Work in Rentier Capitalism
- Seize the Means of Carbon Removal: The Political Economy of Direct Air Capture
- The Antinomies of Antonio Gramsci: A Rereading
- The Future Perfect, Otherwise: Narrative, Abstraction and History in the Work of Fredric Jameson
- ‘Everything for Me Turns into Allegory’
- Lockdown Politics: A Response to Panagiotis Sotiris
- Jameson with Lacan
- Difference Relates: Allegory, Ideology, and the Anthropocene
- Introduction to the Italian translation of Fredric Jameson’s Marxism and Form
- The Jamesonian Impersonal; or, Person as Allegory
- Jameson on Allegory: Notes from the Periphery
- Flagging Profitability and the Oil Frontier
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- The Faust Variations
- ‘The Masses Make History’: On Jameson’s Allegory and Ideology
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- A Commentary after 38 Years – Alfred Sohn-Rethel
- The State of the Pandemic
- Traditions of American ‘Democracy’
- ‘Traditions of American “Democracy”’ by Fedor Kapelusz
- The Permanenz Locution in its Immediate Rhetorical Context
- Introduction to ‘Strategy and Politics’
- Materialist Dialectics and Modern Physics
- The Materialist Dialectic in Boris Hessen’s Newton Papers (1927 and 1931)
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- Marx on Social Reproduction
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- Leon Trotsky, the Cultural Debates, and the Political Struggle in 1923
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- Marx’s Economic Manuscript of 1867–68 (Excerpt) Editor’s Introduction
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- Pacifying Urban Insurrections
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- Back Issues
- Isabelle Garo and the Provincialism of French Marxism and Anti-Marxism
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- Echoes of the Marseillaise in German Social Democracy
- Paul Levi and the Origins of the United-Front Policy in the Communist International
- Two Documents by Paul Levi (16 March 1920–8 January 1921)
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- Islamophobia: The Bigger Picture
- Not Just Recycling the Crisis
- Outline of a Marxist Commodity Theory of the Public Sphere
- Red Partisans: in Occupied Rome, 1943–44