- Logic and Psychology – Minding the Gap with Jean Piaget
- The Development of the Concept of Predication in Arabic Philosophy
- Helen Verran and the Question of African Logic
- A Medieval Controversy about Entailments between Categorical and ‘Continuing’ Propositions
- Propositions with Negative Predicates in Arabic Logic
- Why Frege Did Not Plagiarize the Stoics: More on the Relationship Between Fregean and Stoic Logic
- Frege, Hirzel, and Stoic logic
- The Kantian Background of Frege’s Notion of Judgement
- Frege’s Begriffsschrift: On the Visual Basis of Logical Articulation and Understanding
- Frege, Sigwart, and Stoic Logic
- A Generalized Notion of Refutation for Gentzen Calculi*
- How Tarskian are Carnap’s Semantics?
- Notions of Proof and Refutation in ‘Gentzensemantik’: Franz von Kutschera as an Early Proponent of (Bilateralist) Proof-Theoretic Semantics
- Judgments vs Propositions in Alexander of Aphrodisias’ Conception of Logic
- Archaeology of Logic
- Buridan’s Theory of Consequences
- A Neglected Interpretation of Das Kontinuum
- Following Bobzien: Some Notes on Frege’s Development and Engagement with his Environment
- Denying Infinity: Pragmatism in Abraham Robinson’s Philosophy of Mathematics
- Searching for the General Science of Evidence: Venn on Probability and Induction
- Frege on Identity and Identity Statements: 1884/1903
- Direct Reduction of Syllogisms with Byzantine Diagrams
- Ruth Barcan Marcus on the Deduction Theorem in Modal Logic
- On the Year of Publication of Tarski’s ‘Der Wahrheitsbegriff in den formalisierten Sprachen’
- On the Year of Publication of Tarski’s ‘Der Wahrheitsbegriff in den formalisierten Sprachen’
- Mathematical Logic in the History of Logic: Łukasiewicz’s Contribution and Its Reception
- Logic and Its History in the Lvov-Warsaw School
- The Pioneering Proving Methods as Applied in the Warsaw School of Logic – Their Historical and Contemporary Significance
- Czeżowski’s Theory of Reasoning and Mediaeval Biblical Exegesis
- Russell’s Theories of Events and Instants from the Perspective of Point-Free Ontologies in the Tradition of the Lvov-Warsaw School
- Are Ancient Logics Explosive?
- The Problem of Natural Representation of Reasoning in the Lvov-Warsaw School
- The Theory of Nigrahasthāna in Vādanyāya of Dharmakīrti
- A Short Note on the Early History of the Spectrum Problem and Finite Model Theory
- Entailment and Truthmaking: The Consequentia Rerum from Boethius to the Ars Meliduna
- The Theoretical Unity of Aristotle’s Categorical Syllogistic and Sophistics
- (What) Is Feminist Logic? (What) Do We Want It to Be?
- Introduction. Logic and Politics
- Politics, History and Logic in Max Weber
- The Birth of Logic Out of the Spirit of Democracy
- Rethinking Logical and Political Normativity
- Logic and Discrimination
- Polish Logicians on Social Functions of Logic
- The KK Principle and the Strong Notion of Knowledge: Hintikka’s Arguments for KK Revisited
- Meditating and Inquiring with Imagination: Leibniz, Lambert, and Kant on the Cognitive Value of Diagrams