- “Spectator to One’s Own Life”
- Exploring Arbitrariness Objections to Time Biases
- Does Studying Philosophy Make People Better Thinkers?
- Call-Outs and Call-Ins
- Courageous Love: K. C. Bhattacharyya on the Puzzle of Painful Beauty
- Moral Shock and Trans ‘Worlds’ of Sense
- Ubuntu in Elephant Communities
- Aesthetic Blame
- Aesthetic Experience as Interaction
- Liveliness as a Theory of Meaning in Life: Problems and Prospects
- Institutional Genidentity
- Humanism: A Reconsideration
- Idealist Panpsychism and Spacetime Structure
- An Epistemic Version of Pascal’s Wager
- Inductive Reasoning Involving Social Kinds
- Considerateness Differentiated: Three Types of Virtuousness
- A Functional Analysis of Human Deception
- What Do Beginning Students Think about Philosophy before Their First College Course?
- Doing Moral Philosophy Without ‘Normativity’
- Standpoint Epistemology and Epistemic Peerhood: A Defense of Epistemic Privilege
- Explanation and the Right to Explanation
- How to Disrupt a Social Script
- Emotions and the Action Analogy: Prospects for an Agential Theory of Emotions
- C. I. Lewis’s Theory of Ideas: Royce’s Problem and Lewis’s Solution
- The Sooner the Better: An Argument for Bias Toward the Earlier
- Inquiring Attitudes and Erotetic Logic: Norms of Restriction and Expansion
- Contingency, Sociality, and Moral Progress
- Contrastive Intentions
- Indexing Philosophy in a Fair and Inclusive Key
- Probabilism: An Open Future Solution to the Actualism/Possibilism Debate
- Biased Evaluative Descriptions
- Dealbreakers and the Work of Immoral Artists
- Master Narratives, Self-Simulation, and the Healing of the Self
- Universalism and the Problem of Aesthetic Diversity
- Moral Principles as Generics
- Political Legitimacy as Grounded in the Wills of Citizens: A Reply to Peter
- Moral Grandstanding and the Norms of Moral Discourse
- Two Dimensions of Responsibility: Quality and Competence of Will
- No Harm, Still Foul: On the Effect-Independent Wrongness of Slurring
- Skepticism, the Virtue of Preemptive Distrust
- Desert and Dissociation
- Anne Conway’s Ontology of Creation: A Pluralist Interpretation
- Defensiveness and Identity
- Ta-Nehisi Coates’s Between the World and Me: A Phenomenology of Racialized Conflict
- Despair and Hopelessness
- Social Doubt
- Environmental Activism and the Fairness of Costs Argument for Uncivil Disobedience
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- APA volume 8 issue 4 Cover and Front matter
- Self-Narrative, Affective Identification, and Personal Well-Being
- From Ideal Worlds to Ideality
- Procreative Justice Reconceived
- Prospect Utilitarianism and the Original Position
- Being a Celebrity: Alienation, Integrity, and the Uncanny
- Perry, the ‘Ego-Centric Predicament’, and the Rise of Analytic Philosophy in the United States
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- Grounding Functionalism and Explanatory Unificationism
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- Reasons-Responsiveness and the Challenge of Irrelevance
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- Robert Boyle and Natural Kinds
- The Ordinary Meaningful Life
- Colonial Genealogies of National Self-Determination
- Constructing Moral Equality
- Against Irrationalism in the Theory of Propaganda
- Singular Terms and Ontological Seriousness
- Empirical and Philosophical Reflections on Trust
- Epistemic Paternalism via Conceptual Engineering
- Measuring Virtuous Responses to Peer Disagreement: The Intellectual Humility and Actively Open-Minded Thinking of Conciliationists
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- How to Be a Feminist Muslim
- Artworks are Valuable for Their Own Sake
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- Why Police Shouldn’t Be Allowed to Lie to Suspects
- Our Moral Duty to Eat Meat—CORRIGENDUM
- Self-Explanation and Empty-Base Explanation
- The Pleasure Problem and the Spriggean Solution
- Generic View of Gendered Slurs and the Subset Argument
- A Dilemma for Higher-Level Suspension
- Meaning in the Pursuit of Pleasure
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- Moral Shock
- Implicit Bias and Epistemic Oppression in Confronting Racism
- Fake News and Epistemic Vice: Combating a Uniquely Noxious Market
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- Creature Construction and the Morality of Shared Agency: Response to Bratman
- A Simple Theory of Acting Together
- Compatibilist Libertarianism: Why It Talks Past the Traditional Free Will Problem and Determinism Is Still a Worry
- Rights, Mini-Publics, and Judicial Review
- The Affects of Populism
- The Wave Theory of Time: A Comparison to Competing Tensed Theories
- What are Paradoxes?
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- On the Appropriateness of Grief to Its Object
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- Counterfactuals of Ontological Dependence
- Forgiveness, Repentance, and Diachronic Blameworthiness
- Moral Rightness Comes in Degrees
- The Metaphysics of the Narrative Self
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- ‘I Know What It’s Like’: Epistemic Arrogance, Disability, and Race
- On the Genealogy of Modality: The Necessity of Origin and the Origin of Necessity
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- If New York Is Not in the United States, It’s in California
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- Hegel and the Problem of Affluence
- Permanent Value
- Atomic Event Concepts in Perception, Action, and Belief
- No Harm Done? An Experimental Approach to the Nonidentity Problem
- Externalists Should Be Sense-Datum Theorists
- Panprotopsychism Instantiated
- Hoping and Intending
- Kant and the Second Person
- Narrate It Until You Become It
- Thought Experiments and Personal Identity in Africa
- Transformative Choices and the Specter of Regret
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- Conservatism Reconsidered
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- Using and Abusing Moorean Arguments
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- The Significance of the Past
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- The Epistemological Power of Taste
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- ‘Ethics is transcendental’ (Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, 6.421)
- You’re Not Trying
- Letting Climate Change
- Depicting Properties’ Properties
- What Sort of Imagining Might Remembering Be?
- Full and Partial Grounding
- Not by Imaginings Alone: On How Imaginary Worlds Are Established
- The Moral Philosophy of Maria Montessori
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- Nietzsche: Metaphysician
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- The Educational Value of Analytic Philosophy
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- Manipulation Arguments and Libertarian Accounts of Free Will
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- Martha Kneale on Why Metaphysical Necessities Are Not A Priori
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- When Artists Fall: Honoring and Admiring the Immoral
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- Normative Moral Neuroscience: The Third Tradition of Neuroethics
- Moral Diversity and Moral Responsibility
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- Social Mereology