- No Exceptionalism: Norms of Inquiry in the Science of Animal Consciousness
- Consciousness: An Energy-Based Approach to Information Generation
- Sharing Vitality at the Moments of Meeting
- Unlimited Associative Learning and the Theory-Light Approach to Non-human Consciousness
- From P-Zombies to Substance Dualism
- The Local Prospect Theory of Subjective Experience: A Soft Solution to the Hard Problem of Consciousness
- Delboeufian Reflections on Agency, Consciousness, and Evolution
- Feeling Presence in the Dark
- Leibnizian Panpsychism: Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Panpsychism
- The Role of Embodied Cognition in Understanding Mindfulness in Third-Wave Cognitive Behavioural Therapies
- How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Panpsychism
- Perception, Evolution, and the Explanatory Scope of Scientific Theories
- The Varieties of (Un)Boundedness
- Against the Irreducibility of Subjects
- Does Panpsychism Mean That ‘We Are All One’?
- Can Consciousness Have Blind Spots? : A Renewed Defence of Sri Aurobindo’s Opaque Cosmopsychism
- Cosmopsychism and the Laws of Physics: A Hylomorphic Perspective
- A Puzzle Concerning the Role of Affect in Recognition
- Transmaterialism Ending the Psi Wars with a New Meta-Metaphysics
- A Critique of Stanley and Williamson’s Intellectualist Account of Skill
- The Affective Engagement of Dancers: The Case of Kitt Johnson and Her Site-Specific Work
- The Time Course of Action, Mental and Otherwise
- There is No Combination Problem
- Still Conscious, After All These Years: Conference Report: The Science of Consciousness Turns 30
- Obituary – A Very Special User Illusion: Daniel Clement Dennett, born 28 March 1942, died 19 April 2024
- Response to Fulkerson
- Motivation and Movements of the Mind
- Response to Aronowitz
- Response to Peacocke
- The Real ‘Hard Problem’ of Consciousness: Where Do Thoughts Come From, if Not the Brain?
- Problems for Selection Problems: Comments on Wayne Wu’s Movements of the Mind
- Précis of Movements of the Mind
- Editorial: Symposium on Movements of the Mind by Wayne Wu
- Autobiographical Memory and Moral Identity Development
- The Algorithmicity of Mathematical Cognition
- Does Consciousness Have Dimensions?
- H. G. Callaway (ed.) William James, Essays in Radical Empiricism: A Critical Edition
- Illusionism and a Posteriori Physicalism: No Fact of the Matter
- Can There Be Something it is Like to Be No One?
- Selfless Minds, Unlimited Bodies?: Homeostatic Bodily Self-Regulation in Meditative Experiences
- Selves Beyond the Skin: Watsuji, ‘Betweenness’, and Self-Loss in Solitary Confinement and Dementia
- Depersonalization, Meditation, and the Experience of (No-)Self
- Pure Consciousness as the Ground of the Given: Or, Why There is No Perception Without Background Reception
- Being You — Or Not: A Challenge for Garfield and Seth
- Is it Possible to Imagine Being No One?
- Introduction: Is Subjectless Consciousness Possible?
- The Impossibility of Subjectless Experience
- Minimal Subjectivity and Reflexive Awareness
- Psychological Epiphenomenalism
- Phenomenology and Temporality in Psychopathology: Calibrating Qualitative Phenomenological Methods According to the Timescale of Subjective Reports
- Ideal Type and Essential Type — They Need Each Other
- Epiphenomenalism and the Evolutionary Role of Pleasure and Pain
- The Phenomenology of ChatGPT: A Semiotics
- The Nested States Model: An Empirical Framework for Integrating Brain and Mind
- How Exactly Does Panpsychism Help Explain Consciousness?
- Pure Consciousness, Intentionality, Selflessness, and the Philosophers’ Syndrome
- Sentientism Still Under Threat: Reply to Dung
- Measuring Phenomenal Consciousness in Delirium: The New Black
- A Simple, Testable Mind–Body Solution?
- Introspection in Emotion Research: Challenges and Insights
- The Consciousness of Acting: The Effect of Divided and Unified Consciousness on Acting Performance
- The ‘No-Supervenience’ Theorem and its Implications for Theories of Consciousness
- Panexperientialism and Radical Emergence
- Seeking the Neural Correlates of Awakening
- The Neural Basis of Our Responses to Reading Novels: On Being Moved, the Motion in Emotion
- Planta Sapiens: Unmasking Plant Intelligence by Paco Calvo and Natalie Lawrence
- Plato’s Prisoners by Silvia Paddock and Thomas J. Buervenich
- Sentience: The Invention of Consciousness by Nicholas Humphrey
- Preserving the Normative Significance of Sentience
- Cognitive Science Today, What is it to You?
- Francisco Varela: A Philosophy of Surprise
- Beyond Emptiness ‘Compassion’ as the Hidden Ground of Francisco Varela’s Thinking
- On What is Always Before Our Eyes The Uncharted Depths of Francisco Varela’s Thought
- At the Cradle of Things The Act of Distinction and Francisco Varela’s Non-Dualist Thought
- Autopoiesis, Autonomy, and Eigenform
- What Self in Self-Organization? Engaging Varela’s Epistemology for the Co-embodied Self
- Life After ‘Life After Kant’ Other Minds with Jonas and Merleau-Ponty
- Enactment: A Preliminary Study in Varela and Traditional Metaphysics
- F/acts Ways of Enactive Worldmaking
- The Pragmatics, Embodiment, and Efficacy of Lived Experience Assessing the Core Tenets of Varela’s Neurophenomenology
- A Framework for Self-Representational Capacities?
- Introspection in Group Minds, Disunities of Consciousness, and Indiscrete Persons
- The Routes of Introspection
- Can We Use the Study of Introspection to Assess Decision-Making and Understand Consciousness in Cephalopods? A Reply to Kammerer and Frankish
- Introspective Capabilities in Large Language Models
- What Forms Could Introspective Systems Take? A Research Programme
- Minds in Motion and Introspective Minds
- Metacognitive Psychophysics in Humans, Animals, and AI: A Research Agenda for Mapping Introspective Systems
- Studies of Primate Metacognition are Relevant to Determining What Form Introspection Could Take in Different Intelligent Systems
- Models of Introspection vs. Introspective Devices Testing the Research Programme for Possible Forms of Introspection
- Subpersonal Introspection
- Studying Introspection in Animals and AIs
- Introspection in the Disordered Mind: And the Superintrospectionitis Thesis
- More Possibilities for Introspection Reply to Commentators
- Editorial Introduction Possible Introspective Systems
- Sliders
- On Possible and Actual Human Introspection
- How Not to Identify a Research Programme Concerning Introspection
- Intentional Feelings, Practical Agency, and Normative Commitments
- Fear is Anticipatory: A Buddhist Analysis
- Consciousness, Attention, and the Motivation-Affect System
- Towards an Affective Quality Space
- Studying Animal Feelings: Integrating Sentience Research and Welfare Science
- Against Emotions as Feelings: Towards an Attitudinal Profile of Emotion
- Introduction: Emotional Consciousness
- The Phenomenology of Emotional Expression
- Exploring Affective Evaluative Horizons
- Personal Intentionalism and the Understanding of Emotion Experience
- Editorial Introduction: Indigenous Philosophies of Consciousness
- Mexican Indigenous Psychologies, Cosmovisons, and Altered States of Consciousness
- Guna Concepts Of Consciousness, Soul, and Spirit
- The Mapuche People: Cultural Beliefs Related to Consciousness, Mind, and Body
- Indigenous Māori Notions Of Consciousness, Soul, and Spirit
- A Person As a Composite Entity: Telengit Perspectives
- Beyond Mind– Body Dualism: Pluralistic Concepts of the Soul in Mongolian Shamanistic Traditions
- Igbo Consciousness of Healing: Studying Daa Ada Ocha, a Local Healer in Mbaise
- Heart, Not Souls, Of Consciousness in Asabano Ethnopsychology
- Building Bridges of Communication: Seeking Conversation between Indigenous and Western Cultures through Magical Consciousness
- Variability in Cultural Understandings of Consciousness: A Call for Dialogue with Native Psychologies
- Could You Have Thought Differently? An Argument Against Free Will
- Quantum Indeterminism, Free Will, and Self-Causation
- Responding to a Potpourri of Objections To the Modal Argument
- Empirical Panpsychism: A New Synthesis
- What is an Identity Crisis?
- Unconscious Intelligence in the Skilled Control of Expert Action
- The ALARM Theory of Consciousness: A Two-Level Theory of Phenomenal Consciousness
- The Phenomenal Hyperspace: A Study of the Dimensional and Spatio-temporal Structures of Phenomenal Space and Binding
- Introspection, Transparency, and Desire
- Specious Present, Phenomenal Extension, and Mereological Inversion: A Problem for Physicalism about the Mind
- Précis of Thinking and Perceiving
- Don’t Take it Too Subpersonally! Revisiting the Malleability of Perception: Commentary on Dustin Stokes’ Thinking and Perceiving
- The Modularity vs. Malleability of Perception: A Red Herring
- Functional Visual Perception Requires Cognitive Representations: Commentary on Dustin Stokes’ Thinking and Perceiving
- Defending the Malleability of Perception: Reply to Commentators: Dokic, Orlandi, and Vetter
- Continuous Organismic Sentience as the Integration of Core Affect and Vitality
- A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Consciousness: Max Velmans at 80 Years of Age
- Neurobiological Underpinnings of the Projection of Conscious Contents
- Velmans and the Transpersonal: Reflexivity at the Core
- Max Velmans Interview: On Understanding Consciousness, Reflexive Monism, and the Future of Consciousness Studies
- Four Problems of Mind and Body: Celebrating the 80th Birthday of Max Velmans
- The Development of Cognition in the Interaction of Conscious and Unconscious Minds
- The Value of Literature for Consciousness Research and Ethics
- What Are the Effects of Chamber REST on the Scientific Understanding of Reality? An Exploratory Study
- Locating the ‘Inner’
- Metaphysics Matters: Towards Semiotic Causation
- The Complex Phenomenology of Episodic Memory: Felt Connections, Multimodal Perspectivity, and Multifaceted Selves
- Human Intelligence and Exceptionalism Revisited by a Philosopher: 100 Years After ‘Intelligence and its Measurement’
- ‘Contact’ as a Manifestation of Sensorimotor Empathy: The Experience of Expert Écuyers in Interaction with Horses
- Qualities in the World, in Science, and in Consciousness
- Synaesthesia and Encapsulation
- A HOROR Theory for Introspective Consciousness
- On Integrated Information Theory (IIT) and Adversarial Collaboration: A Conversation with Christof Koch, PhD
- Conference Report: The Science of Consciousness 2022
- How to Hold a Meeting: Report on Pari Center Conference 2022
- James Lovelock and Consciousness: An Obituary
- Facing Up to the Problem of Affect
- Illness, Injury, and the Phenomenology of Loss: A Dialogue
- Grief in Chronic Illness: A Case Study of CFS/ME
- Interpretation and the Shaping of Experience Theology of Suffering and C. S. Lewis’s A Grief Observed
- Communing with the Dead Online: Chatbots, Grief, and Continuing Bonds
- The Gift of Grief
- Introduction: Understanding Grief: Feeling, Intentionality, Regulation, and Interpretation
- The ‘Pain’ of Grief
- ‘Rather than Succour, My Memories Bring Eloquent Stabs of Pain’ On the Ambiguous Role of Memory in Grief
- Grief as Attention
- A Deeper Feeling of Grief
- Intentionality’s Breaking Point: A Lesson from Grief
- Music’s Role in Relation to Phenomenological Aspects of Grief
- The Role of the Prefrontal Cortex in Conscious Perception: The Localist Perspective
- Conscious Perception and the Prefrontal Cortex A Review
- Making Progress on the Prefrontal Debate
- Neurocognitive Mechanisms A Situated, Multilevel, Mechanistic, Neurocomputational, Representational Framework for Biological Cognition
- Metascience, Not Metaphysics, of Neuroscience
- The Case for Medium Dependence: Comment on Neurocognitive Mechanisms by Gualtiero Piccinini
- Engaging the Plural Parts of Science: Assessing Flat and Aspect Realization through an Integrative Pluralist Lens
- Why Not Reductionism?
- Neurocognitive Mechanisms Some Clarifications
- The Phenomenal Concept Strategy Cannot Explain Problem Intuitions
- Modelling Subjective Consciousness: A Guide for the Perplexed
- Against the Explanatory Argument for Enactivism
- Psychedelics, Atheism, and Naturalism Myth and Reality
- Mental Imagery and Polysemy Processing
- Attempt to Replicate Bem’s Precognitive Avoidance Task And Detect Relationships With Trait Anxiety
- Alteration of Consciousness by Anaesthetics: A Multiscale Modulation from the Molecular to the Systems Level
- Panpsychism vs. the Zombie Argument
- Dissolution of What? The Self Lost in Self-transcendent Experiences
- Random Event Generators and a First-Person Account of Mind–Matter Interaction
- Telepathy As a Natural And Normal Process of Life Contextual Support from Biology, Psychology, and Philosophy
- Consciousness and Rationality: The Lesson from Artificial Intelligence
- Evolutionary Transition Markers and the Origins of Consciousness
- Behavioural and Neural Evidence for Conscious Sensation in Animals : An Inescapable Avenue towards Biopsychism?
- Animal Consciousness: The Interplay of Neural and Behavioural Evidence
- Concepts and Interrelationships of Awareness, Consciousness, Sentience, and Welfare
- The Measurability of Subjective Animal Welfare
- Ethics Without Sentience: Facing Up to the Probable Insignificance of Phenomenal Consciousness
- Speciesism and Sentientism
- How Should We Study Animal Consciousness Scientifically?
- The Futures of the Past The Evolution of Imaginative Animals
- Do Biopsychosocial Causal Models Rule Out Physicalism?
- An Adaptational Theory of Consciousness
- Integrated Information Theory as Testing Ground for Causation: Why Nested Hylomorphism Overcomes Physicalism and Panpsychism
- Divine Madness On the Aetiology of Romantic Obsession
- Indigenous Concepts of Consciousness, Soul, and Spirit: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
- Précis of Self-Consciousness and ‘Split’ Brains: The Minds’ I
- Human Brains and Animal Minds : Comments on Schechter’s Self-Consciousness and ‘Split’ Brains
- How Far is there a Fact of the Matter? (As Regards Split Brains, Mind, Agency, and Personhood)
- Which Agent? Questions for Schechter
- Reply to Commentators
- Frank Jackson on Mind, Language, and Morality
- What Blindsight Means for the Neural Correlates of Consciousness
- Integrated Information Theory, Intrinsicality, and Overlapping Conscious Systems
- How Judgments of Visual Resemblance are Induced by Visual Experience
- A Framework for Evolution and Consciousness: Panpsychism Without Tears?
- Influence of Mindfulness on the Processes of Consciousness Measured via Evoked Potentials A Theoretical Review
- Additional Resources for Sparse Theories of Phenomenal Consciousness
- Editorial Introduction: What Kind of Brain Activity is Sufficient for Consciousness? Symposium on The Hidden Spring: A Journey to the Source of Consciousness
- Précis of The Hidden Spring: A Journey to the Source of Consciousness
- The User-Illusion of Consciousness
- Consciousness and Felt Uncertainty: Commentary on The Hidden Spring: A Journey to the Source of Consciousness
- Is One Spring Enough for a Conscious Stream? Comments on Mark Solms’ The Hidden Spring
- Comment on The Hidden Spring
- World Models and the Physical Substrates of Consciousness: Hidden Sources of the Stream of Experience?
- Dr Goff, Tear Down This Wall! The Interface Theory of Perception and the Science of ConscDr Goff, Tear Down This Wall! The Interface Theory of Perception and the Science of Consciousnessiousness
- Autism and Panpsychism: Putting Process in Mind
- Reflections of a Natural Scientist on Panpsychism
- The Real Problem(s) with Panpsychism
- Physics, Time, and Qualia
- Relations and Panpsychism
- Putting Consciousness First: Replies to Critics
- Is Consciousness Everywhere? Essays on Panpsychism
- Galileo’s Real Error
- Panpsychism and Spiritual Flourishing: Constructive Engagement with the New Science of Psychedelics
- Why a Panpsychist Should Adopt Theism: God, Galileo, and Goff
- ‘Oh You Materialist!’
- Can a Post-Galilean Science of Consciousness Avoid Substance Dualism?
- Missing Entities: Has Panpsychism Lost the Physical World?
- Panpsychism and the Limits of Physical Science
- Grounding the Qualitative: A New Challenge for Panpsychism
- Qualities and the Galilean View
- A Solution to the Combination Problem and the Future of Panpsychism
- Is Panpsychism at Odds with Science?
- What is a Theory of Consciousness for?
- Many Paths to Consciousness or Just One?: Life in a Bounded Continuum
- The Role of Sentience in Discovering the Beholden by the Beholder
- How Sentience Relates to Dual Process Distinctions of Consciousness
- The Role of Instrumental and Epistemic Inferences in Sentience and Cognitive Consciousness
- Sentience and the Evolution of Animal Mind
- Primordial Emotions, Neural Substrates, and Sentience: Affective Neuroscience Relevant to Psychiatric Practice
- A Continuum of Consciousness: From Wakefulness and Sentience Towards Anoetic Consciousness
- Sentience and Conscious Experience: Feeling Dizzy on a Virtual Reality Roller Coaster Ride
- Reply to Commentaries and Future Directions
- The Role of Sentience in the Theory of Consciousness and Medical Practice
- ‘The Role of Sentience in the Theory of Consciousness and Medical Practice’: A Commentary
- On the (Too) Many Faces of Consciousness
- Why is there Sentience?: A Temporo-Spatial Approach to Consciousness
- Introduction: Special Issue on Sentience and Consciousness
- Preface to the Special Issue ‘Sentience and Consciousness’
- A Fresh Look at the Two Visual Streams
- Susan Schneider’s Proposed Tests for AI Consciousness: Promising but Flawed
- Can the Psi Data Help Us Make Progress on the Problem of Consciousness?
- Questioning Conscious Realism: A Conversation with Donald Hoffman about Evolution, Material Multiplicity, and Life Outside ‘The Interface
- Critique of the Integrated Information Theory of Consciousness: Or, the Relevance of Ontological Information
- Motion Perception and the Temporal Metaphysics of Consciousness
- Conscious Macrostates Do Not Supervene on Physical Microstates
- Mechanical Keyboards and Crystal Arrows: Incorporation in Esports
- Illusions of Affection: A Hyper-Illusory Account of Normative Valence
- Do People Think Consciousness Poses a Hard Problem?: Empirical Evidence on the Meta-Problem of Consciousness
- Proximal Experience as an Essential Part of Physics
- Does Quantum Cognition Imply Quantum Minds?
- The Decombination Problem for Cosmopsychism is not the Heterogeneity Problem for Priority Monism
- Mentalization and Embodied Selfhood in Borderline Personality Disorder
- Phenomenology and Mindfulness
- Scepticism about Unconscious Perception is the Default Hypothesis
- Default Hypotheses in the Study of Perception: A Reply to Phillips
- Does Synchronicity Point Us Towards the Fundamental Nature of Consciousness?: An Exploration of Psychology, Ontology, and Research Prospects
- Plant Sentience: Theoretical and Empirical Issues: Editorial Introduction
- Sentience in Plants: A Green Red Herring?
- The Biomolecular Basis for Plant and Animal Sentience: Senomic and Ephaptic Principles of Cellular Consciousness
- Sentience With or Without Consciousness
- Information and Integration in Plants: Towards a Quantitative Search for Plant Sentience
- Differentiating Behaviour, Cognition, and Consciousness in Plants
- The Indeterminacy of Plant Consciousness
- Plant Sentience, Semantics, and the Emergentist Dilemma
- Plants, Partial Moral Status, and Practical Ethics
- Qualitative Memory: A Response to Commentators
- Near-Death Experiences: To the Edge of the Universe
- ‘Reasonable People Can Disagree’: A Response to ‘Near-Death Experiences: To the Edge of the Universe’
- Challenging Physicalism with a Logical Analysis of Evidence for NDEs with OBEs: Response to ‘Near-Death Experiences: To the Edge of the Universe’
- Near-Death Experiences: Extended Naturalism or Promissory Physicalism? A Response to Fischer’s Article
- Impartiality as an Obligation in NDE Research: Response to ‘Near-Death Experiences: To the Edge of the Universe’
- Naturalism and the Beauty of Near-Death Experiences: Replies to Commentators
- Higher-Order Theories of Consciousness are Empirically False
- Calculating the Boundaries of Consciousness in General Resonance Theory
- Forests, Trees, and Aesthetic Attention: A Reply to Nanay
- Editorial Introduction: Symposium on Pain Amnesia and Qualitative Memory
- What Experience Doesn’t Teach: Pain Amnesia and a New Paradigm for Memory Research
- Pain, Amnesia, and Qualitative Memory: Conceptual and Empirical Challenges
- Do We Need Another Kind of Memory?
- The First Time as Tragedy, the Second as Farce
- Quantum-Level Experience in Neural Dendrites: An Interpretation-Neutral Model
- Derivatives and Consciousness
- Pain Experiences and Their Link to Action: Challenging Imperative Theories
- The Living Mirror Theory of Consciousness
- Consciousness as a Mode of Being
- A Case for Conservatism about Animal Consciousness
- Two Objections to the Integrated Information Theory of Consciousness
- A Multifaceted Approach to Emotional Sharing
- Enigmas of Reason
- Psychedelic Experience and the Narrative Self: An Exploratory Qualitative Study
- Emotional Consciousness in Autism
- The Perception of (Musical) Metre
- Explaining the Empiricist Bias: Reply to Berent
- Attentional Weighting in Perceptual Learning
- Stock Returns and the Mind: An Unlikely Result that Could Change Our Understanding of Consciousness
- Self-Consciousness as a Product of Biological Evolution
- Thick NCCs Yield Physicalist Epiphenomenalism
- Glad it Happened: Personal Identity and Ethical Depth
- Perceiving ‘Other’ Minds: Autism, 4E Cognition, and the Idea of Neurodiversity
- Why Integrated Information Theory Must Fail on its Own Causal Terms
- Naturalizing Religion, Spiritualizing Science: The Role of Consciousness Research
- How Mindreading Might Mislead Cognitive Science
- Empiricist Intuitions Arise from an Ontological Dissonance: Reply to Carruthers
- Perception, Emotion, and the Interconnected Mind
- Why Does the Brain-Mind (Consciousness) Problem Seem So Hard?
- Illusionism Helps Realism Confront the Meta-Problem
- Two Problems for Non-Inferentialist Views of the Meta-Problem
- Consciousness and Coincidence: Comments on Chalmers
- The Phenomenal Powers View and the Meta-Problem of Consciousness
- Ignorance and the Meta-Problem of Consciousness
- How Colour Qualia Became a Problem
- Explaining the Intuition of Revelation
- On Chalmers on the Meta-Problem
- First-Person Interventions and the Meta-Problem of Consciousness
- Two Caveats to the Meta-Problem Challenge
- The Meta-Problem of Consciousness and the Phenomenal Concept Strategy
- Attending to the Illusion of Consciousness
- Disillusioned
- Soft-Wired Illusionism vs. the Meta-Problem of Consciousness
- Debunking Arguments for Illusionism about Consciousness
- Editorial Introduction: More Debates on the Meta-Problem of Consciousness
- Appearance, Reality, and the Meta-Problem of Consciousness
- Is the Hard Problem of Consciousness Universal?
- How Can We Solve the Meta-Problem of Consciousness?
- Headlessness without Illusions: Phenomenological Undecidability and Materialism
- Mind-Wandering and the Field of Consciousness
- Psychedelic Pharmacology Primitive and Bourgeois
- Seeing Entities without Seeing N-Entities
- Envisioning Intention-Oriented Brain-to-Speech Decoding
- Clean Language Interviewing as a Second-Person Method in the Science of Consciousness
- Quantum Uncertainty Reduction (QUR) Theory of Access and Phenomenal Consciousness
- Distributed Nervous System, Disunified Consciousness?: A Sensorimotor Integrationist Account of Octopus Consciousness
- The Pairing Account of Infant Direct Social Perception
- Existential Biology: Kurt Goldstein’s Functionalist Rendering of the Human Body
- Robustness to Fundamental Uncertainty in AGI Alignment
- The Characteristics of Exceptional Human Experiences
- Peak Experiences in a Consciousness Landscape: Report on The Science of Consciousness Conference in Interlaken, Switzerland, 2019
- On Scepticism about Unconscious Perception
- The Empirical Status of the Pictorial View of Meaning
- Locating Consciousness: Why Experience Can’t Be Objectified
- Physicalism, Supernaturalism, and Near-Death Experiences: A Phenomenological Perspective
- Exploring Inner Perceptions: Interoception, Literature, and Mindfulness
- A Role for the Prefrontal Cortex in Supporting Singular Demonstrative Reference
- Spinoza’s Dream Argument: A Response to Introspective Arguments for Freedom
- Heart and Mind, Light and Love: The Right Intuitive Mind of Joan of Arc
- No Problem: Evidence that the Concept of Phenomenal Consciousness is Not Widespread
- Underestimating the Physical
- From Sensor Variables to Phenomenal Facts
- A Teleological Strategy for Solving the Meta-Problem of Consciousness
- Chalmers’ Meta-Problem
- Russellian Monism, Introspective Inaccuracy, and the Illusion Meta- Problem of Consciousness
- Response to Chalmers’ ‘The Meta-Problem of Consciousness’
- None of These Problems Are That ‘Hard’… or ‘Easy’: Making Progress on the Problems of Consciousness
- A Socio-Historical Take on the Meta-Problem of Consciousness
- Bayesing Qualia: Consciousness as Inference, Not Raw Datum
- The Meta-Problem of Consciousness and the Evidential Approach
- Explaining Variation within the Meta-Problem
- Easy Does It: A Soft Landing for Consciousness
- We Are Machines That Claim to Be Conscious
- The Meta-Problem is The Problem of Consciousness
- Generating Explanatory Gaps
- Meta-Hard or Hardly Meta?: Some Possible Confusions Leading to the Hard Problem of Consciousness
- Welcome to Strong Illusionism
- Undermining Belief in Consciousness
- Idealization and Problem Intuitions: Why No Possible Agent is Indisputably Ideal
- Editorial Introduction: Debates on the Meta-Problem of Consciousness
- On the Meta-Problem
- From ‘Consciousness’ to ‘I Think, I Feel, I Know’: A Commentary on David Chalmers
- The Mystic and the Metaphysician: Clarifying the Role of Meditation in the Search for Ultimate Reality
- Processual Thinking as a Gate to Spiritual Enquiry: Calling for a Meditative Approach
- Epoché in Light of Samatha-Vipassana Meditation: Chögyam Trungpa’s Buddhist Teaching Facing Husserl’s Phenomenology
- Embodying the Non-Dual: A Phenomenological Perspective on Shikantaza
- Loving-Kindness Meditation — A Queen of Hearts?: A Physio-Phenomenological Investigation on the Variety of Experience
- Phenomenology and Contemplative Universals: The Meditative Experience of Dhyana, Coalescence, or Access Concentration
- ‘I Have This Feeling of Not Really Being Here’: Buddhist Meditation and Changes in Sense of Self
- Ethnography of Meditation: An Account of Pursuing: Meditative Practice as a Tool for Researching Consciousness
- Relational Phenomenology: Individual Experience and Social Meaning in Buddhist Meditation
- Enhancing Mindfulness by Combining Neurofeedback with Meditation
- Grounding the Gaps or Bumping the Rug? On Explanatory Gaps and Metaphysical Methodology
- Can Quantum Physics Help Solve the Hard Problem of Consciousness?
- The Three Formal Phenomenological Structures: A Means to Assess the Essence of Mathematical Intuition
- Learning from the Past: Epistemic Generativity and the Function of Episodic Memory
- Reviewing Tests for Machine Consciousness
- The Physical as the Nomalous
- Growing Evidence that Perceptual Qualia are Neuroelectrical Not Computational
- Equal Rights for Zombies?: Phenomenal Consciousness and Responsible Agency
- Illusionist Integrated Information Theory
- In Defence of Bare Attention: A Phenomenological Interpretation of Mindfulness
- Masked Priming in a Semantic Selection Task Reveals ‘Feeling of Knowing’ Experiences but No Subliminal Perception
- Editorial Introduction: Representing Ourselves: Reflexive Approaches to the Function of Consciousness
- Attributing Awareness to Others: The Attention Schema Theory and Its Relationship to Behavioural Prediction
- Bayesian Frugality and the Representation of Attention
- Explaining the Enduring Intuition of Substantiality: The Phenomenal Self as an Abstract ‘Salience Object’
- Consciousness (Unconsciously) Designs Itself
- Import Theory: The Social Making of Consciousness
- Cartesian Creatures: Watching Ourselves Watching the World
- Representing Our Options: The Perception of Affordances for Bodily and Mental Action
- Getting the World Right: Perceptual Accuracy and the Role of the Perceiver in Predictive Processing Models
- Minimal Self-Awareness: from Within A Developmental Perspective
- Consciousness, Language, and the Possibility of Non-human Personhood: Reflections on Elephants
- Are There Degrees of Self-Consciousness?
- Integrated Information Theory as a Complexity Science Approach to Consciousness
- IIT vs. Russellian Monism: A Metaphysical Showdown on the Content of Experience
- Interpretation- Neutral Integrated Information Theory
- Implementation, Formalization, and Representation: Challenges for Integrated Information Theory
- Is Consciousness Intrinsic?: A Problem for the Integrated Information Theory
- Exploring Common Ground between Integrated Information Theory and Aristotelian Metaphysics
- What is the Integrated Information Theory of Consciousness?: A Catalogue of Questions
- Quantum Spontaneity and the Development of Consciousness
- Does SoS Theory Provide a Basis for a Plausible and Testable Account of Consciousness?
- The Phi Measure of Integrated Information is not Well-Defined for General Physical Systems
- Beyond the REM–NREM Dichotomy: A Multidimensional Approach to Understanding Dreaming
- The Wandering Mind: Where Imagination Meets Consciousness
- Hypnosis as an Altered State of Consciousness
- Meditation and Altered States of Consciousness
- Flow, Altered States of Consciousness, and Human Evolution
- Are There Varying Depths in Flow?: Altered States of Consciousness, Absorption, and the Brain
- Expanding the Scientific Study of Self-Experience with Psychedelics
- Taxonomy of Ecstatic States in the Context of Psychotherapy with Psychedelic Substances
- Altered States of Consciousness, Spirit Mediums, and Predictive Processing; A Cultural Cognition Model of Spirit Possession
- A Neurotheological Perspective on Altered States of Consciousness
- The Transient Hypofrontality Theory of Altered States of Consciousness
- Editorial Introduction: Altered States of Consciousness
- The Meta-Problem of Consciousness
- Cell-to-Cell Communication: Evidence of Near-Instantaneous Distant, Non-Chemical Communication between Neuronal (Human SK-N-SH Neuroblastoma) Cells by Using a Novel Bioelectric Biosensor
- A Structuralist Defence of the Integrated Information Theory of Consciousness
- Consciousness in Classical Sociological Theories
- Presence by Degrees
- Passive Causation; Making Interactionism Work
- Temporal Delusion:’Duality’ Accounts of Time and Double Orientation to Reality in Depressive Psychosis
- Mind–Brain Relationship and the Perspective of Meaning
- Sceptical Alternatives: Strong Illusionism versus Modest Realism
- Measuring Consciousness
- Editorial Introduction: The Formation of Body Memory
- A Dynamical Approach to the Phenomenology of Body Memory: Past Interactions Can Shape Present Capacities Without Neuroplasticity
- The Cyclical Time of the Body and its Relation to Linear Time
- A Grammar for the Mind: Time Embodied and Disembodied
- On the Transformation of the Time-Drenched Body: Kinaesthetic Capability-Consciousness and Recalcitrant Holding Patterns
- An Integrative Understanding of Habit to Explore its Neural Correlates
- The Habitual Body and its Role in Collective Memory Formation
- How the Body Remembers its Skills: Memory and Material Engagement
- Body Memory as a Form of Social Memory
- Embodiment and Place in Autobiographical Remembering; A Relational-Material Approach
- Dementia, Embodied Memories, and the Self
- Working with Embodied Memory: The Moving Cycle as a Phenomenological Body Psychotherapy Method
- Still Searching for ‘Facts’, ‘Truth’, & ‘Enlightenment’ at Tucson 2018: Even Now that Consciousness is a Science
- Meditative Attention to Bodily Sensations: Conscious Attention without Selection?
- Going Outside the System: Godel and the ‘I-it’ Structure of Experience
- How and Why Consciousness Arises: Some Considerations from Physics and Physiology
- What is it Like to Be Disconnected from the Body?: A Phenomenological Account of Disembodiment in Depersonalization/ Derealization Disorder
- Precis of Dreaming: A Conceptual Framework for Philosophy of Mind and Empirical Research
- Cartesian Epistemology without Cartesian Dreams? Commentary on Jennifer Windt’s Dreaming
- Your Dream-Body: All an Illusion? Commentary on Windt’s Account of the Dream-Body in Dreaming
- Psychology Off Tasks: Self-Report in the Sciences of Dreaming and Mind-Wandering
- The Universe in Consciousness
- Subjectivity as Self-Acquaintance
- The Centre and Periphery of Conscious Thought
- Spontaneity and Intermodal Perception
- The Emotion Theory of Concepts
- Consciousness and Cosmos: Building an Ontological Framework
- Anomalous Experiences, Mental Health, and Creativity: Is Psi the Missing Link?
- Non-propositional Contents and How to Find Them
- Writer’s Block Revisited: A Micro-Phenomenological Case Study on the Blocking Influence of an Internalized Voice
- Pristine Inner Experience: While Silent Reading It’s Not Silent Speaking of the Text
- The Recurrent Model of Bodily Spatial Phenomenology
- Beyond the ‘Bayesian Blur’: Predictive Processing and the Nature of Subjective Experience
- Rethinking Perception
- The Physiological Basis of Consciousness: A Clinical Ambition and the Insufficiency of Current Philosophical Proposals
- Intentionality as a Driving Force
- Two Open Problems in Consciousness Studies: In Relation to Freeman Neurodynamics
- Finding Mathematics in Brain Dynamics: Walter Freeman as an Applied Mathematician
- Why Do Phase Transitions Matter in Minds?
- The Brain and its Mindful Double
- Freeman’s Nonlinear Brain Dynamics and Consciousness
- How Do Cortical Dynamics Organize an Anatomy of Cognition?
- Walter J. Freeman and the Humanizing Question of Consciousness
- The Physiological Foresight in Freeman’s Work: Predictions and Verifications
- Freeman Neurodynamics: The Past 25 Years
- Walter Freeman and Some Thoughts on Brain Dynamics
- Walter Freeman — I Did It My Way
- Transfer of Personality to a Synthetic Human (‘Mind Uploading’) and the Social Construction of Identity
- A Properly Physical Russellian Physicalism
- Microgenetic Theory of Perception, Memory, and the Mental State: A Brief Review
- Attention in the Predictive Processing Framework and the Phenomenology of Zen Meditation
- Methodological Artefacts in Consciousness Science
- Fascination: An Exploration of Consciousness as a Metaphysical Basis for Enchantment
- Self-Experience
- Conceivability and the Silence of Physics
- Phenomenology of Mathematical Understanding
- Attempting to Elicit a Precall Effect Using Emotive Images and Participants with High Levels of Belief in Psi
- What Is It Like to Be a Plant?
- The Illusion of Conscious Thought
- The Legacy Conference: Report on The Science of Consciousness Conference, La Jolla, California, 201
- Does the Mathematical Nature of Physics Undermine Physicalism?
- Should Physicalists Fear Abstracta?
- Is it a Problem that Physics is Mathematical?
- On Physics’ Faustian Bargain with Mathematics
- Platonistic Physicalism without Tears
- The Problem of the Base and the Nature of Information
- Why Mathematical Fictionalism isn’t Psychologistic
- What Breathes Fire into the Equations?: A Response to Critics
- The View from Within the Brain: Does Neurofeedback Close the Gap?
- Cracking the Buddhist Code: A Contemporary Theory of First-Stage Awakening
- Whose Voice Speaks for Consciousness?
- Explaining Levitation By Denying Gravity: A Response to Kenneth McRitchie’s Article ‘Clearing the Logjam in Astrological Research’
- Conceptual Short-Term Memory: A Missing Part of the Mind?
- Sensorimotor Theory and the Problems of Consciousness
- Frequency of Deja Reve: Effects of Age, Gender, Dream Recall, and Personality
- The Problem with the ‘Information’ in Integrated Information Theory
- Dreaming about Perceiving: A Challenge for Sensorimotor Enactivism
- Global Workspace Theory and Sensorimotor Theory Unified by Predictive Processing
- Hemispheric Asymmetry in Attention and its Impact on Our Consciousness: A Review with Reference to Altered Consciousness in Right Hemisphere Damaged Subjects
- The Concept of Consciousness and the Bogeyman of Conflation
- Does the Rose-Tinted Glasses Effect in Contemporary Physics Prevent Us from Explaining Consciousness?
- Prelims
- In Defence of First-Order Representationalism
- The Composite View and the Hard Problem of Diachronic Identity
- What Makes Up a Mood Experience?
- Superintelligence as Moral Philosopher
- Motivational Defeaters of Self-Modifying AGIs
- What is it Like to Meditate?: Methods and Issues for a Micro-phenomenological Description of Meditative Experience
- What is Absent from Contemplative Neuroscience?: Rethinking Limits within the Study of Consciousness, Experience, and Meditation
- The Nature of Contemplative Science and Some Prospects for its Future Development
- The Lower Bounds of Desire
- There Is No Free Won’t: The Role Definitions Play
- Mirroring, Mind-reading and Smart Behaviour-reading
- Change Blindness in Higher-Order Thought: Misrepresentation or Good Enough?