- The Moderating Role of Intrinsic and Quest Religiosity on the Effectiveness of Religious Appeals in Promoting Cultured Meat
- Why and When Do Historical Brand Transgressions Matter?
- The Ties that Bind or Those That Tear US APART? Co-CEO Constellations and ESG Performance in Family Firms
- Extending the Geographic Scope of Corporate Social Responsibility: Remote Work and Housing Affordability
- Bridging East and West: How Business Schools Can Develop Responsible Leader Competencies
- Tax Avoidance in Family Business: The Ethical Perspective of CEO Transgenerational Responsibility
- Cultivating CSR: The Artistic Influence of Top Executives on Corporate Responsibility
- Family Firms and Bribe Payments in Developing Countries: The Moderating Role of Social Capital
- Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff: The Tolerance Spillover Effect in Ethical Decision-Making
- Whistleblowing in family firms: power and justice dynamics
- Family Firms and Ethics: Towards a Deeper Understanding of the Determinants of Ethical Decision-Making and Emerging Future Research Pathways
- The Child Labor in Social Media: Kidfluencers, Ethics of Care, and Exploitation
- A ‘Grey’ Side of Family Business Ethics? Looking into the Interplay of Internal and External Ethical Orientations: Empirical Insights from the Wine Industry
- Corporate Social Responsibility, Related Party Transaction and Earnings Management: Evidence from India
- Does it Pay to Patent Green Innovations? Stock Market Reactions to Family and Nonfamily Firms’ Green Patents
- Linking CEO Celebrity to the Ethical Behavior of Family Firms in a Digital Age: Evidence from China
- The Best of Firms, the Worst of Firms: Ethical Bifurcation in Family Businesses During Crises
- Still Waters Run Deep: How Employee Silence Affects Instigated Workplace Incivility Over Time
- Correction to: No Seat at the Table: How Territoriality Constrains Cross-Sector Collaboration in Disaster Response
- Sour Grapes: Exploring Unfavorable Reactions of Employees Who Observe Leader Leniency
- Publisher Correction to: Does Social Media Pressure Induce Corporate Hypocrisy? Evidence of ESG Greenwashing from China
- Compartmentalization and the Role of Polyphony in Moral Dialogue
- Witnessing Cyberloafing: A Daily Diary Study of Observers’ Reactions to Cyberloafers
- Make it Right: Regulatory Intervention in Managers’ Misconduct and Corporate Risk
- Authentic Brand Ethicality: Conceptualization, Measurement, and Validation in the Fashion Industry
- Does Traditional Debt Financing Hurt the Environment? Evidence from Toxic Releases
- Correction to: Responsible Management-as-Process of Smoothing–Striating: Transcending Freedom or Control Contingencies
- Unpacking the Linkage Between Green Volunteering and Ethical Leadership Behavior in Managers
- Rage Against the Dying of the Light: Employees’ Moral Outrage, Anger Expression, and Generalized Well-Being
- Female Management Representation and Corporate Financial Fraud: Do Local Gender Norms Play a Role?
- Tall Trees Catch much Wind? Investigating the Role of Supervisor Perceived Status Threat in Linking Employee Overqualification to Supervisor Undermining
- How Identity Work Drives Ethical Conduct in Organizations: The Case of Organizational Citizenship Behavior
- Contributing to Business Ethics though Thick Conceptualization
- Does Product Market Competition Promote or Reduce Firms’ Corporate Social Responsibility Behavior? How Stakeholder Attention Shapes Responsiveness to Stakeholders
- Social Entrepreneurship: A Well-Being Based Approach
- In Moderation: Automation in the Digital Public Sphere
- Hidden Bias, Overt Impact: A Systematic Review of the Empirical Literature on Racial Microaggressions at Work
- Unveiling Her Efforts: Gender Diversity’s Impact on Performance Commitments in M&As
- Fundraising, Governance and Environmental Ethics: Evidence from Equity Crowdfunding
- “A Sane Island in an Ocean of Madness”: A Case of Alternative Organisational Ethics Through Post-Growth Values
- A Tribute to Neil Olivier and His Contribution to Business Ethics Publishing
- Institutional Investors with Disciplinary History and CSR Behavior of Investee Firms
- Gambling Preference and Audit Decision-Making—From the Perspective of Key Audit Matters Disclosure
- Employee Overtime and Innovation Dilemma
- The Shadow of Peer Death Among Rank-and-File Employees: Evidence from Audit Office
- Multispecies Ethics and Space: Coexisting with Wolves
- The Impact of Ethical Leadership on Black Employees’ Workplace Experiences: Echoes from Black Culture and History
- Ethical Sourcing and Decision Making in the Fashion Industry: A Longitudinal Qualitative Examination
- To Stay or Leave? Consequences of Ethical Dilemma Experienced by Nurses in the Intensive Care Units
- No Seat at the Table: How Territoriality Constrains Cross-Sector Collaboration in Disaster Response
- Fashionable Ethics: Exploring Ethical Perspectives in the Production, Marketing, and Consumption of Fashion
- The (In)Visibility of Undisclosed Political Connections
- “Fresh Start” Messaging, “Rebirth Associations,” and Consumers’ Environmentally Sustainable Actions
- A Mixed Blessing? Explaining the Double-Edged Effects of Leader Leniency on Employee Task Performance
- The Ethical Dilemma in Hybrid Organizations: A Production Function Approach to Credit Expansion in Microfinance
- Publisher Correction: Choices and Effects of Different Green Labels in the EU Bond Market
- When and Why Negative Supervisor Gossip Yields Functional and Dysfunctional Consequences on Subordinate Interactive Behaviors
- Digital and Disembedded? Questioning the Territorial Embeddedness of Local Digital Platforms
- CEO Activism and Political Mobilization
- Can Perfectionists Be Cheaters? The Roles of Fear of Performance Failure and Supervisor Bottom-Line Mentality
- Responsible Management-as-Process of Smoothing–Striating: Transcending Freedom or Control Contingencies
- Moral Intensity: It Is What Is, But What Is It? A Critical Review of the Literature
- Deepening the Conversation on Systemic Sustainability Risks: A Social-Ecological Systems Approach
- Women Harmonizing Sustainability Practices for a Circular Bioeconomy: Can They Transform from Within Organizations?
- Calculated Punishment
- Can Green Needs Always Promote Green Innovation? Moral Licensing in Corporate Environmental Responsibility
- The Role of Courage Within Moral Imagination: A Critique
- Exposure of Academic Misconduct and Universities’ Innovation Output: Evidence from Retractions in China
- Choices and Effects of Different Green Labels in the EU Bond Market
- Security and Privacy Protection in Developing Ethical AI: A Mixed-Methods Study from a Marketing Employee Perspective
- Serving as an Ethical Signal: Understanding How and When Socially Responsible Human Resource Management Inhibits Time Theft
- Circular Consumption Practices as Matters of Care
- Unveiling Investor Motivation and Trust in Impact Investing: Evidence from Global Green Bond Issuances
- Weathering the Risk: How Climate Uncertainty Fuels Corporate Fraud
- Supporting and Humiliating Dignity with Biometric Technologies: An Affordance Perspective
- Virtue Ethics in Marketing: The Art of Crafting Tragic Brand Stories
- Institutional Theory in Social Entrepreneurship: A Review and Consideration of Ethics
- Examining Love as a Central Ethic of Leadership: a Kierkegaardian and Feminist Reading
- “The Gut Instinct Gives You Direction and then You Follow it”: Exploring the Social-Intuitive Dimension of Auditor Skepticism
- State Ownership, Environmental Regulation, and Corporate Green Investment: Evidence from China’s 2015 Environmental Protection Law Changes
- A CEO’s Childhood Family Decline and Corporate Social Responsibility: The Mediating Role of Long-Term Orientation
- Effects of Two Face Regulatory Foci About Ethical Fashion Consumption in a Confucian Context
- Beyond Novelty and Growth: A Virtue Ethics Enquiry into Fashion Entrepreneurs’ Responsible and Harmonising Practices Towards Sustainability
- Can Ethical Texts Achieve Clarity? Whistleblowing Texts in the UK Banking Sector and the Ethical Clarity Framework
- Consumers’ Responses to Moral Transgressions in the Fashion Industry: Comparative Insights from Western Developed and Southeast Asian Emerging Markets
- Upcycling Agency: Material and Human Transformation for Sustainability in Fashion
- “I Crossed My Own Line, But Here is What I do”: The Moral Transgressions of Sustainable Fashion Consumers and Their Use of Alternating Moral Practices as a Cognitive-Dissonance-Reducing Strategy
- Work Integration of People with Mental Disorders Through Social Enterprise: A Humanistic-Personalist Framework and Case Study
- Judging in the Dark: How Delivery Riders Form Fairness Perceptions Under Algorithmic Management
- Gifts, Corporate Policies, and Individual Morality in UK’s Alternative Real Estate Lending Market
- From Deception to Rejection: Unraveling the Impact of Workplace Cheating Behavior on Coworker Ostracism
- Engaging Marginalized Stakeholders: Towards a Dialogical Theorization of Effective Corporate-Rightsholder Remedy
- Effective Awe-Inspiring Visual Content Strategy for Social Media Engagement with Ethical Fashion Brands: The Mediating Role of Deontological Ethical Beliefs
- The Sociable and the Deviant: A Latent Profile Analysis of HEXACO and the Dark Triad
- Examining the Nuances of Consumer Racial Bias: An Analysis of Positive Consumer Response to Racial Representation on Instagram
- Executive Presentations and Environmental Action in Polluting Industries: Moderating Effects of Narrative and Numeric Concreteness on Aspirational Talk
- Refashioning Second-Hand Clothes Consumption Through Pleasure, Pain, Seduction and Conversion: A Virtue Ethics Perspective
- Exploring the Coping Strategies of Bullying Targets in Organisations Through Abductive Reasoning: An Agent-Based Simulation Approach
- ‘Should I Tell?’ Moral Reflexivity in 14 Whistleblower Autobiographies
- Three Problems of Business Addressed by Stakeholder Theory: Insights from the Institutional Economics of John R. Commons
- Collectivist Culture and Corporate Tax Avoidance: Evidence from China
- Social Trust, Environmental Violations, and Remedial Actions in China
- Exploring the Implications of Working Conditions for Corporate Sustainability in Last-Mile Delivery Platform Companies
- Reasonable Precaution or Unjust Discrimination? Applying a Lexical Utility Model of the Precautionary Principle to Moral Choices
- Institutionalizing Sustainability: The Role of Multiple Logics in B Corp Course Integration
- Self-Interest over Ethics: Firm Withdrawal from Russia After the Ukraine Invasion
- Does Price Personalization Ethically Outperform Unitary Pricing? A Thought Experiment and a Simulation Study
- Three Rival Versions of Markets and the Common Good: Spontaneous, Instituted, and Civil
- Confucian Culture, Climate Risk, and Corporate Environmental Information Disclosure Quality: Evidence from China
- Alliance Termination After Corporate Misconduct: An Integrated Model of Power and Scrutiny Effects
- Quid Pro Quo in IPO Auctions
- Bank Digitalization and Capital Reallocation
- Artificial Aesthetics and Ethical Ambiguity: Exploring Business Ethics in the Context of AI-driven Creativity
- Managers Behaving Unethically: Coping with the Ebb and Flow of Job Insecurity Through Abusive Supervision
- The Duty Speech Loophole in Whistleblower Protection: Why We Need Retroactive Causality to Avoid Moral Luck
- Are Fairness Perceptions Related to Moral Licensing Behavior? Evidence From Tax Compliance
- Artist-led Practices for the Inclusion of Nonhuman Stakeholders
- Mitigating Investor Reactions to Financial Misconduct: The Moderating Roles of Firm Commitment Cues
- Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures: The Impact of Job Insecurity on Workplace Cheating Behavior
- A Profit Cap is not yet a General Moral Duty for Companies: A Corporate Social Contract Perspective
- Racial Justice Without Character: Business Ethics, Diversity Training, and Distributed Cognition
- Editorial Boards of Finance Journals: The Gender Gap and Social Networks
- Dilemmas of Care (Re) Allocation: Care and Consumption in Pandemic Times
- Satisfaction with Life as an Entrepreneur: From Early Volition to Eudaimonia
- Financial Shared Service Centers and Corporate Misconduct: Evidence from China
- Evaluating Negotiators Who Deceptively Communicate Anger or Happiness: On the Importance of Morality, Sociability, and Competence
- H-1B Visas and Wages in Accounting: Evidence from Big 4 Payroll and the Ethics of H-1B Visas
- Correction to: How Do Institutional Prescriptions (Fail to) Address Governance Challenges Under Institutional Hybridity? The Case of Governance Code Creation for Cooperative Enterprises
- Does Soft Information Mitigate Gender Bias in Corporate Lending?
- How and When Does Employee Creativity Relate to Unethical Pro-organizational Behavior? Unmasking the Negative Side of Organizational Creativity
- Ethicality in B2B Service Delivery: Examining the Impact of Individual and Organisational Ethics on Firm Performance Through Ethical Leadership and Climate
- Are Employees Safer When the CEO Looks Greedy?
- Considering the Dark Side of Work: Bullshit Job Perceptions, Deviant Work Behavior, and the Moderating Role of Work Ethic
- Historical Ownership of Family Firms and Corporate Fraud
- Sameness and/or Otherness: What Matters More for Narcissist CEOs in the Context of Non-market Strategy?
- The Rise of Partisan CSR: Corporate Responses to the Russia–Ukraine War
- Warding Off Cognitive Dissonance: How Supervisor Perspective Taking Shapes the Responses of Employees Who Engage in Unethical Behavior
- Growth Through Ethical Role Identity Work: The Case of Ethics and Compliance Officers
- Blessing or Curse? Role of Socially Responsible Human Resource Management in Employee Resilience
- Evolution of Ethics and Entrepreneurship: Hybrid Literature Review and Theoretical Propositions
- Demoralizing Markets: Vendor Conscience and Impersonalism
- Productive Tensions of Corporate Pride Partnerships: Towards a Relational Ethics of Constitutive Impurity
- Silenced by Incivility
- Taking Stock of Ethics and Compliance Programs as Anticorruption Mechanisms: An Integrative Review
- When Vulnerable Narcissists Take the Lead: The Role of Internal Attribution of Failure and Shame for Abusive Supervision
- Innovation Responds to Climate Change Proposals
- Theorizing Effective (Preventative) Remedy: Exploring the Root Cause Dimensions of Human Rights Abuse & Remedy
- Organizational Wrongdoing within the Context of the UN Sustainable Development Goals: An Integrative Review
- Employee Moral Evaluation of Supervisor Leniency for Coworkers’ Misconduct: The Role of Attributed Altruistic and Instrumental Motives
- Corporate Weakness of Will
- Framing Collective Moral Responsibility for Climate Change: A Longitudinal Frame Analysis of Energy Company Climate Reporting
- Exploring Bypass Practices on Sharing Platforms: A Typology of Users Who Bypass and Those Who Don’t
- What Happens When Your Hand is in My Pocket: The Foreign Policy Effects of China’s Foreign Direct Investment in Africa
- Navigating Between Control and Trust: The Whistleblowing Mindset
- Judicial Waves, Ethical Shifts: Bankruptcy Courts and Corporate ESG Performance
- Ethics, Faith, and Engagement: Unpacking the Effect of Voice Climate on Work Engagement
- The Business of (Im)migration: Bodies Across Borders
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- Tom Angier (ed.), Review of MacIntyre’s After Virtue
- The Influence of Founder CEO’s Human Capital Resources on the Relationship Between Workforce Gender Diversity and Venture Firm Performance
- Teaching Business Students to Care: Perspective-Taking and the Narrative Enabling of Moral Imagination
- Media Reporting of Environmental Supply Chain Sustainability Risks: Contextual and Moderating Factors
- Governing the Responsible Investment of Slack Resources in Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Performance: How Beneficial are CSR Committees?
- The Effects of Moral Intensity and Moral Disengagement on Rule Violations: Occupational Safety in UK-based Construction Work During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Spotting Portfolio Greenwashing in Environmental Funds
- The Space for Religion and Spirituality in Business, Management, and Entrepreneurship Education: Reflections on the Main Contributions and Tentative Directions
- (In)vulnerable Managers in an Immigration Context
- Can Good Information Prevent Misconduct? The Role of Organizational Epistemic Virtues for Ethical Behavior
- Iron Cage for Indigenous Entrepreneurs? Understanding the Movement and Impact of External Ideas on Indigenous Entrepreneurship in Ecuador
- Refugee Entrepreneurship: Resolving Multi-contextuality and Differential Exclusion
- Against the Sale of Homeopathy (and Other Ineffective Medicines)
- Should They Go, or May They Stay: Companies in Aggressor States
- Social Impact Assessment of Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives: Evaluating the Social Return on Investment of an Inclusion Offer
- “Doing the Right Thing” and “Making a Difference”: The Role of Personal Ethical Values in Diversity and Inclusion Consulting
- The Expansion of Alternative Forms of Organizing Integration: Imitation, Bricolage, and an Ethic of Care in Migrant Women’s Cooperatives
- ‘I Can Only Do My Best and Leave the Rest to God”: Religious/Spiritual Coping Strategies of African Nurses in the UK
- Greenwashing or Striving to Persist: An Alternative Explanation of a Loose Coupling Between Corporate Environmental Commitments and Outcomes
- ‘Migration Under the Glow of Privilege’—Unpacking Privilege and Its Effect on the Migration Experience
- After the Accident: Is There a Blame Bias Against the Airline?
- Authoritarian Neoliberalism and Asylum Seekers: the Silencing of Accounting and Accountability in Offshore Detention Centres
- Political Organisational Silence and the Ethics of Care: EU Migrant Restaurant Workers in Brexit Britain
- How Does Legal Status Inform Immigrant Agency During Encounters of Workplace Incivility?
- When Social Innovations Foster Integral Human Development: Evidence from the Impact of Theatrical Activities on Prison Inmates’ Social Skills
- Challenging or Threatening? The Double-Edged Sword Effect of Intelligent Technology Awareness on Accountants’ Unethical Decision-Making
- Deception, Discrimination, and Objectification: Ethical Issues of Female AI Agents
- Consumer Disposition Toward Fairness in Agri-Food Chains (FAIRFOOD): Scale Development and Validation
- The Effect of Customers’ Unethical Practices on Suppliers’ Intention to Continue Their Relationships
- Being a Parent Helps Being a Benevolent Leader: A Mixed-Method Approach
- Exploring Confucian Culture’s Impact on Corporate Debt Default Risk: An Ethical Decision-Making Approach
- Unethical Behavior in the Name of the Family: Exploring the Consequences of Unethical Pro-Family Behavior on Employees’ Work and Life
- Unlocking the Connection between Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy and Firm Performance: Unveiling Mediating and Moderating Effects
- Greatest Good for the Greatest Number – the Role of Managers’ Ethical Meaning-Making and Subjective Wellbeing Complexity
- HRM’s Response to Workplace Bullying: Complacent, Complicit and Compounding
- How to Design Green Compensation to Promote Managers’ Pro-Environmental Behavior? A Goal-Framing Perspective
- Legitimating Organizational Secrecy
- Socially Irresponsible HRM: Findings from the UK Hotel Sector
- Toward an Ethics of Ambiguity in Critical Work and Organizational Psychology: From ‘Blank’ to ‘Troubled’ Subjectivity
- Resisting Financial Consumer Responsibilization Through Community Counter-Conduct
- Experience of Marginalization in Noncooperative Spaces: The Case of Undocumented Migrant Workers in Italy
- Generative Artificial Intelligence as Hypercommons: Ethics of Authorship and Ownership
- Scoring the Ethics of AI Robo-Advice: Why We Need Gateways and Ratings
- Is the State a Socially Responsible Shareholder? State-Owned Enterprises, Political Ideology, and Corporate Social Performance
- First Things First: Using Anchoring Bias to Examine the Effect of Penalty Severity and Social Norms on Tax Compliance
- Encouraging Individual Contributions to Net-Zero Organizations: Effects of Behavioral Policy Interventions and Social Norms
- Does Social Media Pressure Induce Corporate Hypocrisy? Evidence of ESG Greenwashing from China
- Profane Pregnant Bodies Versus Sacred Organizational Systems: Exploring Pregnancy Discrimination at Work (R2)
- ‘Emancipation’ in Digital Nomadism vs in the Nation-State: A Comparative Analysis of Idealtypes
- Hunting and Fishing CEOs: Environmental Plunderers or Saviors?
- Creative Destruction and the Autonomous Life
- Time to Talk About Race
- Global South States’ Views on Building Partnerships with Corporations: An Agonistic Struggle in the UN and Beyond
- Do Criminal Politicians Affect Firm Investment and Value? Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Approach
- Do White Women Gain Status for Engaging in Anti-black Racism at Work? An Experimental Examination of Status Conferral
- Environmental Racism and Climate (In)Justice in the Anthropocene: Addressing the Silences and Erasures in Management and Organization Studies
- Receiving Social Support Motivates Long-Term Prosocial Behavior
- Are Donors Watching? Nonprofit Rating Availability and Pay-to-Performance Sensitivity
- Is There a Foreign Language Effect on Workplace Bribery Susceptibility? Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Vignette Experiment
- The Business of Stealing Futures: Race, Gender, and the Student Debt Regime
- Injustice Provokes Psychological Resources Loss: A Dual-Pathway Model of App-worker Reactions to Customers’ Injustice
- Does Accelerated Patenting Information Dissemination Affect Managers’ (Un)Ethical Behavior? Evidence from the American Inventor’s Protection Act and Crash Risk
- Exploring a paradox: Psychopathy, Morality and Organisational Citizenship Behaviour
- Sustainable Governance: Board Sustainability Experience and the Interplay with Board Age for Firm Sustainability
- Organizing the Good Death: Ethics and Values-Work in the Sower Hospice
- The Inclusion Tax: The Price of the Ticket in White Spaces
- Understanding Multiple Perspectives on Social Value in Business: An Integrative Review and Typology
- Mission Statements of Public Accounting Firms: Antecedents and Consequences of Professional Vs. Commercial Orientations
- Generalist Versus Specialist CEOs and the Scope of Corporate Social Responsibility
- Consumer Sovereignty and the Ethics of Recognition
- Anxious Altruism: Virtue Signaling Mediates the Impact of Attachment Style on Consumers’ Green Purchase Behavior and Prosocial Responses
- Escaping the Loop of Unsustainability: Why and How Business Ethics Matters for Earth System Justice
- Inquiring Value: The Pragmatist Turn in Business Ethics
- Who Rewards Appropriate Levels of Professional Skepticism?
- Shared Inequity: An Alternative Frame for Racial Justice in Employment
- The (In)Visibility of Diversity in Alternative Organizations
- Hypocrites! Social Media Reactions and Stakeholder Backlash to Conflicting CSR Information
- Teaching Race in Business Schools: The Challenges and Possibilities of Anti-Racist Education
- Decreasing Workplace Unethical Behavior Through Mindfulness: A Study Based on the Dual-System Theory of Ethical Decision-Making
- Natural Disaster, Tax Avoidance, and Corporate Pollution Emissions: Evidence from China
- Selling Who You Know: How We Justify Sharing Others’ Data
- Joseph Heath’s Ethics for Capitalists: The Market Failures Approach 2.0
- Mapping the Contours of Blame: An Account of the Moral Boundaries of Organizations
- CEO Narcissism and Credit Ratings
- Correction to: The Riskification of Internal Auditors’ Ethical Deliberation: An Emerging Third Logic Between Norms and Values?
- Greenhouse Gas Disclosure: Evidence from Private Firms
- Dishing Up Morality: How Chefs Account for Gratuity
- The Ethical Embeddedness of the Economic Inequality Debate
- Will a Moral Follower Please Stand Up (to the Machiavellian Leader)? The Effects of Machiavellian Leadership on Moral Anger and Whistleblowing
- How Ethical Leadership and Ethical Self-Leadership Enhance the Effects of Idiosyncratic Deals on Salesperson Work Engagement and Performance
- Incivility Affects Actors Too: The Complex Effects of Incivility on Perpetrators’ Work and Home Behaviors
- Mixed Feelings About Supervisors: The Effect of LMX Ambivalence on Supervisor-Directed Behaviors
- Digital Inclusion and Financial Inclusion: Evidence from Peer-to-Peer Lending
- Ethics of Quantification and Randomised Control Trials in International Development: A Decolonial Analysis
- Contextualizing Ethical Climate: Examining Contextual Moderators of the Connection Between Ethical Climate Perceptions and Ethical Behavior
- The Affective Processes of Ethical Leadership: The Role of Moral Emotions
- In Defence of the Indefensible: Exploring Justification Narratives of Corporate Elites Accused of Corruption
- Being (Ab)normal – Be(com)ing Other: Struggles Over Enacting an Ethos of Difference in a Psychosocial Care Centre
- On ‘the Politics of Repair Beyond Repair’: Radical Democracy and the Right to Repair Movement
- Can Consumers’ Altruistic Inferences Solve the CSR Initiative Puzzle? A Meta-analytic Investigation
- The Ethics of Commons Organizing: A Critical Reading
- Impact of Corporate Culture on Environmental Performance
- The Banality of Organizational Wrongdoing: A Reading on Arendt’s Thoughtlessness Thesis
- Did Facebook Cheat?: A Test Case of Antitrust Ethics
- Boardroom Diversity and Carbon Emissions: Evidence from the UK Firms
- Do Old Board Directors Promote Corporate Social Responsibility?
- Standing Up or Standing By: Abnormally Hot Temperatures and Corporate Environmental Engagement
- Generating the Moral Agency to Report Peers’ Counterproductive Work Behavior in Normal and Extreme Contexts: The Generative Roles of Ethical Leadership, Moral Potency, and Psychological Safety
- Redefining Academic Safe Space for Responsible Management Education
- Diversity and Business Legitimacy
- The Moral Status of Pecuniary Externalities
- Untangling the Paradoxical Relationship Between Religion and Business: A Systematic Literature Review of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Religiosity Research
- Hybridity in Nonprofit Organizations: Organizational Perspectives on Combining Multiple Logics
- The Nexus Between Sources of Workers’ Power in the Garment Manufacturing Industries of Lesotho and Eswatini
- Machine Learning for Predicting Corporate Violations: How Do CEO Characteristics Matter?
- Learning from Failures of Co-owned Firms: Common Ownership and Information Disclosure Fraud
- Navigating the Ethical Terrain Around the Challenges of Fake News and False Narratives: An Integrative Literature Review and a Proposed Agenda for Future Research
- Ethical Consumerism in Emerging Markets: Opportunities and Challenges
- Correction to: Structures Supporting Virtuous Moral Agency: An Empirical Enquiry
- Board Gender Diversity and Within-Firm Wage Inequity: Evidence from the Relaxation of China’s One-Child Policy
- How Sustainable Luxury Influences Product Value Perceptions and Behavioral Intentions: A Comparative Study of Emerging vs. Developed Markets
- Ethnic Obligation and Deviant Behavior: A Dynamic Moral Economy Perspective
- Role of Socio-Cultural Capital and Country-Level Affluence in Ethical Consumerism
- Social Systems as Moral Agents: A Systems Approach to Moral Agency in Business
- Beyond Reach but Within Sight: Ethical Leaders’ Pursuit of Seemingly Unattainable Role Models in East Asia
- CEO Religion and Corporate Social Responsibility: A Socio-behavioral Model
- Marketing to Bottom-of-the-Pyramid Consumers in an Emerging Market: The Responses of Mainstream Consumers
- Ethics of Care and Employees: The Impact of Female Board Representation and Top Management Leadership on Human Capital Development Policies
- Participation Strategies and Ethical Considerations in NGO Led Community-Based Conservation Initiatives
- Doing Good and Doing Well? CSR Climate as a Driver of Team Empowerment and Team Performance
- Enduring, Strategizing, and Rising Above: Workplace Dignity Threats and Responses Across Job Levels
- Energizing Ethical Recycling Intention Through Information Publicity: Insights from an Emerging Market Economy
- Narcissism Dynamics and Auditor Skepticism
- Bringing Ethical Consumption to the Forefront in Emerging Markets: The Role of Product Categorization
- Import Penetration and Corporate Misconduct: A Natural Experiment
- Are We Becoming More Ethical Consumers During the Global Pandemic? The Moderating Role of Negotiable Fate Across Cultures
- Are Companies Offloading Risk onto Employees in Times of Uncertainty? Insights from Corporate Pension Plans
- A Moral Evaluation of LBOs
- The Influence of Religious Identification on Strategic Green Marketing Orientation
- The Experience and Implications of Meaningless Work in the Public Sector
- “Be Not Conformed to this World”: MacIntyre’s Critique of Modernity and Amish Business Ethics
- The Temporal Structuring of Corporate Sustainability
- To Buy or Not to Buy? Exploring Ethical Consumerism in an Emerging Market—India
- Personality Discrimination and the Wrongness of Hiring Based on Extraversion
- Structures Supporting Virtuous Moral Agency: An Empirical Enquiry
- An Examination of Ethical Values of Management Accountants
- Demystifying Benevolent Leadership: When Subordinates Feel Obligated to Undertake Illegitimate Tasks
- Responsible Business Conduct in Commodity Trading—A Multidisciplinary Review
- Ethical Pursuit or Personal Nirvana? Unpacking the Practice of Danshari in China
- Silent Majority: How Employees’ Perceptions of Corporate Hypocrisy are Related to their Silence
- When the Punisher is Both Potential Victim and (Intended) Beneficiary: Investigating Observers’ Attitudinal and Behavioral Reactions Toward Organizational Punishment Severity for Unethical Pro-Organizational Behaviors
- Language as a Source of Epistemic Injustice in Organisations
- Moral Economy and the Ethics of the Real Living Wage in UK Football Clubs
- Ethical Consumers and Low-Income Sellers on China’s Reward-Based Crowdfunding Platforms: Are Poverty Alleviation Campaigns More Successful?
- Mediating Role of Cultural Values in the Impact of Ethical Ideologies on Chinese Consumers’ Ethical Judgments
- The Homo Economicus as a Prototype of a Psychopath? A Conceptual Analysis and Implications for Business Research and Teaching
- Can You Hear Nature Sing? Enacting the Syilx Ethical Practice of Nʕawqnwixʷ to Reconstruct the Relationships Between Humans and Nature
- The Labyrinth of Corruption in the Construction Industry: A System Dynamics Model Based on 40 Years of Research
- Climate Change Denial and Corporate Environmental Responsibility
- Social Diversity on Corporate Boards in a Country Torn by Civil War
- Do Internal Auditors Make Consistent Ethical Judgments in English and Chinese in Reporting Wrongdoing?
- Ethical Leadership on the Rise? A Cross-Temporal and Cross-Cultural Meta-Analysis of its Means, Variability, and Relationships with Follower Outcomes Across 15 Years
- Mrs. Dalloway and the Shecession: The Interconnectedness and Intersectionalities of Care Ethics and Social Time During the Pandemic
- The Dismissal of New Female CEOs: A Role Congruity Perspective
- Correction to: Common Knowledge of the Second Kind
- Publisher Correction to: The Sadder but Nicer Effect: How Incidental Sadness Reduces Morally Questionable Behavior
- Top Managers’ Rice Culture and Corporate Social Responsibility Performance
- Academic Fraud and Remote Evaluation of Accounting Students: An Application of the Fraud Triangle
- The Impact of Social Norms of Responsibility on Corporate Social Responsibility Short Title: The Impact of Social Norms of Responsibility on Corporate Social Responsibility
- How Officials’ Political Incentives Influence Corporate Green Innovation
- Correction to: The Ethical, Societal, and Global Implications of Crowdsourcing Research
- Conceptualising Sustainability as the Pursuit of Life
- Local Tournament Incentives and Corporate Social Responsibility
- Reviewers 2023
- Who Keeps Company with the Wolf will Learn to Howl: Does Local Corruption Culture Affect Financial Adviser Misconduct?
- Beliefs Matter: Local Climate Concerns and Industrial Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the United States
- The Sadder but Nicer Effect: How Incidental Sadness Reduces Morally Questionable Behavior
- When There’s No One Else to Blame: The Impact of Coworkers’ Perceived Competence and Warmth on the Relations between Ostracism, Shame, and Ingratiation
- Embedding Owner-Manager Values in the Small and Medium Sized Enterprise Context: A Lockean Conceptualisation
- Building Common Ground: How Facilitators Bridge Between Diverging Groups in Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue
- Don’t Rock the Boat: The Social-symbolic Work to Confront Ethnic Discrimination in Branches of Professional Service Firms
- “It’s Business”: A Qualitative Study of Moral Injury in Business Settings; Experiences, Outcomes and Protecting and Exacerbating Factors
- Maintaining “Good” Care: An Articulation Work Perspective on Organizational Ethics in the Healthcare Sector
- Religion in Family Firms: A Socioemotional Wealth Perspective on Top-Level Executives with Perceived Religiosity
- Rules of the Game and Credibility of Implementation in the Control of Corruption
- At the Roots of Business Ethics: A New Reading of the Merchant of Venice
- Systems Perspectives on Business and Peace: The Contingent Nature of Business-Related Action with Respect to Peace Positive Impacts
- Should I Stay or Should I Go? Auditor Ethical Conflict and Turnover Intention
- Responsible Design Thinking for Sustainable Development: Critical Literature Review, New Conceptual Framework, and Research Agenda
- Individual Auditor Social Responsibility and Audit Quality: Evidence from China
- How Corporate Social (Ir)Responsibility Influences Employees’ Private Prosocial Behavior: An Experimental Study
- Corporate Social Responsibility and Information Asymmetry: Do Earnings Conference Calls Play a Role?
- Why and When Do Employees Feel Guilty About Observing Supervisor Ostracism? The Critical Roles of Observers’ Silence Behavior and Leader–Member Exchange Quality
- Mimicry Dynamics: A Study of Multinational Enterprises’ Philanthropy in China
- Organizational Good Epistemic Practices
- Universal Design for the Workplace: Ethical Considerations Regarding the Inclusion of Workers with Disabilities
- Leaving a Legacy for my Children: The One-Child Policy Reform and Engagement in CSR Among Family Firms in China
- The Ethical, Societal, and Global Implications of Crowdsourcing Research
- Psychological Reactance to Anti-Piracy Messages explained by Gender and Attitudes
- COVID-19 Policy Actions, Trust in Government and Tax Compliance Intentions: A Study of the British Self-Employment Income Support Scheme
- A Contractarian Approach to Actuarial Fairness
- Turning a Blind Eye to Team Members’ Unethical Behavior: The Role of Reward Systems
- A Functional Model of Social Loafing: When and How Does Social Loafing Enhance Job Performance?
- Decay and Recovery of CSR Routines in Franchise Organizations
- Does CSR Engagement Deter Corporate Misconduct? Quasi-natural Experimental Evidence from Firms Joining a Government-Initiated Social Program in China
- Triggered Abuse: How and Why Leaders with Narcissistic Rivalry React to Follower Deviance
- Goodwill Hunting: Why and When Ultimate Controlling Owners Affect Their Firms’ Corporate Social Responsibility Performance
- No Planet B Available! A Review of The Climate Book: The Facts and Solutions by Greta Thunberg
- Redemption Through Play? Exploring the Ethics of Workplace Gamification
- Organising Food Systems Through Ecologies of Care: A Relational Approach
- The Effect of Abusive Supervision on Employee Job Performance: The Moderating Role of Employment Contract Type
- Shifting Stakeholders Logics: Foreign Institutional Ownership and Corporate Social Responsibility
- Maximizing Shareholder Welfare: A Normative Examination of Hart and Zingales’ Corporate Governance Account
- Cleansing Investor’s Conscience: The Effects of Incidental Guilt on Socially Responsible Investment Decisions
- Engaging, Distancing and Surrendering: Moral Legitimation of Controversial Organizational Decisions in the Media
- How Do Institutional Prescriptions (Fail to) Address Governance Challenges Under Institutional Hybridity? The Case of Governance Code Creation for Cooperative Enterprises
- Agonistic Respect and the Ethics of Employment Relationships
- How Religiosity Affects Attitudes Toward Brands That Utilize LGBTQ-Themed Advertising
- Bearing the Unbearable: Exploring Women Entrepreneurs Resilience Building in Times of Crises
- Strengthening Our Cities: Exploring the Intersection of Ethics, Diversity and Inclusion, and Social Innovation in Revitalizing Urban Environments
- Caught in a Dilemma: The Impacts of Dual Organizational Identification on Host Country Nationals in the Face of Ethical Controversies
- How Gender Diversity Shapes Cities: Evidence from Risk Management Decisions in REITs
- The Riskification of Internal Auditors’ Ethical Deliberation: An Emerging Third Logic Between Norms and Values?
- The Dark Side of Firms’ Green Technology Innovation on Corporate Social Responsibility: Evidence from China
- Stakeholder Pressures and Decarbonization Strategies in Mittelstand Firms
- Does Workplace Spirituality Promote Ethical Voice: Examining the Mediating Effect of Psychological Ownership and Moderating Influence of Moral Identity
- Exercising the “Right to Repair”: A Customer’s Perspective
- Rightsholder-Driven Remedy for Business-Related Human Rights Abuse: Case of the Fair Food Program
- Under Pressure: LMX Drives Employee Unethical Pro-organizational Behavior via Threat Appraisals
- Organizational Top Dog (vs. Underdog) Narratives Increase the Punishment of Corporate Moral Transgressions: When Dominance is a Liability and Prestige is an Asset
- Does Confucianism Prompt Firms to Participate in Poverty Alleviation Campaigns?
- Holding Retail Corporations Accountable for Food Waste: A Due Diligence Framework Informed by Business and Human Rights Principles
- Ethics of Care Leadership, Racial Inclusion, and Economic Health in the Cities: Is There a Female Leadership Advantage?
- Revitalizing Urban Places: How Prosocial Organizations Acquire Saliency in the Eyes of Resisting Stakeholders
- Beyond Rupture, Interstice and Reform: Searching for Nuance in the Portrayal of Engagement for Social and Ecological Transition
- How Envy Encourages Beliefs in Unethical Consumer Behaviour: The Role of Religiosity and Moral Awareness
- Totally Administered Heteronomy: Adorno on Work, Leisure, and Politics in the Age of Digital Capitalism
- When and How Knowledge Hiding Motivates Perpetrators’ Organizational Citizenship Behavior
- Fostering Urban Inclusive Green Growth: Does Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Matter?
- To Conform or Not to Conform? The Role of Social Status and Firm Corporate Social Responsibility
- How Culture Displaced Structural Reform: Problem Definition, Marketization, and Neoliberal Myths in Bank Regulation
- The Ripple Effect: When Leader Self-Group Distancing Responses Affect Subordinate Career Trajectories
- Shhh… Do Gender-Diverse Boards Prioritize Product Market Concerns Over Capital Market Incentives?
- Striking the Right Notes: Long- and Short-Term Financial Impacts of Musicians’ Charity Advocacy Versus Other Signaling Types
- Can Green Investments Increase Your Green? Evidence from Social Hedge Fund Activists
- Microaggressions in the Accounting Academy: The Black Experience
- Corruption in Bank Lending: The Role of Culturally Endorsed Leadership Prototypes
- Making Sense of CSR Challenges and Shortcomings in Developing Economies of Latin America
- The Independence of Judges and Corporate Social Responsibility
- How Does Taxation Affect Corporate Social Responsibility? Evidence from a Korean Tax Reform
- Ethical Issues Around Share Repurchase Announcements: The Role of Social Capital
- Lying and Cheating the Company: The Positive and Negative Effects of Corporate Activism on Unethical Consumer Behavior
- Correction to: Toward Understanding Employees ‘Responses to Leaders’ Unethical Pro-organizational Behavior: An Outcome Favorability Perspective
- How and When Leaders’ Perceptions of Team Politics Influence Justice Rule Adherence: A Moral Self-Regulation Perspective
- Vulnerability and Response-Ability in the Pandemic Marketplace: Developing an Ethic of Care for Provisioning in Crisis
- Entitlement Versus Obligation: The Role of Attributed Motives in Subordinate Reactions to Leader Leniency
- Transporting Audit Quality Across Countries: Returnee CEOs and Audit Fees
- A Meta-Analysis of the Impact of Entrepreneurs’ Gender on their Access to Bank Finance
- The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: Review of Ethical Machines: Your Concise Guide to Totally Unbiased, Transparent, and Respectful AI by R. Blackman; Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: Case Studies and Options for Addressing Ethical Challenges by B.C. Stahl, D. Schroeder, and R. Rodrigues; and AI Ethics by M. Coeckelbergh
- Felt or Thought: Distinct Mechanisms Underlying Exploitative Leadership and Abusive Supervision
- Drawing on Eastern Spiritual Traditions of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion as Guideposts in an Increasingly Unpredictable World
- Constructing Care-Based Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Communication During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Comparison of Fortune 500 Companies in China and the United States
- Structural Injustice and Workers’ Rights, by Virginia Mantouvalou
- Correction to: From Passive to Active: The Positive Spillover of Required Employee Green Behavior on Green Advocacy
- Toward Understanding Employees ‘Responses to Leaders’ Unethical Pro-organizational Behavior: An Outcome Favorability Perspective
- Automation and Well-Being: Bridging the Gap between Economics and Business Ethics
- The Negative Effect of Low Belonging on Consumer Responses to Sustainable Products
- Temporality and Ethics: Timeliness of Ethical Perspectives on Temporality in Times of Crisis
- The Interplay Between Islamic Work Ethic, Unethical Pro Behaviors, and Moral Identity Internalization: The Moderating Role of Religiosity
- Holding Abusive Managers in Contempt: Why and When Experienced Abusive Supervision Motivates Enacted Interpersonal Justice Toward Subordinates
- Family Firms and Employee Pension Underfunding: Good Corporate Citizens or Unethical Opportunists?
- Climate Reputation and Bank Loan Contracting
- Leader-Expressed Humility: Development and Validation of Scales Based on a Comprehensive Conceptualization
- Managerial Short-Termism and Corporate Social Performance: The Moderating Role of External Monitoring
- Prominent Themes and Blind Spots in Diversity and Inclusion Literature: A Bibliometric Analysis
- How Do Foreign SMEs Mitigate Violent Conflict Risk by Doing Good? An Instrumental Stakeholder Theory Perspective
- You Say Social Agenda, I Say My Job: Navigating Moral Ambiguities by Frontline Workers in a Social Enterprise
- Individual and Organizational Rule-Breaking: Test of an Integrated Multilevel Model
- Does Clan Culture Promote Corporate Natural Resource Disclosure? Evidence from Chinese Natural Resource-Based Listed Companies
- Context Matters Less Than Leadership in Preventing Unethical Behaviour in International Business
- Correction to: The Effects of CEO Awards on Corporate Social Responsibility Focus
- Correction to: An Investigation of the Relationship Between Ethics-Oriented HRM Systems, Moral Attentiveness, and Deviant Workplace Behavior
- Shareholder Activism on Climate Change: Evolution, Determinants, and Consequences
- Linking Temporal Landmarks to Voluntary Simplicity: The Mediating Roles of Self-Transcendence and Self-Enhancement
- When Do Corporate Good Deeds Become a Burden? The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility Following Negative Events
- Making Time to Care, and Caring for Time: ‘Tricking Time’ to Cope with Conflicting Temporalities in a Child Protection Agency
- An Investigation of the Relationship Between Ethics-Oriented HRM Systems, Moral Attentiveness, and Deviant Workplace Behavior
- Ethical and Islamic Banking Compared from a Time-Based Perspective
- Ethics, Tradition and Temporality in Craft Work: The Case of Japanese Mingei
- Social-Symbolic Work in the Construction of Social Problems: Constructing Gender Inequality in Turkish Social Partnerships
- In Search of Regained Time? Autism and Organizational [A]temporality in the Light of Humanistic Management
- From Passive to Active: The Positive Spillover of Required Employee Green Behavior on Green Advocacy
- Social Acceleration: A Challenge for Companies? Insights for Business Ethics from Resonance Theory
- Habitual Leadership Ethics: Timelessness and Virtuous Leadership in the Jesuit Order
- No Time for Ethics: How and When Time Pressure Leads to Abusive Supervisory Behavior
- The Interplay Between Supply Chain Transparency and NGO Pressure: A Quantitative Analysis in the Fashion Industry Context
- Resource Dependencies and the Legitimatization of Grocery Retailer’s Social Evaluations of Suppliers
- Applying a Lens of Temporality to Better Understand Voice About Unethical Behaviour
- Workplace Incivility in STEM Organizations: A Typology of STEM Incivility and Affective Consequences for Women Employees
- Ethical Implications of Acceleration: Perspectives From Health Professionals
- Board Chairs’ Early-Life Experience and Tax Avoidance
- Temporality and Meaningful Entrepreneurship
- Transforming Relationships and Empowering Communities: The Role of Care Ethics in Solving Grand Challenges
- Relative Leader-Member Exchange and Unethical Pro-leader Behavior: The Role of Envy and Distributive Justice Climate
- Right From the Start: The Association Between Ethical Leadership, Trust Primacy, and Customer Loyalty
- An Experimental Study of a Change in Professional Accountants’ Code of Ethics: The Influence of NOCLAR on the Duty to Report Illegal Acts to an External Authority
- Is Rationality Reasonable? How Ancient Logos Changes Management Theory
- The Ethics of Entrepreneurship: A Millian Approach
- The Devil is in the Details: Sexual Harassment e-Training Design Choices and Perceived Messenger Integrity
- Forgetting Corporate Irresponsibility: The Role of Corporate Political Activities and Stakeholder Characteristics
- Escaping the Scapegoat Trap: Using René Girard’s Framework for Workplace Bullying
- Revisiting the Received Image of Machiavelli in Business Ethics Through a Close Reading of The Prince and Discourses
- “We are Neither Commies nor Volunteers”: How National Culture Influences Professional Identity Construction of CSR Professionals in South Korea
- Ethics and Banking: Do Banks Divest Their Kind?
- A New Understanding of the Role of Self-oriented Motivations in the Creation of Social Enterprises
- Correction to: Moral Agency Development as a Community-Supported Process: An Analysis of Hospitals’ Middle Management Responses to the COVID-19 Crisis
- Expressing Dual Concern in Criticism for Wrongdoing: The Persuasive Power of Criticizing with Care
- Is the Prisoner’s Dilemma an Adequate Concept for Ethical Analysis in Healthcare? An Original Institutional Economic Rejoinder
- Coevolution of Strategy, Innovation and Ethics
- Effects of Moral Violation on Algorithmic Transparency: An Empirical Investigation
- Intimate Partner Violence and Business: Exploring the Boundaries of Ethical Enquiry
- Expert Perceptions on Anti-bribery and Corruption Policies in Sports Governing Bodies: Implications for Ethical Climate Theory
- Social Entrepreneurship as a Family Resemblance Concept with Distinct Ethical Views
- Industry Reputation Crisis and Firm Certification: A Co-evolution Perspective
- Are Bad Leaders Indeed Bad for Employees? A Meta-Analysis of Longitudinal Studies Between Destructive Leadership and Employee Outcomes
- Does Ethical Voice Matter? Examining How Peer Team Leader Ethical Voice and Role Modeling Relate to Ethical Leadership
- Formal Firms with Bribery in a Dynamic Business Environment
- The Intellectual Structure of Sales Ethics Research: A Multi-method Bibliometric Analysis
- Are Callings Always Ethically Good? Why and When Occupational Calling Inhibits Unethical Decision-Making Among Researchers
- How Do Auditors Value Hypocrisy? Evidence from China
- The Spread of Digital Intimate Partner Violence: Ethical Challenges for Business, Workplaces, Employers and Management
- Earnings Management, Auditor Changes and Ethics: Evidence from Companies Missing Earnings Expectations
- Engaging Stakeholders During Intergovernmental Conflict: How Political Attributions Shape Stakeholder Engagement
- Does Corporate Social Responsibility Always Result in More Ethical Decision-Making? Evidence from Product Recall Remediation
- Resolving the Ethical Tension Between Creating a Civil Environment and Facilitating Free Expression Online: Comment Reordering as an Alternative to Comment Moderation
- Beyond the Inclusion–Exclusion Binary: Right Mindfulness and Its Implications for Perceived Inclusion and Exclusion in the Workplace
- Corporate Responses to Intimate Partner Violence
- Welcome on Board? Appointment Dynamics of Women as Directors
- Institutional Logics in the UK Construction Industry’s Response to Modern Slavery Risk: Complementarity and Conflict
- Relational HR Practices in Malaysian SMEs: An Ethics of Care Perspective
- A Contribution to Sustainable Human Resource Development in the Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic
- It’s a Family Affair: A Case for Consistency in Family Foundation Giving and Family Firm Community CSR Activity
- Financial Abuse in a Banking Context: Why and How Financial Institutions can Respond
- The Problem of Autonomy: An Alternative Notion of Excellence in Business Ethics
- Integrating Moral Personhood and Moral Management: A Confucian Approach to Ethical Leadership
- When Does Prosocial Motivation Deliver? A Dual-Motivations Approach to Social Enterprise Outcomes
- How do Sector Level Factors Influence Trust Violations in Not-for-Profit Organizations? A Multilevel Model
- “Do Something Simple for the Climate”: How Collective Counter-Conduct Reproduces Consumer Responsibilization
- When Is CEO Activism Conducive to the Democratic Process?
- Leading Without a Self: Implications of Buddhist Practices for Pseudo-spiritual Leadership
- Climate Change Social Norms and Corporate Cash Holdings
- Moral Self-Signaling Benefits of Effortful Cause Marketing Campaigns
- Moral Agency Development as a Community-Supported Process: An Analysis of Hospitals’ Middle Management Responses to the COVID-19 Crisis
- Amoral Management and the Normalisation of Deviance: The Case of Stafford Hospital
- Innovator or Troublemaker? The Co-evolution of Ethical Controversies, Legitimation and Institutionalisation of the Ridesharing Firms in China
- The Level of Islamic Religiosity of the Local Community and Corporate Environmental Responsibility Disclosure: Evidence from Iran
- MNEs’ Ambidexterity Strategies and Moral Conflicts: The Case of Google in China
- Signaling Effects of CSR Performance on Cross-border Alliance Formation
- The Moral Foundations of Vaccine Passports
- Workplace Ostracism and Helping Behavior: A Cross-Level Investigation
- How Political Ties and Green Innovation Co-evolve in China: Alignment with Institutional Development and Environmental Pollution
- Talking Ethics Early in Health Data Public Private Partnerships
- Understanding Fraud in the Not-For-Profit Sector: A Stakeholder Perspective for Charities
- How do Corporate Social Responsibility and Innovation Co-evolve with Organizational Forms? Evidence from a Transitional Economy
- The Making of an Authentic Leader’s Internalized Moral Perspective: The Role of Internalized Ethical Philosophies in the Development of Authentic Leaders’ Moral Identity
- Designing Donation Incentive Contracts for Online Gig Workers
- Achieving Double Bottom-Line Performance in Hybrid Organisations: A Machine-Learning Approach
- Attention-Based Constraint to MNC Coevolution in China’s Changing Stakeholder Environment
- To Whom Do Business Owner-Managers Feel Responsible? Weighting conflicting social responsibilities in Rwanda
- The More the Merrier: How Psychological Standing and Work Group Size Explain Managers’ Willingness to Communicate About Unethical Conduct in Their Work Group
- Ethical Sensibilities for Practicing Care in Management and Organization Research
- “Articulating Cognizance About What to Hide What not": Insights into Why and When Ethical Leadership Regulates Employee Knowledge-Hiding Behaviors
- “Articulating Cognizance About What to Hide What not": Insights into Why and When Ethical Leadership Regulates Employee Knowledge-Hiding Behaviors
- Tension and Paradox in Women-Oriented Sustainable Hybrid Organizations: A Duality of Ethics
- Social Integrity and Stock Price Crash Risk
- When do Non-financial Goals Benefit Stakeholders? Theorizing on Care and Power in Family Firms
- Shedding Light on the Adverse Spillover Effects of Work-Family Conflict on Unethical Sales Behaviors at Work: A Daily Diary Study
- The Role of the Ugly = Bad Stereotype in the Rejection of Misshapen Produce
- Layoffs in SMEs: The Role of Social Proximity
- Civil Society Roles in CSR Legislation
- The ethical challenges of teaching business ethics: ethical sensemaking through the Goffmanian lens
- Ethics and the Future of Meaningful Work: Introduction to the Special Issue
- The Effects of CEO Awards on Corporate Social Responsibility Focus
- The Impact of CEOs’ Personal Traits on Organisational Performance: Evidence from Faith-Based Charity Organisations
- The Corporate Samaritan: Advancing Understanding of the Role of Deontic Motive in Justice Enactment
- A Symbolic Framing of Exploitative Firms: Evidence from Japan
- The Normative and Cultural Dimension of Work: Technological Unemployment as a Cultural Threat to a Meaningful Life
- How to Assess Multiple-Value Accounting Narratives from a Value Pluralist Perspective? Some Metaethical Criteria
- The Influence of CSR Orientation on Innovative Performance: Is the Effect Conditioned to the Implementation of Organizational Practices?
- Sexual Boundary Violations: Exploring How the Interplay Between Violations, Retributive, and Restorative Responses Affects Teams
- The Demise of a Rising Social Enterprise for Persons With Disabilities: The Ethics and the Uncertainty of Pure Effectual Logic When Scaling Up
- A Rawlsian Rule for Corporate Governance
- Emplaced Partnerships and the Ethics of Care, Recognition and Resilience
- Analysis and Intuition Effectiveness in Moral Problems
- Impact of Peer Unethical Behaviors on Employee Silence: The Role of Organizational Identification and Emotions
- Is It Time to Reclaim the ‘Ethics’ in Business Ethics Education?
- Employee Ethical Silence Under Exploitative Leadership: The Roles of Work Meaningfulness and Moral Potency
- Correction to: Rural and Urban Place Renewal in Cross-Sector Partnerships
- How Do Tax Agents Respond to Anti-corruption Intensity?
- Business Firms as Moral Agents: A Kantian Response to the Corporate Autonomy Problem
- Aesthetic Injustice
- Narrative Business Ethics Versus Narratives Within Business Ethics: Problems and Possibilities From an Aristotelian Virtue Ethics Perspective
- Code Red for Humanity: The Role of Business Ethics as We Transgress Planetary Thresholds
- When CEO Pay Becomes a Brand Problem
- Corporate Social Responsibility in Family Firms: Status and Future Directions of a Research Field
- How to Sharpen Our Discourse on Corporate Sustainability and Business Ethics—A View from the Section Editors
- Women on Boards and Performance Trade-offs in Social Enterprises: Insights from Microfinance
- Value Judgements, Positivism and Utility Comparisons in Economics
- The Bundian Way: An Indigenous-Led Cross-Sector Partnership in Place Through Time
- Why the COVID-19 Crisis Is an Ethical Issue for Business: Evidence from the Australian JobKeeper Initiative
- Breaking Out of the Cocoon: Whistleblowing Opportunities Under Conditions of Normalized Wrongdoing
- Market Participation, Self-respect, and Risk Tolerance
- Economic Policy Uncertainty and Climate Change: Evidence from CO2 Emission
- Employees Adhere More to Unethical Instructions from Human Than AI Supervisors: Complementing Experimental Evidence with Machine Learning
- How Government Spending Impacts Tax Compliance
- Where Relational Commons Take Place: The City and its Social Infrastructure as Sites of Commoning
- Disabled at Work: Body-Centric Cycles of Meaning-Making
- Ethical Climates Across National Contexts: A Meta-Analytical Investigation
- Seeming Ethical Makes You Attractive: Unraveling How Ethical Perceptions of AI in Hiring Impacts Organizational Innovativeness and Attractiveness
- Democracy and Fair Labor Conditions
- Goal-Based Private Sustainability Governance and Its Paradoxes in the Indonesian Palm Oil Sector
- Do Wealth Managers Understand Codes of Conduct and Their Ethical Dilemmas? Lessons from an Online Survey
- Rural and Urban Place Renewal in Cross-Sector Partnerships
- Preventive and Remedial Actions in Corporate Reporting Among “Addiction Industries”: Legitimacy, Effectiveness and Hypocrisy Perception
- Do Individual Auditors from More Religious Hometowns Enhance Audit Quality? Evidence from an Islamic Country
- The Emergence of Concerned Partnerships in the Ethical Marketization of Place: A Narrative Lens
- Collaborating for Community Regeneration: Facilitating Partnerships in, Through, and for Place
- Would You Walk 500 Miles? Place Stewardship in the Collaborative Governance of Social-Ecological Systems
- Don’t Shoot the Messenger? A Morality- and Gender-Based Model of Reactions to Negative Workplace Gossip
- Approach versus Avoidance: A Self-Regulatory Perspective on Hypocrisy Induction in Anti-Cyberbullying CSR Campaigns
- Practicing Dialogue: How an Organization can Facilitate Diverse Collaborative Action
- The Ethics of Freedom in Consumption: An Ethnographic Account of the Social Dimensions of Supermarket Shopping for Moroccan Women
- Place and the Structuring of Cross-Sector Partnerships: The Moral and Material Conflicts Over Healthcare and Homelessness
- Putting Space in Place. Multimodal Translation of the Grand Challenge of Regional Smart Specialization from Policy to Cross-sector Partnerships
- Ethical Orientation and Research Misconduct Among Business Researchers Under the Condition of Autonomy and Competition
- Navigating the Ethically Complex and Controversial World of College Athletics: A Humanistic Leadership Approach to Student Athlete Well-Being
- Relaxed Financial Constraints and Corporate Social Responsibility
- Between Intensity and Diversity: Leveraging the Role of Place in Cross-Sector Partnerships
- Harming by Deceit: Epistemic Malevolence and Organizational Wrongdoing
- Recovering Aristotle’s Practice-Based Ontology: Practical Wisdom as Embodied Ethical Intuition
- Can We Trust the Trust Words in 10-Ks?
- Addressing the Societal Challenges in Organizations: The Conceptualization of Mindfulness Capability for Social Justice
- Formal Ethics, Content Ethics and Relational Ethics: Three Approaches to Constructing Ethical Sales Cultures and Identities in Retail Banking
- Who Helps Who? The Role of Stigma Dimensions in Harassment Intervention
- Meaningful Work and the Purpose of the Firm
- Why and When can CSR toward Employees Lead to Cyberloafing? The Role of Workplace Boredom and Moral Disengagement
- When the Automated fire Backfires: The Adoption of Algorithm-based HR Decision-making Could Induce Consumer’s Unfavorable Ethicality Inferences of the Company
- Virtual Special Issue on Corporate Governance and Ethics: What’s Next?
- How to Neutralize Primary Psychopathic Leaders’ Damaging Impact: Rules, Sanctions, and Transparency
- Governance and Power Across Intersecting Value Chains: The Case of South African Apples
- The Consequences of Financial Leverage: Certified B Corporations’ Advantages Compared to Common Commercial Firms
- The Case for Parentalism at Work: Balancing Feminist Care Ethics and Justice Ethics through a Winnicottian approach: A School Case Study
- The Ethical Implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) For Meaningful Work
- Perceptions of Ethicality: The Role of Attire Style, Attire Appropriateness, and Context
- The Normative Value of Making a Positive Contribution–Benefiting Others as a Core Dimension of Meaningful Work
- Saving the World? How CSR Practitioners Live Their Calling by Constructing Different Types of Purpose in Three Occupational Stages
- Mapping Spiritual Leadership: A Bibliometric Analysis and Synthesis of Past Milestones and Future Research Agenda
- Employee Stock Ownership Plans and Corporate Environmental Engagement
- How Much Does Workplace Sexual Harassment Hurt Firm Value?
- Did Corporate Social Responsibility Vaccinate Corporations Against COVID-19?
- Corporate Responses to Community Grievance: Voluntarism and Pathologies of Practice
- Reviewers 2022
- Corporate Greenhouse Gas Emissions’ Data and the Urgent Need for a Science-Led Just Transition: Introduction to a Thematic Symposium
- Manufacturing Motivation in the Mundane: Servant Leadership’s Influence on Employees’ Intrinsic Motivation and Performance
- When Leaders Acknowledge Their Own Errors, Will Employees Follow Suit? A Social Learning Perspective
- Carrot or Stick? CSR and Firm Financial Performance
- Religiosity and Charitable Giving on Investors’ Trading Behaviour in the Indonesian Islamic Stock Market: Islamic vs Market Logic
- Foreign Institutional Investors, Legal Origin, and Corporate Greenhouse Gas Emissions Disclosure
- How to Object to the Profit System (and How Not To)
- Gender Diversity: From Wall Street to Main Street
- Is Work an Act of Worship? The Impact of Implicit Religious Beliefs on Work Ethic in Secular vs. Religious Cultures
- Between Markets, Politics, and Ethics: On Vendor Conscience and Impersonal Markets
- Applicants’ Fairness Perceptions of Algorithm-Driven Hiring Procedures
- Twitter-Based Social Accountability Callouts
- The Virtuousness of Ethical Networks: How to Foster Virtuous Practices in Nonprofit Organizations
- A Meta-Analytical Assessment of the Effect of Deontological Evaluations and Teleological Evaluations on Ethical Judgments/Intentions
- How Multi-Source Gossip Affects Targets’ Emotions and Strategic Behavioral Responses
- CEO’s Childhood Experience of Natural Disaster and CSR Activities
- An Organizational Capacity for Trustworthiness: A Dynamic Routines Perspective
- Deliberative Democracy and Corporate Constitutionalism: Considering Corporate Constitutional Courts
- The Legalistic Organizational Response to Whistleblowers’ Disclosures in a Scandal: Law Without Justice?
- The Professional Logic of Sustainability Managers: Finding Underlying Dynamics
- The Costs and Labour of Whistleblowing: Bodily Vulnerability and Post-disclosure Survival
- Correction to: Guilty by Association: Spillover of Regulative Violations and Repair Efforts to Alliance Partners
- Procedural Fairness in Exchange Matching Systems
- The Invisible Racialized Minority Entrepreneur: Using White Solipsism to Explain the White Space
- Uncovering Economic Complicity: Explaining State-Led Human Rights Abuses in the Corporate Context
- Accounting for Failure Through Morality: The IMF’s Involvement in (Mis)managing the Greek Crisis
- Does Leader Character Have a Gender?
- The Values Change Management Cycle: Ethical Change Management
- Developing a Culture of Solidarity Through a Three-Step Virtuous Process: Lessons from Common Good-Oriented Organizations
- Laughters Nurturing Tears for Leaders and Organizations: The Implications of Leader Humor for Leader Workplace Deviance
- What Sal Owes Mookie: What Do The Right Thing and Mangrove Teach us About Business Ethics
- Angel Investors’ Political Ideology and Investments in Women-Owned Ventures
- Winning the Heart and Shaping the Mind with “Serious Play”: The Efficacy of Social Entrepreneurship Comics as Ethical Business Pedagogy
- Greening the Financial Sector: Evidence from Bank Green Bonds
- When Are We More Ethical? A Review and Categorization of the Factors Influencing Dual-Process Ethical Decision-Making
- Stakeholder Theory: Toward a Classical Institutional Economics Perspective
- Building Eco-friendly Corporations: The Role of Minority Shareholders
- Moral Categorization of Opportunists in Cross-Border Interfirm Relationships
- Organizations’ Management Configurations Towards Environment and Market Performances
- Carbon Emissions and TCFD Aligned Climate-Related Information Disclosures
- Do CEOs with Sent-Down Movement Experience Foster Corporate Environmental Responsibility?
- Rational Counterattack: The Impact of Workplace Bullying on Unethical Pro-organizational and Pro-family Behaviors
- Business Model Involvement, Adaptive Capacity, and the Triple Bottom Line at the Base of the Pyramid
- Deliberation Without Democracy in Multi-stakeholder Initiatives: A Pragmatic Way Forward
- Spoof, Bluff, Go For It: A Defence of Spoofing
- Ethical Research in Business Ethics
- Social Trust and Female Board Representation: Evidence from China
- Are Leaders Responsible for Meaningful Work? Perspectives from Buddhist-Enacted Leaders and Buddhist Ethics
- Quantitative Research on Corporate Social Responsibility: A Quest for Relevance and Rigor in a Quickly Evolving, Turbulent World
- ‘It’s as if I’m Worth Nothing’—Cost-Driven Restructuring and the Dignity of Long-Term Workers in Finland’s State-Owned Postal Service Company
- Accounting Standard-Setting for an Emission Trading Scheme: The Korean Case
- Financial Sustainability of For-Profit Versus Non-Profit Microfinance Organizations Following a Scandal
- Accountable Selves and Responsibility Within a Global Forum
- Clearing the Smoke: Regulations, Moral Legitimacy, and Performance in the U.S. Tobacco Industry
- Social Undermining at the Workplace: How Religious Faith Encourages Employees Who are Aware of Their Social Undermining Behaviors to Express More Guilt and Perform Better
- Fairly Meaningful: Mechanisms Linking Organizational Fairness to Perceived Meaningfulness
- Sins of Commission and Omission: The Implications of an Active–Passive Categorization of Counterproductive Work Behavior
- Does Venture Capital Backing Improve Disclosure Controls and Procedures? Evidence from Management’s Post-IPO Disclosures
- When and How Underdog Expectations Promote Cheating Behavior: The Roles of Need Fulfillment and General Self-efficacy
- When the Private and the Public Self Don’t Align: The Role of Discrepant Moral Identity Dimensions in Processing Inconsistent CSR Information
- The State of Ohio’s Auditors, the Enumeration of Population, and the Project of Eugenics
- The All-Stakeholders-Considered Case for Corporate Beneficence
- Past and Present Journal of Business Ethics Editors and Editorial Board Members from 2006 to 2022
- Diversity for Justice vs. Diversity for Performance: Philosophical and Empirical Tensions
- Does the Ethos of Law Erode? Lawyers’ Professional Practices, Self-Understanding and Ethics at Work
- Trees in the Forest: How Do Family Owners Make CSR Decisions in Business Groups?
- To Blow or Not to Blow the Whistle? An Islamic Framework
- Gender Bias in Entrepreneurship: What is the Role of the Founders’ Entrepreneurial Background?
- A Virtual Net Locks Me In: How and When Information and Communication Technology Use Intensity Leads to Knowledge Hiding
- A Dilemma of Self-interest vs. Ethical Responsibilities in Political Insider Trading
- The Importance of Corporate Reputation for Sustainable Supply Chains: A Systematic Literature Review, Bibliometric Mapping, and Research Agenda
- Keeping Promises? Mutual Funds’ Investment Objectives and Impact of Carbon Risk Disclosures
- StoneRidge Investment Partners v. Scientific Atlanta: A Test of Auditor Litigation Risk
- Exploring the Antecedents of Unethical Pro-organizational Behavior (UPB): A Meta-Analysis
- The Mine or the Mire? Mobilising Place in Natural Resource Struggles
- Radical, Relevant, Reflective and Brilliant: Towards the Future of Business Ethics
- Ethics at the Centre of Global and Local Challenges: Thoughts on the Future of Business Ethics
- Business Versus Ethics? Thoughts on the Future of Business Ethics
- Technology, Megatrends and Work: Thoughts on the Future of Business Ethics
- How Moral Identity Inhibits Employee Silence Behavior: The Roles of Felt Obligation and Corporate Social Responsibility Perception
- Shared Value Creation in Equivocal CSR Environments: A Configuration Approach
- The Interdisciplinary Responsible Management Competence Framework: An Integrative Review of Ethics, Responsibility, and Sustainability Competences
- Narrating a Prototypical Disabled Employee
- Diverse, Ethical, Collaborative Leadership Through Revitalized Cultural Archetype: The Mary Alternative
- A Multi-layered Illustration of Exemplary Business Ethics Practices with Voices of the Engineers in the Health Products Industry
- Do Natural Disasters Affect Corporate Tax Avoidance? The Case of Drought
- Performance Pressure and Employee Expediency: The Role of Moral Decoupling
- Breaking the Cycle of Marginalization: How to Involve Local Communities in Multi-stakeholder Initiatives?
- Ethical Decision-Making in Indigenous Financial Services: QSuper Case Study
- The Moral Limits of Market-Based Mechanisms: An Application to the International Maritime Sector
- Let’s Join Forces: Institutional Resilience and Multistakeholder Partnerships in Crises
- Bringing Excitement to Empirical Business Ethics Research: Thoughts on the Future of Business Ethics
- Geographic Concentration of Institutional Blockholders and Workplace Safety Violations
- Who are the Empowered Employees: Those with High Work Performance or High Ethical Behavior?
- I Am Not Just a Nurse: The Need for a Boundaried Ethic of Care in the Context of Prolific Relationality
- The Effect of Ethical Commitment Reminder and Reciprocity in the Workplace on Misreporting
- Informal Networks, Informal Institutions, and Social Exclusion in the Workplace: Insights from Subsidiaries of Multinational Corporations in Korea
- The Emotional Machiavellian: Interactions Between Leaders and Employees
- Theorising the Fiduciary: Ontology and Ethics
- For the Love of the Game: Moral Ambivalence and Justification Work in Consuming Violence
- Handling Whistleblowing Reports: The Complexity of the Double Agent
- Harm Reduction, Solidarity, and Social Mobility as Target Functions: A Rortian Approach to Stakeholder Theory
- Linking Perceived Organizational Politics to Workplace Cyberbullying Perpetration: The Role of Anger and Fear
- Misrepresentation of Marginalized Groups: A Critique of Epistemic Neocolonialism
- Ethnic Diversity, Trust and Corporate Social Responsibility: The Moderating Effects of Marketization and Language
- Nudge Me If You Can! Why Order Ethicists Should Embrace the Nudge Approach
- Doing It Purposely? Mediation of Moral Disengagement in the Relationship Between Illegitimate Tasks and Counterproductive Work Behavior
- Multi-stakeholder Engagement for the Sustainable Development Goals: Introduction to the Special Issue
- Employee Humor Can Shield Them from Abusive Supervision
- Don’t Just Trust Your Gut: The Importance of Normative Deliberation to Ethical Decision-Making at Work
- Correction: Speaking Truth to Power: Twitter Reactions to the Panama Papers
- When the Presidential Candidate Comes to Town: The Impact of Donald J. Trump’s Campaign Rallies on Local Firms’ Environmental and Social Performance
- Authoritarian-Benevolent Leadership and Employee Behaviors: An Examination of the Role of LMX Ambivalence
- Spiritual Leadership and Employee CSR Participation: A Probe from a Sensemaking Perspective
- Integrative Resource Model of Workplace Inclusion for Reduced Inequality: Conservation of Resources Perspective
- The Ethics of Sharing: Does Generosity Erode the Competitive Advantage of an Ecosystem Firm?
- Preventing Disclosure-Induced Moral Licensing: Evidence from the Boardroom
- Methodological Decolonisation and Local Epistemologies in Business Ethics Research
- Paved with Good Intentions: Self-regulation Breakdown After Altruistic Ethical Transgression
- CSR Structures: Evidence, Drivers, and Firm Value Implications
- Rebellion Under Exploitation: How and When Exploitative Leadership Evokes Employees’ Workplace Deviance
- Tinkering Toward the Good––Sustainable Investing Between Utopian Imaginaries and Actualizations
- Microaggressions, Interrupted: The Experience and Effects of Gender Microaggressions for Women in STEM
- Exploring the Effectiveness of Sustainability Measurement: Which ESG Metrics Will Survive COVID-19?
- Work is Meaningful if There are Good Reasons to do it: A Revisionary Conceptual Analysis of ‘Meaningful Work’
- Correction: Social Accountability, Ethics, and the Occupy Wall Street Protests
- SDG Platforms as Strategic Innovation Through Partnerships
- A Perspective on the Influence of National Corporate Governance Institutions and Government’s Political Ideology on the Speed to Lockdown as a Means of Protection Against Covid-19
- Virtue and Risk Culture in Finance
- The Political Ontology of Corporate Social Responsibility: Obscuring the Pluriverse in Place
- Offshore Outsourcing from a Catholic Social Teaching Perspective
- Local Corruption and Trade Credit: Evidence from an Emerging Market
- The Roles of Cynicism, CFO Pressure, and Moral Disengagement on FIN 48 Earnings Management
- Values and Multi-stakeholder Dialog for Business Transformation in Light of the UN Sustainable Development Goals
- Defining and Conceptualizing Impact Investing: Attractive Nuisance or Catalyst?
- Developing, Validating, and Applying a Measure of Human Quality Treatment
- Value, Values, and Valuation: The Marketization of Charitable Foundation Impact Investing
- Business and the Ethics of Recognition
- Rainbow Wash or Rainbow Revolution? Dynamic Stakeholder Engagement for SDG-Driven Responsible Innovation
- Good Intentions Gone Awry: Government Intervention and Multistakeholder Engagement in a Frontier Market
- Activating Corporate Environmental Ethics on the Frontline: A Natural Resource-Based View
- Cash and the Hidden Economy: Experimental Evidence on Fighting Tax Evasion in Small Business Transactions
- Leadership and Workplace Aggression: A Meta-analysis
- Determinants of Supply Chain Engagement in Carbon Management
- Religious Expression and Crowdfunded Microfinance Success: Insights from Role Congruity Theory
- Achieving Sustainable Development Goals Through Collaborative Innovation: Evidence from Four European Initiatives
- Privacy Behaviour: A Model for Online Informed Consent
- A Decision Theory Perspective on Wicked Problems, SDGs and Stakeholders: The Case of Deforestation
- Working with Complexity in the Context of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: A Case Study of Global Health Partnerships
- Correction to: Why is Crafting the Job Associated with Less Prosocial Reactions and More Social Undermining? The Role of Feelings of Relative Deprivation and Zero-Sum Mindset
- Fostering Social Impact Through Corporate Implementation of the SDGs: Transformative Mechanisms Towards Interconnectedness and Inclusiveness
- The Purpose Ecosystem and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: Interactions Among Private Sector Actors and Stakeholders
- A Libertarian Defense of Title II of the 1964 Civil Rights Act
- “Everyone Has a Truth”: Forms of Ecological Embeddedness in an Interorganizational Context
- The ‘Court of Public Opinion:’ Public Perceptions of Business Involvement in Human Rights Violations
- Attuned HRM Systems for Social Enterprises
- Ethics, Economics, and the Specter of Naturalism: The Enduring Relevance of the Harmony Doctrine School of Economics
- Managerial Discretion, Market Failure and Democracy
- Looking Good in the Eyes of Stakeholders: Corporate Giving and Corporate Acquisitions
- The Association of Female Leaders with Donations and Operating Margin in Nonprofit Organizations
- Governing Corporate Social Responsibility Decoupling: The Effect of the Governance Committee on Corporate Social Responsibility Decoupling
- Three Paths to Feeling Just: How Managers Grapple with Justice Conundrums During Organizational Change
- Accounting for Plural Cognitive Framings of Growth and Sustainability: Rethinking Management Education in Latin America
- Particularizing Nonhuman Nature in Stakeholder Theory: The Recognition Approach
- How do Russian National Systems of Institutional Absences Shape Insensitive Corporate Environmental Violence of a Russian Extractive Multinational Corporation?
- Exploring and Expanding Supererogatory Acts: Beyond Duty for a Sustainable Future
- The Impact of Work-Related Use of Information and Communication Technologies After Hours on Time Theft
- Dissensus and Deadlock in the Evolution of Labour Governance: Global Supply Chains and the International Labour Organization (ILO)
- Organizational Event Stigma: Typology, Processes, and Stickiness
- Ethical Perceptions of AI in Hiring and Organizational Trust: The Role of Performance Expectancy and Social Influence
- Assessing the Legitimacy of Corporate Political Activity: Uber and the Quest for Responsible Innovation
- Elections and CSR Engagement: International Evidence
- Rank Has Its Privileges: Explaining Why Laboratory Safety Is a Persistent Challenge
- Who Cares More About the Environment, Those with an Intrinsic, an Extrinsic, a Quest, or an Atheistic Religious Orientation?: Investigating the Effect of Religious Ad Appeals on Attitudes Toward the Environment
- In the Club? How Categorization and Contact Impact the Board Gender Diversity-Firm Performance Relationship
- Do Corporate Customers Prefer Socially Responsible Suppliers? An Instrumental Stakeholder Theory Perspective
- Can Job Stressors Activate Amoral Manipulation? A Weekly Diary Study
- Ethical Sensemaking in Impact Investing: Reasons and Motives in the Chinese Renewable Energy Sector
- Beyond Rational Persuasion: How Leaders Change Moral Norms
- The Escalation of Organizational Moral Failure in Public Discourse: A Semiotic Analysis of Nokia’s Bochum Plant Closure
- The Dark Side of Leader Narcissism: The Relationship Between Leaders’ Narcissistic Rivalry and Abusive Supervision
- Who Has a Seat at the Table in Impact Investing? Addressing Inequality by Giving Voice
- On the Discursive Construction of Social Entrepreneurship in Pitch Situations: The Intertextual Reproduction of Business and Social Discourse by Presenters and Their Audience
- Does a Help Giver Seek the Help from Others? The Consistency and Licensing Mechanisms and the Role of Leader Respect
- Providing Service During a Merger: The Role of Organizational Goal Clarity and Servant Leadership
- Why (Some) Corporations Have Positive Duties to (Some of) the Global Poor
- Blended Social Impact Investment Transactions: Why Are They So Complex?
- The Impact of Perceived Greenwashing on Customer Satisfaction and the Contingent Role of Capability Reputation
- Trying to Serve Two Masters is Easy, Compared to Three: Identity Multiplicity Work by Christian Impact Investors
- Arenas of Contestation: A Senian Social Justice Perspective on the Nature of Materiality in Impact Measurement
- Like It or Not: When Corporate Social Responsibility Does Not Attract Potential Applicants
- Double-Edged Effects of Creative Personality on Moral Disengagement and Unethical Behaviors: Dual Motivational Mechanisms and a Situational Contingency
- Seeing the Issue Differently (Or Not At All): How Bounded Ethicality Complicates Coordination Towards Sustainability Goals
- From Fiduciary Duty to Impact Fidelity: Managerial Compensation in Impact Investing
- Sustainable Procurement Practice: The Effect of Procurement Officers’ Perceptions
- A Paradox of Ethics: Why People in Good Organizations do Bad Things
- What (If Anything) is Wrong with High-Frequency Trading?
- My Company Cares About My Success…I Think: Clarifying Why and When a Firm’s Ethical Reputation Impacts Employees’ Subjective Career Success
- Deliberating with the Autocrats? A Case Study on the Limitations and Potential of Political CSR in a Non-Democratic Context
- Struggling to Stay Engaged During Adversity: A Daily Investigation of Frontline Service Employees’ Job Insecurity and the Moderating Role of Ethical Leader Behavior
- Experimental Effects of Institutionalizing Co-determination by a Procedurally Fair Bidding Rule
- The Paradox of Paranoia: How One’s Own Self-Interested Unethical Behavior Can Spark Paranoia and Reduce Affiliative Behavior Toward Coworkers
- Existentialist Perspectives on the Problem and Prevention of Moral Disengagement
- Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing: How and When Machiavellian Leaders Demonstrate Strategic Abuse
- A Mixed Blessing? CEOs’ Moral Cleansing as an Alternative Explanation for Firms’ Reparative Responses Following Misconduct
- The Ability and Willingness of Family Firms to Bribe: A Socioemotional Wealth Perspective
- The Effect of Human Capital on Stock Price Crash Risk
- Do LGBTQ-Supportive Corporate Policies Affect Consumer Behavior? Evidence from the Video Game Industry
- Political Corruption and Corporate Risk-Taking
- Are Business Ethics Effective? A Market Failures Approach to Impact Investing
- Religious Beliefs Inspire Sustainable HOPE (Help Ourselves Protect the Environment): Culture, Religion, Dogma, and Liturgy—The Matthew Effect in Religious Social Responsibility
- A Network Approach to Compliance: A Complexity Science Understanding of How Rules Shape Behavior
- Challenge–Hindrance Stressors, Helping Behavior and Job Performance: Double-Edged Sword of Religiousness
- Does CEO–Auditor Dialect Connectedness Trigger Audit Opinion Shopping? Evidence from China
- Are All Directors Treated Equally? Evidence from Director Turnover Following Opportunistic Insider Selling
- The Dual Spillover Spiraling Effects of Family Incivility on Workplace Interpersonal Deviance: From the Conservation of Resources Perspective
- What Motivates Entrepreneurs into Circular Economy Action? Evidence from Japan and Finland
- Constructing a ‘Different’ Strength: A Feminist Exploration of Vulnerability, Ethical Agency and Care
- Using Machine Learning to Predict Corporate Fraud: Evidence Based on the GONE Framework
- When Your Leader Just Does Not Make Any Sense: Conceptualizing Inconsistent Leadership
- A Framework for Leader, Spiritual, and Moral Development
- Is Cybersecurity Risk Factor Disclosure Informative? Evidence from Disclosures Following a Data Breach
- Family Social Capital in Family Business: A Faith-Based Values Theory
- Reviewing Paradox Theory in Corporate Sustainability Toward a Systems Perspective
- A Critique of Vanishing Voice in Noncooperative Spaces: The Perspective of an Aspirant Black Female Intellectual Activist
- Doing the Right Thing? The Voting Power Effect and Institutional Shareholder Voting
- Diverse Organizational Adoption of Institutions in the Field of Corporate Social Responsibility
- True Consumer Autonomy: A Formalization and Implications
- Relative Performance Goals and Management Earnings Guidance
- From Fear to Courage: Indian Lesbians’ and Gays’ Quest for Inclusive Ethical Organizations
- Implicit Morality Theories: Employees’ Beliefs About the Malleability of Moral Character Shape Their Workplace Behaviors
- Correction to: What Makes You a Whistleblower? A Multi-Country Field Study on the Determinants of the Intention to Report Wrongdoing
- Philanthropy and the Making of a New Moral Order: A History of Developing Community
- Feeling Guilty and Entitled: Paradoxical Consequences of Unethical Pro-organizational Behavior
- Sustaining Livelihoods or Saving Lives? Economic System Justification in the Time of COVID-19
- Ethical Complexity of Social Change: Negotiated Actions of a Social Enterprise
- Challenges and Insights from South Asia for Imagining Ethical Organizations: Introduction to the Special Issue
- Impact of Directors’ Network on Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure: Evidence from China
- Ambedkar, Radical Interdependence and Dignity: A Study of Women Mall Janitors in India
- What Makes You a Whistleblower? A Multi-Country Field Study on the Determinants of the Intention to Report Wrongdoing
- Shaking Up (and Keeping Intact) the Old Boys’ Network: The Impact of the Mandatory Gender Quota on the Board of Directors in India
- How Have Corporate Codes of Ethics Responded to an Era of Increased Scrutiny?
- Why is Crafting the Job Associated with Less Prosocial Reactions and More Social Undermining? The Role of Feelings of Relative Deprivation and Zero-Sum Mindset
- A National Governance Approach to the Political Nature and Role of Business: Case Study of the Mobile Telecommunications Industry in Afghanistan
- Organizations as Spaces for Caring: A Case of an Anti-trafficking Organization in India
- Changing Lens: Broadening the Research Agenda of Women in Management in China
- Why Disability Mainstreaming is Good for Business: A New Narrative
- Inequality Regimes, Patriarchal Connectivity, and the Elusive Right to Own Land for Women in Pakistan
- Corporate Purpose and Employee Sustainability Behaviors
- Unethical Leadership: Review, Synthesis and Directions for Future Research
- Extending Social Sustainability to Suppliers: The Role of GVC Governance Strategies and Supplier Country Institutions
- Socially Responsible Human Resource Management and Employee Moral Voice: Based on the Self-determination Theory
- How Leaders Influence (un)Ethical Behaviors Within Organizations: A Laboratory Experiment on Reporting Choices
- Transforming Socially Responsible Investment: Lessons from Environmental Justice
- Epistemic Responsibility in Business: An Integrative Framework for an Epistemic Ethics
- The Dawn of the AI Robots: Towards a New Framework of AI Robot Accountability
- Correction to: Accounting Frauds and Main-Bank Monitoring in Japanese Corporations
- Stealing Time on the Company’s Dime: Examining the Indirect Effect of Laissez-Faire Leadership on Employee Time Theft
- Theorizing Discursive Resistance to Organizational Ethics of Care Through a Multi-stakeholder Perspective on Disability Inclusion Practices
- Women Leadership, Culture, and Islam: Female Voices from Jordan
- Auditor Independence in Kinship Economies: A MacIntyrian Perspective
- Becoming a Fraternal Organization: Insights from the Encyclical Fratelli Tutti
- Biased Humans, (Un)Biased Algorithms?
- The Role of Share Repurchases for Firms’ Social and Environmental Sustainability
- From Reality to World. A Critical Perspective on AI Fairness
- The Janus Face of Grandiose Narcissism in the Service Industry: Self-Enhancement and Self-Protection
- Negotiating Meaning Systems in Multi-stakeholder Partnerships Addressing Grand Challenges: Homelessness in Western Canada
- Organizations, Learning, and Sustainability: A Cross-Disciplinary Review and Research Agenda
- LGBT-Inclusive Representation in Entertainment Products and Its Market Response: Evidence from Field and Lab
- ‘Whose Call?’ The Conflict Between Tradition-Based and Expressivist Accounts of Calling
- Substance Abuse and Workplace Fraud: Evidence from Physicians
- To Punish or Not to Punish? The Impact of Tax Fraud Punishment on Observers’ Tax Compliance
- Reciprocity in Firm–Stakeholder Dialog: Timeliness, Valence, Richness, and Topicality
- Peer Reaction to Manager Stewardship Behavior: Crediting or Stigmatizing the Behavior?
- Guest Editorial: Business Ethics in the Era of Artificial Intelligence
- The Conflict Between Partnership and Fairness in the Decision of Whom to Help
- The Implications of Diverse Human Moral Foundations for Assessing the Ethicality of Artificial Intelligence
- Advertising Benefits from Ethical Artificial Intelligence Algorithmic Purchase Decision Pathways
- Artificial Intelligence and Declined Guilt: Retailing Morality Comparison Between Human and AI
- Correction to: Counter-reporting sustainability from the bottom up: the case of the construction company WeBuild and dam-related conflicts
- Are Algorithmic Decisions Legitimate? The Effect of Process and Outcomes on Perceptions of Legitimacy of AI Decisions
- Employee Perceptions of the Effective Adoption of AI Principles
- Ethics of AI-Enabled Recruiting and Selection: A Review and Research Agenda
- Sex Robots: Are We Ready for Them? An Exploration of the Psychological Mechanisms Underlying People’s Receptiveness of Sex Robots
- Reviewers 2021
- Moral Judgments in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
- A Critique of Utilitarian Trust: The Case of the Dutch Insurance Sector
- How Human–Chatbot Interaction Impairs Charitable Giving: The Role of Moral Judgment
- From Greenwashing to Machinewashing: A Model and Future Directions Derived from Reasoning by Analogy
- The Ethics of Blockchain in Organizations
- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Implementation: A Review and a Research Agenda Towards an Integrative Framework
- Through New Eyes: Artificial Intelligence, Technological Unemployment, and Transhumanism in Kazuo Ishiguro’s Klara and the Sun
- Institutions and Corporate Reputation: Evidence from Public Debt Markets
- Buffering or Aggravating Effect? Examining the Effects of Prior Corporate Social Responsibility on Corporate Social Irresponsibility
- An Examination of Mind Perception and Moral Reasoning in Ethical Decision-Making: A Mixed-Methods Approach
- The Corporate Baby in the Bathwater: Why Proposals to Abolish Corporate Personhood Are Misguided
- When Too Little or Too Much Hurts: Evidence for a Curvilinear Relationship Between Cyberloafing and Task Performance in Public Organizations
- CEO Personal Hedging and Corporate Social Responsibility
- Transparency in Supply Chains (TISC): Assessing and Improving the Quality of Modern Slavery Statements
- The Character Lens: A Person-Centered Perspective on Moral Recognition and Ethical Decision-Making
- “Traduttore, Traditore?” Translating Human Rights into the Corporate Context
- Trends in the Dynamic Evolution of Corporate Social Responsibility and Leadership: A Literature Review and Bibliometric Analysis
- Women Directors and Corporate Social Performance: An Integrative Review of the Literature and a Future Research Agenda
- Building Ethical Narratives: The Audiences for AICPA Editorials
- The Interactive Effect of Perceived Overqualification and Peer Overqualification on Peer Ostracism and Work Meaningfulness
- Resource Scarcity and Humanitarian Social Innovation: Observations from Hunger Relief in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic
- The Double-Edged Sword Effect of Unethical Pro-organizational Behavior: The Relationship Between Unethical Pro-organizational Behavior, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, and Work Effort
- Strategic Earnings Announcement Timing and Fraud Detection
- The Role of Moral Foundations, Anticipated Guilt and Personal Responsibility in Predicting Anti-consumption for Environmental Reasons
- The Hidden Costs of Negative Workplace Gossip: Its Effect on Targets’ Behaviors, the Mediating Role of Guanxi Closeness, and the Moderating Effect of Need for Affiliation
- CEO Inside Debt and Employee Workplace Safety
- Perceptions of the Ethical Infrastructure, Professional Autonomy, and Ethical Judgments in Accounting Work Environments
- Mandating Diversity on the Board of Directors: Do Investors Feel That Gender Quotas Result in Tokenism or Added Value for Firms?
- Shaming of Tax Evaders: Empirical Evidence on Perceptions of Retributive Justice and Tax Compliance Intentions
- Confucian Virtue Ethics and Ethical Leadership in Modern China
- Does CEO Risk-Aversion Affect Carbon Emission?
- Corporate Social Responsibility and NGO Directors on Boards
- Ethical Marketing in the Blockchain-Based Sharing Economy: Theoretical Integration and Guiding Insights
- Change in Rhetoric but not in Action? Framing of the Ethical Issue of Modern Slavery in a UK Sector at High Risk of Labor Exploitation
- Counter-reporting sustainability from the bottom up: the case of the construction company WeBuild and dam-related conflicts
- The Public Effect of Private Sustainability Reporting: Evidence from Incident-Based Engagement Strategy
- Guilty by Association: Spillover of Regulative Violations and Repair Efforts to Alliance Partners
- A Social Mission is Not Enough: Reflecting the Normative Foundations of Social Entrepreneurship
- Social Media as a Form of Virtual Whistleblowing: Empirical Evidence for Elements of the Diamond Model
- Integrating CSR with Business Strategy: A Tension Management Perspective
- What You Get is What You See: Other-Rated but not Self-Rated Leaders’ Narcissistic Rivalry Affects Followers Negatively
- Corruption, Bribery and Innovation in CEE: Where is the Link?
- Corporate Social Responsibility in Liquid Times: The Case of Romania
- Who Do I (Dis)Trust and Monitor for Ethical Misconduct? Status, Power, and the Structural Paradox
- Correction to: Luxury Ethical Consumers: Who Are They?
- The Metrics of Ethics and the Ethics of Metrics
- How to Evaluate Managerial Nudges
- Active First Movers vs. Late Free-Riders? An Empirical Analysis of UN PRI Signatories’ Commitment
- Vanishing Boycott Impetus: Why and How Consumer Participation in a Boycott Decreases Over Time
- The EThIC Model of Virtue-Based Allyship Development: A New Approach to Equity and Inclusion in Organizations
- Trust and Contracting: Evidence from Church Sex Scandals
- We Hold Ourselves Accountable: A Relational View of Team Accountability
- Family Members’ Salience in Family Business: An Identity-Based Stakeholder Approach
- Responses to Ethical Scenarios: The Impact of Trade-Off Salience on Competing Construal Level Effects
- In Bounds but Out of the Box: A Meta-Analysis Clarifying the Effect of Ethicality on Creativity
- Developing Ethical Sensitivity in Future Accounting Practitioners: The Case of a Dialogic Learning for Final-Year Undergraduates
- Shared Responsibility and Labor Rights in Global Supply Chains
- Luxury Ethical Consumers: Who Are They?
- Dark Triad Personality Traits and Selective Hedging
- Self-repair in the Workplace: A Qualitative Investigation
- Financial Accountability and Religious Sentiments: The Case of Sukuk Bond
- Social Entrepreneur Servant Leadership and Social Venture Performance: How are They Related?
- Board Gender Diversity and Women in Senior Management
- Mobilizing After Corporate Environmental Irresponsibility in a Community of Place: A Framing Microprocess Perspective
- The Dark Side of Machiavellian Rhetoric: Signaling in Reward-Based Crowdfunding Performance
- Crossing the Red Line? Empirical Evidence and Useful Recommendations on Questionable Research Practices among Business Scholars
- Personal Values and Ethical Behavior in Accounting Students
- CEO Foreign Experience and Green Innovation: Evidence from China
- “We Ought to Eat in Order to Work, Not Vice Versa”: MacIntyre, Practices, and the Best Work for Humankind
- I Know What I Need: Optimization of Bribery
- RETRACTED ARTICLE: Compliance as a Cost-Effective System of Interaction Between Business and Government
- A Framework for Authentic Ethical Decision Making in the Face of Grand Challenges: A Lonerganian Gradation
- Disentangling Crowdfunding from Fraudfunding
- Inherited Scepticism and Neo-communist CSR-washing: Evidence from a Post-communist Society
- Predatory Monetisation? A Categorisation of Unfair, Misleading and Aggressive Monetisation Techniques in Digital Games from the Player Perspective
- Bringing the Family Logic in: From Duality to Plurality in Social Enterprises
- Do the Ends Justify the Means? Variation in the Distributive and Procedural Fairness of Machine Learning Algorithms
- Unshackling Imagination: How Philosophical Pragmatism can Liberate Entrepreneurial Decision-Making
- Enabling the Voices of Marginalized Groups of People in Theoretical Business Ethics Research
- Decolonizing Deliberative Democracy: Perspectives from Below
- The Allure of Tyrannical Leaders: Moral Foundations, Belief in a Dangerous World, and Follower Gender
- Different Reality? Generations’ and Religious Groups’ Views of Spirituality Policies in the Workplace
- Being Explicit About Virtues: Analysing TED Talks and Integrating Scholarship to Advance Virtues-Based Leadership Development
- How Do Islamic Values Influence CSR? A Systematic Literature Review of Studies from 1995–2020
- Tracing the Intellectual Evolution of Social Entrepreneurship Research: Past Advances, Current Trends, and Future Directions
- Twitter-Based Social Accountability Processes: The Roles for Financial Inscriptions-Based and Values-Based Messaging
- Markets Within the Limit of Feasibility
- Dark Triad Managerial Personality and Financial Reporting Manipulation
- Societal Inequality, Corruption and Relation-Based Inequality in Organizations
- Social Capital and Individual Ethics: Evidence from Financial Adviser Misconduct
- Corporate Social Performance and the Likelihood of Bankruptcy: Evidence from a Period of Economic Upswing
- The Rise and Fading Away of Charisma. Leadership Transition and Managerial Ethics in the Post-Soviet Media Holdings
- Employee Sensitivity to the Risk of Whistleblowing via Social Media: The Role of Social Media Strategy and Policy
- When Aspirational Talk Backfires: The Role of Moral Judgements in Employees’ Hypocrisy Interpretation