- Ruth Boeker, Catharine Trotter Cockburn
- Anna Tomaszewska, Kant’s Rational Religion and the Radical Enlightenment: From Spinoza to Contemporary Debates
- Quentin Hiernaux and Corentin Tresnie, Andrea Cesalpino’s De Plantis Libri XVI (1583) and the Transformation of Medical Botany in the 16th Century
- Mapping the ‘Republic of Letters’ in East Central European Correspondences
- Non-Accidental Rightness and the Guise of the Objectively Good
- The Early Modern Rationalists and Substantial Form – From Natural Philosophy to Metaphysics
- “The Habit of Virtue” – Spinoza on Reason and Memory
- Teaching a Habit – Business and Controversy around the Art of Memory in the Seventeenth Century
- Laetitia Sansonetti and Rémi Vuillemin (eds.), Language Commonality and Literary Communities in Early Modern England: Translation, Transmission, Transfer
- João F. N. B. Cortese, Infini et disproportion chez Pascal
- Vincent Carraud, Pascal : de la certitude
- Sur les interprétations de « tout un autre côté » de Pascal
- Walk the Line. Pascal on Meaning, Rules and Skepticism
- Heart, Intelligence and Intuitus – Arnauld and Nicole, Cartesian Interpreters of Pascal
- Unitatis amatrix natura Le problème de l’unité chez Pascal
- Les deux manuscrits de L’Art de persuader de Pascal
- Il faut savoir désespérer où il faut. Pascal et le désespoir de la philosophie
- L’art de persuader et les règles de la méthode chez Pascal
- Diego Lucci, John Locke’s Christianity
- Envisager Méduse. Condensation et métamorphose dans la Tête de Méduse de Caravage
- Jérémie Koering, Les Iconophages. Une histoire de l’ingestion des images
- Narrative and Temporal Ambiguity in Caravaggio and Rembrandt’s Supper at Emmaus
- Caravaggio’s Martha and Mary Magdalene in a Post-Trent Context
- Beheadings and Self-Portraits in Caravaggio’s Work – The Faces of the Self-Awareness
- Caravaggio’s The Crucifixion of St. Peter – Spectatorship, Martyrdom and the Iconic Image in Early Modern Italy
- Présentation du numéro – Caravage – l’image en mouvement
- Marco Storni, Maupertuis. Le philosophe, l’académicien, le polémiste
- Fabrizio Baldassarri and Andreas Blank (eds.), Vegetative Powers. The Roots of Life in Ancient, Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy
- Improving Instruments
- Power and Knowledge in Eighteenth-Century Collecting
- The Great Instauration of the Eighteenth Century
- Science and the Enlightenment Revisited
- Introduction: Science Beyond the Enlightenment
- Reenchanting the Enlightenment
- Natural Knowledge at the Threshold of the Enlightenment – The Case of Antonio Vallisneri
- Marie-Fréderique Pellegrin (ed.), Repenser la philosophie du XVIIe siècle. Canons et corpus, special issue of Dix‑septième siècle, no. 296, 2022/3, Presses Universitaires de France
- Libertas Philosophandi as Freedom to Be Human – Government and Freedom in Spinoza’s Political Work
- Expression as Creativity – Exploring Spinoza’s Dynamic of Politics
- Triadic Metaphysics – Spinoza’s Expression as Structural Ontology
- Spinoza and Descartes on Expression and Ideas – Conception and Ideational Intentionality
- Spinoza’s Theophany – The Expression of God’s Nature by Particular Things
- Expression and the Perfection of Finite Individuals in Spinoza and Leibniz
- Gerhard Seibold, 250 Jahre Stammbuchgeschichte. Inskriptionen und Bildschmuck
- Algernon Sidney and the Republican Tradition in Jeffersonian America
- Locke and the Socinians on the Natural and Revealed Law
- The Correspondence of Henry Oldenburg and Book Reviews in the Philosophical Transactions, 1665–1677
- Concepts of Experience in Royalist Recipe Collections
- Francis Bacon on the Certainty and Deceptiveness of Sense-Perception
- The Eternal Truths in Henry More and Ralph Cudworth
- Religion, Medicine, Politics, and Practice
- Brian C. Ribeiro, Sextus, Montaigne, Hume: Pyrrhonizers
- Adam Smith on Beauty, Utility, and the Problem of Disinterested Pleasure
- Swedenborg’s Religious Rationalism
- Alchemy and the Transformation of Matter in Richard Crashaw’s Poetry (1612-1649)
- Descartes et les quarante passions. Ordre et dénombrement dans les articles 53 à 67 des Passions de l’âme
- The Conservatism of the Counterreformation in Montaigne’s “Apology for Raymond Sebond”
- Ruth Boeker, Locke on Persons and Personal Identity, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021
- Jennifer M. Rampling, The Experimental Fire. Inventing English Alchemy, 1300-1700, Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 2020
- Stefano Marino and Pietro Terzi (eds.), Kant’s ‘Critique of Aesthetic Judgment’ in the 20th Century: A Companion to its Main Interpretations, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2021
- Expanding the Corpus of Early Modern Natural Philosophy – Initial Results and a Review of Available Sources
- Big Books, Small Books, Readers, Riddles and Contexts – The Story of English Mythography
- The ‘Necessity’ of Leibniz’s Rejection of Necessitarianism
- Word, Sign and Representation in Descartes
- The Young Leibniz and the Ontological Argument – From Rejection to Reconsideration
- Reasons for the Method in Descartes’ Discours
- Luca Addante, Tommaso Campanella, il filosofo immaginato, interpretato, falsato
- Francis Bacon’s Quasi-Materialism and its Nineteenth-Century Reception (Joseph de Maistre and Karl Marx)
- Emma Wilby, Invoking the Akelarre: Voices of the Accused in the Basque Witch-Craze, 1609–1614
- Francis Bacon’s Quasi-Materialism and its Nineteenth-Century Reception
- Of the Beard of a Wild Oat – Hooke and Cavendish on the Senses of Plants
- Margaret Cavendish among the Baconians
- Spiders, Ants, and Bees – Francis Bacon and the Methodology of Natural Philosophy
- Francis Bacon and the Aristotelian Tradition on the Nature of Sound
- Jetze Touber, Spinoza and Biblical Philology in the Dutch Republic, 1660–1710
- Angus Vine, Miscellaneous Order: Manuscript Culture and the Early Modern Organization of Knowledge
- William R. Newman, Newton the Alchemist: Science, Enigma, and the Quest for Nature’s “Secret Fire”
- Thinking with Mechanisms: Mechanical Philosophy and Early Modern Science
- Strategies of Dissemination for Cartesian Cosmology: Philosophy, Theology and “Mosaic physics”
- Needles and Pins on the Scaffold: Francis Bacon and Giovan Battista della Porta on the Motions of the Human Soul and the Passions of the Lodestone
- Spinoza on Revealed Religion and the Uses of Fear
- Behind the Scenes: Paolo Sarpi, a Natural Philosopher Friar
- Lex secundum quam disponuntur omnia: Trichotomic Trees in Jan Amos Komenský’s Pansophical Metaphysics and Metaphorics
- Sarah Carvallo, L’Homme parfait. L’anthropologie médicale de Harvey, Riolan et Perrault (1628–1688)
- Dirk van Miert, The Emancipation of Biblical Philology in the Dutch Republic, 1590–1670
- Ursula Franke, Baumgartens Erfindung der Asthetik. Mit einem Anhang: Baumgartens Asthetik im Uberblick von Nicolas Kleinschmidt
- From sensorium hominis to sensorium Dei
- Foreigners in Pre-Modernity – On Losses of Negatability and Gains of Unfamiliarity
- Light Path – On the Realist Mathematisation of Motion in the Seventeenth Century
- Sur le progres des sciences – Maupertuis and Bacon on the Advancement of Knowledge
- A Cosmos Without a Creator – Cesare Cremonini’s Interpretation of Aristotle’s Heaven
- Christian Wolff on Common Notions and Duties of Esteem
- Making Mathematical Culture: University and Print in the Circle of Lefèvre d’Étaples, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018 (Iovan Drehe)
- The Science of Water
- Common Notions and Instincts as Sources of Moral Knowledge in Leibniz’s New Essays on Human Understanding
- Herbert of Cherbury, Descartes and Locke on Innate Ideas and Universal Consent
- Common Conceptions and the Metaphysics of Material Substance – Domingo de Soto, Kenelm Digby and Johannes de Raey
- The Scholastic Logic of Statistical Hypotheses – proprietates terminorum, consequentiae, necessitas moralis, and probabilitas
- “Deus vult aliquas esse certas notitias…” – Epistemological Discussions in the Philosophy of the Early Modern Period
- Introduction: Common Notions. An Overview
- The Renaissance of Emotion: Understanding Affect in Shakespeare and his Contemporaries
- L’ateismo dei moderni. Filosofia e negazione di Dio da Spinoza a d’Holbach
- Indecorous Thinking: Figures of Speech in Early Modern Poetics
- Humanist Demography – Giovanni Battista Riccioli on the World Population
- Fountains of Love – The Maternal Body as Rhetorical Symbol of Authority in Early Modern England
- Who Is Descartes’ Evil Genius?
- Philosophical Duelism: Fencing in Early Modern Thought
- When Mathematics overtakes Philosophy – The Silent Revolution and the Invention of Science
- Comments on John Schuster and Frederic de Buzon concerning Physico–Mathematics and Mathesis in Descartes
- Claude Gadroys and a Cartesian Astrology
- Descartes and Roberval – The Composite Pendulum and its Center of Agitation
- Descartes’ Theory of Abstraction in the Regulæ
- The Weight of the Air – Santorio’s Thermometers and the Early History of Medical Quantification Reconsidered
- “Nature Doth Not Work by Election” – John Wallis, Robert Grosseteste, and the Mathematical Laws of Nature
- Introduction – The Mathematization of Natural Philosophy between Practical Knowledge and Disciplinary Blending
- Rotating Poles, Shifting Angles and the Use of Geometry – (Bond’s Longitude Found and Hobbes’ Confutation)
- Bibliografia
- Indice dei Nomi
- Renaissance Fallacies
- Textual Selves
- The Thought of Hearts
- Self come complex word
- Self e Selfe
- The Poet, the Boy, the Woman
- Inward Languages
- The Sonnets e il Self
- Self-Fashioning
- Self e Performance
- Hamletic Inwardness
- Self e Authorship
- Cartesian Psychophysics and the Whole Nature of Man: On Descartes’s Passions of the Soul
- Distraction: Problems of Attention in Eighteenth-Century Literature
- Puritanism and Emotion in the Early Modern World
- Reconsidering Kantian Absolute Space in the Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science from a Huygensian Frame
- Theological Underpinnings of Joseph Addison’s Aesthetics
- Thinking, Time and the Essence of Mind in the Descartes-Arnauld Correspondence
- Orlando, Perseus, Samson and Elijah – Degrees of Imagination and Historical Reality in Spinoza’s Tractatus Theologico-Politicus
- The Young and Clueless? – Wheare, Vossius, and Keckermann on the Study of History
- The Role of Solitude in Pierre Charron
- David Hume and the Culture of Scottish Newtonianism: Methodology and Ideology in Enlightenment Inquiry
- Eye for Detail: Images of Plants and Animals in Art and Science, 1500-1630
- Francis Hutcheson and the Origins of the Aesthetic
- Science, Art and the Classical World in the Botanizing Travels of William Bartram
- Early Modern Garden Design Concepts and Twentieth Century Royal Gardens in Romania – Peleş Castle and the Mannerist Landscape
- Leaves on the Loose – The Changing Nature of Archiving Plants and Botanical Knowledge
- Experimenting with “Garden Discourse” – Cultivating Knowledge in Thomas Browne’s Garden of Cyrus
- The Role of Portuguese Gardens in the Development of Horticultural and Botanical Expertise on Oranges
- Experimenting with Living Nature – Documented Practices of Sixteenth-Century Naturalists and Naturalia Collectors
- Planted Knowledge – Art, Science, and Preservation in the Sixteenth-Century Herbarium from the Hurtado de Mendoza Collection in El Escorial
- Reconstructing Sylva sylvarum – Ralph Austen’s Observations and the Use of Experiment
- Introduction – Gardens as Laboratories. A History of Botanical Sciences
- From Art to Science. Experiencing Nature in the European Garden 1500-1700
- Guidelines For Authors
- The Young Spinoza: A Metaphysician in the Making
- Cartesian Privations – How Pierre-Sylvain Regis Used Material Causation to Provide a Cartesian Account of Sin
- Descartes et la scolastique sur la faussete materielle – perspectives sur les etudes recentes
- Leibniz, Calvino, Possible Worlds and Possible Cities, Philosophy and Fiction
- Spinoza et les problemes du corps dans l’histoire de la critique – Essai bibliographique (1924-2015)
- What Is a World? – Deception, Possibility, and the Uses of Fiction from Cervantes to Descartes
- Striving Possibles and Leibniz’s Cognitivist Theory of Volition
- Renaissance Averroism and Its Aftermath: Arabic Philosophy in Early Modern Europe
- Implications of the New Modern Matter – A Monadic Approach to Milton’s Philosophy and Theology
- Everything You Always Wanted to Know About the Summa quadripartita that Descartes Never Wrote
- Guidelines for Authors
- Books Received
- The Correspondence of John Wallis
- Leibniz on Relations: From (Soft) Reductionism to the Expression of the Universe
- Forgiveness, Pardon, and Punishment in Spinoza’s Ethical Theory and “True Religion”
- Life, Friends, and Associations of Robert Fludd – A Revised Account
- Actual and Ideal Infinitesimals in Leibniz’s Specimen Dynamicum
- The Problem of Generation and Destruction in Spinoza’s System