- Metaheuristic-assisted deep learning model for fake news detection
- Pattern recognition and image segmentation based on some novel fuzzy similarity measures
- Towards accurate diagnosis: exploring knowledge distillation and self-attention in multimodal medical image fusion
- Addressing data sparsity and cold-start challenges in recommender systems using advanced deep learning and self-supervised learning techniques
- Byzantine fault tolerance in distributed machine learning: a survey
- Occlusive target recognition method of sorting robot based on anchor-free detection network
- An effectual underwater image enhancement framework using adaptive trans-resunet ++ with attention mechanism
- Content-based image retrieval by classification with reinforcement optimisation evolutionary machine learning with applications
- An experimental study of sentiment classification using deep-based models with various word embedding techniques
- An efficient digital image forgery detection using Pelican search optimisation-based DCNN
- Feature selection on real-time application using hybrid of flamingo search algorithm and improved non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm III
- Sign language video to text conversion via optimised LSTM with improved motion estimation
- Securing IoT network with hybrid evolutionary lion intrusion detection system: a composite motion optimisation algorithm for feature selection and ensemble classification
- The impact of sociality regimes on heterogeneous cooperative-competitive multi-agent reinforcement learning: a study with the predator-prey game
- An efficient safest route prediction-based route discovery mechanism for drivers using improved golden tortoise beetle optimizer
- Enhanced health monitoring in IoT with auto-metric graph neural networks and Archimedes optimisation
- Student’s performance prediction based on an improved multi-view hypergraph neural network
- Satellite fault tolerant attitude control based on expert guided exploration of reinforcement learning agent
- Generalized correlation coefficients of intuitionistic multiplicative sets and their applications to pattern recognition and clustering analysis
- Artificial intelligence: reflecting on the past and looking towards the next paradigm shift
- Intelligent system for solid waste classification using combination of image processing and machine learning models
- Sewage water management and healthcare monitoring in IoT using Optimized deep residual network
- LBO-MPAM: Ladybug Beetle Optimization-based multilayer perceptron attention module for segmenting the skin lesion and automatic localization
- Gastric cancer classification in saliva data samples using Levy search updated rainfall hybrid deep dual-stage BILSTM
- A hybrid sequential forward channel selection method for enhancing EEG-Based emotion recognition
- Non-invasive anaemia detection based on palm pallor video using tree-structured 3D CNN and vision transformer models
- Fuzzy logic in association rule mining: limited effectiveness analysis
- Alternating Transfer Functions to Prevent Overfitting in Non-Linear Regression with Neural Networks
- The future of artificial intelligence and digital development: a study of trust in social robot capabilities
- Novel hybrid soft set theories focusing on decision-makers by considering the factors affecting the parameters
- Municipal Solid Waste Prediction using Tree Hierarchical Deep Convolutional Neural Network Optimized with Balancing Composite Motion Optimization Algorithm
- Detection of Epilepsy patients using coot optimization based feed forward multilayer neural network
- Optimal control strategy for COVID-19 developed using an AI-based learning method
- Towards face anti-spoofing
- Block pruning residual networks using Multi-Armed Bandits
- An efficient banana plant leaf disease classification using optimal ensemble deep transfer network
- Deep learning algorithms for solving differential equations: a survey
- Explicit matrix gradient expression for residual network
- Improved Cascade Chaotic Invasive Weed Optimization Algorithm (ICCIWO), application to controller tuning and optimization
- K–L divergence-based distance measure for Pythagorean fuzzy sets with various applications
- Human pose completion in partial body camera shots
- Similarity measures of neutrosophic fuzzy soft set and its application to decision making
- Constructing condensed memories in functorial time
- Catalysing assistive solutions by deploying light-weight deep learning model on edge devices
- Optimisation algorithm in health care: review on the State-of-the-Art models
- Community Based Influencer Node Identification using Hybrid Optimisation Algorithm in Social Networks
- Integration of local position-POS awareness and global dense connection for ABSA
- TransPose Re-ID: transformers for pose invariant person Re-identification
- An optimal detection of fake news from Twitter data using dual-stage deep capsule autoencoder
- Anti-periodicity on inertial Cohen-Grossberg neural networks involving distributed delays
- Determining the most accurate machine learning algorithms for medical diagnosis using the monk’ problems database and statistical measurements
- A QoS-based technique for load balancing in green cloud computing using an artificial bee colony algorithm
- Gated Attention Based Deep Learning Modelfor Analysing the Influence of Social Media on Education
- Gated Attention Based Deep Learning Model for Analyzing the Influence of Social Media on Education
- New Cellular Learning Automata as a framework for online link prediction problem
- Intelligent hybrid hand gesture recognition system using deep recurrent neural network with chaos game optimisation
- Ensemble feature selection using q-rung orthopair hesitant fuzzy multi criteria decision making extended to VIKOR
- Blockchain-based cryptographic approach for privacy enabled data integrity model for IoT healthcare
- Knowledge structure construction and skill reduction methods based on multi-scale context
- An LDOP approach for face identification under unconstrained scenarios
- A computational model for assessing experts’ trustworthiness
- Ant colony optimisation and fuzzy system for prediction of computational data of fluid flow in a bubble column reactor
- A review of feature selection methods based on meta-heuristic algorithms
- Neural networks with dimensionality reduction for efficient springback prediction in deep drawing of multi-material cylindrical cups
- A multi-attribute decision-making method for ternary hybrid decision matrices in view of (T, S)-fuzzy rough sets with fuzzy preference relations
- The future of endoscopy – what are the thoughts on artificial intelligence?
- Why we need biased AI: How including cognitive biases can enhance AI systems
- A scaling up approach: a research agenda for medical imaging analysis with applications in deep learning
- Artificial intelligence for the identification of healthy fruits and vegetables using MMDL-ABO
- Retracted Article: Artificial intelligence for the identification of healthy fruits and vegetables using MMDL-ABO
- Periodic dynamic on a class of neutral-type Rayleigh equations incorporating D operators
- Almost periodic stability on a delay Nicholson’s blowflies equation
- A Novel Multispectral Maritime Target classification based on ThermalGAN (RGB-to-Thermal Image Translation)
- Overlapping word removal is all you need: revisiting data imbalance in hope speech detection
- Computer-aided COVID-19 diagnosis: a possibility?
- Decision support system (DSS) for traffic prediction and building a dynamic internet community using Netnography technology in the city of Amman
- Multi-objective optimisation model and hybrid optimization algorithm for Electric Vehicle Charge Scheduling
- KreolStem: A hybrid language-dependent stemmer for Kreol Morisien
- AUTO: supervised learning with full model search and global optimisation
- A Survey of Deep Learning Techniques for the Analysis of COVID-19 and their usability for Detecting Omicron
- Majority re-sampling via sub-class clustering for imbalanced datasets
- Mean-square exponential input-to-state stability of stochastic fuzzy delayed Cohen-Grossberg neural networks
- Mean-AVaR in credibilistic portfolio management via an artificial neural network scheme
- Attributed network embedding with dual fusion strategies
- Evolutionary gravitational neocognitron neural network based block chain technology for a secured dynamic optimal routing in wireless sensor networks
- Effective algorithms for mining frequent-utility itemsets
- Artificial intelligence methods to support the research of destination image in tourism. A systematic review
- Reinforcement with iterative punishment
- Improving flexibility in cloud computing using optimal multipurpose particle swarm algorithm with auction rules
- A comparison between the Bayesian network model and the logistic regression model in prevention of the defects on ceramic tiles
- An optimal context-aware content-based movie recommender system using genetic algorithm: a case study on MovieLens dataset
- Missing value imputation and the effect of feature normalisation on financial distress prediction
- Anti-periodic stability on a class of neutral-type Rayleigh equations involving D operators
- Preserving sensitive data with deep learning assisted sanitisation process
- Chunk-based incremental feature learning for credit-card fraud data stream
- Blockchain-based privacy preservation framework for healthcare data in cloud environment
- Enhanced type-2 Wang-Mendel Approach
- Learning from unbalanced catastrophic out-of-pocket health expenditure dataset: blending SMOTE-boosting with ensemble models
- A new hybrid Pythagorean fuzzy AHP and COCOSO MCDM based approach by adopting artificial intelligence technologies
- Enhanced unsupervised neural machine translation by cross lingual sense embedding and filtered back-translation for morphological and endangered Indic languages
- The evolution of the fAIble system to automatically compose and narrate stories for children
- Extended cascade chaotic systems and estimation parameters with new chaotic grey wolf algorithm
- Learning attack-defense response in continuous-time discrete-states Stackelberg Security Markov games
- Multi-classifier and meta-heuristic based cache pollution attacks and interest flooding attacks detection and mitigation model for named data networking
- A novel e-healthcare diagnosing system for COVID-19 via whale optimization algorithm
- Analogy as a search procedure: a dimensional view
- Optimization enabled deep learning method in container-based architecture of hybrid cloud for portability and interoperability-based application migration
- Universal approximation with neural networks on function spaces
- Combining bounded solving and controllable randomization for approximate model counting
- Gamification in training with next generation AI- virtual reality, animation design and immersive technology
- Feature selection based on ACO and knowledge graph for Arabic text classification
- Synthetic Data with Global-Local Level for Adversarial-based Domain Adaptation
- Intelligent analysis of irregular physical factors for panic disorder using quantum probability
- Quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization of convolutional neural network for fault diagnosis
- Development of human decision making model with consideration of human factors through reinforcement learning and prospect utility theory
- A novel Hybrid Harris hawk sine cosine optimization algorithm for reactive power optimization problem
- State observer for coupled cyclic genetic regulatory networks with time delays
- A new fitness function in genetic programming for classification of imbalanced data
- Machine vs. deep learning comparision for developing an international sign language translator
- A novel structure-exploiting encoding for SAT-based diagnosis
- Unsupervised SMT: an analysis of Indic languages and a low resource language
- Classifying random variables based on support vector machine and a neural network scheme
- A novel plant leaf disease detection by adaptive fuzzy C-Means clustering with deep neural network
- A novel convolutional Atangana-Baleanu fractional derivative mask for medical image edge analysis
- Set-theoretic relations for metasets
- An Optimisation driven Deep Residual Network for Sybil attack detection with reputation and trust-based misbehaviour detection in VANET
- Learning Attribute-guided Fashion Similarity with Spatial and Channel Attention
- Efficient fireworks algorithms for dynamic optimisation problems in continuous space
- Fitness-distance balance based artificial ecosystem optimisation to solve transient stability constrained optimal power flow problem
- Intrusion detection method based on imbalanced learning classification
- A comprehensive survey on the ant lion optimiser, variants and applications
- Modified layer deep convolution neural network for text-independent speaker recognition
- Cognitive framework and learning paradigms of plant leaf classification using artificial neural network and support vector machine
- Multi-attribute decision-making based on aggregations and similarity measures of neutrosophic hypersoft sets with possibility setting
- A novel study to increase the classification parameters on automatic three-class COVID-19 classification from CT images, including cases from Turkey
- Towards an energy management system based on a multi-agent architecture and LSTM networks
- Data mining of IoT based sentiments to classify political opinions
- Improving the performance of deep learning-based classification when a sample has various appearances
- Engineered wisdom for learning machines
- Evaluation of clustering techniques on Urdu News head-lines: a case of short length text
- A Deep Learning Modified Neural Network(DLMNN) based proficient sentiment analysis technique on Twitter data
- Data-driven reliable prediction of production indicators in the blast furnace using TS fuzzy neural network based on bat algorithm
- Chaotic whale-atom search optimization-based deep stacked auto encoder for crowd behaviour recognition
- Understanding the effects of negative (and positive) pointwise mutual information on word vectors
- Escaping the No Free Lunch Theorem: A Priori Advantages of Regret-Based Meta-Induction
- Blind separation of speech from aortic regurgitation signals using Dhoulath’s method
- Radio galaxies classification system using machine learning techniques in the IoT Era
- Video Summarization using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks and Mutual Probability-based K-Nearest Neighbour
- Positive almost periodicity on a n-species food chain system incorporating time-varying delays and polluted environments
- Organising lexica into analogical grids: a study of a holistic approach for morphological generation under various sizes of data in various languages
- Evolutionary multi-objective customer segmentation approach based on descriptive and predictive behaviour of customers: application to the banking sector
- Method for evaluating plan recovery strategies in dynamic multi-agent environments
- AFedAvg: communication-efficient federated learning aggregation with adaptive communication frequency and gradient sparse
- Group-based Pythagorean fuzzy soft sets with medical decision-making applications
- Projection: a mechanism for human-like reasoning in Artificial Intelligence
- A Novel Approach of Linguistic Picture Fuzzy Dombi Heronian Mean Operators and their Application to Emergency Program Selection
- Ancillary mechanism for autonomous decision-making process in asymmetric confrontation: a view from Gomoku
- Selective AnDE based on attributes ranking by Maximin Conditional Mutual Information (MMCMI)
- Integrated framework for EMD–Boruta-LDA feature extraction and SVM classification in coal and gas outbursts
- A compact MLCP-based projection recurrent neural network model to solve shortest path problem
- AIDrugApp: artificial intelligence-based Web-App for virtual screening of inhibitors against SARS-COV-2
- A Prolog application for reasoning on maths puzzles with diagrams
- A novel machine learning approach for rice yield estimation
- Three-dimensional route planning for multiple unmanned aerial vehicles using Salp Swarm Algorithm
- Epidemic Prediction using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Models on COVID-19 Data
- COVID-19 health analysis and prediction using machine learning algorithms for Mexico and Brazil patients
- Merging slime mould with whale optimization algorithm for optimal allocation of hybrid power flow controller in power system
- CF-PPI: Centroid based new feature extraction approach for Protein-Protein Interaction Prediction
- A computer aided plant leaf classification based on optimal feature selection and enhanced recurrent neural network
- Utopia constrained multi objective optimisation evolutionary algorithm
- Understanding the intent behind sharing misinformation on social media
- Empirical analyses of genetic algorithm and grey wolf optimiser to improve their efficiency with a new multi-objective weighted fitness function for feature selection in machine learning classification: the roadmap
- Guaranteed cost leaderless consensus for uncertain Markov jumping multi-agent systems
- Fusing clinical and image data for detecting the severity of breast cancer by a novel hierarchical approach
- Finite-time reliable sampled-data control for fractional-order memristive neural networks with quantisation
- Study on the classification problem of the coping stances in the Satir model based on machine learning
- Attention-based 3D convolutional networks
- Global exponential stability of memristor based uncertain neural networks with time-varying delays via Lagrange sense
- Fuzzy whale optimisation algorithm: a new hybrid approach for automatic sonar target recognition
- HLA: a novel hybrid model based on fixed structure and variable structure learning automata
- Emotion recognition in election day tweets using optimised kernel extreme learning machine classifier
- Robot arm navigation using deep deterministic policy gradient algorithms
- Blockchain based holistic trust management protocol for ubiquitous and pervasive IoT network
- Intelligent computational of Experimental Study of Intermittent Feed High-speed Grinding Method utilising PSO basis FEM Solver
- Exploratory data analysis, classification, comparative analysis, case severity detection, and internet of things in COVID-19 telemonitoring for smart hospitals
- The extent of the teacher academic development from the accreditation evaluation system perspective using machine learning
- Early diagnosis of COVID-19 patients using deep learning-based deep forest model
- Improving Domain-Independent Heuristic State-Space Planning via plan cost predictions
- Efficacy Determination of Various Base Networks in Single Shot Detector for Automatic Mask Localisation in a Post COVID Setup
- Threat detection in Internet of Things using Cuckoo search Chicken Swarm optimisation algorithm
- A novel solution of an elastic net regularisation for dementia knowledge discovery using deep learning
- Predicting focal point solution in divergent interest tacit coordination games
- State-of-the-Art in Automated Story Generation Systems Research
- The role of an ant colony optimisation algorithm in solving the major issues of the cloud computing
- Stability for a retarded impulsive Cohen–Grossberg BAM neural network system
- Weighted holoentropy-based features with optimised deep belief network for automatic sentiment analysis: reviewing product tweets
- Refined PSO Clustering for Not Well-Separated Data
- Prediction of cardiovascular disease using deep learning algorithms to prevent COVID 19
- The risks associated with Artificial General Intelligence: A systematic review
- A new hierarchical temporal memory based on recurrent learning unit
- Application of Artificial Intelligence on Post Pandemic Situation and Lesson Learn for Future Prospects
- Explainable spiking neural network for real time feature classification
- Determining context of association rules by using machine learning
- An internal supplemental action measurement to increase the gap of action values and reduce the sensitivity to overestimation error
- Entropic boundary conditions towards safe artificial superintelligence
- Crispr biosensing and Ai driven tools for detection and prediction of Covid-19
- COVIDPRO-NET: a prognostic tool to detect COVID 19 patients from lung X-ray and CT images using transfer learning and Q-deformed entropy
- A human fall detection framework based on multi-camera fusion
- Emergency Management Case-Based Reasoning Systems: A Survey of Recent Developments
- Flexible brain: a domain-model based bayesian network for classification
- Neural network-based multi-view enhanced multi-learner active learning: theory and experiments
- Novel FNN-based machine deep learning approach for image aggregation in application of the IoT
- An investigation of solutions for handling incomplete online review datasets with missing values
- Planning and acting in dynamic environments: identifying and avoiding dangerous situations
- Thyroid Disorder Diagnosis by Optimal Convolutional Neuron based CNN Architecture
- A classification-based fuzzy-rules proxy model to assist in the full model selection problem in high volume datasets
- An intelligent ensemble classification method based on multi-layer perceptron neural network and evolutionary algorithms for breast cancer diagnosis
- Block-based pseudo-relevance feedback for image retrieval
- Raising the Bar for Theories of Categorisation and Concept Learning: The Need to Resolve Five Basic Paradigmatic Tensions
- Hybrid optimised deep learning-deep belief network for attack detection in the internet of things
- Zero Initialised Unsupervised Active Learning by Optimally Balanced Entropy-Based Sampling for Imbalanced Problems
- Frequencies Wave Sound Particle Swarm Optimisation (FPSO)
- Dynamics analysis of delayed Nicholson-type systems involving patch structure and asymptotically almost periodic environments
- A fuzzy logic-based method for designing an urban transport network using a shark smell optimisation algorithm
- An empirical evaluation of text representation schemes to filter the social media stream
- Simultaneous localisation and mapping for autonomous underwater vehicle using a combined smooth variable structure filter and extended kalman filter
- Detection of COVID-19 Disease in Chest X-Ray Images with capsul networks: application with cloud computing
- Convergence analysis of a patch structure Nicholson’s blowflies system involving an oscillating death rate
- Multi-attribute strict two-sided matching methods with interval-valued preference ordinal information
- SPMNet: A light-weighted network with separable pyramid module for real-time semantic segmentation
- Deep asset allocation for trend following investing
- Credit Card Fraud Detection under Extreme Imbalanced Data: A Comparative Study of Data-level Algorithms
- Human detection based on deep learning YOLO-v2 for real-time UAV applications
- Anytime clustering of data streams while handling noise and concept drift
- New findings on global exponential stability of inertial neural networks with both time-varying and distributed delays
- Multi-feature fusion refine network for video captioning
- Cellular automata-based optimised routing for secure data transmission in wireless sensor networks
- A tuned feed-forward deep neural network algorithm for effort estimation
- Collaborative filtering based on multiple attribute decision making
- Detection of AAC compression using MDCT-based features and supervised learning
- Brazilian Forest Dataset: A new dataset to model local biodiversity
- A hybrid optimizer based on backtracking search and differential evolution for continuous optimization
- Fast copula variational inference
- Correlation-based Oversampling aided Cost Sensitive Ensemble learning technique for Treatment of Class Imbalance
- The synchronization and stability analysis of delayed fuzzy Cohen-Grossberg neural networks via nonlinear measure method
- Topological machine learning for multivariate time series
- Boosting symbiotic organism search algorithm with ecosystem service for dynamic blood allocation in blood banking system
- A systematic mapping study on agent mining
- Hybrid optimisation dependent deep belief network for lane detection
- Machine translation model for effective translation of Hindi poetries into English
- Stability for patch structure Nicholson’s blowflies systems involving distinctive maturation and feedback delays
- Information flow in context-dependent hierarchical Bayesian inference
- A genetic algorithm for supplier selection problem under collaboration opportunities
- A learning-based resource provisioning approach in the fog computing environment
- A comprehensive survey on machine learning approaches for dynamic spectrum access in cognitive radio networks
- Improving Alzheimer’s disease classification by performing data fusion with vascular dementia and stroke data
- Improved human-object interaction detection through skeleton-object relations
- A new colour image copyright protection approach using evolution-based dual watermarking
- Prediction of fluid interface between dispersed and matrix phases by Lattice Boltzmann-adaptive network-based fuzzy inference system
- Resampling-based noise correction for crowdsourcing
- Global asymptotic stability for discrete-time Cohen-Grossberg neural networks with delays by combining graph theoretic approach with Homeomorphism concept
- Frequency component vectorisation for image dehazing
- A preference degree for ranking k-dimensional vectors of qualitative labels and its application in multi-attribute group decision-making
- Expectations for agents with goal-driven autonomy
- The uncertainty and explainability in object recognition
- ConArgLib: an argumentation library with support to search strategies and parallel search
- Diversity driven multi-parent evolutionary algorithm with adaptive non-uniform mutation
- High-definition map update framework for intelligent autonomous transfer vehicles
- A multi-objective decomposition-based ant colony optimisation algorithm with negative pheromone
- Adaptive chaotic satin bowerbird optimisation algorithm for numerical function optimisation
- A review of approaches for topic detection in Twitter
- Intelligence in cyberspace: the road to cyber singularity
- A linear space adjustment by mapping data into an intermediate space and keeping low level data structures
- ATE-SPD: simultaneous extraction of aspect-term and aspect sentiment polarity using Bi-LSTM-CRF neural network
- Hierarchical classifier design for speech emotion recognition in the mixed-cultural environment
- Online path planning of mobile robot using grasshopper algorithm in a dynamic and unknown environment
- A framework for the analysis and synthesis of Swarm Intelligence algorithms
- Hierarchical age estimation mechanism with adaBoost-based deep instance weighted fusion
- Detection of distributed denial of service attack in cloud computing using the optimization-based deep networks
- Personalised healthcare model for monitoring and prediction of airpollution: machine learning approach
- Double-quantitative decision rough set over two universes and application to African swine fever decision-making
- Performance evaluation of fuzzy clustered case-based reasoning
- Joint extraction of entities and relations based on character graph convolutional network and Multi-Head Self-Attention Mechanism
- A hybrid multiverse optimisation algorithm based on differential evolution and adaptive mutation
- A comprehensive review of moth-flame optimisation: variants, hybrids, and applications
- Global exponential stability of anti-periodic solutions for discontinuous Cohen–Grossberg neural networks with time-varying delays
- Medical diagnosis and treatment is NP-complete
- Linear quadratic optimal control problem with fuzzy variables via neural network
- A non-reduced order approach to stability analysis of delayed inertial genetic regulatory networks
- A new feature extraction approach based on one dimensional gray level co-occurrence matrices for bearing fault classification
- Detection and classification of landmines using machine learning applied to metal detector data
- Improved butterfly optimisation algorithm based on guiding weight and population restart
- Bi-objective web service composition problem in multi-cloud environment: a bi-objective time-varying particle swarm optimisation algorithm
- Robust H∞ performance for discrete time T-S fuzzy switched memristive stochastic neural networks with mixed time-varying delays
- GSA-LA: gravitational search algorithm based on learning automata
- Individual strategic profiles in tacit coordination games
- Neural network for automatic farm control
- A mobile robot mapping model inspired from the place cells functionality of hippocampus based on dimension reduction technique
- Performance analysis of localisation strategy for island model genetic algorithm in population diversity preservation
- A Two-Level Function Evaluation Management Model for Multi-Population Methods in Dynamic Environments: Hierarchical Learning Automata Approach
- A knowledge-driven layered inverse reinforcement learning approach for recognizing human intents
- Global exponential stability on anti-periodic solutions in proportional delayed HIHNNs
- Communicative bottlenecks lead to maximal information transfer
- High-performance attribute reduction on graphics processing unit
- Cat Swarm Fractional Calculus optimization-based deep learning for artifact removal from EEG signal
- A data-driven predictive system using Case-Based Reasoning for the configuration of device-assisted back pain therapy
- Solving the next release problem by means of the fuzzy logic inference system with respect to the competitive market
- Interval-valued pythagorean fuzzy power average-based MULTIMOORA method for multi-criteria decision-making
- Enhanced Optimizer Algorithm and its Application to Software Testing
- Some power Heronian mean operators in multiple attribute decision-making based on q-rung orthopair hesitant fuzzy environment
- A description logic framework for commonsense conceptual combination integrating typicality, probabilities and cognitive heuristics
- Estimating the weight and the failure load of a spaghetti bridge: a deep learning approach
- Piece-wise max-margin-based discriminative feature learning
- An improved invasive weed optimization algorithm for solving dynamic economic dispatch problems with valve-point effects
- The Doubly-Bounded Rationality of an Artificial Agent and its Ability to Represent the Bounded Rationality of a Human Decision-Maker in Policy-Relevant Situations
- An extensible circuit-based SAT solver
- An emergent deep developmental model for auditory learning
- MEvo: a framework for effective macro sets evolution
- Analyzing trajectories of learning processes through behaviour-based entropy
- Averaged one-dependence inverted specific-class distance measure for nominal attributes
- Machine learning algorithms for failure prediction and yield improvement during electric resistance welded tube manufacturing
- Recent advances in soft computing and its applications
- Measuring the complexity of migration transition: an attempt using metrics
- Special issue: artificial intelligence and machine learning applications in Health Sciences
- Convergence on non-autonomous inertial neural networks with unbounded distributed delays
- Real-valued syntactic word vectors
- Multi-modal classifier fusion with feature cooperation for glaucoma diagnosis
- Existence and global exponential stability of almost periodic solutions of genetic regulatory networks with time-varying delays
- Spectral feature and optimization- based actor-critic neural network for arrhythmia classification using ECG signal
- Discriminating deception from truth and misinformation: an intent-level approach
- Learning word hierarchical representations with neural networks for document modeling
- A stigmergetic method based on vector pheromone for target search with swarm robots
- Empirical-type simulated annealing for solving the capacitated vehicle routing problem
- Fuzzy electromagnetic optimisation clustering algorithm for collaborative filtering
- A new neural network framework for solving convex second-order cone constrained variational inequality problems with an application in multi-finger robot hands
- Cloud-Fog based framework for drought prediction and forecasting using artificial neural network and genetic algorithm
- On building a person: benchmarks for robotic personhood
- Deep learning-based framework for expansion, recognition and classification of underwater acoustic signal
- Deep CNN feature fusion with manifold learning and regression for pixel classification in HSI images
- An improved multi-objective antlion optimization algorithm for the optimal design of the robotic gripper
- Existence and global exponential stability of anti-periodic solutions for generalised inertial competitive neural networks with time-varying delays
- Periodicity on Nicholson’s blowflies systems involving patch structure and mortality terms
- Population subset selection for the use of a validation dataset for overfitting control in genetic programming
- Adaptive weighted aggregation in Group Improvised Harmony Search for lung nodule classification
- A hybrid BGWO with KPCA for intrusion detection
- A shortlist-based bidirectional local search for the stable marriage problem
- Exponential stability of inertial neural networks involving proportional delays and non-reduced order method
- Indian language identification using time-frequency image textural descriptors and GWO-based feature selection
- New generalised Bonferroni mean aggregation operators of complex intuitionistic fuzzy information based on Archimedean t-norm and t-conorm
- Towards effective resolution approaches for solving the sum coloring problem
- Prediction of stock movement using phase space reconstruction and extreme learning machines
- Some modified results of the subtraction and division operations on interval neutrosophic sets
- A novel ensembling method to boost performance of neural networks
- Anti-periodic oscillations in fuzzy cellular neural networks with time-varying delays
- Probabilistic forecasting, linearity and nonlinearity hypothesis tests with bootstrapped linear and nonlinear artificial neural network
- Optimal allocation of public parking spots in a smart city: problem characterisation and first algorithms
- A computational model of scientific discovery in a very simple world, aiming at psychological realism
- Butterfly-Fat-Tree topology based fault-tolerant Network-on-Chip design using particle swarm optimisation
- Rheological wall slip velocity prediction model based on artificial neural network
- Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) based wildfire risk assessment
- Method of intelligent support of decision-making at dispatching the geospatial processes
- Implementation issues in optimization algorithms: do they matter?
- Some 2-tuple linguistic Pythagorean Heronian mean operators and their application to multiple attribute decision-making
- Normalization of attribute values with interval information in group decision-making setting: with an application to software quality evaluation
- Improved salp swarm algorithm based on weight factor and adaptive mutation
- Comparison of the periimplant bone stress distribution on three fixed partial supported prosthesis designs under different loading. A 3D finite element analysis
- Deep CNN and geometric features-based gastrointestinal tract diseases detection and classification from wireless capsule endoscopy images
- A word-building method based on neural network for text classification
- Monitoring air pollution by deep features and extreme learning machine
- A deep learning approach for diagnosing schizophrenic patients
- A multivariate regression approach for identification of SNPs importance in prostate cancer
- Harmony search algorithm for energy system applications: an updated review and analysis
- A multi-layer approach to opinion polarity classification using augmented semantic tree kernels
- An opposition-based chaotic Grey Wolf Optimizer for global optimisation tasks
- RMRL: improved regret minimisation techniques using learning automata
- Some 2-tuple linguistic neutrosophic number Muirhead mean operators and their applications to multiple attribute decision making
- Grasshopper inspired artificial bee colony algorithm for numerical optimisation
- A mosaic of Chu spaces and Channel Theory I: Category-theoretic concepts and tools
- A mosaic of Chu spaces and Channel Theory II: applications to object identification and mereological complexity
- A fuzzy rule-based generation algorithm in interval type-2 fuzzy logic system for fault prediction in the early phase of software development
- Modelling linear fractional transportation problem in belief degree—based uncertain environment
- Elephant detection using boundary sense deep learning (BSDL) architecture
- Knowledge-oriented task and motion planning for multiple mobile robots
- Multi-objective mobile robot path planning problem through learnable evolution model
- The fuzzification issue in the Wu–Mendel approach for linguistic summarisation using IF-THEN rules
- Stability and iterative convergence of water cycle algorithm for computationally expensive and combinatorial Internet shopping optimisation problems
- Pseudo almost periodic solutions for neutral-type FCNNs with D operator and time-varying delays
- A mathematical analysis of improved EigenAnt algorithm
- Experiments with automatic software piracy detection utilising machine-learning classifiers for micro-signatures
- A novel Bayesian deep learning methodology for enhanced foetal cardiac signal mining
- An attribute value frequency-based instance weighting filter for naive Bayes
- Parameter optimisation of support vector machine using mutant particle swarm optimisation for diagnosis of metal-oxide surge arrester conditions
- Modification of the Wu-Mendel approach for linguistic summarization
- Glioma grade classification using wavelet transform-local binary pattern based statistical texture features and geometric measures extracted from MRI
- The campfire storytelling system – automatic creation and modification of a narrative
- A retrieval system to analyse dermatological lesions using feature ortho-normalisation
- Discrete wavelet transform-based freezing of gait detection in Parkinson’s disease
- Analysing the power of deep learning techniques over the traditional methods using medicare utilisation and provider data
- Designing a system to extract and interpret timed causal sentences in medical reports
- A hierarchical stochastic modelling approach for reconstructing lung tumour geometry from 2D CT images
- Ground-level ozone predictions using outlier identification leveraged sample weighted regressors
- Cauchy Grey Wolf Optimiser for continuous optimisation problems
- SWAQ: a Semantic Web Application Quality Evaluation Framework
- ANN design and implementation for real-time object tracking using quadrotor AR.Drone 2.0
- Identifying stage of Alzheimer disease using multiclass particle swarm optimisation technique
- I-AHSDT: intrusion detection using adaptive dynamic directive operative fractional lion clustering and hyperbolic secant-based decision tree classifier
- Centroid particle swarm optimisation for high-dimensional data classification
- A ladder to human-comparable intelligence: an empirical metric
- Outer entanglements: a general heuristic technique for improving the efficiency of planning algorithms
- Effect of leakage delay on the almost periodic solutions of fuzzy cellular neural networks
- Solving constrained optimisation problems using the improved imperialist competitive algorithm and Deb’s technique
- An improved Urdu stemming algorithm for text mining based on multi-step hybrid approach
- A fuzzy overlay model for mapping adverse event risk in an active war theatre
- Domain transfer convolutional attribute embedding
- Generalised Pythagorean fuzzy geometric interactive aggregation operators using Einstein operations and their application to decision making
- Ensemble one-vs-all learning technique with emphatic & rehearsal training for phishing email classification using psychology
- Preorder-based triangle: a modified version of bilattice-based triangle for belief revision in nonmonotonic reasoning
- Detecting logical argumentation in text via communicative discourse tree
- Novel algorithms of particle swarm optimisation with decision criteria
- A novel clustering algorithm for attributed graphs based on K-medoid algorithm
- A privacy-preserving model for multi-agent propositional planning
- Computing the Shapley value in allocation problems: approximations and bounds, with an application to the Italian VQR research assessment program
- Adjudication of coreference annotations via answer set optimisation
- 23rd RCRA International workshop on “Experimental evaluation of algorithms for solving problems with combinatorial explosion”
- A novel approach to interval comparison and application to software quality evaluation
- Chaotic shuffled frog leaping algorithms for parameter identification of fractional-order chaotic systems
- Communication using robots: a Perception-action scenario in moderate ASD
- AI personalities: clues from animal research
- Discrete bacteria foraging optimization algorithm for graph based problems – a transition from continuous to discrete
- A GRASP algorithm based new heuristic for the capacitated location routing problem
- P-HS-SFM: a parallel harmony search algorithm for the reproduction of experimental data in the continuous microscopic crowd dynamic models
- Why is a computational framework for motivational and metacognitive control needed?
- Machine learning techniques to predict sensitive patterns to fault attack in the Java Card application
- Challenges in discriminating profanity from hate speech
- Reproducible research: a minority opinion
- A new dandelion algorithm and optimization for extreme learning machine
- PDDL4J: a planning domain description library for java
- Empirical study on variational inference methods for topic models
- Instances selection algorithm by ensemble margin
- Hidden Markov random field model and Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno algorithm for brain image segmentation
- Cascade heterogeneous face sketch-photo synthesis via dual-scale Markov Network
- An adaptive SVSF-SLAM algorithm to improve the success and solving the UGVs cooperation problem
- Are human beings humean robots?
- Classification of ground glass opacity lesion characteristic based on texture feature using lung CT image
- An improved fractal image compression using wolf pack algorithm
- BrainStorm: a psychosocial game suite design for non-invasive cross-generational cognitive capabilities data collection
- Pseudo almost periodic solutions for CNNs with oscillating leakage coefficients and complex deviating arguments
- Rough set classification based on quantum logic
- On transitions in the behaviour of tabu search algorithm TabuCol for graph colouring
- Anthropomorphic reasoning about neuromorphic AGI safety
- Can genetic algorithms help virus writers reshape their creations and avoid detection?
- Volatility forecasting for low-volatility portfolio selection in the US and the Korean equity markets
- Prediction of properties of wheat dough using intelligent deep belief networks
- A comparison of fitness-case sampling methods for genetic programming
- A computer model of context-dependent perception in a very simple world
- Efficient hiding of confidential high-utility itemsets with minimal side effects
- DiMPP: a complete distributed algorithm for multi-agent path planning
- Hybrid learning in signalling games
- An efficient approach for improving virtual machine placement in cloud computing environment
- Maclaurin symmetric mean operators of linguistic intuitionistic fuzzy numbers and their application to multiple-attribute decision-making
- Designing (artificial) people to serve – the other side of the coin
- Optimisation of welding processes using quasi-oppositional-based Jaya algorithm
- Multi-objective optimization of radiotherapy: distributed Q-learning and agent-based simulation
- Automated discovery systems and the inductivist controversy
- Summarisation of weighted networks
- Breast cancer risk assessment and diagnosis model using fuzzy support vector machine based expert system
- Image steganalysis using Artificial Bee Colony algorithm
- A novel metric based on changes in pareto domination ratio for objective reduction of many-objective optimization problems
- Consideration effect of wind farms on the network reconfiguration in the distribution systems in an uncertain environment
- Comparisons of several variants of continuous quantum-inspired evolutionary algorithms
- Efficient determination of the number of weak learners in AdaBoost
- A rough set-based association rule approach implemented on a brand trust evaluation model
- An approach to the language discrimination in different scripts using adjacent local binary pattern
- Time series regression-based pairs trading in the Korean equities market
- A reversible data hiding scheme based on graph neighbourhood degree
- Online/offline evolutionary algorithms for dynamic urban green space allocation problems
- Pseudo almost periodic solutions for neutral type SICNNs with D operator
- Thermal buckling optimisation of composite plates using firefly algorithm
- Possibility-induced simplified neutrosophic aggregation operators and their application to multi-criteria group decision-making
- Metaheuristic optimisation methods for approximate solving of singular boundary value problems
- Projection and bidirectional projection measures of single-valued neutrosophic sets and their decision-making method for mechanical design schemes
- A robust optimisation framework in composite generation and transmission expansion planning considering inherent uncertainties
- DSolving: a novel and efficient intelligent algorithm for large-scale sliding puzzles
- Privacy preservation and authentication on secure geographical routing in VANET
- Segmentation and classification of brain images using firefly and hybrid kernel-based support vector machine
- Measuring an artificial intelligence system’s performance on a Verbal IQ test for young children
- Improving experimental methods on success rates in evolutionary computation
- A novel robust Arabic light stemmer
- Automatic negotiation: playing the domain instead of the opponent
- An imperialist competitive algorithm for virtual machine placement in cloud computing
- Redundancy checking algorithms based on parallel novel extension rule
- Shadow detection of moving objects based on multisource information in Internet of things
- Trust estimation of the semantic web using semantic web clustering
- Symbiotic organisms search algorithm for dynamic economic dispatch with valve-point effects
- Investigating the effect of training–testing data stratification on the performance of soft computing techniques: an experimental study
- A new maximum power tracking in PV system during partially shaded conditions based on shuffled frog leap algorithm
- A bi-population based scheme for an explicit exploration/exploitation trade-off in dynamic environments
- A short note on rough set over dual-universes