- Infinite Speed, or the Metaphysical Basis for Deleuzian Epistemology
- Singularities and Genetic Structure in Deleuze’s Logic of Sense
- Sense and Circumstance: Michel Serres on the Transcendental
- Power Failure: Appearance and Change in Badiou’s Logics of Worlds
- Tran Duc Thao: The Foundations of Anti-Colonial Phenomenology
- Prometheus Underground: Probing the Scientist in Depth as the Carnal First Act of French Phenomenology with Arnaud Dandieu and Claude Chevalley
- Life Between Bios and Zoē: Barbaras and Cross-Cultural Philosophy
- The Terror of the Foundation in Santiago Castro-Gómez’s Political Philosophy: A Critique of Political Ontology
- Unlearning Pauline Messianism: Prophetic Study and Historical Injustice in Walter Benjamin and Hermann Cohen
- Mirages of Transition: Derrida and Malabou’s Search for a Heideggerian Sex
- Du Bois on Double Life: Du Boisian and Marxist Alienation
- Structures and Subjects: Epistemic Injustice between Foucault and Marx
- Primitive Speculation: Marx on Precapitalism, Social Relations to Land, and Indigenous Dispossession
- Relations, Ruptures, and Rituals
- Rationalism without Representationalism: Deleuze, Whitehead, and the Decolonization of Philosophy, with Lessons from Anthropology’s Ontological Turn
- Plato’s Parasite: Re:turning with(in) Deleuze
- Speculative Cannibalism: Derrida and Viveiros de Castro on Eating-the-Other
- Philosophical Foundations of the Critical Theory from the Americas on the Social Philosophies of Bolívar Echeverría and Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez
- Relation and Rupture at the End of Life
- Earth Art in the Great Acceleration: Times/Counter-Times, Monuments/Counter-Monuments
- Beginning AI Phenomenology
- Poetry and Well-Patterned Language (in Philosophy)
- Intimacy and Imagination
- The Other Relativism
- A Pluralist Hope: Or, Against Optimizing Neurochemistry on Some Moonlit Dream-Visited Planet
- Radical Empiricism as Naturalistic Phenomenology vs. Non-naturalistic Phenomenology of Max Scheler
- Moral Sense in Different Senses
- Trans-philosophy: Translating Philosophy on and beyond the Boundaries
- Conceptually Misaligned: Black Being, the Human, and Fungibility
- Two Versions of the Mestizo Model: Toward a Theory of Anti-Blackness in Latin American Thought
- Stefan Gandler’s Renewal of Critical Theory from Latin America
- Radicalizing Localization: Notes on Santiago Castro-Gómez’s Genealogies of Coloniality
- Thinking with Fire: Elemental Philosophy and Media Technology
- Foucault’s Virtual Force Ontology
- Wayward Fables, Poem-Life Experiments: Foucault and Hartman in the Archives
- Transcendence and Dialectics: Note on a Note from Black Skin, White Masks
- Fictionalism and Aesthetic Experience in The Beast and the Sovereign
- Perjury, Promising, and the Ethical Life
- Saturation, Language, and History: Marion and Gadamer on the Communicability of Excess
- Critical Phenomenology and the Mythopoetics of Nature
- Adorno and Ecofeminist Ethics
- The Politics of Articulation and Strategic Multiplicities
- María Lugones, Sylvia Wynter, and Intersex Liberation
- Hölderlin’s Politics of the New Mythology
- Modest Neural Truths: Dispositions and Foraging for Coherence
- Thoreau’s Stoicism in Letters to Various Persons: The Spiritual Direction of Harrison Blake
- Getting Mindful about Dreyfus’s Mindless-Skillful Coping
- Act of Terror and the Sublime at the Twilight of the Islamic State
- Liberation through Jurisgenesis: On Constitutionalism
- Freedom, Solidarity, and Their Institutions
- Justice, Democracy, and Liberation: Ambedkar’s Navayana Pragmatism and the Tortuous Path of Social Democracy
- A Pragmatist Perspective on Brains, Trust, and Choice
- The End of Enlightenment Liberalism?
- Truth, Illusion, and Their (Dis)Contents
- Freedom in the Age of Social Stupidity
- Ontological Emergence and Human Freedom
- What’s It Like to Be a Universe: Implications of Being In, Of, and About a Brain, or a Speculative Panconsciousness Approach to Quantum Nonlocality
- Toward a Critique of Fascist Temporality: Deleuze, Heidegger, and History
- Scenes of Walking: Toward a Right of Absorptive Theatricality and Theatrical Absorption
- Mimesis as Poiesis: The Production and Reproduction of Likeness in an Extra-Moral Sense
- Juliette’s Endless Prosperities: Foucault avec Lacan on Sade’s Illustrious Villain
- Kant’s Conjectures: The Genesis of the Feminine
- Queering Gestell: Thinking Outside Butler’s Frames and Inside Belu’s Reproductive Enframing
- Cis Sense and the Habit of Gender Assignment
- Is Philosophy Western? Some Western and East Asian Perspectives on a Metaphilosophical Question
- Negativity in Spinozist Politics
- Making Sense of Problems: Toward a Deleuzo-Humean Critical Theory
- The Rhythm of Hegel’s Speculative Logic
- A Phenomenology of the Work of Attention
- Explaining It Away? On the Enigma of Time in Husserl’s Phenomenology of Time-Consciousness
- Heidegger’s Nietzsche and The Origin of the Work of Art
- SPEP Plenary Address: Take Back the Camera: Race and Agonism in Mr. Deeds and The Fits
- SPEP Co-Director’s Address: The Question of the Normal
- The Dred Scott Ontology and the Philosophical Significance of Slave Narratives
- The Condensation of the Secret: Dream Analysis and the Literary Fragment
- The Ineluctable Modality of Movement: Its Everyday and Aesthetic Presence
- On Lost in Translation: A Pessimistic Critique of Consumerism
- Real Interests and Incoherent Desires
- A Relationalist Rethinking of Destructive Events: Making Better Choices with William James
- Unwritten Futures: Deleuze, Affirmation, and Creative Becoming
- In It Together: Theorizing Collective Karma through Transformative Justice
- Apocalyptic Fears in a Time of Dying (of) Whiteness
- Desire, Truth, and the Role of Narrative Skepticism in Democratic Experience
- Shamelessness and Despair in America
- The Paradox of Liberatory Activism: The Promise of Decisive Hyper-Activism
- Editorial Bodies: Perfection and Rejection in Ancient Rhetoric and Poetics by Michele Kennerly (review)
- The End of Progress: Decolonizing the Normative Foundations of Critical Theory by Amy Allen (review)
- Hegel’s Speculative Sentence
- Plato, Xenophon, and the Uneven Temporalities of Ethos in the Trial of Socrates
- Who Was Callicles? Exploring Four Relationships between Rhetoric and Justice in Plato’s Gorgias
- Hobbes’ Biological Rhetoric and the Covenant
- Truth and Discursive Activism: The Promise and Perils of Hashtag Feminism
- The Birth of the Post-Truth Era: A Genealogy of Corporate Public Relations, Propaganda, and Trump
- Toward a More Adequate Understanding of Adaequatio
- Moral Inquiry Beyond Objectivism and Subjectivism
- Animality, Self-Consciousness, and the Human Form of Life: A Hegelian Account
- Hamann on Creation and the Limits of Reason
- Hegel’s Conception of Personal Difference
- Secular Decolonial Woes
- Management and Rights Amidst Plural Worlds
- Stanley Cavell and the Everyday of Thinking
- Panpsychism: A Response to the Anthropocene Age
- How Should We Build Epistemic Community?
- Truth, Nature, and Sellars’s Myth of the Given
- Neither Yours nor Mine but Ours: On the Communal Nature of Truth and Rational Belief
- Does Truth Really Matter? Notes on a Crisis of Faith
- The Complex Relationship Among Truth, Argument, and Narrative
- Truth, Truths, and Pluralism
- Can Facts Survive? Lies and the Complicity of Common Sense
- The Limits of Language: Philosophical Hermeneutics and the Task of Comparative Philosophy
- Anger, Fragility, and the Formation of Resistant Feminist Space
- Agua-Biographies: Derrida on Water, Ontopology, and Refugees
- Gloria Anzaldúa’s Decolonizing Aesthetics: On Silence and Bearing Witness
- SPEP Co-Director’s Address: “The Wind Began to Howl” – Dylan’s Antinomianism
- Expression, Animation, and Intelligibility: Concepts for a Decolonial Feminist Affect Theory
- Deleuze’s Transcendental Empiricism Against Speculative Realism: How Deleuze’s Hume Avoids the Challenge of Correlationism
- Grief, Phantoms, and Re-membering Loss
- Institution and Divergence: Toward a Phenomenology of Music
- Merleau-Ponty, Moral Perception, and Metaethical Internalism
- Noesis, and Noema, and Gender—Oh My!
- Face-to-Face, But Behind a Veil of Ignorance: A Levinasian Analysis of Rawls’s Political Conception
- Toward a “Care-ful Geopolitics” of La Frontera in the Era of Trump
- The Curious Case of Cramblett v. Midwest Sperm Bank: Centering a Political Ontology of Race and Disability for Liberatory Thought
- The State of Example: Sovereignty and Bare Speech in Plato’s Laws
- Literature as Miscreant Justice: Benjamin and Scholem Debate Kafka’s Law
- Adorno, Benjamin, and Natural Beauty on “This Sad Earth”
- A New Metaphysics: Eternal Recurrence and the Univocity of Difference
- Fichte’s Existential Logic
- Being In-Between and Becoming Undone: Bardos, Heterotopias, and Nepantla
- Demanding Existence: Dewey and Beauvoir on Habit, Institution, and Freedom
- The Body Subject: Being True to the Truths of Experience
- Living Philosophy: Self-revelation and Damaris Masham’s Philosophical Autobiography
- The Historical and Its Discontents: Nietzsche and Benjamin Against “Historicism”
- A Modern Polytheism? Nietzsche and James
- Actionable Consequences: Reconstruction, Therapy, and the Remainder of Social Science
- Thinking Through Sound: Martin Heidegger and Wallace Stevens
- Methodologies of Travel: William James and the Ambulatory Pragmatism of Bruno Latour
- Teresa Brennan, William James, and the Energetic Demands of Ethics
- The Triple Transformation: The Emergence of Philosophy in Deleuze and Guattari
- Why Do Contradictions Sink to the Ground? A Reexamination of the Categories of Reflection in Hegel’s Logic
- Aristotle’s Mathematicals in Metaphysics M.3 and N.6
- The Failure of Judgment: Disgust in Arendt’s Theory of Political Judgment
- From the Shame of Auschwitz to an Ethics of Vulnerability and a Politics of Revolt
- The Meaning of Ability and Disability
- Simone de Beauvoir’s Feminist Art of Living
- The Wounds of Time: Phenomenology and the Problem of the Unconscious in Merleau-Ponty’s Passivity Lecture
- At the Opening of Madness: An Exploration of the Nonrational with Merleau-Ponty, Foucault, and Kierkegaard
- Information as the Image of Thought: A Deleuzian Analysis
- The Literary Relation to the Other in the Greek Tragic Text
- Intersubjectivity and Self-awareness in Husserl and Patočka
- Idealism and Anti-idealism in Modern European Thought
- Fantasies of Forgetting Our Mother Tongue
- Sense Experience and Poly-intentionality in Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology of Perception
- Decolonial Feminism at the Intersection: A Critical Reflection on the Relationship Between Decolonial Feminism and Intersectionality
- “One Does Not Write for Slaves”: Wynter, Sartre, and the Poetic Phenomenology of Invention
- Silent Rage: Queer Youth Self-harm as a Protest
- Memory, Reconstruction, and Ethics in Memorialization
- Circle Back: Immigrant Memories and Fungal Networks
- Immediate Family: On the Consolation, Embellishment, and Distortion of Memory
- Two Problems Posed by the Suffering of Animals
- Sidewalks and Frames: Sites of Contact, Sites of Hope
- Locating One’s Life: Memory, Mood, and Self-Reflection
- Emersonian Moods, Peircean Sentiments, and Ellingtonian Tones
- Relational Empathy as an Instrument of Democratic Hope in Action
- Bigger than Football: Fan Anxiety and Memory in the Racial Present
- Looking After the Future: Notes on Hope
- “The Audacity of Hope”: Reclaiming Obama’s Optimism in the Trump Era
- Spectacle Terror Lynching, Public Sovereignty, and Antiblack Genocide
- The Trinitarian Relationship of the World
- Introduction: The Religious Structure of Phenomena—A Phenomenological Investigation
- Guilt, Confession, and Forgiveness: From Methodology to Religious Experiencing in Paul Ricœur’s Phenomenology
- Remembrance: A Husserlian Phenomenology of Sufi Practice
- Sacred Addictions: On the Phenomenology of Religious Experience
- The Passionate Self and the Religiosity of Phenomena
- Religious Emotion as a Form of Religious Experience
- Spirituality as Consummatory Experience: The Promises and Limitations of John Dewey’s Phenomenology of the Religious
- The Future of Terror: Derrida’s Political Thought Today
- Beauvoir’s Ambiguity and Unruly Bodies
- How Would We Know If Moral Enhancement Had Occurred?
- (Un)Healthy Systems: Merleau-Ponty, Dewey, and the Dynamic Equilibrium Between Self and Environment
- Expressivism, Moral Judgment, and Disagreement: A Jamesian Program
- African Views of Just War in Mandela and Cabral
- To Have Done with the Transcendental: Deleuze, Immanence, Intensity
- SPEP Co-Director’s Address: Hesitation as Philosophical Method—Travel Bans, Colonial Durations, and the Affective Weight of the Past
- Decoloniality and Phenomenology: The Geopolitics of Knowing and Epistemic/Ontological Colonial Differences
- Color-Blind Racism in Early Modernity: Race, Colonization, and Capitalism in the Work of Francisco de Vitoria
- Heidegger on Kant, Finitude, and the Correlativity of Thinking and Being
- Black Infinity: Slavery and Freedom in Hegel’s Africa
- Levinas on the Knife Edge: Body, Race, and Fascism in 1934
- The Human as Double Bind: Sylvia Wynter and the Genre of “Man”
- “Yes, the Whole Approach Is Questionable, Yes, False”: Phenomenology and the New Realism
- Husserlian Mereology and Intimate Community Membership
- Adriana Cavarero and the Primacy of Voice
- Good kid, m.A.A.d city: Kendrick Lamar’s Autoethnographic Method
- Philosophies or Phonographies? On the Political Stakes of Theorizing About and Through “Music”
- Personal Identity and Cultural Multiplicity from a Bergsonian Point of View
- Freud Beyond Foucault: Thinking Pleasure as a Site of Resistance
- Lingering: Pleasure, Desire, and Life in Kant’s Critique of Judgment
- “Diversity” as “Poise”: Toward a Renewed “Ethics of Diversity”
- The Environmental Conditions of Agency: John Dewey and Jane Jacobs on Diversity and the Modern Urban Landscape
- Royce on Self and Relationships: Speaking to the Digital and Texting Self of Today
- The Potentiality of Apperception
- Tasks of Philosophy – Looking Ahead: Editor’s Introduction
- The Actuality of Philosophy Thought Over Once Again
- Looking Back from the Year 2117: America, Philosophy, and Hope
- Lost, Looking Around, and Looking Ahead
- Filling the Hole in Sense: Between Art and Philosophy
- Border Arte Philosophy: Altogether Beyond Philosophy
- Academic Philosophy and the Pursuit of Genuine Dialogue: Embracing Radical Friction
- Force, Nonviolence, and Communication in the Pragmatism of Bhimrao Ambedkar
- Giving Voice to Philosophy
- Africana Philosophy as Prolegomenon to Any Future American Philosophy
- New Descriptions, New Possibilities
- Trump, Propaganda, and the Politics of Ressentiment
- In Praise of Pagan Virtues: Toward a Renewed Philosophical Pedagogy
- How Close a Reader of Emerson Is Stanley Cavell?
- Ethical Guidance from Literature and Mathematics
- Sensation, Nominalism, and the Elements of Experience
- Ful-filling the Copula, Determining Nature: The Grammatical Ontology of Hegel’s Metaphysics
- On Rupture: An Intervention into Epistemological Disruptions of Machiavelli, Hobbes, and Hume
- Heraclitus, Seaford, and Reversible Exchange
- SPEP Co-Director’s Address: The Basho of Transcontinental Philosophy
- Celebrating Bimal Krishna Matilal: A Give and Take
- Hospitality’s Downfall: Kant, Cosmopolitanism, and Refugees
- Homo Sacer, Homo Magus, and the Ethics of Philosophical Archaeology
- Born This Way?: Time and the Coloniality of Gender
- The Caprice of Being: Αἰών and Φύσις in Merleau-Ponty, Heraclitus, and Deleuze
- Life and Sexual Difference in Hegel and Beauvoir
- The Problem of Forgiveness: Jankélévitch, Deleuze, and Spinoza
- Levinas’s Reception of the Mythic
- Habit and Freedom in Merleau-Ponty and Ricœur
- Programmed to Fail?: On the Limits of Inscription and the Generality of Writing
- The Existential and Semantic Truth of Religion in Jürgen Habermas’s Political Philosophy and the Possibility of a Philosophy of Religion
- Critical Theory in the Age of Knowledge Capitalism: Elusive Exploitation, Affects, and New Political Economies
- Initiating Life: Agamben and the Political Use of Intimacy
- Ta-Nehisi Coates’s Phenomenology of the Body
- Decolonial Woes and Practices of Un-knowing