- Hölderlin’s Politics of the New Mythology
- Radicalizing Localization: Notes on Santiago Castro-Gómez’s Genealogies of Coloniality
- Gloria Anzaldúa’s Decolonizing Aesthetics: On Silence and Bearing Witness
- The Existential and Semantic Truth of Religion in Jürgen Habermas’s Political Philosophy and the Possibility of a Philosophy of Religion
- John Dewey and Social Criticism: An Introduction
- Immanent Critique as Self-Transformative Practice: Hegel, Dewey, and Contemporary Critical Theory
- The Authority of Life: The Critical Task of Dewey’s Social Ontology
- Dewey’s Progressive Historicism and the Problem of Determinate Oughts
- A Tale of Two Social Philosophies
- The Critical Nature of Gender: A Deweyan Approach to the Sex/Gender Distinction
- Dewey’s Critical Conception of Work
- Overcoming Hermeneutical Injustice: Cultural Self-Appropriation and the Epistemic Practices of the Oppressed