- Is Self-Discrimination Disrespectful?
- The Eudaimonist Ethics of al-Farabi and Avicenna by Janne Mattila, Leiden, Brill, 2022, p. 247, €99.00 (hb), ISBN: 978-90-04-50647-3
- Harm, Insignificant Effects, and the Morality of Procreation
- Tusian Perfectionism
- Breaking Up Rationally
- The Better Choice? The Status Quo versus Radical Human Enhancement
- Moral Attention and Bad Sentimentality
- Commemoration and Constriction
- Fittingness and Well-Being
- Racist Monuments: The Beauty is the Beast
- Self-Defense Against Conditional Threats
- Intergenerational Domination
- Should You Stick Around? Children’s Associational Rights and the Duties of Nonparental Caregivers
- Two Kinds of Self-Expression: How Free Will Enhances Meaning in Life
- How Darwin can help Post-Structuralists Maintain that Apartheid was Unconditionally Unjust
- Rising above Reactive Scaffolding
- Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Work: Mapping the Ethical Issues
- Flickers of Freedom, Action Individuation, and the Transfer of Moral Responsibility
- Deserving to Suffer
- An Analysis of Prospective Responsibilities
- Justice as the Virtue of Respect
- Debt and Desert
- Why Sentience Should be the Only Basis of Moral Status
- Forgiveness and Correction
- Do Social Sciences Threaten the Autonomy of Ethics? Reconstructing the Marxian Metaethical Response
- Influence Match: Can Corporate Lobbying Equalise Political Influence?
- Loving Somebody: Accounting for Human-Animal Love
- Review Essay on Matt King, Simply Responsible
- Moral Transformation as Shifting (Im)Possibilities
- Group Ownership, Group Interests, and the Ethics of Cultural Exchange
- Welfare Subjectivism, Sophistication, and Procedural Perfectionism
- Conceptual Injustice
- Answering for Negligence: A Unified Account of Moral and Criminal Responsibility
- Sustainable Institutions: How to Secure Values
- Intuition about Justice: Desertist or Luck Egalitarian?
- An Intuitive, Abductive Argument for a Right against Mental Interference
- Commemoration, Militarism, and Gratitude
- Voting Lotteries, Compulsory Voting and Negative Freedom
- May an Artist’s Moral Ill Repute Affect the Meaning of Their Work? An Analysis from the Perspective of Speech Act Theory
- Let Slip the Dogs of Commerce: The Ethics of Voluntary Corporate Withdrawal in Response to War
- Correction to: Kant on the Normativity of Obligatory Ends
- The Moral Entitlements of Future Persons: Expectancies and Prospective Beneficiaries
- Rethinking Functionalist Accounts of Blame
- What Makes Work “Good” in the Age of Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Islamic Perspectives on AI-Mediated Work Ethics
- Self-Inflicted Frankfurt-Style Cases and Flickers of Freedom
- Kant on the Normativity of Obligatory Ends
- Employers have a Duty of Beneficence to Design for Meaningful Work: A General Argument and Logistics Warehouses as a Case Study
- Moral Perception as Imaginative Apprehension
- 50 Years of Dirty Hands: An Overview
- Solidarity Among Strangers During Natural Disasters: How Economic Insights May Improve Our Understanding of Virtues
- In Hindsight: An Essay Concerning My Limited Moral Understanding
- Automation, Alignment, and the Cooperative Interface
- Political Violence: The Problem of Dirty Hands
- Applications of the Wide Reflective Equilibrium
- A Scalar Approach to Vaccination Ethics
- Machiavellian Variations, or When Moral Convictions and Political Duties Collide
- Targeted Killing, Assassination, and the Problem of Dirty Hands
- Dirty Hands as a ‘Weapon of the Weak’: ‘Heroism’, ‘Aristocratism’, and the Ambiguities of Everyday Resistance
- Institutions, Automation, and Legitimate Expectations
- Procreation is Immoral on Environmental Grounds
- Dirty Virtue
- Why the Moral Equality Account of Hypocrisy Does Not Fail After All
- The Non-Political Foundations of the Problem of Dirty Hands
- The Institutional Laundry: How the Public May Keep Their Hands Clean
- Dirty Hands Revisited
- When the Heavens Fall: The Unintelligible and the Unthinkable
- Against Metasemantics-First Moral Epistemology
- Justifying Why Individuals Should Reduce Personal Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Developing the Argument of Integrity
- Meaningful Work and Achievement in Increasingly Automated Workplaces
- Military Training and Revisionist Just War Theory’s Practicability Problem
- The Accessibility of Moral Virtue in the Context of Depressive Episodes
- On a Disappearing Agent Argument: Settling Matters
- The Interpersonal Comparative View of Welfare: Its Merits and Flaws
- The Argument from Good Friendship to Character Realism
- The Expressive Function of Healthcare
- Editorial to Book Symposium
- Correction to: How Wild the West? Reply to Coates and Swenson
- Title Page: How Wild the West? Reply to Coates and Swenson
- Referees for 2022
- How Wild the West? Reply to Coates and Swenson
- Structural Injustice and Ethical Consumption
- Risky Thoughts
- Precis of A Wild West of the Mind
- A Defense of Weak Moralism: A Reply to Sher
- Rule Utilitarianism and Rational Acceptance
- Introduction: Ethics of Childhood
- Redefining Ability, Saving Educational Meritocracy
- Desert Retributivism: A Deweyan Critique
- How to Protect Children? A Pragmatic Approach: On State Intervention and Children’s Welfare
- A Lockean Theory of Climate Justice for Food Security
- To Believe, or Not to Believe – That is Not the (Only) Question: The Hybrid View of Privacy
- Fear, Fanaticism, and Fragile Identities
- Difficulty and the Reasonable Expectation Account of Exculpating Ignorance
- Present Risks, Future Lives: Social Freedom and Environmental Sustainability Policies
- Correction: The Conversational Practicality of Value Judgement
- Are ‘Dirty Hands’ Possible?
- The Moral Duty Against Dogmatism
- Correction: Against Credentialism
- How Final and Non-Final Valuing Differ
- Patronizing Praise
- Against Credentialism
- Freedom, Equality, and Justifiability to All: Reinterpreting Liberal Legitimacy
- Dominating Risk Impositions
- Palliative Farming
- Shame, Love, and Morality
- Self-respect & Childhood
- Self-respect & Childhood
- Agent-Regret, Accidents, and Respect
- The Robustness Requirement on Alternative Possibilities
- A Puzzle Concerning Gratitude and Accountability
- A Minimalist Theory of Appropriation
- An Existential Foundation for an Ethics of Care in Heidegger’s Being and Time
- Folly’s Interpersonal Dimension
- John Stuart Mill and the Conflicts of Equality
- Referees for 2021
- Constraint-Free Meaning, Fearing Death, and Temporal Bias
- Death, Immortality, and Meaning in Life: Precis and Further Reflections
- Holism, Particularity, and the Vividness of Life
- Are Adults and Children One Another’s Moral Equals?
- Replies to Timmerman and Gorman
- The Normative Connection Between Paternalism and Belief
- Moral Knowledge Without Knowledge of Moral Knowledge
- The Ethics of Love
- Correction to: “Offensiphobia” is a Red Herring: On the Problem of Censorship and Academic Freedom
- The Ethics and Economics of Middle Class Romance
- The Ethical Potential of Love in the Wake of Sexual Violence
- Silencing, Psychological Conflict, and the Distinction Between Virtue and Self-Control
- Non-Naturalism and Reasons-Firstism: How to Solve the Discontinuity Problem by Reducing Two Queerness Worries to One
- ‘Defensive Escalations’
- State Authority, Parental Authority, and the Rights of Mature Minors
- Expressivism, Moral Fallibility, and the Approved Change Strategy
- Obedience and Disobedience in Plato’s Crito and the Apology: Anticipating the Democratic Turn of Civil Disobedience
- Remorse and Self-love: Kostelnička’s Change of Heart
- Non-Ideal Virtue and Situationism
- Is Situationism Conservatively Revisionary for Ethics?
- Praising Without Standing
- Life and Death Without the Present
- What About the Victim? Neglected Dimensions of the Standing to Blame
- Fans, Crimes and Misdemeanors: Fandom and the Ethics of Love
- Individual Responsibility, Large-Scale Harms, and Radical Uncertainty
- Liberty, Security, and Fairness
- Unrequited Love, Self-victimisation and the Target of Appropriate Resentment
- Eliminating Terms of Confusion: Resolving the Liberal–Republican Dispute
- The Ground of Self-determination
- Guest Editor’s Note
- Referees for 2020
- Challenges in Implementing the Responsibility to Protect: The Security Council Veto and the Need for a Common Ethical Approach
- Toleration as the Balance Between Liberty and Security
- Freedom, Firearms, and Civil Resistance
- National Security, Self-rule, and Democratic Action
- Love In-Between
- Is It Morally Legitimate to Punish the Late Stage Demented for Their Past Crimes?
- Sexual Interactions and Sexual Infidelity
- Quiet Resistance: The Value of Personal Defiance
- Moral Responsibility, Alternative Possibilities, and Acting on One’s Own
- Scanlon Against Desertist Theories of Justice
- Socrates on Why the Belief that Death is a Bad Thing is so Ubiquitous and Intractable
- Accepting Forgiveness
- Is and Ought ? How the (Social) Ontological Circumscribes the Normative
- A Defense of Privacy as Control
- Obedience and Disobedience in Plato’s Crito and the Apology : Anticipating the Democratic Turn of Civil Disobedience
- Well-Being and Experience
- Realising Unfulfillable and Impossible Ethical Demands: Løgstrup and Levinas on Trust and Love, Hospitality and Friendship
- Huckleberry Finn’s Conscience: Reckoning with the Evasion
- The Conclusion of Practical Reasoning
- Utilitarianism for the Error Theorist
- Procreation, Footprint and Responsibility for Climate Change
- Relational Sufficientarianism and Frankfurt’s Objections to Equality
- Hypocrisy is Vicious, Value-Expressing Inconsistency
- If You’re an Egalitarian, You Shouldn’t be so Rich
- The Problem of State Territorial Obligations
- How to Identify Moral Experts
- Guilt, Desert, Fittingness, and the Good
- Comments on Gideon Yaffe, The Age of Culpability: Children and the Nature of Criminal Responsibility (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018)
- Rawlsian Constructivism: A Practical Guide to Reflective Equilibrium
- Demystifying Desert
- Children, Political Power, and Punishment
- Legal Reasons, Legal Desert, Legal Culpability: Reply to Guerrero, Kelly and Mendlow
- Sufficiency and the Threshold Question
- Children’s Capacities and Paternalism
- Beyond the Moral Influence Theory? A Critical Examination of Vargas’s Agency Cultivation Model of Responsibility
- The Unreliable Intuitions Objection Against Reflective Equilibrium
- Complex Harmony: Rethinking the Virtue-Continence Distinction
- Referees for 2019
- Once More to the Limits of Evil
- On the Absence of Moral Goodness in Hobbes’s Ethics
- On the Immorality of Tattoos
- A Dilemma for Privacy as Control
- The Duty to Let Others Do Their Duty
- Epicureanism and the Wrongness of Killing
- Lying, Misleading, and Dishonesty
- Hume, Humans and Animals
- Moore’s Open Question Maneuvering: A Qualified Defense
- Egalitarian Provision of Necessary Medical Treatment
- The Volenti Maxim
- “Offensiphobia” is a Red Herring: On the Problem of Censorship and Academic Freedom
- What’s So Queer About Morality?
- Coercion as a Pro Tanto Wrong: A Moderately Moralized Approach
- Why Compatibilists Must Be Internalists
- Promising as Doxastic Entrustment
- Opportunity and Responsibility for Health
- Strawson’s Method in ‘Freedom and Resentment’
- Love of Whole Persons
- Two Ways of Thinking About the Value of Deserved Punishment
- Animalism, Abortion, and a Future Like Ours
- Bipolar Obligations, Recognition Respect, and Second-Personal Morality
- Betraying Animals
- The Meaning of Life, Equality and Eternity
- Further Reflections on The Free Will Debate and Basic Desert: A Reply to Nelkin and Pereboom
- Correction to: On Rights of Inheritance and Bequest
- Desert, Free Will, and Our Moral Responsibility Practices
- What Makes the Free Will Debate Substantive?
- The Free Will Debate and Basic Desert
- Citizens’ Political Responsibility and Collective Identity: A Spinozistic Answer to Jaspers’s Question on Guilt
- Blame and Protest
- Two Visions of Welfare
- Pereboom’s Defense of Deliberation-Compatibilism: A Problem Remains
- On Rights of Inheritance and Bequest
- Moral Disagreement and Arational Convergence
- Aristotle and the Globalism Objection to Virtue Ethics
- Ex Ante and Ex Post Contractualism: A Synthesis
- Public Reason and Abortion: Was Rawls Right After All?
- Epistocracy is a Wolf in Wolf’s Clothing
- Hypocrisy, Poverty Alleviation, and Two Types of Emergencies
- Referees for 2018
- Animal Morality: What It Means and Why It Matters
- Manipulation and Degrees of Blameworthiness
- The Secret to the Success of the Doctrine of Double Effect (and Related Principles): Biased Framing, Inadequate Methodology, and Clever Distractions
- Moral Responsibility and History: Problems with Frankfurtian Nonhistoricism
- University Professor Lecture: Near-Death Experiences: The Stories They Tell
- Keith Lehrer on Compatibilism
- Indeterministic Choice and Ability
- Ability, Frankfurt Examples, and Obligation
- Doing Too Much
- Offensiphobia
- Moral Responsibility and the Moral Community: Another Reply to Zimmerman
- Obligation, Responsibility, and History
- Socrates’ Aversion to Being a Victim of Injustice
- Consequentialism and the Standard Story of Action
- Antibiotic Use and the Demise of Husbandry
- Referees for 2017
- A Defense of the Objective/Subjective Moral Ought Distinction
- A Wholehearted Defense of Ambivalence
- On Political Morality and the Conditions for Warranted Self-Respect
- Strawson or Straw Man? More on Moral Responsibility and the Moral Community
- Asymmetry and Incoherence: A Reply to Cyr
- Responsibility, Autonomy, and the Zygote Argument
- Erratum to: There’s Nothing Quasi About Quasi-Realism: Moral Realism as a Moral Doctrine
- Why We (Almost Certainly) are Not Moral Equals
- Is Moral Responsibility Essentially Interpersonal? A Reply to Zimmerman
- Incorporating Ethics into Artificial Intelligence
- Natural, Artifactual, and Moral Goodness
- Blameworthiness as Deserved Guilt
- The Obligation Dilemma
- The Nature and Ethics of Indifference
- Happiness is an Emotion
- A Puzzle About Reasons and Rationality
- There’s Nothing Quasi About Quasi-Realism: Moral Realism as a Moral Doctrine
- Prospective Possibilism
- Proportionality in Self-Defense
- This is a Tricky Situation: Situationism and Reasons-Responsiveness
- The Lucretian Puzzle and the Nature of Time
- The Empirical Argument Against Virtue
- The Burdens of Love
- Abortion, Property, and Liberty
- Death’s Badness and Time-Relativity: A Reply to Purves
- Referees for 2016