- Reply to Stephen Clingman’s Bram Fischer Lecture: ‘What Happens When the World Becomes Inhospitable’
- Two Cheers for Transformative Constitutionalism
- Models of Hospitality: A Response to Stephen Clingman
- Special Section
- Bram Fischer, or What Happens When the World Becomes Inhospitable
- Democratic Constitutionalism Against the Paradoxes of Neoliberal, Populist, and Post-Socialist Entanglements
- Decolonial Musings about Constitutionalism, the Constitution, and Democratic Future(s)
- Review Essay: Judith Butler, Who’s Afraid of Gender? (London: Allen Lane, 2024) pp 308
- Broken April: Narratology, Legal Normativity, and the Experience of Law
- Correction: No Such Thing as Free Speech? Performativity, Free Speech, and Academic Freedom in the UK
- The Perfect Storm: Artificial Intelligence, Financialisation, and Venture Legalism
- Ties that Sever: Losing the Right to Belong in Denmark
- Otherworldly Properties
- Conspiracy Theories, Racial Liberalism and Fantasies of Freedom
- Person, Property, Relationships: A Cont(r)actual View
- The Power of Purity: Preliminary Notes for an Archaeology of Modern Jurisprudence
- Nietzsche’s Legacy and Constitutional Values: A Deconstructive Reading
- A Plural Nomos: Law, Life, and Knowledge
- Correction: Legal Survivals and the Resilience of Juridical Form
- The Role of the Law in Critical Theory: An Engagement with Hardt and Negri’s Commonwealth
- A Reply to Xifaras
- Negri’s “Minor Jurisprudence”
- Negri’s Journey: A Roadmap
- Nachleben der Antike, Time, and Restitution: Notes for a Nocturnal Jurisprudence of the Image
- No Such Thing as Free Speech? Performativity, Free Speech, and Academic Freedom in the UK
- Reconfiguring Sovereignties Through the Law: Indigenous Patrimonialization in the Americas
- Legal Survivals and the Resilience of Juridical Form
- For I Do Not Know How to Act: Tadeusz Kantor and the Reality of Theatre
- Ethics: An Impossible Politics—Perversion, Law and Racial Difference
- Ari Hirvonen, Critical Legal Scholar, 1960-2021
- Communications Infrastructure, Technological Solutionism and the International Legal Imagination
- Hope and Despair
- The Arrow of Thought: Some Notes on Ari Hirvonen’s the Ethics of Tragedy
- Legal Tech, the Law Firm and the Imagination of the Right Legal Answer
- Introduction: Tech and the Transformation of Legal Imagination
- Boundary Spaces (Where are we, Ari?)
- Civic Action Against Son Preference in Tirupati, India: Critical International Law Put into Practice?
- Habermas, Popular Sovereignty, and the Legitimacy of Law
- The Robot and Human Futures: Visualising Autonomy in Law and Science Fiction
- Digital Humanitarian Mapping and the Limits of Imagination in International Law
- Regulating Communicative Risk: Online Harms and Subjective Rights
- Human Rights Penality and Violence Against Women: The Coloniality of Disembodied Justice
- The Two Forms of Legal Time: Pierre Legendre’s “La Durée Poignardée”: Remarques sur la Structure et le Temps
- Lost in Transduction: From Law and Code’s Intra-actions to the Right to Explanation in the European Data Protection Regulations
- From Paratexts to Print Machinery
- The Boundaries of Legal Personhood: Disability, Gender and the Cyborg
- Patents as Capitalist Aesthetic Forms
- How the Welfare State Tries to Protect Itself Against the law: Luhmann and new Forms of Social Immune Mechanism
- Own Yourself! Reflexive Possession and Its Discontents in Beloved (1987)
- Manhandling the Goddess: The Thuggee Archive as a Sum of (Male) Parts
- A Call for Rethinking International Arbitration: A TWAIL Perspective on Transnationality and Epistemic Community
- Kierkegaardian Ethics and the Rule of Law
- How to Be Indigenous in India?
- Translating Dark into Bright: Diary of a Post-Critical Year
- Exteriority as Law: Revisiting the Masochean turn within Levinas
- International Law for a Time of Monsters: ‘White Genocide’, The Limits of Liberal Legalism, and the Reclamation of Utopia
- Racial Capitalism and the Dialectics of Development: Exposing the Limits and Lies of International Economic Law
- How Not to Talk About Environmental Personhood: Thinking Transitional Concepts
- Judith Butler, the Bakhtin Circle and Free Speech: State Hegemony, Race and Grievability in R.A.V. v. St Paul
- Challenging the Rule of Law Universalism: Why Marxist Legal Thought Still Matters
- Correction to: Is This the Rhizome? Thinking Together with Fleur Johns
- Correction to: Tech‑based Prototypes in Climate Governance: On Scalability, Replicability, and Representation
- Environmental Law and the Unsustainability of Sustainable Development: A Tale of Disenchantment and of Hope
- Is This the Rhizome? Thinking Together with Fleur Johns
- State Changes: Prototypical Governance Figured and Prefigured
- Tech-based Prototypes in Climate Governance: On Scalability, Replicability, and Representation
- Style Management: Images of Global Counter-Terrorism at the United Nations
- From Mock-Up to Module: Development Practice between Planning and Prototype
- Down and Dirty in the Field of Play: Startup Societies, Cryptostatecraft, and Critical Complicity
- Critique and the Coloniality of Being: Rethinking Development Discourses of Encounter
- Our Legal Borders: Interrelated Constructions of Individual and Political Bodies
- Scarcity, Property Rights, Irresponsibility: How Intellectual Property Deals with Neglected Tropical Diseases
- Robert Cover as a Radical Democrat
- Cesare Beccaria and the Aesthetic Knowledge of On Crimes and Punishments
- Law and Geology for the Anthropocene: Toward an Ethics of Encounter
- Jurisgenerative Tissues: Sociotechnical Imaginaries and the Legal Secretions of 3D Bioprinting
- Technicity and the Power of Institution
- Blockchain Technology and the Endangered Species Called Humans
- Blockchain Matters—Lex Cryptographia and the Displacement of Legal Symbolics and Imaginaries
- The Courtroom as an Arena of Ideological and Political Confrontation: The Chicago Eight Conspiracy Trial
- A Farewell to Homo Sacer? Sovereign Power and Bare Life in Agamben’s Coronavirus Commentary
- Decolonising the Curriculum in International Law: Entrapments in Praxis and Critical Thought
- A Deconstructive and Psychoanalytic Investigation of (Corporeal) Law Enforcement
- The Power of Spectacle: The 2012 Quebec Student Strike and the Transformative Potential of Law
- Theft in Broad Daylight: Racism and Neoliberal Legality
- The States of Law in Papua New Guinea
- The Restlessness of Resistance: Community, Myth, and Negativity in Law
- Convivial Mythologies: The Poiesis of Modern Law
- ‘Authorizing the Peril’: Mythologies of (Settler) Law at the End of Time
- Before the and of the World(s): Peter Fitzpatrick and the (Inter)national Supplement
- Introduction: Reflection on/as Supplement
- Unrecognised States: The Necessary Affirmation of the Event of International Law
- How to Make Concrete Laws Out of Thin Air: Peter Fitzpatrick on the Myths and Groundings of Legality
- The University as Meeting Place
- ‘All Wrong in Point of Political Economy’: Attempting to Salvage the Oikos from the Polis in Bleak House
- India’s Traditional Knowledge Digital Library and the Politics of Patent Classifications
- ‘The World Pulse Beats Beyond My Door’. Law, Dreaming And Consumption In Viral Times
- Panic at the Law School! A Critical Case for Legal Subcultures
- Memoirs of the Plague: Lawfare
- The New Common
- Planetary Confinement: Bio-Politics and Mutual Aid
- On Negativity
- Repainting the Rabbithole: Law, Science, Truth and Responsibility
- Judicial Decision-Making, Ideology and the Political: Towards an Agonistic Theory of Adjudication
- Criminal Law Guilt and Ontological Guilt: A Heideggerian Perspective
- The Principle of the ‘Common’, Legal Pluralism and Decolonization in Latin America
- Confession as a Form of Knowledge-Power in the Problem of Sexuality
- A Critique of the Model of Gender Recognition and the Limits of Self-Declaration for Non-Binary Trans Individuals
- Bionic Bodies, Posthuman Violence and the Disembodied Criminal Subject
- Rethinking the Encounter Between Law and Nature in the Anthropocene: From Biopolitical Sovereignty to Wonder
- In the Air of the Natural History Museum: On Corporate Entanglement and Responsibility in Uncontained Times
- In Memoriam: Peter Fitzpatrick (1 November 1941—20 May 2020)
- Laws for the Anthropocene: Orientations, Encounters, Imaginaries
- Performing Defiance with Rights
- Rhythms of Law: Aboriginal Jurisprudence and the Anthropocene
- Legal Imaginaries and the Anthropocene: ‘Of’ and ‘For’
- Melancholy of the Law
- An Apocalyptic Patent
- Re-storying Laws for the Anthropocene: Rights, Obligations and an Ethics of Encounter
- Obligations in the Anthropocene
- Keys to Decrypt the Republic Against Democracy
- Consensus, Difference and Sexuality: Que(e)rying the European Court of Human Rights’ Concept of‘ European Consensus’
- Of Rebels and Disobedients: Reflections on Arendt, Race, Lawbreaking
- Blasphemy in an Age of Corroding Secularity
- The Spatio-Legal Production of Bodies Through the Legal Fiction of Death
- Corporate Law Versus Social Autonomy: Law as Social Hazard
- European Empires in Conflict: The Brexit Years
- Laws of Inclusion and Exclusion: Nomos , Nationalism and the Other
- The Responsible Migrant, Reading the Global Compact on Migration
- What Constitution? On Chile’s Constitutional Awakening
- Introduction: Chile’s ‘Constituent Moment’
- Constituent Moment, Constituted Powers in Chile
- Is the Constitution the Trap? Decryption and Revolution in Chile
- Feeling Things: From Visual to Material Jurisprudence
- Experimenting with Law: Brecht on Copyright
- Spinoza’s Conception of Personal and Political Change: A Feminist Perspective
- I Nomi Degli Dei : A Reconsideration of Agamben’s Oath Complex
- On Crime and Punishment: Derrida Reading Kant
- Across Islands and Oceans: Re-imagining Colonial Violence in the Past and the Present
- Correction to: Rethinking Critique: Becoming Clinician
- Catastrophe: Introduction
- Inhabiting the Ruins of Neoliberalism: Space, Catastrophe and Utopia
- Rethinking Critique: Becoming Clinician
- From Cairo to Jerusalem: Law, Labour, Time and Catastrophe
- Negative Mythology
- Against Exclusion: Teaching Transsystemically, Learning in Community
- Legal Education Beyond the Academy: The Neoliberal Reorientation of Public Legal Education
- Regulatory Threats to the Law Degree: The Solicitors Qualifying Examination and the Purpose of Law Schools
- The Contradictions of Conscience: Unravelling the Structure of Obligation in Equity
- On the Undecidability of Legal and Technological Regulation
- Property and the Interests of Things: The Case of the Donative Trust
- Limits to the Politics of Subjective Rights: Reading Marx After Lefort
- Law of Denial
- Policies, Technology and Markets: Legal Implications of Their Mathematical Infrastructures
- From Social Uprising to Legal Form
- Reproducing Whiteness: Feminist Genres, Legal Subjectivity and the Post-racial Dystopia of The Handmaid’s Tale (2017-)
- ‘Life is Not Simply Fact’: Aesthetics, Atmosphere and the Neoliberal University
- Why Does the State Keep Coming Back? Neoliberalism, the State and the Archeon
- Corporations, Sovereignty and the Religion of Neoliberalism
- State Power, the Politics of Debt and Confronting Neoliberal Authoritarianism
- Forms of Authority Beyond the Neoliberal State: Sovereignty, Politics and Aesthetics
- Modern Constitutional Legitimacy and Political Theology: Schmitt, Peterson and Blumenberg
- Blockchain Control
- Legal Engineering on the Blockchain: ‘Smart Contracts’ as Legal Conduct
- No Gods, No Masters, No Coders? The Future of Sovereignty in a Blockchain World
- Taking Blockchain Seriously
- The Politics of Blockchain
- The Laws of Image-Nation: Brazilian Racial Tropes and the Shadows of the Slave Quarters
- Encountering the Past: Grand Narratives, Fragmented Histories and LGBTI Rights ‘Progress’
- Vilhelm Lundstedt’s ‘Legal Machinery’ and the Demise of Juristic Practice
- Gender, Sexuality, Asylum and European Human Rights
- Bourdieu’s Five Lessons for Criminology
- The Form and Content of the Greek Crisis Legislation
- Erratum to: From Fear to Anxiety: An Introduction
- Our Democracy, Our Identity, Our Anxiety
- ‘She Reigns and He Does Not Govern’: The Discourse of the Anxious Hysteric in Post-apartheid South Africa
- Fear and Anxiety: The Nationalist and Racist Politics of Fantasy
- From Fear to Anxiety: An Exploration into a New Socio-Political Temporality
- Humiliation, Justice and the Play of Anxiety in Competing Jurisdictions
- Before the Law: Criminalization, Accusation and Justice
- A Break?
- Dismay, Dissembly and Geocide: Ways Through the Maze of Trumpist Geopolitics
- ‘Burqa Avenger’: Law and Religious Practices in Secular Space
- Trumpism and Being in Worlds that Fall Between Worlds
- Earthbound Law: The Force of an Indigenous Australian Institution
- The Denier-in-Chief: Climate Change, Science and the Election of Donald J. Trump
- Introduction: Law Between Two Vertigos
- Erratum to: An Uneven and Combined Development Theory of Law: Initiation
- Mother India: The Role of the Maternal Figure in Establishing Legal Subjectivity
- Civil Death in the Dominion of Freedom: Liberia and the Logic of Capital
- An Uneven and Combined Theory of Law: Initiation
- Making Use of Paradoxes: Law, Transboundary Hydropower Dams and Beyond the Technical
- ‘Omnus et Singulatim’: Establishing the Relationship Between Transitional Justice and Neoliberalism
- The Commons as a Legal Concept
- Keyu and Others (2015): Derridean Hauntology and Lacanian-Žižekian Psychoanalysis in Between the Lines
- Dreams and Nightmares of Liberal International Law: Capitalist Accumulation, Natural Rights and State Hegemony
- Smoke, Curtains and Mirrors: The Production of Race Through Time and Title Registration
- [Disability] Justice Dictated by the Surfeit of Love: Simone Weil in Nigeria
- Legal Punishment and Its Limits: The Future of Abolitionism
- The Work of Humiliation: A Psychoanalytic Understanding of Checkpoints, Borders and the Animation of the Legal World
- The Limits of Critique and the Forces of Law
- Legal Subjectivity and the ‘Right to be Forgotten’: A Rancièrean Analysis of Google
- Adorno, Freedom and Criminal Law: The ‘Determinist Challenge’ Revitalised
- Post-Marxism and the Politics of Human Rights: Lefort, Badiou, Agamben, Rancière
- After the Critique of Rights: For a Radical Democratic Theory and Practice of Human Rights
- Abstraction Beyond a ‘Law of Thought’: On Space, Appropriation and Concrete Abstraction
- Mastery Over the Time of the Other: The Death Penalty and Life in Prison Without Parole
- Post-secular Messianism Against the Law: Judith Butler on Walter Benjamin and ‘Sacred Life’
- Kant with Freud: Derrida’s Analysis of the Ancient Dream of Self-Punishment
- Introduction: Violence and the Limits of Law