- The Lesser Evil Argument for (and Against) Political Obligation
- Enough Spurious Distinctions: Refugees are Just People in Need of Refuge
- Rights and Demands: A Response to Kamm
- The Sources of Authoritative Exclusion
- Tempering Power and its Tensions
- Hate-Speech Bans are at Odds with Central Principles of Liberalism
- Paternalistic Discrimination
- What it means for an event to harm: a historical baseline variant of the causal account of harming
- From form and procedure to substance
- Algorithmic and Non-Algorithmic Fairness: Should We Revise our View of the Latter Given Our View of the Former?
- Varieties of Consequentialism and Deontology in Theories of Tort Law
- Moves & Rules: Addressing the Puzzle of Social Rule-Following
- Climate Refugees and the Limits of Reparative Obligations to Offer Asylum
- The conceptual structure of perjury
- Aim or preference? Reflections on the commitment to the truth in the criminal process
- Arbitrary Power: Caricature and Concept
- Keeping Hohfeld Simple
- Moves & Rules: Addressing the Puzzle of Social Rule-Following
- Recourse, Litigation, and the Rule of Law
- Rights, Wronging, and Equality of Status
- Cultural Injustice and Refugee Discrimination
- Digital Power and Law’s Rule
- The Personality of Public Authorities
- Maximilian Kiener: Voluntary Consent Theory and Practice (Routledge, 2023), 120 Pounds cloth, 35.09 Ebook
- Liberty, Secrecy, and the Right of Assessment
- Lawful, but not Really: The Dual Character of the Concept of Law
- Tort Law and Contractualism
- Finding Leviathan in Hegel: The Private Rule of Law and its Limits
- Why Metaphysics Matters: The Case of Property Law
- Reply to Allen
- Strong Political Liberalism
- Public Ownership
- Paternalism at a Distance
- Kotzen, Conditional Relevancy, and the Difficulties of Cross-Disciplinary Dialogue
- Exhortative Legal Influence
- Innate right, indeterminacy, and official discretion: A puzzle for Kantians
- The Unilateral Authority Theory of Punishment
- Legal Positivism and Naturalistic Explanation of Action
- Harmless Discrimination, Wrongs, and Rules
- Ambiguous Sovereignty: Political Judgment and the Limits of Law in Kant’s Doctrine of Right
- Authority, Democracy, and Legislative Intent
- Stare Decisis and Equitable Power
- What Legislation Is (Not): Comparing Legislation And Legal Rulings
- Ideology in the adjudication of the ECJ
- Metalinguistic Negotiation in Legal Speech
- The Phenomenology and Ethics of P-Centricity in Mental Capacity Law
- Why Busing Voters to the Polling Station is Paying People to Vote
- Relational and Distributive Discrimination
- Are Parents Fiduciaries?
- Liability for Emissions without Laws or Political Institutions
- The moral permissibility of banishment
- Hart as an Inferentialist: The Methodological Pragmatist Insight in Hart’s Inaugural Lecture
- Now It’s Personal: From Me to Mine to Property Rights
- Critical Mercy in Criminal Law
- Conditional Relevance and Conditional Admissibility
- The Internal Point of View
- Response to Five Critics
- ‘De Minimis’ and the Structure of the Criminal Trial
- Is there a duty not to compound injustice?
- Lesser-Evil Justifications: A Reply to Frowe
- Rights and Rules: Revisionism, Contractarianism, and the Laws of War
- Disagreement by War
- Introduction to the Symposium on War By Agreement by Yitzhak Benbaji and Daniel Statman
- Proportionality in the Liability to Compensate
- The Institutionalisation of the Basic Validity Rule
- Kinship, Justice, and Inheritance: The Case of ‘Rest’ in Ethiopia
- Coercion Without Incapacitation
- If You Care About a Rule, Why Weaken Its Enforcement Dimension? On a Tension in the War Convention
- Religious Reasons in Politics: Some Problems for the Free Marketplace Model
- Ethics, Force, and Power: On the Political Preconditions of Just War
- Stability, Autonomy, and the Foundations of Political Liberalism
- ‘But You Could Have Hurt Me!’: Risk and Harm
- How Resilient is the War Contract?
- On Normative Redundancies and Conflicts: A Material Approach
- Mala Prohibita, the Wrongfulness Constraint, and the Problem of Overcriminalization
- On the State’s Exclusive Right to Punish
- What Makes a Home: A Reply
- Abetting a Crime: A New Approach
- A Consequentialist Framework for Prevention
- Criminal Theory and Critical Theory: Husak in the Age of Abolition
- In Defense of Patient-Centered Theories of Deontology: A Response to Liao and Barry
- What a Home Does
- Are Tort Remedies ‘Civil Recourse’?
- Accidentally Killing on Purpose: Transferred Malice and Missing Victims
- On Blame and Punishment: Self-blame, Other-Blame, and Normative Negligence
- Revisiting the “But Everybody Does That!” Defense
- Proportionality and Its Discontents
- Should Criminal Law Mirror Moral Blameworthiness or Criminal Culpability? A Reply to Husak
- Dissent-Sensitive Permissions
- The Law of Negligence, Blameworthy Action and the Relationality Thesis: A Dilemma for Goldberg and Zipursky’s Civil Recourse Theory of Tort Law
- Correction to: The Opacity of Law: On the Hidden Impact of Experts’ Opinion on Legal Decision-Making
- Morality and Institutional Detail in the Law of Torts: Reflections on Goldberg’s and Zipursky’s Recognizing Wrongs
- Retributivism and Over-Punishment
- Redress and Reparations for Injurious Wrongs
- Coercion in Social Accounts of Law: Can Coerciveness Undermine Legality?
- Delegation and the Continuity Thesis
- Correction to: What is it to Apply the Law?
- Correction to: Response Retributivism: Defending The Duty To Punish
- Against Public Reason’s Alleged Self-Defeat
- The Circumstances of Civil Recourse
- In the Region of Middle Axioms: Judicial Dialogue as Wide Reflective Equilibrium and Mid-level Principles
- The Opacity of Law: On the Hidden Impact of Experts’ Opinion on Legal Decision-making
- Autonomy for Contract, Refined
- Respectful Paternalism
- What Is It to Apply the Law?
- Deflating Parental Rights
- Conditional Consent
- The One-System View and Dworkin’s Anti-Archimedean Eliminativism
- Is There Moral Magic in the Word “Right”? Cruft on Rights and the Elusive “Deontically Infused Good”
- The Contracting Theory of Choices
- A Note on Margaret Gilbert’s Rights and Demands
- What’s the Party Like? The Status of the Political Party in Anti-Defection Jurisdictions
- From Angels to Humans: Law, Coercion, and the Society of Angels Thought Experiment
- Family Law: Values Beyond Choice and Autonomy?
- The Priority of Liberty: An Argument from Social Equality
- Must Penal Law Be Insulated from Public Influence?
- Rethinking the Use of Statistical Evidence to Prove Causation in Criminal Cases: A Tale of (Im)Probability and Free Will
- The Morality of Treason
- Opportunity Costs Pacifism
- Response Retributivism: Defending the Duty to Punish
- Hart, Radbruch and the Necessary Connection Between Law and Morals
- Methodologies of Rule of Law Research: Why Legal Philosophy Needs Empirical and Doctrinal Scholarship
- Correction to: Book Review
- Setting Precedents Without Making Norms?
- What Makes Disability Discrimination Wrong?
- A critique of some recent victim-centered theories of nonconsequentialism
- State Estoppel
- The Dilemmas of Constitutional Courts and the Case for a New Design of Kelsenian Institutions
- Correction to: Against Philosophical Anarchism
- Promises, Rights, and Deontic Control
- Against the Managerial State: Preventive Policing as Non-Legal Governance
- Against Philosophical Anarchism
- Welfare and Freedom: Towards a Semi-Kantian Theory of Private Law
- Holding Responsible and Taking Responsibility
- Distributive Justice for Aggressors
- Legality ’s Law’s Empire
- Against the Alienage Condition for Refugeehood
- Liberal Religious Neutrality and the Demarcation of Science: The Problem with Methodological Naturalism
- Morally Permissible Risk Imposition and Liability to Defensive Harm
- Legitimate Power without Authority: The Transmission Model
- Why Snowden and not Greenwald? On the Accountability of the Press for Unauthorized Disclosures of Classified Information
- Compromise and religious freedom
- A Quasi-Contract Theory of Political Obligation
- Lying, Reciprocity, and Free Speech – A Reply to Eight Critics
- Introduction to Special Issue on Seana Shiffrin’s Speech Matters
- Entrapment, Culpability, and Legitimacy
- Rescuing Public Reason Liberalism’s Accessibility Requirement
- The Feasibility of a Public Interest Defense for Whistleblowing
- Is Sincerity the First Virtue of Social Institutions? Police, Universities, and Free Speech
- The Morality of Lying and the Murderer at the Door
- Promising Under Duress
- Why Inconclusiveness is a Problem for Public Reason
- Consent, Communication, and Abandonment
- Punishment, Fair Play and the Burdens of Citizenship
- Mutually Beneficial Coercion: A Critique of the Coercive Approach to Distributive Justice
- Punishing Wrongs from the Distant Past
- What’s Special About the Insult of Paternalism?
- Arguing Against the Expressive Function of Punishment: Is the Standard Account that Insufficient?
- Human Rights Through the Legislature
- Conscientious objection and equality laws: Why the content of the conscience matters
- Law as a Social Construction and Conceptual Legal Theory
- Lying as a Political Wrong
- Thoughts on a Thinker-Based Approach to Freedom Of Speech
- Breaking the Law Under Competitive Pressure
- Punishment as Moral Fortification and Non-Consensual Neurointerventions
- Lying, Speech and Impersonal Harm
- Legal Obligation & Its Limits
- Lies Matter
- ‘Won’t Somebody Please Think of the Children?’ Hate Speech, Harm, and Childhood
- The Nature of Retributive Justice and Its Demands on the State
- Vesting Agent-Relative Permissions in a Proxy*
- Law’s Normative Point
- Public Reason, Science and Faith: The Case of Intelligent Design
- Symposium on Seth Lazar’s Sparing Civilians : Introduction
- The Moral Distinction Between Combatants and Noncombatants: Vulnerable and Defenceless
- Lies and Free Speech Values
- Law as Authoritative Fiction
- Two Misunderstandings About Public Justification and Religious Reasons
- Strengthening Moral Distinction
- Political Liberties and Social Equality
- Growing up Sexist: Challenges to Rawlsian Stability
- The Relational Conception of Practical Authority
- The Normative Foundations of Defamatory Meaning
- Constructive “Consent”: A Problematic Fiction
- It’s Right, It Fits, We Debated, We Decided, I Agree, It’s Ours, and It Works : The Gathering Confluence of Human Rights Legitimacy
- The Hard Hand of War
- Reinterpreting the Right to an Open Future: From Autonomy to Authenticity
- Cosmopolitan Duty and Legitimate State Authority
- Acknowledgment of Reviewers
- International Law, Institutional Moral Reasoning, and Secession
- Detachment and Deontic Language in Law
- The Lesser Evil Dilemma for Sparing Civilians
- Is the Concept of Obligation Moralized?
- Eliminative Killing and the Targeting of Noncombatants Comments on Seth Lazar’s Sparing Civilians
- Justice in Private: Beyond the Rawlsian Framework
- Public Reason as Highest Law
- Privacy and Autonomy: On Some Misconceptions Concerning the Political Dimensions of Privacy
- Pragmatic Maxims and Presumptions in Legal Interpretation
- Attitude and the normativity of law
- Recent Work on Punishment and Criminogenic Disadvantage
- Three Kinds of Intention in Lawmaking
- Public Reason and Religion: The Theo-Ethical Equilibrium Argument for Restraint
- Who Cares What You Think? Criminal Culpability and the Irrelevance of Unmanifested Mental States
- What is Hate Speech? Part 2: Family Resemblances
- Interpreting the Political Theory in the Practice of Human Rights
- Reply to Talbott, Ackerly, Kelly, and Risse
- Approaching Human Rights Law Philosophically: Reflections on Allen Buchanan, The Heart of Human Rights
- A Social Practice Prioritarian Response to Allen Buchanan’s The Heart of Human Rights
- Law and Institutional Legitimacy in the Practice of Human Rights
- Book Review
- Guest Editor’s Introduction to Symposium on Allen Buchanan, The Heart of Human Rights
- What is hate speech? Part 1: The Myth of Hate
- Rethinking the Wrongness Constraint on Criminalisation
- Bentham’s Exposition of Common Law
- Sovereignty as Autonomy
- The Indivisibility of Human Rights
- Comparative Desert Vs. Fairness
- Drug Proscriptions as Proxy Crimes
- The Service Conception: Just One Simple Question
- Promises Schmomises
- Innocence Lost: A Problem for Punishment as Duty
- Punishment as Moral Fortification