- An interaction between logical vocabulary and predicate meanings
- About very
- Asserting epistemic modals
- On the logical substantiveness of compositionality
- A new argument for linguistic determinants of human thought
- Defining common ground
- The problem of the many: a view from the semantics of numerals and countability
- Even in presupposition denials
- ‘Might’ counterfactuals
- Intentional identity, mental files, and coordination: a DRT account of anaphora in attitude contexts
- Negotiated contextualism and disagreement data
- Iconological Semantics
- Counting individuals and their halves
- Sense-based low-degree modifiers in Japanese and English: their relations to experience, evaluation, and emotions
- Preconditions and projection: Explaining non-anaphoric presupposition
- A distributed analysis of only
- Negation and modality in unilateral truthmaker semantics
- Verb roots encode outcomes: argument structure and lexical semantics of reversal and restitution
- Same and different are additive presupposition triggers
- Truth, topicality, and transparency: one-component versus two-component semantics
- Strengthening, exhaustification, and rational inference
- Modal tense: if and wish
- Ignorance and concession with superlative modifiers: a cross-linguistic perspective
- Intention reports and eventuality abstraction in a theory of mood choice
- Demonstratives, context-sensitivity, and coherence
- Representing multiply de re epistemic modal statements
- Absolute gradable adjectives and loose talk
- On the difference between the ‘In’ and ‘According to’ operators
- Keeping context in mind: a non-semantic explanation of apparent context-sensitivity
- Language games and their types
- Iconic Syntax: sign language classifier predicates and gesture sequences
- Strengthened, and weakened, by belief
- Prolegomena to a theory of X-marking
- Truth and directness in pictorial assertion
- The complex lives of proper names
- No tense: temporality in the grammar of Paraguayan Guarani
- Super Linguistics: an introduction
- “Won’t you?” reverse-polarity question tags in American English as a window into the semantics-pragmatics interface
- The Italian futuro as a non-biased epistemic necessity: a reply to Ippolito and Farkas
- Unattainable duties
- The indexical character of epistemic modality
- Scalar implicatures with discourse referents: a case study on plurality inferences
- Underspecifying desires
- On the optimality of vagueness: “around”, “between” and the Gricean maxims
- Splitting situations
- Not every pronoun is always a pronoun
- Super Pragmatics of (linguistic-)pictorial discourse
- A semantics of face emoji in discourse
- Linguistic inferences from pro-speech music
- Being pragmatic about biscuits
- Quantifying into wh-dependencies: multiple-wh questions and questions with a quantifier
- What if, and when? Conditionals, tense, and branching time
- Lying versus misleading, with language and pictures: the adverbial account
- Attitude verbs’ local context
- Pictorial free perception
- Reps and representations: a warm-up to a grammar of lifting
- Generic conjunctivitis
- Musical grouping as prosodic implementation
- A flexible scope theory of intensionality
- Principles of presupposition in development
- Pointing to communicate: the discourse function and semantics of rich demonstration
- Update rules and semantic universals
- Properties of propositional attitude operators
- The semantics of exceptives
- Moving to the rhythm of spring: a case study of the rhythmic structure of dance
- Counterfactuals, hyperintensionality and Hurford disjunctions
- Default meanings: language’s logical connectives between comprehension and reasoning
- Descriptive As Ifs
- Metalinguistic disputes, semantic decomposition, and externalism
- Faultless disagreement without contradiction: expressive-relativism and predicates of personal taste
- Acquaintance and evidence in appearance language
- Familiarity inferences, subjective attitudes and counterstance contingency: towards a pragmatic theory of subjective meaning
- Indirectly direct: An account of demonstratives and pointing
- On preferring
- Groups, sets, and paradox
- Fregeanism, sententialism, and scope
- A note on the gifted mathematician that you claim to be
- Domain restriction: the problem of the variable location revisited
- Transparent quantification into hyperpropositional attitudes de dicto
- On the semantics of number morphology
- Witnesses
- Quotational reports
- Musical meaning within Super Semantics
- Assessing alternatives: the case of the presumptive future in Italian
- Probabilistic semantics for epistemic modals: Normality assumptions, conditional epistemic spaces and the strength of must and might
- Correction to: The existential/uniqueness presupposition of wh-complements projects from the answers
- Bare singulars and singularity in Turkish
- Against intentionalism: an experimental study on demonstrative reference
- The mental representation of universal quantifiers
- Force and Choice
- Ignorance implicatures of modified numerals
- How to theorize about subjective language: a lesson from ‘de re’
- Descriptions, pronouns, and uniqueness
- A graph model for probabilities of nested conditionals
- Dependent plurals and three levels of multiplicity
- Bias in semantic and discourse interpretation
- You Hoboken! Semantics of an expressive label maker
- Just perfect, simply the best: an analysis of emphatic exclusion
- Qualitative versus quantitative representation: a non-standard analysis of the sorites paradox
- Conceptual alternatives
- The restrictor view, without covert modals
- Meaningful Blurs: the sources of repetition-based plurals in ASL
- The dynamics of negative concord
- Presupposed free choice and the theory of scalar implicatures
- Lexical innovation and the periphery of language
- Fiction and importation
- Lewis Carroll’s regress and the presuppositional structure of arguments
- Referential and general calls in primate semantics
- Negative existentials as corrections: a partial solution to the problem of negative existentials in segmented discourse representation theory
- Counterfactuals and modality
- Presupposition, assertion, and definite descriptions
- Politeness and reputation in cultural evolution
- Embedded implicature: what can be left unsaid?
- Interpreting plural predication: homogeneity and non-maximality
- Predicates of personal taste, semantic incompleteness, and necessitarianism
- An Implicature account of Homogeneity and Non-maximality
- Gender in conditionals
- The existential/uniqueness presupposition of wh -complements projects from the answers
- ‘Absolute’ adjectives in belief contexts
- The spectrum of perspective shift: protagonist projection versus free indirect discourse
- The myth of occurrence-based semantics
- What would it mean for natural language to be the language of thought?
- Knowledge in the face of conspiracy conditionals
- Degree achievements and degree morphemes in competition in Southern Aymara
- Change versus force in the Finnish case system
- Two puzzles about ability can
- A hybrid categorial approach to question composition
- Counting, measuring, and the fractional cardinalities puzzle
- Semantic expressivism for epistemic modals
- The structure of communicative acts
- Common nouns as modally non-rigid restricted variables
- Denn as a highlighting-sensitive particle
- The many readings of many : POS in the reverse proportional reading
- Neo-Davidsonian ontology of events
- Definite descriptions of events: progressive interpretation in Ga (Kwa)
- Situations, alternatives, and the semantics of ‘cases’
- A posteriori necessities in one dimension
- Parentheticality, assertion strength, and polarity
- Proportional readings of many and few : the case for an underspecified measure function
- Connectedness as a constraint on exhaustification
- In defense of an HPSG-based theory of non-constituent coordination: a reply to Kubota and Levine
- Varieties of Sobel sequences
- Reference to ad hoc kinds
- Pronominal typology and the de se/de re distinction
- A plea for inexact truthmaking
- We’ve discovered that projection across conjunction is asymmetric (and it is!)
- The scope of alternatives: indefiniteness and islands
- Almost at-a-distance
- Qualities and translations
- The counterfactual direct argument
- Ascribing practical knowledge
- On the asymmetry between names and count nouns: syntactic arguments against predicativism
- A semantic account of quantifier-induced intervention effects in Chinese why-questions
- Pointing things out: in defense of attention and coherence
- Generics and typicality: a bounded rationality approach
- Outer negation of universal quantifier phrases
- Dispositions and the verbal description of their manifestations: a case study on Emission Verbs
- What the metasemantics of know is not
- Discourse and method
- Tasting and testing
- Readings of scalar particles: noch / still
- Counterfactuality and past
- Addendum to “Subjunctive conditionals’ local contexts”
- How important are truth-conditions for truth-conditional semantics?
- Attitudes and ascriptions in Stalnaker models
- Manifest validity and beyond: an inquiry into the nature of coordination and the identity of guises and propositional-attitude states
- Correction to: Subjunctive conditionals’ local contexts
- Occasion-sensitive semantics for objective predicates
- Signalling games, sociolinguistic variation and the construction of style
- Between singularity and generality: the semantic life of proper names
- Good-bye note from the previous Editors-in-Chief
- A lot of hatred and a ton of desire: intensity in the mereology of mental states
- What’s wrong with truth-conditional accounts of slurs
- What ‘must’ adds
- The naked ‘duchess’: names are titles
- Relating gesture to speech: reflections on the role of conditional presuppositions
- Bare conditionals in the red
- A choice function approach to null arguments
- Nip and tuck for definite description
- Subjunctive conditionals’ local contexts
- Against the speaker-intention theory of demonstratives
- Iconic plurality
- Uniformity motivated
- The semantic roots of positive polarity: epistemic modal verbs and adverbs in English, Greek and Italian
- Two switches in the theory of counterfactuals
- Negative polarity as scope marking
- Making Logical Form type-logical: Glue semantics for Minimalist syntax
- In defense of the unification argument for predicativism
- Semantics of the Barwise sentence: insights from expressiveness, complexity and inference
- Ways of normality: reply to Hoeltje
- Deriving the contrastiveness of contrastive -nun in Korean
- Decision-theoretic relativity in deontic modality
- Gesture projection and cosuppositions
- Bridging uses of demonstrative pronouns in German
- The proper treatment of variables in predicate logic
- Meaning, modulation, and context: a multidimensional semantics for truth-conditional pragmatics
- Outlook-based semantics
- The division of labor in explanations of verb phrase ellipsis
- Definiteness in Nuosu Yi and the theory of argument formation
- On unidirectionality in precisification
- Number words as number names
- Number word constructions, degree semantics and the metaphysics of degrees
- Focus on numbers
- Numbers and Cardinalities: What’s Really Wrong with the Easy Argument for Numbers?
- Ontology via semantics? Introduction to the special issue on the semantics of cardinals
- Strict conditional accounts of counterfactuals
- Split-scope definites: Relative superlatives and Haddock descriptions
- On being called something
- Presupposed ignorance and exhaustification: How scalar implicatures and presuppositions interact?
- Discourse and logical form: pronouns, attention and coherence
- Names in strange places
- Structural entailment and semantic natural kinds
- Generics and ways of being normal
- A new kind of degree
- Grammar logicised: relativisation
- Eventive versus stative causation: the case of German causal von -modifiers
- Color adjectives, standards, and thresholds: an experimental investigation
- Relativism about predicates of personal taste and perspectival plurality
- Composing alternatives
- Varieties of alternatives: Mandarin focus particles
- Acknowledgement to reviewers
- Noughty bits: the subatomic scope of negation
- Modal predicates
- Scientific modelling in generative grammar and the dynamic turn in syntax
- Focus games
- Past time reference in a language with optional tense
- Our even
- Three notions of dynamicness in language
- Alternatives in different dimensions: a case study of focus intervention
- Modified numerals and maximality
- The problem of lexical innovation