- Plessner’s “Aesthesiology of the Spirit”: Sound and the Normative Value of the Senses
- The Emotional Meaning of Pure Music
- Music Synchronizes the Bodies of Its Audience
- A Neural Network Account of Kant’s Philosophical Aesthetics
- Essay Review: The Minimality-Opacity Paradox
- The Evolution of Nagel’s Panpsychism
- Quantum Indeterminacy and Libertarian Panpsychism
- Quantum Panprotopsychism and the Combination Problem
- Observers, Relational Quantum Mechanics, and Buddhist Philosophy
- Pete Gunter’s Lasting Legacy
- New Perspectives on Addiction
- Mind, Biology, and Value Alignment: Precis of The Prospect of a Humanitarian Artificial Intelligence
- The Absolutism of Data: Thinking Artificial Intelligence with Hans Blumenberg
- Upright Posture and the Human Syndrome
- Turning the Tables: How Neuroscience Supports Interactive Dualism
- Ask Not Who Michael Turvey Was; Rather, Ask What He Did for You
- Shamanic Shape-Shifting and Second-Order Isomorphism
- Are Near-Death Experiences Induced Deficit Correlations in Embodiment?
- Non-Ordinary Powers: Charisma, Special Affordances and the Study of Religion
- Are Qualia Computations or Substances?
- Whose Disenchantment?
- Contextual Emergence
- The Self and Its Time – A Non-Reductive Neuro-Phenomenological Perspective on the Brain’s Spontaneous Activity
- Measurements as Sentences: Outlines of a Dialectic-Idealist Interpretation of Quantum Theory
- Embracing Weird: Quantum Context and Quantum Social Sciences
- Stuart Kauffman’s Quantum Theory of Consciousness: A Critical Review
- A Response to Santiago Sánchez-Migallón Jiménez
- Book Review Playing Towards Infinity
- Aesthetics of Music, on Psychedelics
- Greetings from the Publisher
- Panpsychism and Energy Conservation
- Towards a Phenomenological Constitution of Quantum Mechanics: A QBist Approach
- Desiderata for a Viable Account of Psychophysical Correlations
- What Laplace’s Demon Doesn’t Know
- Time Mindfulness: Aristotle’s Time in Modern Physics
- The World Is One, and the Human Is Two: Tentative Conclusions of a Working Historian of Religions
- From LSD to LSD – A Personal Trajectory
- How Chinese Medicine Theory Expands the Dimensions of our Understanding of Consciousness
- Anticipation and Dissipative Structures
- Anticipatory Consciousness: Multiscale Control and Volition
- Paradigm Shifts in Neuroscience Linked to Decision-Making: Back to the Future with Thomas Aquinas
- On the Possibility of Plant Consciousness: A View from Ecointeractivism
- Wild Futures: Anticipating Artificial Anticipatory Consciousness
- Artificial Consciousness, Superintelligence and Ethics in Robotics: How To Get There?
- A Pragmatic Approach to Incompatible Descriptions
- Panpsychism and the First-Person Perspective: The Case for Panpsychist Idealism
- The Hierarchy of Heaven and Earth
- Realism and Anti-Realism Are Both True (and False)
- Freedom for Contradiction: The Goldschmidt–Pauli Correspondence
- The Neurodynamics of Free Will
- Are Mental States Nonlocal?
- Physicalism Shall Never Vanquish’d Be Until â–¦
- A Roadmap for Artificial General Intelligence: Intelligence, Knowledge, and Consciousness
- Intelligence and Understanding — Limits of Artificial Intelligence
- The Ontological Impossibility of Digital Consciousness
- Artificial Selves
- Virtual Self and Digital Depersonalization: Between Existential Dasein and Digital Design
- Physical Requirements for Models of Consciousness
- Quantum Mechanics, Metaphysics, and Bohm’s Implicate Order
- Lucid Dreaming and World Creation: Ontological Implications
- Johntology: Participatory Realism and its Problems
- Book Review: An Introduction to Consciousness Studies
- Book Review: Relational Block Universe versus Uncertain Future: Tapping the Missing Link?
- Fear, Bliss, and Breathing Changes during Meditation: A Case Study of a Transformative Experience
- Aesthetic Experience: Emotions and Reality
- Panpsychism in Leibniz, Tononi and Beyond
- How Dualists Should (Not) Respond to the Objection from Energy Conservation
- About Authors
- The Matrix as Metaphysics
- Processual Monism: A Fresh Look at the Mind-Body Problem
- Agency and the Will
- Revisiting Mirror-Neuron Based Embodied Simulation
- Essay Review Thinking Emergence as Interaffecting: Eugene Gendlin’s Process Model
- Consciousness, Embodiement, and the Cycle of Holism
- Epiphenomenalism and Agency
- An Existential Critique of Consciousness Solving the Existence/Brain Problem
- What Is Consciousness? Reply to Globus
- Structure without Law: From Heisenberg’s Matrix Mechanics to Structural Nonrealism
- Functorial Semantics for the Advancement of the Science of Cognition
- Building Systems Capable of Consciousness
- The Intrinsic Activity of the Brain and Its Relation to Levels and Disorders of Consciousness
- Sport: The Interaction between Mind, Brain and Body
- Notwithstanding Bohr, the Reasons for Qbism
- Members Workshop at Zen Center Johanneshof: Personal Reminiscences
- Editorial: Towards a Scholarship of Consciousness
- Could Consciousness Be an Illusion?
- Modeling Consciousness Using Cognitive Maps
- Consciousness Is (Probably) Still Only in the Brain, Even Though Cognition Is Not
- The Role of Valence in Intentionality
- The Subjectivity of Experiential Consciousness: It’s Real and It’s Bodily
- Contextual Emergence in Decompositional Dual-Aspect Monism
- Wild Presence
- Book Review: Re ections on Mind and the Image of Reality