- Aquinas on The Distinction Between Esse and Esse: How the Name ‘Esse’ Can Signify Essence
- Aquinas On Being, Goodness, And Divine Simplicity
- Thomas Aquinas and The Interlinking of Sanctity and Doctrine, From One Centenary to Another
- Thomas Aquinas, Saint for Our Times?
- Aquinas and Anscombe on Connaturality and Moral Knowledge1
- Aquinas on Wisdom
- Aquinas on the Nature of Lying
- Aquinas’s Fourth Way, Beauty, and Virtues
- Providence, Divine Causality, and the Gratuitousness of Love: A Thomist Perspective
- The Cross at the Center of the Mystical Body
- Aquinas on the Fixity of the Will After Death
- ON DIVINE REVELATION: THE TEACHING OF THE CATHOLIC FAITH I by Fr. Réginald Garrigou‐Lagrange OP, translated by Matthew K. Minerd with introduction by Cajetan Cuddy, OP, Emmaus Academic, Steubenville (Ohio), 2022, vol. I, pp. 856, $59.95, hbkON DIVINE REVELATION: THE TEACHING OF THE CATHOLIC FAITH II by Fr. Réginald Garrigou‐Lagrange OP, translated by Matthew K. Minerd, Emmaus Academic, Steubenville (Ohio), 2022, vol. II, pp. 656, $59.95 hbk
- NEOLIBERAL RELIGION: FAITH AND POWER IN THE TWENTY‐FIRST CENTURY by Mathew Guest, Bloomsbury, London, 2022, pp. x + 203, £21.99 pbk
- SPIRITUAL EXERCISES FOR A SECULAR AGE: DESMOND AND THE QUEST FOR GOD by Ryan G. Duns SJ, University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame, Indiana, 2020, pp. xxvi + 357, $70.00, hbk
- THE OTHER SUN: A SPIRITUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY by Olivier Clément, translated and annotated with an introduction by Michael Donley, Gracewing, Leominster, 2021, pp. xx + 200, £15.99, pbk
- THE BIBLE AND BAPTISM: THE FOUNTAIN OF SALVATION by Isaac Augustine Morales, OP, Baker Academic, Grand Rapids, MI, 2022, pp. xxv + 230, $22.99, pbk
- ALASDAIR MacINTYRE: AN INTELLECTUAL BIOGRAPHY by Émile Perreau‐Saussine, translated by Nathan J. Pinkoski, University of Notre Dame Press, 2022, pp. 228, $40.00, hbk
- THE DISCOVERY OF BEING & THOMAS AQUINAS: PHILOSOPHICAL AND THEOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES edited by Christopher M. Cullen, S.J. and Franklin T. Harkins, The Catholic University of America Press, Washington, D.C., 2019, pp. vi + 311, £79.95, hbk.
- The Ecclesiological and Missiological Perspectives of Synodality
- A Listening Church on the Synodal Pathway: Discernment and Decision‐Making in Communion
- Pope Francis’ Vision for a Synodal Church
- Reflections on the Emerging Theology of Synodality
- Discerning Parish Faith Through Testimony: Insights From Charismatic Renewal
- Aquinas’s Ethics: the Infused Virtues and the Indwelling Holy Spirit
- UNSPEAKABLE CULTS: AN ESSAY IN CHRISTOLOGY by Paul J. DeHart, Baylor University Press, Waco, 2021, pp. x + 261, £47.63, hbk
- CHRISTOPHER DAWSON: A CULTURAL MIND IN THE AGE OF THE GREAT WAR by Joseph T. Stuart, The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., 2022, pp. xv + 454, £ 31.50, pbk
- THE GOSPEL OF JOHN : A THEOLOGICAL COMMENTARY by David F. Ford, Baker Academic, Grand Rapids, 2021, pp. xii+484, $52.99, hbk
- GOD, THE GOOD, AND THE SPIRITUAL TURN IN EPISTEMOLOGY by Roberto Di Ceglie, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2022, pp. 350, £75.00, hbk
- WISDOM IN CHRISTIAN TRADITION: THE PATRISTIC ROOTS OF MODERN RUSSIAN SOPHIOLOGY by Marcus Plested, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2022, pp.288, £75.00, hbk
- THE SPIRIT OF CATHOLICISM by Vivian Boland OP, Bloomsbury Continuum, London, 2021, pp. 272, £16.99, hbk
- Comment: Artificial Intelligence
- THE UNSUSTAINABLE TRUTH by David Ko and Richard Busellato, Panoma Press, St Alban’s, Herts, 2021, pp. 270, £18.99, pbk
- Yesterday’s Daily Bread: Petitionary Prayer for Past Events
- Determining the Good and Human Culpability: Catholic Catechesis on Overcoming the Anxiety of Sin
- Newman and the Religion of the Future
- JOYCE, ARISTOTLE, AND AQUINAS by Fran O’Rourke, University Press of Florida, Gainesville, 2022, pp. xvi + 314, $35.00, pbk
- AUGUSTINE ON THE WILL: A THEOLOGICAL ACCOUNT by Han‐Luen Kantzer Komline, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2020, pp. xv + 469, £90.00, hbk
- NEO‐ARISTOTELIAN METAPHYSICS AND THE THEOLOGY OF NATURE edited by William M.R. Simpson, Robert C. Koons, and James Orr, Routledge, 2022, pp. 446, £118.82, hbk
- Comment: Negative Theology
- THE ABUSE OF CONSCIENCE: A CENTURY OF CATHOLIC MORAL THEOLOGY by Matthew Levering, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2021, pp. viii + 360, £36.99, hbk
- A THOMISTIC CHRISTOCENTRISM: RECOVERING THE CARMELITES OF SALAMANCA ON THE LOGIC OF THE INCARNATION by Dylan Schrader, [Thomistic Ressourcement Series]. The Catholic University of America Press, Washington, D.C., 2021, pp. xiv + 266, £54.95, hbk
- THE OXFORD HANDBOOK OF ELIZABETH ANSCOMBE edited by Roger Teichmann, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2022, pp. 520, £ 97.00, hbk
- ATONEMENT: SOUNDINGS IN BIBLICAL, TRINITARIAN, AND SPIRITUAL THEOLOGY by Margaret M. Turek, Ignatius Press, San Francisco, California, 2022, pp. 266, £16.21, pbk
- Ailments of the Soul
- Spiritual Experience: its Scope, its Phenomenology, and its Source
- Pleading Nolo Contendere? Aquinas vs. Bonaventure on Poetry
- Thomist Libertarianism is Committed to Mysterianism
- A Hungarian Theologian Abroad: The Reception of the Lima Document in the Works of Gellért Békés OSB (1915–1999)
- NEWMAN IN THE STORY OF PHILOSOPHY: THE PHILOSOPHICAL LEGACY OF SAINT JOHN HENRY NEWMAN by D.J. Pratt Morris‐Chapman, Pickwick Publications: Eugene OR, 2021, pp. xii + 270, £31.49, pbk
- SUMMISTAE: THE COMMENTARY TRADITION ON THOMAS AQUINAS’ SUMMA THEOLOGIAE FROM THE 15TH TO THE 17TH CENTURIES edited by Lidia Lanza and Marco Toste, Leuven University Press, Leuven, 2021, pp. 456, €120.00, hbk
- THE MEDIEVAL DOMINICANS: BOOKS, BUILDINGS, MUSIC AND LITURGY [Medieval Monastic Studies 7] edited by Eleanor J. Giraud and Christian T. Leitmeir, Brepols: Turnhout, Belgium, 2021, pp.404, £85.00, hbk
- Comment: The Great Divorce
- THE CHURCH AND HER SCRIPTURES: ESSAYS IN HONOR OF PATRICK J. HARTIN edited by Catherine Brown Tkacz and Douglas Kries, Pickwick Publications, Eugene, Oregon, 2022, pp.ix + 256, £24.00, pbk
- GOD: EIGHT ENDURING QUESTIONS by C. Stephen Layman, University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame, Indiana, 2022, pp. xiii + 294, £26.95, pbk
- THE END OF THE LAW?:LAW, THEOLOGY, AND NEUROSCIENCE by David W. Opderbeck, Cascade Books, Eugene, Oregon, 2021, pp. xi + 248, £23.00, pbk
- AN INTRODUCTION TO HEGEL’S LECTURES ON THE PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION by Jon Stewart, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2022, pp.304, £75.00, hbk
- Did Jacob Lie? Were His Words Inspired? Examining Genesis 27 in Light of Augustine, Aquinas, and Lombardo1
- Paschal Triduum
- Being as Communion in Aquinas’s Trinitarian Theology
- The Necessity of Primary Causes: A Critique of Denis Edwards
- Louis de Wohl: Shady Astrologer, MI5 Recruit, Christian Storyteller
- Celebrating Synodality: Synodality as a Fundamental Aspect of Christian Liturgy
- COUNSELS OF IMPERFECTION: THINKING THROUGH CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING by Edward Hadas, Catholic University of America Press, Washington DC, 2021, pp. vii + 434, £28.99, pbk
- IN QUEST OF THE HISTORICAL ADAM: A BIBLICAL AND SCIENTIFIC EXPLORATION by William Lane Craig, William Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2021, pp. xx + 421, $32.38, hbk
- AQUINAS, BONAVENTURE, AND THE SCHOLASTIC CULTURE OF MEDIEVAL PARIS: PREACHING, PROLOGUES, AND BIBLICAL COMMENTARIES by Randall B. Smith, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2021, pp. x + 452, £75.00, hbk
- AQUINAS ON FAITH, REASON, AND CHARITY by Roberto Di Ceglie, Routledge, New York and Abingdon, 2022, pp. viii + 196, £120.00, hbk
- Chesterton, Lewis, and the shadow of Newman: a study in method
- THE HUMILITY OF THE ETERNAL SON: REFORMED KENOTICISM AND THE REPAIR OF CHALCEDON by Bruce Lindley McCormack, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2021, pp. xi + 316, £29.99, hbk
- THE DISAPPEARANCE OF RITUALS: A TOPOLOGY OF THE PRESENT by Byung‐Chul Han, translated Daniel Steuer, Polity, Cambridge, 2020, pp. 104, £12.99, pbk
- Mysterium Esse Christi: Thomas Aquinas & the Supernatural Being of Jesus Christ
- The Interaction of Philosophy and Theology in Aquinas’s Christology
- Reframing Anselm and Aquinas on Atonement
- Christ’s being and Summa Theologiae 3a Q17 art. 2
- Christ, Image of the Father. On the Lasting Importance of the Christology of Thomas Aquinas
- Thomas Aquinas on the Sacrifice of Christ and the Eucharist: A Defence
- FAMILY AND INDENTITY IN THE BOOK OF JUDGES [Studies in Cultural Contexts of the Bible, 7] by Bruno J. Clifton, Brill, Schöning, Leiden, 2022, pp. xii + 225, €99.00, hbk
- ‘HEART SPEAKS TO HEART’: SAINT JOHN HENRY NEWMAN AND THE CALL TO HOLINESS edited by Kevin J. O’Reilly, foreword by Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Gracewing, Leominster, 2021, pp. xx + 161, £16.99, pbk
- IN REASONABLE HOPE: PHILOSOPHICAL REFLECTIONS ON ULTIMATE MEANING by Patrick Masterson, The Catholic University of America Press, Washington, D.C., pp. viii + 208, £32.95, pbk
- CONSCIENCE: FOUR THOMISTIC TREATMENTS edited and translated by Matthew K. Minerd, [Thomist Tradition Series] Cluny Media, Providence, Rhode Island, 2022, pp. vii +358, £22.13, pbk
- THE DIVINE IDEAS TRADITION IN CHRISTIAN MYSTICAL THEOLOGY by Mark A. McIntosh, Oxford University Press, Oxford and New York, 2021, pp. xiv + 217, £65.00, hbk
- Comment: Faith And Evidence
- LOOKING EAST IN WINTER: CONTEMPORARY THOUGHT AND THE EASTERN CHRISTIAN TRADITION by Rowan Williams, Bloomsbury, London, 2021, pp. 266, £20.00, hbk
- THE CAMBRIDGE HISTORY OF MEDIEVAL CANON LAW edited by Anders Winroth and John C. Wei, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2022, pp. xx + 617, £140.00, hbk
- TOWARDS A POLITICS OF COMMUNION: CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING IN DARK TIMES by Anna Rowlands, T&T Clark Bloomsbury Publishing, 2021, pp. xvi + 315, £25.99, pbk
- Knowledge of the Heart: Notes on the Definition of the Sensus Fidei in the Personal Life of the Believer
- On Sanctitatis nova signa: A provisional case against Celano’s authorship
- The Nature and Limits of Theology: A Response to Rowan Williams
- A good and holy death: Ars moriendi and the battle of wit versus truth
- Deus Absconditus: A Dialogue
- Thomas Aquinas’s and Herbert McCabe’s Relational/Friendship Understanding of Christ’s Passion
- Understanding words to change behaviour
- The Empire Cannot Die: Propaganda and Immortality in Top Gun: Maverick
- SAUL, BENJAMIN, AND THE EMERGENCE OF MONARCHY IN ISRAEL: BIBLICAL AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES edited by Joachim J. Krause, Omer Sergi, and Kristin Weingart, [Ancient Israel and Its Literature], SBL Press, Atlanta, 2020, pp. xii + 233, £28.00, pbk
- GOING TO CHURCH IN MEDIEVAL ENGLAND by Nicholas Orme, Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 2021, pp. xi + 483, £20.00, hbk
- HABITS AND HOLINESS: ETHICS, THEOLOGY AND BIOPSYCHOLOGY by Ezra Sullivan, OP, Catholic University of America Press, Washington D.C., 2021, pp. 552, £36.50, pbk
- NO ORDINARY SHEPHERDS: CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS TO THE BRITISH FORCES IN THE SECOND WORLD WAR by James Hagerty, Gracewing, Leominster, 2020, pp. xxxvi + 458, £25.00, hbk
- Comment: The Saint Margaret Declaration
- RESSOURCEMENT THEOLOGY: A SOURCEBOOK by Patricia Kelly, T&T Clark, London, 2021, viii + 176, £90.00, hbk
- COMMENTARY ON THOMAS AQUINAS’S TREATISE ON DIVINE LAW by J. Budziszewski, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2021, pp. xlviii + 475, £75.00, hbk
- WORSHIPPING A CRUCIFIED MAN : CHRISTIANS, GRAECO‐ROMANS AND SCRIPTURE IN THE SECOND CENTURY by Jeremy Hudson, James Clarke & Co. Ltd, Cambridge, 2021, pp.275, £22.50, pbk
- Which naturalism?
- Ockham on the Side of the Angels: Why a Classical Theist Shouldn’t be Moved by Oppy’s Argument from Simplicity
- THOMAS AQUINAS AND CONTEMPLATION by Rik Van Nieuwenhove, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2021, pp. viii + 220, £65.00, hbk
- ASPECTS OF TRUTH: A NEW RELIGIOUS METAPHYSICS by Catherine Pickstock, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2020, pp. xx + 324, £29.99, hbk
- KARL BARTH: A LIFE IN CONFLICT by Christiane Tietz, translated by Victoria Barnett, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2021, pp. vii + 448, £25.00, hbk
- Comment: Is God a Person?
- DAVID JONES AND THE CRAFT OF THEOLOGY: BECOMING BEAUTY by Elizabeth R. Powell, T&T Clark, London, 2020, pp. xvi + 152, £85.00, hbk
- COMMENTARY ON THOMAS AQUINAS’S TREATISE ON HAPPINESS AND ULTIMATE PURPOSE by J. Budziszewski, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2020, pp. xxxvi + 666, £120.00, hbk
- GRACE IS NOT FACELESS : REFLECTIONS ON MARY by Ann Loades, Darton, Longman & Todd, London, 2021, pp.136, £16.99, pbk
- Did U.S. Governments Violate Individual Human Rights? A Thomistic Response to COVID‐19 Government Mandates
- Aquinas on Kinship and Caritas
- Defining Death
- The Second Vatican Council on Other Religions Revisited
- REGRET: A THEOLOGY by Paul J. Griffiths, University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame, 2021, pp. xvi + 140, £22.99, pbk
- MONK: ART AND THE SOUL. AN IMAGINARIUM edited by Sophie Lévy Burton, MONK, Lambourn, UK, 2020, pp.176, £15.00, pbk
- Comment: Praedicate Evangelium
- HOPE IN A SECULAR AGE: DECONSTRUCTION, NEGATIVE THEOLOGY, AND THE FUTURE OF FAITH by David Newheiser, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2019, pp. ix+177, £75.00, hbk
- THEOSOMNIA: A CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY OF SLEEP by Andrew Bishop, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, London, 2018, pp. 168, £45.00, pbk
- THE PHILOSOPHY OF BEING IN THE ANALYTIC, CONTINENTAL, AND THOMISTIC TRADITIONS: DIVERGENCE AND DIALOGUE by Joseph P. Li Vecchi, Frank Scalambrino, and David K. Kovacs, Bloomsbury Academic, London, 2020, pp. 208, £85.00, hbk
- BEFORE GOD, EXERCISES IN SUBJECTIVITY by Steven DeLay, Rowman & Littlefield International, London and New York, 2020, pp. xi + 187, £80.00, hbk
- AQUINAS, ORIGINAL SIN, AND THE CHALLENGE OF EVOLUTION by Daniel W. Houck, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge and New York, 2020, pp. x + 284, £75.00, hbk
- THE HOLY SPIRIT AND MORAL ACTION IN THOMAS AQUINAS by Jack Mahoney SJ, Lexington Books/Fortress Academic, Lanham, 2021, pp. vii + 186, £73.00, hbk
- Mary as a New Eve in the Thought of St Paul
- Why Angels And Aliens Do Not Receive The Sacraments
- Creation as Promise: A Dogmatic Approach to Eco‐Theology in the Anthropocene
- Paying Attention to Biodiversity and Its Theological Significance
- Technology and Integral Ecology
- ‘But this soil, I know!’: Materiality, Incarnation, and the Earthiness of Popular Belief and Practice
- Herbert McCabe’s Realism
- Knowledge, Freedom and the Meaning of Life according to Herbert McCabe
- Herbert McCabe on the Eucharist: Entering a New World
- O Magnum Mysterium? Eco‐theology at the foot of the Cross
- Transubstantiation and the Eucharist: Herbert McCabe vs G. Egner
- Disposition: An Approachable Ontology
- Another New Pentecost? The Holy Spirit and our Theology of Creation
- Ascetical Theology of Sport
- Accommodating Ambiguity Within Aquinas’ Philosophy Of Truth
- The Post‐Traditional Ontology and Hermeneutics of Congar’s Theology of History
- BEING HUMAN: BODIES, MINDS, PERSONS by Rowan Williams, SCM Press, London, 2018, pp. x + 128, £9.99, pbk
- A CHRISTIAN APPROACH TO CORPORATE RELIGIOUS LIBERTY by Edward A. David, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, Switzerland, 2020, pp. xxiii + 264, £79.99, hbk
- THE OXFORD HANDBOOK OF RUSSIAN RELIGIOUS THOUGHT edited by Caryl Emerson, George Pattison and Randall A. Poole, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2020, pp. 752, £110.00, hbk
- Comment: Negotiating a Global Ethics for a Global Crisis
- MORALITY: RESTORING THE COMMON GOOD IN DIVIDED TIMES by Jonathan Sacks, Hodder & Stoughton, London, 2020, pp.384, £20.00, hbk
- T&T CLARK READER IN POLITICAL THEOLOGY edited by Elizabeth Philips, Anna Rowlands and Amy Daughton, Bloomsbury T & T Clark, London, 2021, pp. xiv + 721, £ 144.00, hbk
- YOUR WHOLE LIFE: BEYOND CHILDHOOD AND ADULTHOOD by James Bernard Murphy, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2020, pp. 253, £50.00, hbk
- STRANGERS ON THE EARTH: PHILOSOPHY AND RHETORIC IN HEBREWS by James W. Thompson, Cascade Books, Eugene, Oregon, 2020, pp. vii + 191, $25.00, pbk
- Triplex Via and the ‘Gap Problem’ with Cosmological Arguments
- Personalist Resonances in Robert Grosseteste’s Christology
- My Song is Love Unknown: Liturgical Music and Rational Faith
- A New Proposal about ‘the Fruits of the Mass’
- Ambiguities in Pope Francis’s Message of Mercy
- CHURCH LAWS AND ECUMENISM: A NEW PATH FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY edited by Norman Doe, Routledge, Abingdon, UK, 2021, pp. xvi + 305, £120.00, hbk
- VIRTUE AND GRACE IN THE THEOLOGY OF THOMAS AQUINAS by Justin M. Anderson, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2020, pp.341, £75.00, hbk
- THOMISTIC EXISTENTIALISM AND COSMOLOGICAL REASONING by John F.X. Knasas, Catholic University of America Press, Washington, D.C., 2019, pp. xi + 327, £68.50, hbk
- ETHICS by Dietrich von Hildebrand, [Hildebrand Project], Steubenville, Ohio, 2020, pp. li + 500, £16.99, pbk
- LEAVIS AND LONERGAN: LITERARY CRITICISM AND PHILOSOPHY by Joseph Fitzpatrick, Hamilton Books, Lanham, Maryland, 2021, pp. ix + 209, £28.00, pbk
- STREET HOMELESSNESS AND CATHOLIC THEOLOGICAL ETHICS edited by James F. Keenan SJ and Mark McGreevy, Orbis Books, Maryknoll, 2019, pp. xxxiii + 278, $45.00, pbk
- AN AVANT‐GARDE THEOLOGICAL GENERATION: THE NOUVELLE THEOLOGIE AND THE FRENCH CRISIS OF MODERNITY by Jon Kirwan, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2018, pp. viii + 311, £70.00, hbk
- Showcasing Copleston and Lonergan
- St John Henry Newman and the Liturgy: A re‐examination
- Affliction And Resignation In George Herbert: Reflections On Human Agency In A Global Pandemic
- Herbert McCabe on God and Humanity
- Making Peace at Spode
- Robert Holcot’s Trinitarian Theology and Medieval Historiography
- What breed are British Dogs of the Lord?
- From Dominican to Dominican: Osmund Lewry on Robert Kilwardby
- On Being a Thomist: Cornelius Ernst’s Meta‐Theology
- Unum Necessarium: Gerald Vann’s Unifying Thomistic Vision
- The Road to Scottish Dominican Independence 1230–1511
- ‘To Do For Our Own Age What Thomas Did For His’: Victor White OP
- The Influence of Victor White and the Blackfriars Dominicans on a young Elizabeth Anscombe
- ‘The Pressing Question of the Hour’: Fr. Vincent McNabb O.P. & the Reception of Rerum Novarum
- The Gilby Summa
- Through American Eyes: A View of the English Dominican Province
- Reflections on the changing landscape of apologetics
- A Thomistic Just Rebellion Analysis of the U.S. Capitol Insurrection
- ‘Something than which nothing greater can be thought’ and Kant’s Ens Realissimum
- Étienne Gilson’s Early Social and Political Thought
- THE GALILEAN WONDERWORKER: REASSESSING JESUS’ REPUTATION FOR HEALING AND EXORCISM by Ian G. Wallis, Cascade Books, Eugene, OR, 2020, pp. xxi + 248, £23.00, pbk
- ROBERT KILWARDBY by José Filipe Silva, [Great Medieval Thinkers], Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2020, pp. xvi + 304, £22.99, pbk
- A COMPANION TO THE ENGLISH DOMINICAN PROVINCE FROM ITS BEGINNINGS TO THE REFORMATION edited by Eleanor J. Giraud and J. Cornelia Linde, Brill, Leiden, 2021, pp. xii + 431, €195.00, hbk
- SAINT CATHERINE OF SIENA: MYSTIC OF FIRE, PREACHER OF FREEDOM by Paul Murray OP, World on Fire Institute,2020, pp. xiii + 184, $27.00, hbk
- Comment: The Atmosphere of Intellect
- AQUINAS ON BEATIFIC CHARITY AND THE PROBLEM OF LOVE by Christopher J. Malloy, Emmaus Academic, Steubenville, Ohio, 2019, pp. 288, $34.95, hbk
- COMPANIONS IN THE BETWEEN: AUGUSTINE, DESMOND, AND THEIR COMMUNITIES OF LOVE by Renée Köhler‐Ryan, Pickwick/Wipf and Stock, Eugene, OR, 2019, pp. xxii + 159, £18.00, pbk
- The Demanding Theology of Mister Rogers
- Saunders Lewis, “Prayer at the End” (Gweddi’ ’r Terfyn): A Translation and a Commentary
- Ideology, Fetishism, Apophaticism: Marxist Criticism and Christianity
- HENRI DE LUBAC AND THE SHAPING OF MODERN THEOLOGY: A READER edited by David Grumett, Ignatius Press, San Francisco, 2020, pp. 404, £19.34, pbk
- PIERS PLOWMAN AND THE REINVENTION OF CHURCH LAW IN THE LATE MIDDLE AGES by Arvind Thomas, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 2019, pp. xiv + 267, $75.00, hbk
- HERBERT McCABE: RECOLLECTING A FRAGMENTED LEGACY by Franco Manni, Foreword by David B. Burrell, CSC, Cascade Books, Eugene, OR 2020, pp. ix + 282, £ 30.00, pbk
- SCM STUDYGUIDE TO RELIGIOUS AND SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCE by Jeff Astley, SCM Press, London, 2020, pp. xi + 306, £19.99, pbk
- EFFORT AND GRACE: ON THE SPIRITUAL EXERCISE OF PHILOSOPHY by Simone Kotva, Bloomsbury, London, 2020, pp. xv + 226, £80.00, hbk
- A NEW HISTORY OF THE CHURCH IN WALES: GOVERNANCE AND MINISTRY, THEOLOGY AND SOCIETY edited by Norman Doe, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2020, pp. xxi + 370, £24.99, pbk
- ANNUNCIATIONS: SACRED MUSIC FOR THE TWENTY‐FIRST CENTURY, edited by George Corbett, Open Book Publishers, Cambridge UK, 2019, pp. xvi + 376, £28.95 pbk, free as pdf.
- Comment: Women Religious
- “Kneel, compañero:” Monsignor Quixote’s Sacramental Adventure
- Liberalism and the Common Good
- When Will Christ Come Again?
- The Absence of Divine Ideas in the Summa Contra Gentiles
- Comment: God’s Sex Or Gender
- VIRTUE AND MEANING: A NEO‐ARISTOTELIAN PERSPECTIVE by David McPherson, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2020, pp. 230, £75.00, hbk
- GRAVEN IMAGES: SUBSTITUTES FOR TRUE MORALITY by Dietrich von Hildebrand with Alice von Hildebrand, Hildebrand Press, Steubenville, 2019, pp. xxvi + 194, £13,99, pbk MORALITY AND SITUATION ETHICS by Dietrich Hildebrand with Alice von Hildebrand, Hildebrand Press, Steubenville, 2019, pp. xxxix + 180, £13.99, pbk
- SOCIETY AND GOD: CULTURE AND CREED FROM A PHILOSOPHICAL STANDPOINT by William Charlton, James Clarke & Co, 2020, pp. 195, £65.00, hbk
- MY BODY GIVEN FOR YOU: HISTORY AND THEOLOGY OF THE EUCHARIST by Helmut Hoping, translated by M.J. Miller from the second expanded German edition, Ignatius Press, San Francisco, 2019, pp. 538, $35.95, pbk
- ENCOUNTERING THE LIVING GOD IN SCRIPTURE: THEOLOGICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL PRINCIPLES FOR INTERPRETATION by William M. Wright IV and Francis Martin, Baker Academic, Grand Rapids, 2019, pp. xviii + 253, $26.99, pbk
- AQUINAS’S ESCHATOLOGICAL ETHICS AND THE VIRTUE OF TEMPERANCE by Matthew Levering, University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame, Indiana, 2019, pp. xi + 432, £54.00, hbk
- GRACE, PREDESTINATION, AND THE PERMISSION OF SIN: A THOMISTIC ANALYSIS by Taylor Patrick O’Neill, Catholic University of America Press, Washington, D.C., 2019, pp. x + 326, $75.00, hbk
- GRACE, PREDESTINATION, AND THE PERMISSION OF SIN: A THOMISTIC ANALYSIS by Taylor Patrick O’Neill, Catholic University of America Press, Washington, D.C., 2019, pp. x + 326, $75.00, hbk
- AQUINAS’S ESCHATOLOGICAL ETHICS AND THE VIRTUE OF TEMPERANCE by Matthew Levering, University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame, Indiana, 2019, pp. xi + 432, £54.00, hbk
- Analogy, Synergy, Revelation: Divine‐Humanity in John Milbank’s Poetic Theology
- SOCIETY AND GOD: CULTURE AND CREED FROM A PHILOSOPHICAL STANDPOINT by William Charlton, James Clarke & Co, 2020, pp. 195, £65.00, hbk
- Aquinas, Contemplation, and Theology
- Truth as Conformation in Herbert of Cherbury
- GOD, MYSTERY, AND MYSTIFICATION by Denys Turner, University of Notre Dame Press, Indiana, 2019, pp. xviii + 185, $50.00, hbk
- THEOLOGICAL RADICALISM AND TRADITION: ‘THE LIMITS OF RADICALISM’ WITH APPENDICES by Howard E. Root, edited by Christopher R. Brewer, Routledge, London and New York, 2018, pp. xii + 165, £105.00, hbk
- ON LOVE AND VIRTUE: THEOLOGICAL ESSAYS by Michael S. Sherwin, O.P., Emmaus Academic, Steubenville, 2019, pp. xix+286, $34.99, hbk
- THE OXFORD HANDBOOK OF MARY edited by Chris Maunder, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2019, pp. xx + 702, £110.00, hbk
- THE LORD’S PRAYER [Interpretation: Resources for the Use of Scripture in the Church] by C. Clifton Black, Westminster John Knox, Louisville, 2018, pp. 400, $40.00, hbk
- Comment: The Power of Prayer
- THOMAS AQUINAS AND THE GREEK FATHERS, edited by Michael Dauphinais, Andrew Hofer OP, and Roger Nutt. Sapientia Press of Ave Maria University, Ave Maria, Florida, 2019, pp. xviii + 360, £67.07, pbk
- Reply to Timothy Hinton on Gareth Moore’s Philosophy of God
- Closing Arguments for the Defence
- Must We Love Non‐Human Animals?
- Reflections about Newman and Wittgenstein on Knowledge, Certainty and Language
- Creation in Aquinas: ex nihilo or ex deo?
- Purgatory
- UNEARTHLY BEAUTY: THE AESTHETICS OF ST JOHN HENRY NEWMAN by Guy Nicholls Cong. Orat., Gracewing, Leominster, 2019, pp. xxiv + 352, £25.00, hbk
- DANTE’S CHRISTIAN ETHICS. PURGATORY AND ITS MORAL CONTEXTS by George Corbett, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2020, pp. x + 233, £75.00, hbk
- BONAVENTURE, THE BODY, AND THE AESTHETICS OF SALVATION by Rachel Davies, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2020, pp. xii + 187, £75.00, hbkEARLY FRANCISCAN THEOLOGY: BETWEEN AUTHORITY AND INNOVATION by Lydia Schumacher, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2019, pp. xi + 311, £75.00, hbk
- THE HUMAN PERSON: A BEGINNER’S THOMISTIC PSYCHOLOGY by Steven J. Jensen, Catholic University of America Press, Washington D.C., 2018, pp. 296, $34.95, pbk
- Aquinas in His Place
- AQUINAS AND THE MARKET: TOWARD A HUMANE ECONOMY by Mary L. Hirschfeld, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts & London, 2018, pp. xviii + 268, £36.95, hbk
- THE LIFE AND PHILOSOPHY OF ELIZABETH ANSCOMBE edited by John Haldane, Imprint Academic (St. Andrews Studies in Philosophy and Public Affairs), Exeter, 2019, pp. xiv+312, £19.95, pbk
- Liturgy, Inculturation and the reception of Sacrosanctum concilium 37–40: An on‐going project for those who preside?
- Aquinas on the Nature of Christ’s Punishment and its Role in His Work of Satisfaction
- Aquinas, Sense Pleasure, and the State of Grace
- ‘A Church that Listens’: Synodality in the Life and Mission of the Church
- Chesterton and Holiness
- ‘The Fearful Silence of Three Women (Mark 16:8)’
- The Integrity of Gareth Moore’s Believing in God
- MASS EXODUS: CATHOLIC DISAFFILIATION IN BRITAIN AND AMERICA SINCE VATICAN II by Stephen Bullivant, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2019, pp. 309, £25.00, hbk
- A CATECHSIM FOR FAMILY LIFE. INSIGHTS FROM CATHOLIC TEACHING ON LOVE, MARRIAGE, SEX, AND PARENTING edited by Sarah Bartel and John S. Grabowski, Catholic University of America Press, Washington, 2018, pp. xxii + 265, $24.95, pbk
- THE THREE DYNAMISMS OF FAITH: SEARCHING FOR MEANING, FULFILLMENT AND TRUTH by Louis Roy, OP Catholic University of America Press, Washington DC, 2017, pp. xii + 236, £36.50, pbk
- GALATIANS [Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture] by Cardinal Albert Vanhoye and Peter S. Williamson, Baker Academic, Grand Rapids, 2019, pp. 224, $21,99, pbk
- GOD’S SPIES: MICHELANGELO, SHAKESPEARE AND OTHER POETS OF VISION by Paul Murray OP, T&T Clark, London, pp. ix + 178, £81.00, hbk
- THAT ALL SHALL BE SAVED: HEAVEN, HELL, AND UNIVERSAL SALVATION by David Bentley Hart, Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 2019, pp. 222, £20.00, hbk
- GOD’S SPIES: MICHELANGELO, SHAKESPEARE AND OTHER POETS OF VISION by Paul Murray OP, T&T Clark, London, pp. ix + 178, £81.00, hbk
- On the Many Senses of Scripture: Romans 1:19‐20 in the Summa theologiae
- Falsely Identifying Original Sin and Pure Nature: Christological Implications
- Dominican Ditchling and Herbert Mccabe’s Sacramental Politics: Backwards to a Radical Future
- Pure Means vs. Supernatural Means? On the Solidarity and Differences between Jacques Maritain and Dorothy Day
- Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas, and The Third Man Argument
- Raymond Williams’ Reading of Newman’s The Idea of a University
- Aquinas on Evil and the Will: A response to Mackie*
- Towards a Theological and Synodal Response to the Abuse Crisis
- AUGUSTINE, CONFESSIONS translated, with Introduction and Notes, by Thomas Williams, Hackett Publishing Company, Indianapolis/Cambridge, 2019, pp. xxxiv + 305, $11.00, pbk
- Comment: Beaufort’s Dyke
- SPIRIT OF GOD: SHORT WRITINGS ON THE HOLY SPIRIT by Yves Congar, OP translated by Susan Mader Brown, Mark E. Ginter, Joseph G. Mueller SJ, and Catherine E. Clifford, Catholic University of America Press, Washington DC, 2018, pp. xi + 297, $65.00, hbk.
- ALBAN AND SERGIUS: THE STORY OF A JOURNAL by Aidan Nichols OP, Gracewing, Leominster, 2018, pp. xii + 514, £25.00, pbk
- AESTHETICS: Volume I by Dietrich von Hildebrand. Foreword by Dana Gioia, Preface by Robert E. Wood, Introduction by John F. Crosby, translated by Fr. Brian McNeil. Hildebrand Press, Steubenville, Ohio, 2016, pp. xxxvii + 470, $18.99, pbkAESTHETICS: Volume II by Dietrich von Hildebrand, Foreword by Sir Roger Scruton, translated by John F. Crosby, John Henry Crosby, and Fr. Brian McNeil, edited by John F. Crosby, John Henry Crosby. Hildebrand Press, Steubenville, Ohio, 2018, pp. xxx + 574, $19.99, pbk
- A GIFT OF PRESENCE: THE THEOLOGY AND POETRY OF THE EUCHARIST IN THOMAS AQUINAS, by Jan‐Heiner Tück, translated by Scott G. Hefelfinger, Foreword by Bruce D. Marshall, Catholic University of America Press, Washington D.C., 2018, pp. xxii + 379, £76.00, hbk
- Re‐thinking Truth: Assessing Heidegger’s critique of Aquinas in light of Vallicella’s critique of Heidegger
- Did Christ die for Neanderthals?
- Aquinas on Faith and Charity
- Aquinas’ Fifth Way
- “Liturgy as a Practical Cosmology: Jenkins and Lonergan in Conversation”
- Re‐thinking Truth: Assessing Heidegger’s critique of Aquinas in light of Vallicella’s critique of Heidegger
- Re‐thinking Truth: Assessing Heidegger’s critique of Aquinas in light of Vallicella’s critique of Heidegger
- Laudato Si’s View on Integral Ecology in Light of the Planetary Boundaries Concept
- THE JOYFUL MYSTERY: FIELD NOTES TOWARD A GREEN THOMISM by Christopher J. Thompson, Emmaus Road Publishing, Steubenville, Ohio, 2017, pp. xxiv + 188, $22.95, hbk
- THE PROFESSION OF ECCLESIASTICAL LAWYERS: AN HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION by R.H. Helmholz, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2019, pp. xvii + 232, £85.00, hbk
- PICTURES OF THE WORLD: THREE VIEWS OF LIFE, THE UNIVERSE, AND EVERYTHING by Scott Steinkerchner and Peter Hunter [foreword by Peter C. Phan], Cascade Books, Oregon, 2018, pp. xvi + 165, £18.00, pbk
- THE CLEANSING OF THE HEART: THE SACRAMENTS AS INSTRUMENTAL CAUSES IN THE THOMISTIC TRADITION by Reginald M. Lynch OP, Catholic University of America Press, Washington D.C., 2017, pp. xii + 225, $65.00, hbk
- THE FULLNESS OF DIVINE WORSHIP: THE SACRED LITURGY AND ITS RENEWAL edited by Uwe Michael Lang, Catholic University of America Press, Washington, D.C., 2018, pp. xi + 225, $ 34.95, pbk
- THE GOSPEL OF LUKE by Pablo T. Gadenz, [Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture], Baker Academic, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2018, pp. 413, $24.99, pbk
- Comment: Our Centenary
- Caregiving, Self‐Care, and Contemplation: Resources from Thomas Aquinas*
- Aquinas, Darwin and Natural Law: Teleology and Immutability of Species
- Word of God, Words of God Words: Image and Ritual in Religion and Life
- Gender Identity, Analogy and Virtue: A Response Newton and Watt
- Breathing Forth the Word: Yves Congar’s Articulation of the Activity of The Holy Spirit In The Life of Christ
- Supplying Theology’s Missing Link
- Human Speech and God’s Word: On a Latent Divine Attribute
- Grammar of Dissent? Theology and the Language of Religious Education
- “Words Enfleshing the Word”: Joseph Ratzinger on the Prophetic Interpretation of Revelation in the Church
- Naming God: Or Why Names are not Attributes
- Holy Places and Religious Language in New Religious Movements
- “We Confess that we are Atheists”
- Word of God, Words of God Words, Image and Ritual in Religion and Life
- THE STANDARD BEARER OF THE ROMAN CHURCH: LAWRENCE OF BRINDISI & CAPUCHIN MISSIONS IN THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE (1599‐1613) by Andrew J. G. Drenas, Catholic University of America Press, Washington, D.C., 2018, pp. xvii + 246, hbk
- “H Newman” and Ludwig Wittgenstein: Re‐evaluating the History of John Henry Newman’s Philosophical Reception
- WILLIAM DESMOND’S PHILOSOPHY BETWEEN METAPHYSICS, RELIGION, ETHICS, AND AESTHETICS edited by Dennis Vanden Auweele, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. xix+343, £89.99, hbk
- Contemporary Naturalism, God, and the Methodological Relevance of Thomas Aquinas
- Would St. Thomas Aquinas Baptize an Extraterrestrial?, Revisited
- Questioning Bonaventure’s Augustinianism?: On the Noetic Effects of Sin
- “H Newman” and Ludwig Wittgenstein: Re‐evaluating the History of John Henry Newman’s Philosophical Reception
- THE SEDUCTIVENESS OF VIRTUE: ABRAHAM JOSHUA HESCHEL AND JOHN PAUL II ON MORALITY AND PERSONAL FULFILLMENT by John J. Fitzgerald, Bloomsbury, T and T Clark, London, 2017, pp. xii + 213, £85.00, hbk
- WILLIAM DESMOND’S PHILOSOPHY BETWEEN METAPHYSICS, RELIGION, ETHICS, AND AESTHETICS edited by Dennis Vanden Auweele, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. xix+343, £89.99, hbk
- GOD AND CREATION IN THE THEOLOGY OF THOMAS AQUINAS AND KARL BARTH by Tyler R. Wittman, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2019, pp. xiv + 315, £75.00, hbk
- THE SUFI AND THE FRIAR: A MYSTICAL ENCOUNTER OF TWO MEN OF GOD IN THE ABODE OF ISLAM by Minlib Dallh, State University of New York Press, Albany, 2017, pp. xi + 201, $20.95, pbk
- THE STANDARD BEARER OF THE ROMAN CHURCH: LAWRENCE OF BRINDISI & CAPUCHIN MISSIONS IN THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE (1599‐1613) by Andrew J. G. Drenas, Catholic University of America Press, Washington, D.C., 2018, pp. xvii + 246, hbk
- Comment: Hinari and “Little Things”
- A THEOLOGY OF THE CHRISTIAN BIBLE: REVELATION‐INSPIRATION‐CANON by Denis Farkasfalvy, O. Cist., Catholic University of America Press, Washington, D.C., 2018, pp. xii + 239, $34.95, pbk
- Pusey and Scripture: Dead End or Fertile Ground?
- The Christological Prudence of the Natural Slave
- Jacques Maritain on the Mystic‐Poet
- Aquinas, Instinct and the “Internalist” Justification of Faith
- Aquinas’s ‘Integral Parts of Prudence’ as a Resource for Human Formation
- ‘BREATHING THE SPIRIT WITH BOTH LUNGS’: DEIFICATION IN THE WORK OF VLADIMIR SOLOV’EV by Jeremy Pilch, Peeters, Leuven, 2018, pp. x + 249, €78.00, pbk.
- EMBRACING OUR FINITUDE: Exercises in Christian Anthropology between Dependence and Gratitude by Stephan Kampowski, Cascade Books, Eugene, Oregon, 2018, pp. 172, £18.00, pbk
- CONSCIENCE BEFORE CONFORMITY. HANS AND SOPHIE SCHOLL AND THE WHITE ROSE RESISTANCE IN NAZI GERMANY by Paul Shrimpton, Gracewing, Leominster, 2018, pp. xxi + 304, £ 15.99, pbk.
- ACTING LITURGICALLY: PHILOSOPHICAL REFLECTIONS ON RELIGIOUS PRACTICE by Nicholas Wolterstorff, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2018, pp. ix + 306, £45.00, hbk
- VON BALTHASAR & THE OPTION FOR THE POOR: THEODRAMATICS IN THE LIGHT OF LIBERATION THEOLOGY, by Todd Walatka, Catholic University of America Press, Washington, D.C., 2017, pp. xii + 249, $69.95, hbk
- Approaching Other Animals with Caution: Exploring Insights from Aquinas’s Psychology
- AQUINAS ON VIRTUE: A CAUSAL READING by Nicholas Austin SJ, Georgetown University Press, Washington DC, 2017, pp. xxiv + 233, $34.95, pbkHOPE AND CHRISTIAN ETHICS by David Elliot, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2017, pp. xv + 264, £75.00, hbk
- Thomistic Animalism
- Man more Animal than Anything: The Unity in Human Agency
- The Rational Animal and Modern Science: The Research Context of the Papers
- The Intellectual Animal
- Aquinas’s ‘Integral Parts of Prudence’ as a Resource for Human Formation
- ‘BREATHING THE SPIRIT WITH BOTH LUNGS’: DEIFICATION IN THE WORK OF VLADIMIR SOLOV’EV by Jeremy Pilch, Peeters, Leuven, 2018, pp. x + 249, €78.00, pbk.
- VON BALTHASAR & THE OPTION FOR THE POOR: THEODRAMATICS IN THE LIGHT OF LIBERATION THEOLOGY, by Todd Walatka, Catholic University of America Press, Washington, D.C., 2017, pp. xii + 249, $69.95, hbk
- Lead us not into Temptation: On the Proposed Revision of the Our Father
- Hylomorphism, Intentionality, and Prior’s Puzzle
- Time and Measures of Success: Interpreting and Implementing Laudato Si’
- Analogy, Synergy, Revelation: Divine‐Humanity in John Milbank’s Poetic Theology
- Analogy, Synergy, Revelation: Divine‐Humanity in John Milbank’s Poetic Theology
- WILLIAM DESMOND AND CONTEMPORARY THEOLOGY edited by Christopher Ben Simpson and Brendan Thomas Sammon, University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame, IN, 2017, pp. vii + 301, $50.00, hbk
- A POLITICS OF GRACE: HOPE FOR REDEMPTION IN A POST‐CHRISTENDOM CONTEXT by Christiane Alpers, Bloomsbury Academic, London, 2018, pp. x + 229, £85.00, hbk
- THE CHRISTIAN IDEA OF GOD: A PHILOSOPHICAL FOUNDATION FOR FAITH by Keith Ward, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2017, pp. vi + 229, £24.99, pbk
- MATERIAL EUCHARIST by David Grumett, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2016, pp. xi + 322, £75.00, hbk
- Comment: Varieties of Secularism
- AQUINAS’S PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION by Paul O’Grady, Palgrave MacMillan, Houndmills Basingstoke, 2014, pp. xiii + 246, £22.50, pbk
- NEWMAN’S EARLY ROMAN CATHOLIC LEGACY 1845–1854 by C. Michael Shea, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2017, pp. xiii + 230, £60.00, hbk
- Perfection and the Necessity of the Trinity in Aquinas
- CATHOLIC THEOLOGY by Tracey Rowland, Bloomsbury T&T Clark, London, 2017, pp. vi + 208, £16.99, pbk
- ON LOVE, CONFESSION, SURRENDER AND THE MORAL SELF by Ian Clausen, [Reading Augustine Series], Bloomsbury, New York and London, 2018, pp. xiv + 140, £17.99, pbk
- THE CAROLINE DIVINES AND THE CHURCH OF ROME: A CONTRIBUTION TO CURRENT ECUMENICAL DIALOGUE by Mark Langham, Routledge, London, 2018, pp. xvi + 251, £105.00, hbk
- GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF SACRAMENTAL THEOLOGY by Roger W. Nutt, Catholic University of America Press, Washington, D.C., 2017, pp. viii + 206, $34.95, pbk
- AUGUSTINE AND WITTGENSTEIN edited by John Doody, Alexander R. Eodice, and Kim Paffenroth, Lexington Books, Lanham, Maryland, 2018, pp. xii +204, £65.00, hbk
- THE CAMBRIDGE COMPANION TO THE PROBLEM OF EVIL edited by Chad Meister and Paul K. Moser, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2017, pp. xi + 273, £23.99, pbk
- Comment: Jean Vanier in memoriam
- Job’s Unfinalizable Voice: An Addendum to David Burrell’s Deconstructing Theodicy
- Reading Contra Julianum in Light of the City of God
- Aquinas and Uber: The Justice of Surge Pricing
- Is There Pain in hell?
- The Human Soul and Evolution: A Mimetic Perspective
- Gender Transition: The Moral Meaning of Bodily and Social Presentation
- Comment: Reading Hero of Alexandria
- C. S. LEWIS AND CHRISTIAN POSTMODERNISM: WORD, IMAGE, AND BEYOND by Kyoko Yuasa, [foreword by Bruce L. Edwards], The Lutterworth Press, Cambridge, 2017, pp. xi + 197, £ 18.50, pbk
- UNLOCKING THE CHURCH: THE LOST SECRETS OF VICTORIAN SACRED SPACE by William Whyte, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2017, pp. xvi + 241, £18.99, hbk
- THE CHRISTIAN MORAL LIFE: DIRECTIONS FOR THE JOURNEY TO HAPPINESS by John Rziha, University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame, 2017, pp. 368, £41.50, hbk
- CONVENTIONAL AND ULTIMATE TRUTH: A KEY FOR FUNDAMENTAL THEOLOGY by Joseph Stephen O’Leary, [Thresholds in Philosophy and Theology], University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame, Indiana, 2015, pp. xvii + 404, £47.95, pbk.
- THE MYSTERY OF EVIL: BENEDICT XVI AND THE END OF DAYS by Giorgio Agamben, translated by Adam Kotsko, Stanford University Press, Stanford, 2017, pp. xi + 69, £ 12.99, pbkTHE PRINCE OF THIS WORLD by Adam Kotsko, Stanford University Press, Stanford, 2017, pp. ix + 225, £ 15.35, pbk
- DOMINICAN BROTHERS: CONVERSI, LAY AND COOPERATOR BROTHERS by Augustine Thompson O.P., New Priory Press, Chicago, 2017, pp. xii + 342, $19.95, pbk
- Vincent McNabb 1868‐1943, an Anniversary Commemoration
- Nexus of Christian Mysteries: The Filioque and its Doctrinal “Life‐Significance”
- Taking Nature Graciously: A Thomistic Perspective on Habits
- Let’s Work This Out: Is Work A Basic Human Good?
- Art and the Desire for God: A Thomistic Perspective in Aesthetics
- Episcopal Liturgical Pastoral Governance: A Restricted Reception
- The Relation of Revelation and Tradition in the Theology of John Henry Newman and Joseph Ratzinger
- Ministry in the New Testament
- Assent to Faith, Theology and Scientia in Aquinas
- Pusey and Transubstantiation: An Exploration of His Thinking and Ecumenical Implications
- THE TRAGIC IMAGINATION by Rowan Williams, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2016, pp. viii + 168, £14.99, pbk
- ETHICS IN THE CONFLICTS OF MODERNITY: AN ESSAY ON DESIRE, PRACTICAL REASONING, AND NARRATIVE by Alasdair MacIntyre, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2016, pp. xiii + 322, £28.99, hbk
- THOMAS AND THE THOMISTS: THE ACHIEVEMENT OF THOMAS AQUINAS AND HIS INTERPRETERS by Romanus Cessario and Cajetan Cuddy, Fortress Press, Minneapolis, 2017, pp. xvii + 151, £28.99, pbk
- THE THEOLOGICAL AND ECOLOGICAL VISION OF LAUDATO SI’: EVERYTHING IS INTERCONNECTED edited by Vincent J. Miller, Bloomsbury, London and New York, 2017, pp. xvi + 288, £28.99, pbk
- THE PROPHETIC CHURCH: HISTORY AND DOCTRINAL DEVELOPMENT IN JOHN HENRY NEWMAN AND YVES CONGAR by Andrew Meszaros, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2016, pp. xiii + 268, £65.00, hbk
- ROMANS [CATHOLIC COMMENTARY ON SACRED SCRIPTURE] by Scott W. Hahn, Baker Academic, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2017, pp. xxxi + 299, $22.99, pbk
- MUSIC, THEOLOGY, AND JUSTICE edited by Michael O’Connor, Hyun‐Ah Kim, and Christina Labriola, Lexington Books, Lanham, 2017, pp. xxi+228, £70.00, hbk
- CONFESSION: THE HEALING OF THE SOUL by Peter Tyler, Bloomsbury, London, 2017, pp. 219, £14.99, pbk
- MUSIC, THEOLOGY, AND JUSTICE edited by Michael O’Connor, Hyun‐Ah Kim, and Christina Labriola, Lexington Books, Lanham, 2017, pp. xxi+228, £70.00, hbk
- Can Canon Law be Described as ‘Ministry’?
- Who Is Being Served At Tables? The Permanent Diaconate Today
- Beyond the Parochial: Parish Realities and a Synodal Church
- The Four Types of Priesthood in the New Testament: On Avoiding Confusions about What ‘Priesthood’ Means
- Ministry & Society: The Rhetorics of Expectations
- Ministry: Who Ministers What To Whom?
- Time in Heaven: From Glory to Glory
- “It’s Beautiful to be Old.” In Search of Emergent Catholic Social Teaching on Old Age
- “It’s Beautiful to be Old.” In Search of Emergent Catholic Social Teaching on Old Age
- “Historical‐Critical Ministry? The Biblical Studies Classroom as Restorative Secular Space”
- Ministry in a Post‐Religious Society: Can we do it at All?
- Facing a Liturgy‐Starved Church: Do We Need to Think Afresh About the Basics of Ministry?
- It’s Déjà vu all over again1
- It’s Déjà vu all over again1
- “Lord, Have Mercy on Me, a Sinner”: Aquinas on Grace, Impetration, and Justification
- Sebastian Faulks’s Genesis Obsession – and Related Issues
- Sebastian Faulks’s Genesis Obsession – and Related Issues
- REUNION REVISITED: 1930s ECUMENISM EXPOSED by Mark Vickers, Gracewing, Leominster, 2017, p. 282, £14.99, pbk
- Comment: Capital Punishment
- MAKING AND BREAKING THE RULES: DISCUSSION, IMPLEMENTATION, AND CONSEQUENCES OF DOMINICAN LEGISLATION edited by Cornelia Linde, Oxford University Press, Oxford [The German Historical Institute, London], 2018, pp. xii + 438, £85.00, hbk
- THE THEOLOGY OF LOUIS MASSIGNON: ISLAM, CHRIST, AND THE CHURCH by Christian S. Krokus, Foreword by Sidney H. Griffith, Catholic University of America Press, Washington, D.C., 2017, pp. xvii + 245, $65.00, hbk
- KAROL WOJTYLA’S PERSONALIST PHILOSOPHY: UNDERSTANDING PERSON & ACT by Miguel Acosta and Adrian J. Reimers, Catholic University of America Press, Washington, D.C., 2016, pp. ix + 260, $57.28, hbk
- AUTHENTIC LITURGICAL RENEWAL IN CONTEMPORARY PERSPECTIVE edited by Uwe Lang, Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2017, p. 240, £19.99, pbk
- SIN IN THE SIXTIES: CATHOLICS AND CONFESSION, 1955–1975 by Maria C. Morrow, The Catholic University of America Press, Washington D.C., 2016, pp. xvii + 264, £68.95, hbk
- Comment: Leaving the EU
- Only Connect: Romano Guardini, Gaudium et Spes and the Unity of Christian Existence
- ‘The Honour of the Mind’: Intellectual Integrity in Scholarly Research
- Christocentric Exemplarism and the Imitation of Jesus
- A “Modern” Medieval Theory of Doctrinal Development: Development of Doctrine in St. Bonaventure’s Collationes in Hexaemeron
- A “Modern” Medieval Theory of Doctrinal Development: Development of Doctrine in St. Bonaventure’s Collationes in Hexaemeron
- Play and Liturgy Towards a Transcendental Sense of the Experience of the Mystery
- Three Rival Versions of Monetary Enquiry: Symbol, Treasure, Token
- Relations in Creation and Christology: A Response to Porter
- Pope John XXIII, Conciliar and Contemporary Episcopal Pastoral Governance
- Christus Victor Motifs and Christ’s Temptations in the Soteriology of Thomas Aquinas
- Etienne Gilson and Fr. Lawrence Dewan O.P.:Christian Philosophy as the Interdisciplinary Pursuit of Wisdom
- How to (Not) Make the World Sacred: Congar’s “Sacred Pedagogy”
- How to (Not) Make the World Sacred: Congar’s “Sacred Pedagogy”
- THE INDISSOLUBILITY OF MARRIAGE AND THE COUNCIL OF TRENT by E. Christian Brugger, Catholic University of America Press, Washington, D.C., 2017, pp. xiii + 295, $69.95, hbk
- THE PERSECUTION AND GENOCIDE OF CHRISTIANS IN THE MIDDLE EAST: PREVENTION, PROHIBITION, & PROSECUTION edited by Ronald J. Rychlak and Jane F. Adolphe, Angelico Press, Kettering, OH, 2017, pp. xii + 393, $21.95, pbk
- THE RECEPTION OF VATICAN II edited by Matthew L. Lamb and Matthew Levering, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2017, pp. xiii + 468, £26.49, pbk
- AQUINAS AND THE THEOLOGY OF THE BODY: THE THOMISTIC FOUNDATIONS OF JOHN PAUL II’S ANTHROPOLOGY by Thomas Petri OP, Catholic University of America Press, Washington, DC, 2016, pp. xiii + 338, £59.95, hbk
- THE HISTORY OF COURTS AND PROCEDURE IN MEDIEVAL CANON LAW edited by Wilfried Hartmann and Kenneth Pennington [History of Medieval Canon Law], Catholic University of America Press, Washington, D.C., 2016, pp. xiv + 506, £79.50, hbk
- GENESIS 1–11. A NEW OLD TRANSLATION FOR READERS, SCHOLARS, AND TRANSLATORS by Samuel L. Bray and John F. Hobbins, Glossahouse, Wilmore, KY., 2017, pp. 313, $14.99, pbk
- THOMAS AQUINAS: A VERY BRIEF HISTORY by Brian Davies, SPCK, London, 2017, pp. xv + 137, £7.99, pbk
- Comment: Illiberal Democracy
- Victor White OP: War and the Narrative of Human Flourishing
- An Eschatological Critique of Catherine Pickstock’s Liturgical Theology
- Visible and Invisible: George Tyrrell and Christ’s Bodies*
- Not Crying “Peace” The Theological Politics of Herbert McCabe
- Suorum Operum Potestas: Works, Virtues, and the Theology of Economy
- A Thomistic Model of Friendship with God as Deification
- How an Orthodox Accusation Became a Source of Inspiration for Congar’s pneumatology*
- GOD IN A SINGLE VISION: INTEGRATING PHILOSOPHY AND THEOLOGY by David Brown, edited by Christopher R. Brewer and Robert MacSwain, Routledge, London & New York, 2016, pp. x + 192, £30.00, pbkDIVINE GENEROSITY AND HUMAN CREATIVITY: THEOLOGY THROUGH SYMBOL, PAINTING AND ARCHITECTURE by David Brown, edited by Christopher R. Brewer and Robert MacSwain, Routledge, London & New York, 2016, pp. xv + 208, £30.00, pbk
- THEOLOGY NEEDS PHILOSOPHY: ACTING AGAINST REASON IS CONTRARY TO THE NATURE OF GOD edited by Matthew L. Lamb, Catholic University of America Press, Washington, D.C., 2016, pp. 344, $69.95, hbk
- WORK OF LOVE: A THEOLOGICAL RECONSTRUCTION OF THE COMMUNION OF SAINTS by Leonard J. DeLorenzo, University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame, Indiana, 2017, pp. xiii + 346, $55.00, hbk
- ON HUMAN NATURE by Roger Scruton, Princeton University Press, Princeton and Oxford, 2017, pp. 151, $22.95, hbk
- RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE AND NEW MATERIALISM: MOVEMENT MATTERS edited by Joerg Rieger and Edward Waggoner, Palgrave Macmillan, London/New York, 2016, pp. ix + 191, £60.00, hbk
- CAJETAN’S BIBLICAL COMMENTARIES: MOTIVE AND METHOD by Michael O’Connor, Brill, Leiden, 2017, pp. xvi + 302, £145.00, hbk
- ALL GREAT ART IS PRAISE: ART AND RELIGION IN JOHN RUSKIN by Aidan Nichols OP, Catholic University of America Press, Washington, D.C., 2016, pp. xiii + 613, £80.95, hbk
- Comment: Shadow over CHOGM
- GOD IN A SINGLE VISION: INTEGRATING PHILOSOPHY AND THEOLOGY by David Brown, edited by Christopher R. Brewer and Robert MacSwain, Routledge, London & New York, 2016, pp. x + 192, £30.00, pbkDIVINE GENEROSITY AND HUMAN CREATIVITY: THEOLOGY THROUGH SYMBOL, PAINTING AND ARCHITECTURE by David Brown, edited by Christopher R. Brewer and Robert MacSwain, Routledge, London & New York, 2016, pp. xv + 208, £30.00, pbk
- CAJETAN’S BIBLICAL COMMENTARIES: MOTIVE AND METHOD by Michael O’Connor, Brill, Leiden, 2017, pp. xvi + 302, £145.00, hbk
- Angels in America – a theological reading in conjunction with Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation on The Call to Holiness in Today’s World, Gaudete et Exsultate (Rejoice and Be Glad), and key Catholic writings on Homosexuality
- Angels in America – a theological reading in conjunction with Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation on The Call to Holiness in Today’s World, Gaudete et Exsultate (Rejoice and Be Glad), and key Catholic writings on Homosexuality
- Truth in transition? Gender identity and Catholic anthropology
- Can Natural Laws be Derived from Sociability?
- THE IDEAL BISHOP: AQUINAS’S COMMENTARIES ON THE PASTORAL EPISTLES [Foreword by Abp. J. Augustine Di Noia OP] by Michael G. Sirilla, Catholic University of America Press, Washington DC, 2017, pp. xviii+257, £71.50, hbk
- Comment: The Sun on the Taoiseach
- DIALOGUE AS MISSION: REMEMBERING CHRYS McVEY edited by Prakash Anthony Lohale OP and Kevin Toomey OP, New Priory Press, Chicago, pp. xviii + 171, $10.00, pbk
- A FRAMEWORK FOR THE GOOD by Kevin Kinghorn, University of Notre Dame Press, Indiana, 2016, pp. x + 348, $45.00, pbk
- DAVID JONES: ENGRAVER, SOLDIER, PAINTER, POET by Thomas Dilworth, Jonathan Cape, London, 2017, pp. xi + 432, £25.00, hbk
- JESUS, INTERPRETED. BENEDICT XVI, BART EHRMAN, AND THE HISTORICAL TRUTH OF THE GOSPELS by Matthew J. Ramage, Catholic University of America Press, Washington, D.C., 2017, pp. xi + 287, $34.95, pbk
- T&T CLARK COMPANION TO HENRI DE LUBAC edited by Jordan Hillebert, Bloomsbury, London, 2017, pp. xix + 492, £140.99, hbk
- Issue Information ‐ TOC
- THE McCABE READER edited and introduced by Brian Davies and Paul Kucharski, Bloomsbury T&T Clark, London, 2016, pp. ix + 369, £21.99, pbk
- SOUNDINGS IN THE HISTORY OF A HOPE: NEW STUDIES ON THOMAS AQUINAS by Richard Schenk OP (Faith & Reason: Studies in Catholic Theology and Philosophy), Sapientia Press of Ave Maria University, Ave Maria, Florida, 2016, pp. x + 332, £41.50, pbk
- Imperfect Persons in States of Perfection: Aquinas on Vocations
- A Feminist Approach to the Marian Temple Type
- On God in Lacan: A Response to Tina Beattie
- Francisco Suárez and His Sources on the Gift of Tongues
- Gavin D’Costa’s Theory of the Unevangelized: A Continuing Assessment
- Inheriting Wittgenstein’s Augustine: A Grammatical Investigation of the Incarnation
- Analogy and Apophaticism: Neglected Themes in Feminist Philosophy of Religion
- The Weak Will as Cause in Acts of the Incontinent: A Response to Bonnie Kent
- The Nature of Nature: Concerning the Efficacy of Natural Law Reasoning
- TEMPTATION, reflections on Matthew 6.13
- Making The Most of It Counting the Cost: Some Catholic Perspectives on Luther’s Revolution
- Do We Still Need Reformers in the Church? The Case of Oscar Romero
- The Renewal and Reform of the Catholic Church’s Relationship with the Religious Others: Prospects and Challenges for a Theological Humanistic Turn in Christian-Muslim Dialogue
- From Common Prayer to Common Ancestor: The Quest for Anglican Liturgical Identity and the Legacy of the Reformation
- Aquinas and Poinsot (John of St. Thomas) on Instruments, Signs, and Teaching
- Icons and Analogy: Expanding our Language Games
- Subsistit in as a Specific Determination of Substantial Being in Lumen Gentium 8
- The Status Quaestionis of Ecumenism
- Theological Considerations for Liturgical Renewal with Edward Schillebeeckx1
- The Age of Reform
- Revisiting ‘the Nature of Protestantism’: Justification by Faith Five Hundred Years On
- The Eclipse of Sacramental Realism in the Age of Reform: Re-thinking Luther’s Gutenberg Galaxy in a Post-Digital Age
- Post-Reformation Priesthood in England: Taking the Past into the Future
- Luther, Loyola and La La Land
- VATICAN II NOTEBOOK: A COUNCIL JOURNAL 1962–1963 by Marie-Dominique Chenu OP, critical edition and introduction by Alberto Melloni, translated by Paul Philibert OP, ATF Theology, Adelaide, 2015, pp. xi + 163, $25.00, pbkDIARY OF THE 1914–1918 WAR by Yves Congar, notes and commentary by Stéphane Audoin-Rouzeau and Dominique Congar translated by Mary John Ronayne OP and Helen T. Frank, ATF Press, Hindmarsh, S.A., 2015, pp. 282, £39.95, pbk
- PREACHING JUSTICE: Volume II. CONTRIBUTIONS OF DOMINICAN SISTERS TO SOCIAL ETHICS IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY edited by Helen Alford OP and Francesco Compagnoni OP, Dominican Publications, Dublin, 2016, pp.573, € 40.00, pbk
- Comment: Contentious Statues
- THOMAS AQUINAS: A HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL PROFILE by Pasquale Porro, translated by Joseph Trabbic and Roger Nutt, Catholic University of America Press, Washington D.C., 2016, pp. xiii + 458, £59.95, hbk
- ON BEING AND COGNITION: ORDINATIO 1.3, JOHN DUNS SCOTUS translated by John van den Bercken, Fordham University Press, New York, 2016, pp. 298, $65.00, hbk
- THEOLOGICAL PHILOSOPHY: RETHINKING THE RATIONALITY OF CHRISTIAN FAITH by Lydia Schumacher, Ashgate, Farnham, 2015, pp. xi + 211, £60.00, hbk
- THE TRINITARIAN THEOLOGY OF ST THOMAS AQUINAS by Dominic Legge, O.P., Oxford University Press, Oxford and New York, 2017, pp. xvi + 261, £65.00, hbk
- CHRISTIANS AND THE STATE: A CATHOLIC PERSPECTIVE FOR THE 21ST CENTURY by John Duddington, foreword by Lord Mackay of Clashfern, Gracewing, Leominster, 2016, pp. x + 225, £ 12.99, pbk
- A Problem for Dialogue: Can World-Views be Rational?
- A Problem for Dialogue: Can World‐Views be Rational?
- Aquinas on Temperance
- DEATH AND THE AFTERLIFE IN BYZANTIUM: THE FATE OF THE SOUL IN THEOLOGY, LITURGY, AND ART by Vasileios Marinis, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2017, pp. xv + 202, £75.00, hbk
- REFRAMING CATHOLIC THEOLOGICAL ETHICS by Joseph A. Selling, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2016, pp. ix + 254, £65.00, hbk
- PERFECTION IN DEATH: THE CHRISTOLOGICAL DIMENSION OF COURAGE IN AQUINAS by Patrick M. Clark, Catholic University of America Press, Washington, DC, 2015, pp. xxi + 317, £59.95
- ETHICAL SEX: SEXUAL CHOICES AND THEIR NATURE AND MEANING by Anthony McCarthy, Fidelity Press, Indiana, 2016, pp. 326, £17.00, pbk
- Comment: Chlorinated Chicken
- BONDS OF WOOL: THE PALLIUM AND PAPAL POWER IN THE MIDDLE AGES by Steven A. Schoenig SJ, Catholic University of America Press, Washington, D.C., 2016, pp. xiii + 545, £79.95, hbk
- AQUINAS’S THEORY OF PERCEPTION: AN ANALYTIC RECONSTRUCTION by Anthony J. Lisska, Oxford University Press, New York, 2016, pp. 384, £60.00, hbk
- THE CAMBRIDGE COMPANION TO THE SUMMA THEOLOGIAE edited by Philip McCosker and Denys Turner, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2016, pp. xvi + 368, £19.99, pbk
- “The Miserable Supper”: César Vallejo and the Poetics of Communion
- Rémi Brague and this Extraordinary Use of ‘Believe’
- Would St. Thomas Aquinas baptize an Extraterrestrial?
- Kneeling in the Street: Recontextualizing Balthasar
- Healing and Transformation: Lonergan, Girard and Buddhism
- FREE WILL AND THEISM: CONNECTIONS, CONTINGENCIES, AND CONCERNS, edited by Kevin Timpe and Daniel Speak, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2016, pp. viii + 316, $85.00, hbk
- PRACTICAL THEOLOGY AND PIERRE-ANDRÉ LIÉGÉ: RADICAL DOMINICAN AND VATICAN II PIONEER by Nicholas Bradbury [foreword by Timothy Radcliffe OP], Ashgate, Farnham, 2015, pp. xv + 249, £65.00, hbk
- THE THEOLOGY OF MARRIAGE: PERSONALISM, DOCTRINE AND CANON LAW by Cormac Burke (foreword by Janet Smith), Catholic University of America Press, Washington, 2015, pp. 280, $34.95, pbk
- MARTIN LUTHER: RENEGADE AND PROPHET by Lyndal Roper, The Bodley Head, London, 2016, pp. ix + 577, £30.00, hbk
- LOGIC, TRUTH AND MEANING: WRITINGS OF G.E.M. ANSCOMBE edited by Mary Geach and Luke Gormally, [St Andrews Studies in Philosophy and Public Affairs], Imprint Academic, Exeter, 2015, pp. xix + 317, pbk
- Comment: Caveats
- HEBREWS [Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture] by Mary Healy, Baker Academic, Grand Rapids, MI, 2016, pp. 316, £13.99, pbk
- Jacques Maritain’s Anonymous Christianity
- Kierkegaard on Prayer
- Julian of Norwich, Hans Urs von Balthasar, and the Status of Suffering in Christian Theology
- A Half-Century After Ecclesiam Suam and ‘The 1964 Instruction’: The Practice of the Historical Disciplines Within the Practice of Theology
- T&T COMPANION TO LITURGY edited by Alcuin Reid, Bloomsbury T&T Clark, London, pp. xix + 561, £100.00, hbk
- ARISTOTLE IN AQUINAS’S THEOLOGY, edited by Gilles Emery OP and Matthew Levering, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2015, pp. xviii + 261, £65.00, hbk
- AUGUSTINE’S EARLY THEOLOGY OF IMAGE: A STUDY IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF PRO-NICENE THEOLOGY by Gerald P. Boersma, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2016, pp. xv + 318, £47.99, hbk
- SOCIAL RADICALISM AND LIBERAL EDUCATION by Lindsay Paterson, Imprint Academic, Exeter, 2015, pp.310, £19.95, pbk
- THINKING CHRISTIAN ETHOS: THE MEANING OF CATHOLIC EDUCATION by David Albert Jones and Stephen Barrie, Catholic Truth Society, London, pp.158, 2015, £9.95, pbk
- Comment: Exchanging Gifts
- THOMAS AQUINAS’S SUMMA CONTRA GENTILES. A GUIDE AND COMMENTARY by Brian Davies, Oxford University Press, New York, NY, 2016, pp. xviii + 485, £ 29.99, pbk
- REFORMING ROME: KARL BARTH AND VATICAN II by Donald W. Norwood, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids/Cambridge U.K., 2015, pp. xxi + 263, £23.99, pbk
- John Webster and Catholic Theology
- European Philosophy and Original Sin in Stephen Mulhall
- The Passions of Christ in the Moral Theology of Thomas Aquinas: An Integrative Account
- Can Origen Help Us Understand Adam?
- The Role of Non-Human Exemplars in Aquinas
- Analogy in Thomas Aquinas and Ludwig Wittgenstein. A comparison
- Thomas Aquinas, Prophecy, and the ‘Scientific’ Character of Sacred Doctrine
- Habituation and Hermeneutics: Toward a Thomistic Account of Pre-Understanding
- Beyond Natural Law
- Artificial RespirationWhat does God really do in the beginning?
- Time Meets Eternity: The Incarnation’s Significance for History and Culture
- Imagine That: Reading Eternal Progress Non-Metaphysically
- Aquinas, Hadot, and Spiritual Exercises
- Causing Little Ones to Stumble: Paul Bailey and the Millstone of Religion
- A Spirituality of Reconciliation: Lessons from Rwanda
- Thomas Aquinas on the Grace of Knowing God
- Icon(oclast)ic Discourse: Marion’s Logic of the Infinite
- Saint Augustine and the Theological Critique of Ideology
- Pusey and the Romantic Poets: Some Links to Eucharistic Theology
- Lonergan and Wittgenstein on the Dialectic of Methods
- Re-Telling Faith: A Contemporary Philosophical Redraft of Christianity as Hermeneutics
- Does a Hermeneutical Clarification of “Presence” Advance O’Collins’ Christology?
- University Education Construed in the Light of Faith
- Pope Francis and Respect for Diversity: A Mapping Employing a Green Theo-Ecoethical Lens
- Pope Francis and Respect for Diversity: A Mapping Employing a Green Theo‐Ecoethical Lens
- The Dialogue of Faith and Cultures: From Paul VI to Benedict XVI
- Judging according to Wisdom: Sacra Doctrina in the Summa Theologiae
- Aquinas and the Problem of No Best World
- Finding the Perfect Gift: Sociological, Philosophical, and Theological Approaches
- That Restless Immobility: Thomas Aquinas’ Anthropological Paradox
- Grace as Participation according to St. Thomas Aquinas
- Towards a Common Communion: The Relational Anthropologies of John Zizioulas and Karol Wojtyla
- Does Suffering Lack Meaning? A Contemporary Christian Response
- The First Movements of the Sensitive Appetite: Aquinas in Context
- Indulgences: A New Appreciation for the Present Moment?
- Turin Shroud, Resurrection and Science: One View of the Cathedral
- Nature, Grace and Catholic Engagement in Contemporary Cultural Dialogue
- Forbidden Fruit: Saint Augustine and the Psychology of Eating Disorders
- Jacques Maritain’s Ethics of Art
- Divine Goodness, Predestination, and the Hypostatic Union: St. Thomas on the Temporal Realization of the Father’s Eternal Plan in the Incarnate Son
- Tolkien and the Technocratic Paradigm
- Reason, Metaphysics, and their Relationship in the Theologies of Jenson and Aquinas
- “Catholics Re-examining Original Sin in light of Evolutionary Science: The State of the Question”
- “Catholics Re‐examining Original Sin in light of Evolutionary Science: The State of the Question”
- Spinoza and the Theo-Political Implications of his Freedom to Philosophize
- Teresa of Avila on Theology and Shame
- The Philosophical Legacy of John Henry Newman: A Neglected Chapter in Newman Research