- Grounding Normativity in Biology: The Unexpressed Rules of Core Cognition
- Norms from Nature. Etiological Functions as Normative Standards
- Animal Normativity
- Icons: Normativity and Gender Inequalities
- Deontic Visual Signs. Between Normative Force and Constitutive Power
- Pictures, Content, and Normativity: The Semantic of Graphic Rules
- “Road Rules”: Analyzing Traffic Signs through a Socio-Cognitive Approach
- Promising Pictures: Depicting, Advertising, Instructing
- Rules: A Toy Box
- Corporeal Drawn Norms. An Investigation of Graphic Normativity in the Material World of Everyday Objects
- The Tacit Dimensions of Normative Rules
- Implicit Norms
- Care, Social Practices and Normativity. Inner Struggle versus Panglossian Rule-Following
- Athetic Validity
- Chief Editor’s Note
- Conceptual Confusions and Causal Dynamics
- The Social Bases of Self-Respect. Political Equality and Epistemic Injustice
- The Political Dimension of an Enterprise’s Collective Agency
- Phenomenology of Social Integration and Social Exclusion. An Essential Task of Political Collective Agency
- On the Notion of Political Agency
- Vulnerable Identities: Political Agency and the European Court of Human Rights Case Law
- Revitalizing Political Agency: Contextual Politics against Discrimination
- Citizenship and Political Agency. A Focus on Forms of Participation for Immigrants at Local Level
- From “Nobodies” to “Somebodies”: Immigrants’ Struggle between Surviving and Political Agency in Times of Crisis Governance
- Vulnerability, Responsibilities and Migration
- The Metamorphosis of Aliens into Political Agents
- Why Not a Philosopher King? and Other Objections to Epistocracy
- Filosofia del linguaggio femminista, atti linguistici e riduzione al silenzio
- Ways to Be Concerned with Gender in Philosophy
- Phenomenological Empiricism
- Model-Building as a Philosophical Method
- Two Ways of Understanding Persons: A Husserlian Distinction
- What is the Phenomenological Approach? Revisiting Intentional Explication
- On the Idea of a ‘Method’ in Moral Philosophy
- The Methods of Ethics
- Intuizioni linguistiche e filosofia sperimentale: metodi a confronto
- Reference in Formal Semantics and Natural Language: A Methodological Route
- Dove va la filosofia italiana? Riflessioni sull’Italian Thought
- Introduction: Methods of Philosophy
- The Paradox of Axiology. A Phenomenological Approach to Value Theory
- Geografia e filosofia. Riflessioni su Pensiero vivente di Roberto Esposito a partire da Spinoza, Cavell e Foucault
- Descartes e il problema della teodicea nella prima modernità
- Spinoza on Metaphysical Doubt and the “Cartesian Circle”
- God, Eternal Truths and the Rationality of the World in Descartes
- Visually-based Knowingly Illusory Presence and Picture Display
- Can Movement be Depicted?
- The Spatial Experience of Musical Sources: Two Case Studies
- Modes of presentation and ways of appearing: a critical revision of Evans’s account*
- Art as Complement of Philosophy
- The “How” and “What” of Aesthetic Experience. Some Reflections Based on Noë’s Strange Tools. Art and Human Nature
- Art and Entanglement in Strange Tools
- Ways of Perceiving and Mapping Human Cognition through Art
- Can an Enactivist Approach Entail the Extended Conscious Mind?
- Color Relationism and Enactive Ontology
- The problem of images: A view from the brain-body
- Enactive Aesthetics and Neuroaesthetics
- Conceptual semantics as grounded in personal experience
- Art made for pictures
- The Nature of Pictorial Representations
- Twofold pictorial experience, propositional imagining and recognitional concepts: a critique of Walton’s visual make-believe
- Two Semiotic Shifts in the Philosophy of Norms: Meaning Shift and Referent Shift
- Norme: cinq référents
- Comment je vois le monde du droit
- Les critères et l’ordinaire de la norme
- Constitutive and Regulative Rules: a Dispute and a Resolution
- Vers une phénoménologie de la normativité. Une circonscription préliminaire du domaine
- Eidetics of Law-Making Acts: Parts, Wholes and Degrees of Existence
- Normative Experience: Deontic Noema and Deontic Noesis
- On the Question of How Social Rules and Social Norms Exist
- Norms, Norms, and Norms: Validity, Existence and Referents of the Term Norm in Alexy, Conte, and Guastini
- Normative Events
- The Challenge of the K-Principle in Deontic Logic (and Well Beyond)
- Logical Semantics and Norms: A Kantian Perspective
- The Epistemic Novelty of Norms
- Expressing Rules
- Reconstructing Intersubjective Norms
- The Imperative of Reputation Between Social and Moral Norms
- Empathy, Simulation, and Neuroscience: A Phenomenological Case against Simulation-Theory
- On Experiencing Meaning: Irreducible Cognitive Phenomenology and Sinewave Speech
- Embodied Mind – Ensocialled Body: Navigating Bodily and Social Processes within Accounts of Human Cognitive Agency
- Biology, Justice and Hume’s Guillotine
- On Solidarity: Gramsci’s Objectivity as a Corrective to Buber’s I-It
- The Italian “Difference”. Philosophy between Old and New Tendencies in Contemporary Italy
- A Snapshot of a New Generation of Philosophers
- The Practical Turn in Philosophy of Mathematics: A Portrait of a Young Discipline
- New Wine in Old Bottles: The Kind of Political Philosophy We Need
- What Metalinguistic Negotiations Can’t Do
- The Myth of Presentism’s Intuitive Appeal
- Contextualist Answers to the Challenge from Disagreement
- How to Dispel the Asymmetry Concerning Retraction
- Slurs: At-issueness and Semantic Normativity
- Thomason (Un)conditionals
- Assertion and the Varieties of Norms
- Chomsky on Analytic and Necessary Propositions
- The Two-Way Relationship Between Language Acquisition and Simulation Theory
- Rebuilding the Landscape of Psychological Understanding After the Mindreading War
- Naturalizing Qualia
- Carving Mind at Brain’s Joints. The Debate on Cognitive Ontology
- Looking for Emergence in Physics
- Direct Social Perception of Emotions in Close Relations
- Me, You, and the Measurement. Founding a Science of Consciousness on the Second Person Perspective