- When a Fervent Debate Meets an Experiment Measurement – Will the Sparks Fly?
- Place and Psychoanalysis
- The (Mostly) Benign Hypocrite
- Ontology, Authenticity, Freedom, and Truth in Heidegger’s and Sartre’s Philosophy
- Fairness as Successful Competition
- Language as a Means of Philosophy – A Comparison Between Greek and Chinese
- On the Concept of Truth
- Reading Nikitas Stethatos’ “On the Soul” – The Problem of Free Will and Free Choice
- “Remaining” as the Natural Expression of the Ontological Monism in Proclus and Pseudodionysius the Areopagite
- Linguistics without Metaphysics – On the Classification of ‘Verb Types’
- Plato in Search of a Language Without Particulars – Timaeus 49a6-50a4 in a New Light
- Discourse as Talk and Discourse as Logos – The Work of Philosophy
- Alexander P. D. Mourelatos, Select Publications—Thematic Grouping
- Aristotle on Fear’s Expression
- Counting Events
- Aristotle’s Physics 5.1, 225a1-b5
- Non-Substantial Individuals in Aristotle’s Categories
- The Notion of Continuity in Parmenides
- Conditional Irony in the Socratic Dialogues
- All Things Never Change – Circular Time in Empedocles
- Parmenide ‘Astronomo’ e ‘Biologo’
- Is God in the Clouds? – A Note on Xenophanes
- Xenophanes and the Rise of Theology in Early Greek Thought
- The Concept of Catharsis in Aristotle’s Poetics
- Al-Ghazali and Descartes from Doubt to Certainty – A Phenomenological Approach
- Locke on Language, Meaning and Communication
- A Value Argument Against Incompatibilism
- The Humean Notion of Sympathy
- The “Philosophy-Ladenness” of Perception – A Philosophical Language and Perception in Husserl and Sartre
- Aristotle and the Thesis of Mereological Potentialism
- Digital Humanities and Hermeneutics
- Prolegomena in Proclus’ Theory on the Divine Henads
- Economic Inequalities and Justice: Plato and Rawls
- Democratic Self-Determination through Anarchic, Public Will-Formation – Towards a robust theory of deliberative democracy
- Are There Limits to Postmetap hysical Thought? – Jürgen Habermas’ Conception of Normativity in a secularised Society
- System and Life-world, or Systems and Systemic Environments? – Reflections on the Social and Political Theories of Habermas and Luhmann
- The Problem of Limit Concepts in Habermas – Toward a Cognitive Approach to the Cultural Embodiment of Reason
- Alternative visions of a new global order – what should cosmopolitans hope for?
- A cosmopolitan legitimization of state borders
- Popular Sovereignty, Populism and Deliberative Democracy
- Defining cosmopolitanism – European politics of the twenty-first century
- Responding to the challenges of Globalisation – Habermas on Legitimacy, Transnationalism, and Cosmopolitanism
- Habermas and (the) Enlightenment
- Democracy as Popular Sovereignty
- Non Conceptual Content And Observable, In Realism Debate
- Positive Duties, Maxim Realism and the Deliberative Field
- Kant on the Reflecting Power of Judgment and Nonconceptual Content
- Misguided Explanation by the Application of Screening Off Via the Principle of Common Cause
- Aristotle on Casual Determinism and Fatalism
- Hypotheses in Plato’s Memo
- The Puzzles of the ‘Master Argument’ and their Solutions
- The Seperation of the Soul from Body in Plato’s Phaedo
- Aristotle’s Nicomachean Function Argument – Some Issues
- Sharing a Property
- CV, 105
- Parmenides and the Origins of Greek Philosophy
- Tackling Aristotle’s Notion of the Will
- METAPHYSICS A.7, 988b16-21 – Aristotle’s Conclusion about his Predecessors on Causes